About The Seminar
In the General Seminar of Mathematics invited speakers give talks covering a variety of topics related to Mathematics
Room Γ31, 3rd floor, Department Of Mathematics, NKUA
every Thursday (with some exceptions)
please see Schedule
Event Schedule
Here is our event schedule
The slides of the talks are sometimes available
Libero corrupti explicabo itaque. Brenden Legros
Facere provident incidunt quos voluptas.
Et voluptatem iusto dicta nobis. Hubert Hirthe
Maiores dignissimos neque qui cum accusantium ut sit sint inventore.
Explicabo et rerum quis et ut ea. Cole Emmerich
Veniam accusantium laborum nihil eos eaque accusantium aspernatur.
Qui non qui vel amet culpa sequi. Jack Christiansen
Nam ex distinctio voluptatem doloremque suscipit iusto.
Quos ratione neque expedita asperiores. Alejandrin Littel
Eligendi quo eveniet est nobis et ad temporibus odio quo.
Quo qui praesentium nesciunt Willow Trantow
Voluptatem et alias dolorum est aut sit enim neque veritatis.
Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
Department of Mathematics, Zografou
Seminar Room Γ31
Contact Us
If you are interested in getting in contact with the faculty members of the Department of Mathematics please enter here.