Local existence of the outer parabolic stochastic Stefan problem on the sphere
(with D. Antonopoulou, G. Dewhirst and K. Tzirakis), Journal of Differential Equations, (2025), doi:
Existence of maximal solutions for the financial stochastic Stefan problem of a volatile asset with spread
(with D. Antonopoulou and D. Farazakis), Stochastic Processes and their applications, (2024), doi:
Linearized Runge-Kutta methods for the ε-dependent Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn equation
(with D. Antonopoulou and D. Li), preprint.
The multi-dimensional stochastic Stefan financial model for a portofolio of assets
(with D. Antonopoulou and M. Bitsaki), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.- Ser. B, 4, 1955-1987, (2022).
Layer dynamics for the one dimensional ε-dependent Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn equation
(with D. Antonopoulou and K. Tzirakis), Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 60, 207, (2021).
Generation of fine transition layers and their dynamics for the stochastic Allen-Cahn equation
(with M. Alfaro, D. Antonopoulou and H. Matano), preprint.
Gradient dynamics: motion near a manifold of quasi-equilibria
(with P.W. Bates, and G. Fusco), SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems, 17, no 3, 2106-2145, (2018).
Malliavin Calculus for the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn equation with unbounded noise diffusion
(with D. Antonopoulou, and D. Farazakis), J. Differential Equations, 265, no 7, 3168-3211, (2018).
The sharp interface limit for the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation
(with D. Antonopoulou, and D. Blömker), Annales de l’Inst. Henri Poincare Probab. and Stat., 54, no 1, 280-298, (2018).
Motion of a droplet for the mass-conserving stochastic Allen-Cahn equation
(with D. Antonopoulou, P.W. Bates and D. Blömker), SIAM J. Math. Anal., 48, no 1, 670-708, (2016).
Existence and regularity of solution for a stochastic Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn equation with unbounded noise diffusion
(with D. Antonopoulou and A. Millet), J. Differential Equations, 260, 2383-2417, (2016).
The ground state of a Gross-Pitaevskii energy with general potential in the Thomas-Fermi limit
(with C. Sourdis), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 217, no 2, 439-523, (2015).
Crank-Nicolson finite element discretizations for a 2d linear Schrödinger-type equation posed in a noncylindrical domain
(with D. Antonopoulou, M. Plexousakis and G. Zouraris), Mathematics of Computation, 84, no 294, 1571-1598, (2015).
A Hilbert expansions method for the rigorous sharp interface
limit of the generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation
(with D. Antonopoulou and E. Orlandi), Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 16, 65-104, (2014).
On the existence of solution for a Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn equation
(with Y. Nagase), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.- Ser. S, 7, no 1, 127-137, (2014).
A nonlinear partial differential equation for the volume preserving mean curvature flow
(with D. Antonopoulou), Networks and Heterogenous Media, 8 no 1, 9-22, (2013).
Special issue in honor of Professor Hiroshi Matano.
Global-in-time behavior of the solution to a Gierer-Meinhardt system
(with T. Suzuki and Y. Yamada), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.- Ser. A, 33 no 7, 2885 - 2900, (2013).
Front motion in the one-dimensional stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation
(with D. Antonopoulou and D. Blömker), SIAM J. Math. Anal. 44, 3242–3280, (2012).
Resonance phenomena in a singular perturbation problem in the case of exchange of stabilities
(with C. Sourdis), Communications in PDE, 37, 1620 - 1667, (2012).
On the parabolic Stefan problem for Ostwald Ripening with kinetic undercooling and inhomogeneous driving force
(with D. Antonopoulou and N.K. Yip), J. Differential Equations, 252, 4679-4718, (2012).
Radial and bifurcating non-radial solutions for a singular perturbation problem in the case of exchange of stabilities
(with C. Sourdis), Annales de l' Inst. Henri Poincare Anal. Non Linéaire, 29, 131-170, (2012).
Existence of solution for a generalized stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation on convex domains
(with D. Antonopoulou), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.- Ser. B, 16 no 1, 31-55, (2011).
Asymptotics for a generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation with forcing terms
(with D. Antonopoulou and G. Kossioris), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.- Ser. A, 30, no 4, 1037 - 1054, (2011).
Stability of spheres under volume preserving mean curvature flow
(with D. Antonopoulou and I. M. Sigal), Dynamics of PDE, 7, no 4, 327-344, (2010).
On the convergence of a fourth order evolution equation
to the Allen-Cahn equation
(with T. Ricciardi), Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 72, no 11, 4271-4281, (2010).
Nonlinear from Linear States in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates
(with P. Kevrekidis and N. Efremidis), J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 045206, (2009).
Bubble Interactions for the Mullins-Sekerka problem: Some Case
(with P. Kevrekidis), Math. Comput. Simulations 80, 707-720, (2009).
Pulsating Wave for
Mean Curvature Flow in Inhomogeneous Medium
(with N. Dirr and N.K. Yip),
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 19, 661-699, (2008).
The role of multiple microscopic mechanisms in cluster interface evolution
(with M. Katsoulakis), J. Differential Equations, 235, 418-438, (2007).
Singular limit of a spatially inhomogeneous
Lotka-Voltera competition-diffusion system
(with D. Hilhorst, H. Matano and K. Nakashima), Communications in PDE, 32, 879-933, (2007).
Phase boundaries motion preserving the volume of each
connected component
Asymptotic Analysis 49, no 1, 17-37, (2006).
Thin-film equations with ''partial wetting" energy:
existence of weak solutions
(with M. Bertsch and L. Giacomelli), Physica D 209, 1-4, 17-27, (2005).
Ostwald Ripening in two dimensions - The rigorous
derivation of the equations from the Mullins-Sekerka dynamics
(with N. Alikakos and G. Fusco), J. Differential Equations 205,
no 1, 1-49, (2004).
Continuum limits of particles interacting via
(with N. Alikakos and G. Fusco), Abstr. Appl. Anal.
2004 no 3, 215-237, (2004).
Motion of bubbles towards the boundary for the
Cahn-Hilliard equation
(with N. Alikakos and G. Fusco), European Journal of
Applied Mathematics, 15 no 1, 103-124, (2004).
The effect of the geometry of the particle distribution
in Ostwald Ripening
(with N. Alikakos and G. Fusco), Comm. Math. Phys. 238, 480-488, (2003).
Works on interdisciplinary sciences:
Modeling the double peak phenomenon in drug absorption kinetics: The case of amisulpride
(with R. Kousovista and V. Karalis), BioMedInformatics 3, no 1, 177-192, 2023.
Validation of population pharmacokinetic models: a cοmparison of internal and external validation approaches for hydrochlorothiazide
(with R. Kousovista, K. Vlasopoulou, V. Karalis), Xenobiotica 51, no 12, 1372-1388, 2021.