Professor of Geophysics
Division of Geophysics Geothermy
Faculty of Geology and Geo-Environment
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Panepistimiopoli, Zografou 157 84, Greece
Tel : +30-21-0727-4785
E-mail : atzanis@geol.uoa.gr
Web : http://users.uoa.gr/~atzanis
ORCID ID : 0000-0001-9359-5303
Professional Data Teaching Research Interests Publications Software
1. Professional Data
1983: Diploma (Degree) in Geological Sciences, Faculty of Geology, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1988: PhD in Geophysics, Department of Geophysics, University of Edinburgh.
Career Milestones:
1990: Research Associate, Department of Geophysics Geothermy, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1997 1999: Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Geophysics Geothermy;
mandate to teach theoretical and applied Geo-electromagnetism.
February 2001: Lecturer in “Geophysics with emphasis on Geo-electromagnetism”
(Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Geology, National and Kapodistrian University of
December 2007: Assistant Professor in Geophysics and Applied Geophysics(Department
of Geophysics, Faculty of Geology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).
April 2013: Associate Professor in Geophysics and Applied Geophysics (Department of
Geophysics, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens).
July 2020: Professor of Geophysics (Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Geology and
Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).
Other Professional Activities
1982 1984: Assistant Editor, Encyclopaedia Papyros - Larousse Britannica (Papyrus
1994: Scientific journalism/ authoring for Ekdotike Athinon S.A. (Encyclopaedia Earth and
Space Sciences).
1992 1998: Consultant to the French group GEOREX, (18 Place Honore de Balzac, 95101
Argenteuil Cedex, France).
1993 1995: Consultant to the Italian geophysical services group IDROGEO S.R.L. (Via
Mercato Vecchio, 1, 34124 Trieste, Italy).
Member, European Geosciences Union (EGU); American Geophysical Union (AGU);
Geological Society of Greece (GSG); Hellenic Geothermal Association (HGA).
Referee for international journals, including:
o Acta Geophysica; Analli di Geofisica;
o Computers and Geosciences; Geophysical Journal International; Heliyon;
o International Journal of Geophysics; Journal of Applied Geophysics;
o Journal of Applied Remote Sensing; Journal of Archaeological Science;
o Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics;
o Journal of Geophysical Research; Journal of Geophysics and Engineering;
o Journal of Seismology; Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences;
o Natural Hazards; Near Surface Geophysics;
o PHYSICA A; Physics and Chemistry of the Earth;
o Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Pure and Applied Geophysics;
o Research in Nondestructive Evaluation; Signal Processing; Surveys in Geophysics;
o Tectonophysics;
Referee for international conferences and organizations, including:
o “The NATO Science Series”
o Conferences of the EGU, EAGE, HGU, GSG, ‘Problems of the Geocosmos”, IWSE etc.;
o Fonds zur Förderung der Wissentschaftlichen Forschung;
o General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Hellenic Republic
o Hellenic Federation of Enterprises Applied Research and Innovation Competition.
o Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus.
Invited/ Solicited Lecturer/Author
o A critical review of ULF electric earthquake precursors, 2
International Workshop:
Magnetic, electric and electromagnetic methods in Seismology and Geophysics, Chania 1999
(with Prof. F. Vallianatos).
o A review of ULF electric earthquake precursors, International Conference Problems of
Geocosmos, May 2000 (with Prof. F. Vallianatos).
o A review of ULF electric earthquake precursors, International Workshop on
Seismoelectromagnetism Tokyo, Japan 2000 (with Prof. F. Vallianatos).
o Electric earthquake precursors: from laboratory results to field observations, in Session
NH11 Seismo-electromagnetics and related phenomena, AGU-EGS-EUG Joint Assembly,
Nice, France, 2003, (with F. Vallianatos, D. Triantis and A. Anastasiadis).
o Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) Invited paper: MATGPR
Release 2: A freeware MATLAB® package for the analysis and interpretation of common and
single offset GPR data; FastTimes, 15 (1), 17 - 45.
o GPR Data Processing”, Keynote Lecture, COST Action TU1208 Civil Engineering
Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar; 2014 Working Group Progress Meeting,
IFSTTAR, Nantes, France, 22-24 February 2014.
o Guest Editor: Signal Processing special issue on “Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar signal
processing techniques”, Vol. 132, pp. 197 - 337), March 2017.
[Top of Page]
2. Teaching and Education
For details about the courses see the Faculty’s Student’s Handbook 2016-2017 (in Greek).
Undergraduate Courses
Mathematical Methods in Geosciences (code E4201, 4
Semester, Spring).
Geophysics: Code Y4202, 4
Semester (Spring)
Applied Geophysics: Code Y7203, 7
Semester (Winter)
Renewable Energy Resources Geothermal: Code E6201, 6
Semester (Spring)
Supervision of Undergraduate Diploma Dissertations.
Postgraduate Courses
1999 2018: Topics taught in past Postgraduate Programs
o Advanced Geophysics, Advanced Applied Geophysics, Acquisition and analysis of
Geophysical Data, Field Exercises and Geophysical Mapping, Geophysical Exploration of
Mineral and Energy Resources, Mathematical Methods and Computer Programming in
Geophysics and Seismology
2018 present: Postgraduate Program Earth Sciences and the Geoenvironment
o : Deputy Director, of the postgraduate program, member of the Coordination Committee.
o :Geologically Applied Geophysics (Code ΕΓΓ-Υ03) in specialization Applied Geology
o :“Engineering and Environmental Geophysics (Code ΕΓΓ-E01) in specialization Applied
Geology Geophysics.
o :“Data Analysis and Geostatistics (Code ΕΓΓ-Ε07) in specialization Applied Geology
Supervision of Post-graduate Diploma Dissertations
Supervision of Doctoral (PhD) Dissertations
[Top of Page]
3. Research Interests and Experience
Physics of the Solid Earth and Applied Geophysics: Main fields of interest are the geophysical
applications of Electromagnetism and associated theory, the physics of the earthquake source, the
statistical physics of seismicity and the analysis of tectonically/ seismically active tectonic
domains. More specifically, my research has focused on:
Digital time series and image processing and analysis: Theory and application of
series/image decompositions, filters, time domain systems and high resolution spectral
analysis techniques.
Geophysical applications of Electromagnetism: Experimental investigation of the Earth
Ionosphere cavity resonances (Schumann resonances) and their applicability to
electromagnetic earth sounding; Magnetotelluric theory; Electrodynamics of the solid Earth
wave propagation and diffusion in non-uniform or complex media; Electromagnetic sounding
and detection of buried structures; Algorithm and software development.
Ground Penetrating Radar: Development of novel, advanced data processing methods;
development of advanced software for integrated processing, modelling, visualization and
interpretation of single-offset GPR data (matGPR software).
Physics of the Earthquake Source and the Statistics of Earthquakes: Spontaneous
electrification of stressed rocks and associated electric and electromagnetic effects; Statistical
Physics of seismicity/ seismogenesis and the earthquake cycle non-linear effects in
seismicity and the seismic cycle; Statistical Seismology; Earthquake Hazard Analysis with
emphasis on the local and topographic effects on ground motion.
Geologically Applied Geophysics: Analysis of Earth structure, active tectonics and crustal
deformation with joint application of Magnetotelluric, Seismotectonic, Potential Field,
Geodetic, Geological and advanced image analysis and decomposition methods.
Scientific Programming mainly with FORTRAN, C and MATLAB.
[Top of Page]
Past and Present R&D Projects
Contract EN-G3-0026-UK, Milos Island, EC/ DG XII, 1986-1988.
Geophysical Investigations in the Evaluation of the Tectonic and Geothermal Regime of Kos Island”;
contract 70/2/196, General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), 1988-1992.
Audio-Magnetotelluric Survey of Nisyros Geothermal Field”, Phase I and Phase II, 1989 – 1991,
Alternative Energy Resources Directorate, Public Power Corporation of Greece (ΔΕΜΕ/ΔΕΗ).
Magnetotelluric Investigations in the Geothermal Prospective areas of Sousaki and Methana”;
contract 90ΠΣ5, GSRT, 1991 1993.
The Corinth Experiment(1993); contract EPOC–CT910043 (DTEE) of the EC/ DG XII.
Seismic Electric Signals (SES)”; contract EPOC-CT91-0045 (DTEE) of the EC/ DG XII, 1991-1993.
TERGEOTER: Terceira Geothermal Project Identification and characterization of a new, deep-
seated, high temperature geothermal reservoir; Programme JOULE II, contract JOU2-CT92-0114 of
the EC/ DG XII, 1993 1996.
Broadband Magnetotellurics for Earthquake Prediction Research”; ENVIRONMENT programme,
contract EV5V-CT94-0449 of the EU/ DG XII, 1994 1997.
Investigation of natural electric fields related to seismic activity”, Greece France bilateral
cooperation program Programme (PLATON), GSRT, 1994 1996.
ANDROMEDA: A Windows NT Graphics Library for Scientific Applications”, Industrial Research
Promotion Programme (ΠΑΒΕ), contract 94ΒΕ337, GSRT, 19951997.
GAIA: Geotectonic Activity: Instrumentation and Analysis”. A European test site for earthquake
precursors and crustal activity: the Gulf of Corinth, Greece; contract ENV4-CT96-0276 of the EU/
DGXII, 1996-1998.
Earthquake Hazard along the Hellenic Arc and Contribution to Earthquake Prediction Research by
Investigation of Electrical and Electromagnetic Precursory Effects”; Young Researchers Support
Programme 1995 (ΠΕΝΕΔ-95), GSRT, 1996-1998.
Study of the ULF electromagnetic phenomena related to earthquakes (SUPRE)”; Project INTAS 99-
1102, EU, 1999-2002.
The Ionosphere Lithosphere Electromechanical Coupling as a Factor Modulating Seismic Release
Rates”, Programme “Kapodistrias”, Special Account for Research Grants ΛΚΕ), University of
Athens, 2002-2004.
Multi-parametric Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Earthquake Hazard at the front of the
Hellenic Arc. Application for the protection of the Old Venetian Harbour of Chania, Crete;
Programme ARCHIMEDES/ TEI Crete, project No 2.2.15, Ministry of Education and European
Social Fund, 2004-2006.
Unified Technological and Methodological Approach to the Geoelectromagnetic Study of Western
Crete”; Programme ARCHIMEDES/ TEI Crete, project No 2.2.8, Ministry of Education and
European Social Fund, 2005-2006.
Trans Adriatic Pipeline: Earthquake Hazard Potential Evaluation”, ILF Consulting Engineers
GmbH, 2006.
Development of Integrated Geophysical Technologies to Monitor Dynamic and Qualitative Changes
in the Hydrogeological Parameters of Groundwater Reservoirs”; Programme PYTHAGORAS II/
University of Athens subproject 22, Ministry of Education and European Social Fund, 2005-2007
Construction and Testing of an Open Source Software System for the Analysis and Interpretation of
Monostatic GPR data”; Programme “Kapodistrias”, Special Account for Research Grants (ΕΛΚΕ),
University of Athens, 2004-2006.
Expansion and Completion of the matGPR Open Source Software for the Analysis and Interpretation
of Monostatic GPR Data”; Programme “Kapodistrias”, Special Account for Research Grants (ΕΛΚΕ),
University of Athens, 2006-2008.
“Trans Balkan Pipeline B.V.: BurgasAlexandroupolis Crude Oil Pipeline Project Earthquake
Hazard Evaluation for Greece”, ILF Consulting Engineers GmbH, 2009.
Development of Open Source Software for the Analysis and Interpretation of Electric and
Electromagnetic Geophysical Sounding Data”; Programme “Kapodistrias”, Special Account for
Research Grants (ΕΛΚΕ), University of Athens, 2008-2010.
“Trans Adriatic Pipeline: Earthquake Hazard Evaluation for Greece”, ILF Consulting Engineers
GmbH, 2011.
"Technologies Coalescence for Holistic SeismoElectroMagnetic Research (Lithosphere-Atmosphere-
Ionosphere Coupling) - TeCH-SEM"; Programme ARCHIMEDES/ ΙΙΙ TEI Crete, project No 23
Interdisciplinary Multi-Scale Research of Earthquake Physics And SeismoteCTonics at the front of
the Hellenic ARC (IMPACT-ARC)”; Programme ARCHIMEDES/ ΙΙΙ TEI Crete, project No 9 (2012-
Integrated understanding of seismicity, using innovative methodologies of fracture mechanics along
with earthquake and non extensive statistical physics Application to the geodynamic system of the
Hellenic Arc: SEISMO FEAR HELLARC; Programme THALES/ TEI Crete, project No 1 (2012
“Hellenic Plate Observing System - HELPOS (MIS 1020165), implemented under Action
“Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure”, funded by the Operational
Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (NSRF 2014-2020) and co-financed
by Greece and the EU (2016-2020).
“Contemporary geodynamics and crustal deformation in the South Aegean Region, Greece, based on
multi-parametric analysis of geophysical and seismological observations”, Grant 841, 2
Call for
Scholarships to PhD Candidates, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation.
[Top of Page]
4. Publications
PhD Thesis
TZANIS, A., 1988. Investigations on the properties and estimation of Earth-response operators from
EM sounding data, PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 240 pp.
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals, Conference Proceedings and Monographs
(1/1986 - 12/2019)
1. Beamish, D. and TZANIS, A., 1986. High resolution spectral characteristics of the Earth-Ionosphere
cavity resonances. J. atmos. terr. phys., 48 (2), 187-206. DOI: 10.1016/0021-9169(86)90084-x; PDF.
2. TZANIS, A. and Beamish, D., 1987. Time domain polarization analysis of Schumann resonance
waveforms. J. atmos. terr. Phys., 49 (3), 217-229. DOI: 10.1016/0021-9169(87)90057-2; PDF.
3. TZANIS, A. and Beamish, D., 1987. Audiomagnetotelluric crustal sounding using the Schumann
resonances. J. Geophys., 61, 97-109. PDF.
4. TZANIS, A. and Beamish, D., 1989. A high resolution spectral study of audiomagnetotelluric data
and noise interactions. Geophys. J. Int., 97 (3), 557-572. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1989.tb00523.x;
5. Lagios, E., TZANIS, A., Hipkin, R.G., Delibasis, N. and Drakopoulos, J., 1990. Surveillance of Thera
volcano (Greece) - Monitoring of the local gravity field. Proceedings, 3
Int. Congress Thera and the
Aegean World, vol. 2, 216-223. PDF.
6. Lagios, E., TZANIS, A., Chailas, S. and Wyss, M., 1990. Surveillance of Thera volcano (Greece) -
Monitoring of the Geomagnetic field. Proceedings, 3rd Int. Congress "Thera and the Aegean World",
v 2, 207-215. PDF.
7. TZANIS, A., and Lagios, E., 1993. Επί της σχέσεως ενεργού τεκτονικής και κυκλοφορίας ρευστών
στο γεωθερμικό σύστημα της καλδέρας Νισύρου. Δελτίο Ελλην. Γεωλ. Εταιρίας, XXVIII (2), 587-603.
8. Lagios, E., TZANIS, A., Delibasis, N., Drakopoulos, J. and Dawes, G.K.J., 1994. The geothermal
exploration of Kos Island, Greece: Magnetotelluric and microseismicity studies. Geothermics, 23 (3),
267-281. DOI: 10.1016/0375-6505(94)90004-3; PDF
9. TZANIS, A., Makropoulos, K., Martin, J-L., Cormy, G. and Drakopoulos, I., 1994. Contribution to
the study of tectonic deformation in south-east Thessaly, Greece: Geomagnetic deep sounding and
seismotectonic observations. Proceedings, 2
Congress of the Hellenic Geophys. Union, Florina,
Greece, 5-7 May 1993, vol. 2, 733-748. Reprint (low resolution).
10. TZANIS, A., and Lagios, E., 1994. Magnetotelluric exploration of Sousaki geothermal prospect,
Corinth Prefecture, Greece: The first results. Proceedings, 2
Congress of the Hellenic Geophys.
Union, Florina, Greece, 5-7 May 1993, vol 2, 229-243. Reprint (low resolution).
11. Κάρμης, Π., ΤΖΑΝΗΣ, Α. και Λάγιος, Ε., 1994. Ηλεκτρομαγνητική διασκόπηση: Ανασκόπηση και
Εφαρμογές στον Ελληνικό χώρο. Πρακτικά 2ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Ένωσης Γεωφυσικών Ελλάδας,
Φλώρινα, 5-7 Μαΐου 1993, τ.2, 32-61 (Review Paper in Greek).
12. TZANIS, A. and Lagios, E., 1994. Magnetotelluric reconnaissance in Methana Peninsula volcanic
complex, (West Saronikos gulf, Greece). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XXX (5), 15-26. Reprint.
13. TZANIS, A., Ziazia, M., Kementzetzidou, D. and Makropoulos, K., 1994. A model of contemporary
tectonics in SE Thessaly, Greece, as derived from magnetotelluric, GDS and Seismotectonic
investigations. Proceedings, XXIV ESC Gen. Assembly, Athens, Greece, 1994, vol. I, 419-431.
14. TZANIS, A., 1994. MAGNET: A magnetotelluric data editing system, suitable for earthquake
prediction research. Proceedings, XXIV ESC Gen. Assembly, Athens, Greece, 1994, vol. I, 129-141.
15. Xanthakis, J., Liritzis, I. and TZANIS, A., 1995. Periodic variation of δ
O from V28-239 Pacific
Ocean deep-sea core. Earth, Moon and Planets, 66 (3), 253-278. DOI: 10.1007/BF00579465; PDF.
16. Gruszow, S., Rossignol, J-C., Pambrun, C., TZANIS, A. & Le Mouël, J-L., 1995. Caractérisation de
signaux électriques observé dans la région de Ioannina (Grèce). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, sèrie IIa, 320,
547-554 (includes extended abstract in English). PDF.
17. Gruszow, S., Rossignol, TZANIS, A. & Le Mouël, J-L., 1996. Identification and analysis of
electromagnetic signals in Greece: the case of the Kozani VAN prediction. Geophys. Res. Lett.,
23(16), 2025-2028. DOI: 10.1029/96GL02170; PDF.
18. Bernard, P., Chouliaras, G., TZANIS, A., Briole, P., Bouin, M-P., Tellez, J., Stavrakakis, G. and
Makropoulos, K., 1997. Seismic and electric anisotropy in the Mornos delta, Gulf of Corinth, Greece,
and its relationship with GPS strain measurements. Geophys. Res. Let., 24 (17), 2227-2230. DOI:
10.1029/97GL02102; PDF.
19. TZANIS, A. and Gruszow, S., 1998. On the problem of identification and discrimination of electrical
earthquake precursors. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23 (9-10), 939-944. DOI: 10.1016/S0079-
1946(98)00123-2; PDF.
20. Vallianatos, F. and TZANIS, A., 1998. Electric current generation associated with the deformation
rate of a solid: Pre-seismic and Co-seismic signals. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23 (9-10),
933-938. DOI: 10.1016/S0079-1946(98)00122-0; PDF.
21. Vallianatos, F. and TZANIS, A., 1999. A model for the generation of precursory electric and magnetic
fields associated with the deformation rate of the earthquake focus. In: M. Hayakawa (ed),
Atmospheric and Ionospheric electromagnetic phenomena associated with Earthquakes, Terra
Scientific Publishing Co, Tokyo, 287-305. Reprint.
22. Vallianatos, F. and TZANIS, A., 1999. On possible scaling laws between Electric Earthquake
Precursors (EEP) and Earthquake Magnitude. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26 (13), 2013-2016. DOI:
10.1029/1999GL900406; PDF.
23. TZANIS, A. and Makropoulos, K., 1999. Magnetotellurics and seismotectonics in the analysis of
active domains: An essential Combination? Phys. Chem. Earth (A), 24 (9), 841-847. DOI:
10.1016/S1464-1895(99)00124-6; PDF.
24. TZANIS, A., Vallianatos, F. and Makropoulos, K., 2000. Seismic and electrical precursors to the 17-
1-1983, M7 Kefallinia earthquake, Greece: Signatures of a SOC System. Phys., Chem. Earth (A), 25
(3), 281-287. DOI: 10.1016/S1464-1895(00)00045-4; PDF.
25. TZANIS, A., Vallianatos, F. and Gruszow, S., 2000. Identification and discrimination of electrical
earthquake precursors: Fact, fiction and some possibilities. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 121 (3-4), 223-
248. DOI: 10.1016/S0031-9201(00)00170-9; PDF.
26. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2001. A critical review of Electric Earthquake Precursors. Annali di
Geofisica, 44 (2), 429-460. DOI: 10.4401/ag-3583 (free access).
27. TZANIS, A., 2001. Single-site magnetotelluric response functions using B-robust W-estimators, with
an application to earthquake prediction research. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XXXIV (4), 1635-1644.
Reprint (free access) / HQ Reprint.
28. Diagourtas, D., TZANIS, A. and Makropoulos, K., 2001, Comparative study of microtremor analysis
methods. Pure, appl. geophys., 158, 2463 2479. DOI: 10.1007/PL00001180; PDF.
29. TZANIS, A. and Makropoulos, K., 2002: Did the 7/9/1999 M5.9 Athens earthquake come with a
warning? Natural Hazards, 27, 85-103. DOI: 10.1023/A:1019957228371; PDF.
30. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2002: A physical model of Electric Earthquake Precursors due to
crack propagation and the motion of charged edge dislocations. In: M. Hayakawa and O.A. Molchanov
(eds), Seismo Electromagnetics (Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling), TERRAPUB,
Tokyo, 117-130. Reprint.
31. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2003: Distributed power-law changes and crustal deformation in the
SW Hellenic Arc. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 3 (3-4), 179-195. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-
3-179-2003 (free access).
32. Vallianatos, F. and TZANIS, A., 2003: On the nature, scaling and spectral properties of pre-seismic
ULF signals. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 3 (3-4), 237-242. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-3-
237-2003. (free access).
33. Vallianatos F., Triantis D., TZANIS A., Anastasiadis C. and Stavrakas A., 2004, Electric earthquake
precursors: from laboratory results to field observations. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29 (4-9),
339-351. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2003.12.003; PDF.
34. TZANIS, A. and Kafetsis, G., 2004. Α freeware package for the analysis and interpretation of
common-offset Ground Probing Radar data, based on general purpose computing engines. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Greece, XXXVI (3), 1347-1354. Reprint (free access).
35. Vallianatos, F, J.P. Makris, V. Troyan, N. Smirnova, V. Uritsky, D. Kiyashchenko, A. TZANIS, N.
V. Lapenna, L. Telesca, A/ De Santis, V. Korepanov, and Yu. Yampolski, 2004: Study of
Seismic Hazard Anomalies Recognition Possibilities: Strategy of the SHARP project. In: Kovtun, A.A.
Kubyshkina, M.V., Semenov, V.S., Sergeev, V.A., Shashkanov, V.A., Yanovskaya, T.B. (eds),
Proceedings, 5
International Conference Problems of Geocosmos”, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 24-28
May, 2004, pp. 267-271. Reprint
36. Smirnova, N.A., Uritsky, V.M., TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2005. Modeling and visualization of
emergent behavior in complex geophysical systems for research and education. WSEAS Trans. on
Advances in Engineering Education, 2 (2), 45-53. Online Document (free access); Reprint.
37. TZANIS, A., 2006. On the Existence of Physically Valid Magnetotelluric Data for General (3-D)
Conductivity Distributions, Part I: Analytical Structure and Representations of the Response Function.
In: Troyan V.N., Semenov, V.S. and Kubyshkina M.V. (eds), Proceedings, 6
Conference Problems of Geocosmos”, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 23-27 May, 2006, pp. 251-255. Reprint.
38. TZANIS, A., 2006. On the Existence of Physically Valid Magnetotelluric Data for General (3-D)
Conductivity Distributions, Part II: Formulation of a Practical Test. In: Troyan V.N., Semenov, V.S.
and Kubyshkina M.V. (eds), Proceedings, 6
International Conference Problems of Geocosmos”,
St.-Petersburg, Russia, 23-27 May, 2006, pp. 256-260. Reprint.
39. TZANIS, A., 2007. Critical-point behaviour in Self-Organizing Systems: The September 1999 Athens
Earthquake and Stock Market correction. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XL (3), 1292-1303. DOI:
10.13140/2.1.3911.7763 or Reprint (free access)
40. Chailas, S., TZANIS, A. and Lagios, E., 2007. Structure of the Marathon Basin (NE Attica, Greece),
based on gravity measurements. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XL (3), 1063-1073. Reprint (free access)
41. TZANIS, A. and Drosopoulou, E., 2007. The electric structure of the Schizosphere in SE Thessaly,
Greece, and its correlation with active tectonics. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XL (3), 1304-1317. Reprint
(free access) or HQ Reprint (with different typesetting).
42. Sotiropoulos, P., TZANIS, A. and Sideris, G., 2007. Watertool: An automated system for hydrological
investigations with application at the area of Kato Souli, (NE Attica, Greece), Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece,
XL (2), 548 559. Reprint (free access).
43. Sotiropoulos, P. and TZANIS, A., 2007. Technologies for the automated measurement and
monitoring of water quality with application at the area of Kato Souli (Marathon, NE Attica, Greece).
Proceedings, 8
Hellenic Geographical Congress, Athens, 4 7 October 2007, vol. 2, 164-174 (in
Greek). Reprint (free access).
44. TZANIS, A., Chailas, S., Kranis, Ch., Sotiropoulos, P. & Karmis, P. 2008. Geophysical investigation
of hydrogeological conditions and salination processes at the Marathon Kato Souli basin (NE
Attica, Greece). In: Migiros, G., Stamatis, G., Stournaras, G. (eds.), “Proceedings. 8th Intern.
Hydrogeological Congress of Greece, Athens, 8-10 October 2008, vol. 1, 399-410. PDF.
45. TZANIS, A., Kranis, H. and Chailas, S., 2010. An investigation of the active tectonics in central-
eastern mainland Greece, with imaging and decomposition of topographic and aeromagnetic data.
Journal of Geodynamics, 49, 5567. DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.042; PDF.
46. TZANIS, A., 2010. MATGPR Release 2: A freeware MATLAB® package for the analysis and
interpretation of common and single offset GPR data. FastTimes, 15 (1), 17 - 45. Reprint.
47. Papageorgiou, E., TZANIS, A., Sotiropoulos, P. and Lagios, E., 2010. DGPS and Magnetotelluric
constrainsts on the Contemporary Tectonics of the Santorini Volcanic Complex, Greece. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Greece, XLIII (1), 344 356. DOI: 10.12681/bgsg.11186 (free access).
48. Chailas, S., TZANIS, A., Kranis, H. and Karmis, P., 2010. Compilation of a unified and homogeneous
aeromagnetic map of the Greek mainland. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XLIII (4), 1919- 1929. DOI:
10.12681/bgsg.11383 (free access).
49. TZANIS, A., 2010: A Matlab Program for the Analysis and Interpretation of Transient
Electromagnetic Sounding data. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XLIII (4), 1941- 1952. DOI:
10.12681/bgsg.11385 (free access).
50. TZANIS A., 2010. An examination of the possibility of earthquake triggering by the Ionosphere
Lithosphere electro-mechanical coupling. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, 45, 307-316. Reprint (free
51. Vallianatos, F., Michas, G., Papadakis G. and TZANIS, A., 2013. Evidence of non-extensivity in the
seismicity observed during the 2011-2012 unrest at the Santorini volcanic complex, Greece. Natural
Harzads and Earth System Science, 13, 177-185. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-13-177-2013 (free access).
52. TZANIS, A, 2013. Detection and extraction of orientation-and-scale-dependent information from two-
dimensional GPR data with tuneable directional wavelet filters. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 89,
48-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2012.11.007; PDF.
53. TZANIS, A., Vallianatos, F. and Efstathiou, A., 2013. Multidimensional earthquake frequency
distributions consistent with non-extensive statistical physics: The interdependence of Magnitude,
Interevent Time and Interevent Distance in North California. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. XLVII (3),
1326-1337. DOI: 10.12681/bgsg.10914 (free access).
54. TZANIS, A., 2014. The Characteristic States of the Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor: Construction,
Analytic Properties and Utility in the Analysis of General Earth Conductivity Distributions.
arXiv:1404.1478v1 [physics.geo-ph], pp. 58; (free access).
55. TZANIS, A., 2014. Signal Enhancement and Geometric Information Retrieval from 2-D GPR Data
with Multiscale, Orientation-Sensitive Filtering Methods. First Break 32 (8), 91-98. Preprint.
56. TZANIS, A., 2015. The second generation Curvelet Transform in the analysis of 2-D GPR data:
Signal enhancement and extraction of orientation-and-scale-dependent information. Journal of
Applied Geophysics, 115, 145170. DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.02.015; Preprint.
57. Efstathiou, A., TZANIS, A., and Vallianatos, F., 2015. Evidence of non extensivity in the evolution
of seismicity along the San Andreas Fault, California, USA: An approach based on Tsallis statistical
physics. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 8586, 5668. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2015.02.013;
58. Efstathiou A., TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos F., 2016. On the nature and dynamics of the seismogenetic
system of South California, USA: an analysis based on Non-Extensive Statistical Physics. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Greece, L (3), 1329-1340. DOI: 10.12681/bgsg.11839 (free access).
59. Economou N., Benedetto F., Bano M., TZANIS A., Nyquist J., Sandmeier K. and Cassidy N., 2017.
Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar Signal Processing Techniques (Editorial). Signal Processing,
132, 197-200. DOI: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2016.07.032.
60. TZANIS, A., 2017. A versatile tuneable curvelet-like directional filter with application to fracture
detection in two-dimensional GPR data. Signal Processing, 132, 243-260. DOI:
10.1016/j.sigpro.2016.07.009; Preprint.
61. Efstathiou A., TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos F., 2017. On the nature and dynamics of the
seismogenetic systems of North California, USA: An analysis based on Non-Extensive Statistical
Physics. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 270, 4672. DOI: 10.1016/j.pepi.2017.06.010;
62. TZANIS, A., Sakkas, V. and Lagios, E., 2018, Magnetotelluric Reconnaissance of the Nisyros
Caldera and Geothermal Resource (Greece). In: Dietrich, V.J. and Lagios, E. (eds), “Nisyros
Volcano: The Kos - Yali - Nisyros Volcanic Field”, Springer Verlag, 203-225; doi: 10.1007/978-3-
319-55460-0_6; Preprint.
63. TZANIS, A., Efstathiou, A., Chailas, S. and Stamatakis, M., 2018. Evidence of recent plutonic
magmatism beneath Northeast Peloponnesus, Greece, and its relationship to regional tectonics,
Geophys. J. Int., 212, 1600-1626, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx486; Preprint.
64. TZANIS, A., Efstathiou, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2018. Are Seismogenetic Systems Random or
Organized? A Treatise of Their Statistical Nature Based on the Seismicity of the North-Northeast
Pacific Rim. In: Chelidze, T.C., Vallianatos, F. and Telesca, L. (eds), Complexity of Seismic Time
Series, Elsevier, 365-418; doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-813138-1.00011-0. Preprint.
65. Efstathiou, A. and Tzanis, A., 2018. An examination of the nature and dynamics of seismogenesis in
South California, USA, based on Non-Extensive Statistical Physics, Physics of the Earth and
Planetary Interiors, 284, 5171; doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2018.08.013; Preprint.
66. TZANIS, A. and Tripoliti, E., 2019. On the Statistical Nature and Dynamics of Seismogenesis in the
NW Circum-Pacific Belt: A Study Based on Non-Extensive Statistical Physics. arXiv:1901.09628
[physics.geo-ph], free access.
67. TZANIS, A., Chailas, S., Sakkas, V. and Lagios, E., 2020. Tectonic deformation in the Santorini
volcanic complex (Greece) as inferred by joint analysis of gravity, magnetotelluric and DGPS
observations, Geophys. J. Int., 220, 461489; doi: 10.1093/gji/ggz461; Preprint.
68. TZANIS, A., Efstathiou, A., Chailas, S., Lagios, E. and Stamatakis, M., 2020. The Methana Volcano
Geothermal Resource, Greece, and its relationship to regional tectonics, Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research, 404, 107035; doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107035.
69. Kassaras, I., Kapetanidis, V., Ganas, A., TZANIS, A., Kosma, Ch., Karakonstantis, A., Valkaniotis,
S., Chailas, S., Kouskouna, V. and Papadimitriou, P., 2020. The new Seismotectonic Atlas of Greece
(v1.0) and its implementation, Geosciences, 10(11), 447; doi: 10.3390/geosciences10110447.
Conference Papers Presentations (1/1986 - 12/2019)
70. TZANIS, A. and Beamish, D., 1986. Electromagnetic transfer function estimation using Maximum
Entropy spectral analysis. VIII Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth and Moon,
Neuchatel, Switzerland, August 1986.
71. TZANIS, A. and Beamish, D., 1988. The case for reflecting horizons in magnetotellurics. Geophys.
J. Int., 93, 524 (abstracts of the 12
U.K. Geophys. Assembly, Leeds, U.K., 1988).
72. TZANIS, A., 1989. On the analogy between seismic and electromagnetic methods of geophysical
sounding. 1st Hellenic Geophysical Congress, Athens, April 1989.
73. TZANIS, A., Lagios, E., and Dawes, G.J.K, 1991. AMT and gravity study of the west Kos
geothermal prospect, Greece. Geophys. J. Int., 104, 700 (abstracts of the XV U.K. Geophys.
Assembly, Leicester, U.K., 3-5 April 1991).
74. Lagios, E. and TZANIS, A. 1991. High Precision Gravimetry and its applications in Greece.
Proceedings, 1st Gen. Conf. of Balkan Phys. Union, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 26-28 1991, v
1, 517-519.
75. TZANIS, A. and Lagios, E. 1991. Magnetotelluric Exploration of Geothermal Potential in Greece.
Proceedings, 1st Gen. Conf. of Balkan Phys. Union, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 26-28 1991, v
1, 520-522.
76. TZANIS, A., 1992. Generalised rotation analysis of the magnetotelluric (MT) tensors in three
dimensions: A group theoretical approach. Annales Geophys., 10, Suppl 1, C14 (abstract -XVII
EGS Gen. Assembly, Edinburgh, 6-10 April 1992).
77. TZANIS, A., Lagios, E. and Dawes, G.J.K., 1992. Identification of active fluid circulation zones in
the geothermal field of Nisyros caldera, Greece, with audiomagnetotelluric data. Annales Geophys.
10, Suppl 1, C8, XVII EGS Gen. Assembly, Edinburgh, 6-10 April 1992.
78. Volti, Th., Dawes, G.J.K., Lagios, E. and TZANIS, A., 1992. Magnetotelluric investigation of
Methana Peninsula (Aegean Volcanic Arc, Greece). Annales Geophys., 10, Suppl 1, C11, XVII
EGS Gen. Assembly, Edinburgh, 6-10 April 1992.
79. Lagios, E., Raftopoulos, D. and TZANIS, A., 1992. Gravity changes in the SW part of the Hellenic
Arc may foreshadow an earthquake. Annales Geophys., 10, Suppl 1, C119, XVII EGS Gen.
Assembly, Edinburgh, 6-10 April 1992.
80. Lagios, E., TZANIS, A. and Hipkin, R.G., 1992. Microgravimetric monitoring of Thera volcano
(Santorini), Greece. Annales Geophys., 10, Suppl 1, C119, XVII EGS Gen. Assembly, Edinburgh,
6-10 April 1992.
81. Gruszow, S., Rossignol, J.C., TZANIS, A. and Le Mouël, J.L., 1994. Experimental investigation of
electric signals at Likotrikion, near the VAN station of Ioannina (Greece). XXIV ESC Gen.
Assembly, Athens, Greece, 19-24 September 1994.
82. TZANIS, A., 1995. Magnetotelluric studies in small island volcanoes: Results, thoughts and
viewpoints. 1
Int. Workshop “Magnetic and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and
Volcanology”, Positano, Italy, September 20-22, 1995.
83. TZANIS, A., and Makropoulos, K., 1995. Magnetotellurics and Seismotectonics: An Essential
Combination in the Analysis of Active Domains? 1
Int. Workshop “Magnetic and Electromagnetic
Methods in Seismology and Volcanology”, Positano, Italy, September 20-22, 1995.
84. Makropoulos, K., Kassaras, I., TZANIS, A., Ziazia, M., Louis, J. and Diagourtas, D., 1996. The 13
May 1995 M=6.6 Kozani-Grevena aftershock sequence: Towards understanding its dynamics and
rupture processes. Int. Meeting on the results of May 13, 1995 earthquake of West Macedonia,
Kozani, Greece, 24-27 May 1996, 99-103. Extended abstract.
85. TZANIS, A., Vallianatos, F. and Gruszow, S., 1997. On the problem of generation, discrimination
and identification of electrical earthquake precursors. 29
IASPEI General Assembly, Thessaloniki,
18-28 August 1997.
86. TZANIS, A. and Makropoulos, K., 1997. Time dependent seismicity in Greece: an examination of
the precursory quiescence hypothesis. 29
IASPEI General Assembly, Thessaloniki, 18-28 August
87. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 1998. Moving charged dislocation modelling of electrical
earthquake precursors: a promising approach? Annales Geophys., 16, Suppl. I, C134, XXIII EGS
General Assembly, Nice, France, 20-24 April 1998.
88. Diagourtas, D., TZANIS, A. and Makropoulos, K., 1999. Contribution of different microtremor
analysis methods to microzonation studies: A case study, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 1, No 4, 842, XXIV
EGS Gen. Assembly, The Hague, Netherlands, 19-23 April 1999.
89. TZANIS, A., Diagourtas, D. and Makropoulos, C., 1999. Multivariate Maximum entropy spectral
analysis as a tool for the investigation of spatial variation of seismic wavefield in local differential
arrays. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 1 (4), 843, XXIV EGS Gen. Assembly, The Hague, Netherlands, 19-
23 April 1999.
90. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 1999. Possible seismicity and Electrical Earthquake Precursors in
a SOC system: The 17-1-1983, M7 Kefallinia event, Greece. IUGG XXII General Assembly,
Birmingham, England, 19-30 July 1999.
91. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 1999. An appraisal of observed transient ‘Electrical Earthquake
Precursors’: Physical properties and identification. IUGG XXII General Assembly, Birmingham,
England, 19-30 July 1999.
92. Vallianatos, F. and TZANIS, A, 2001. Scaling laws for ULF electromagnetic precursors: Indication
of a SOC process, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 3, No GRA3-8986, XXVI Gen. Assembly, Nice, France,
23-28 March 2001. Published in CD-ROM; Abstract.
93. TZANIS, A., 2002: On the existence of solutions to the general (three-dimensional) inverse
problem of passive electromagnetic sounding, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 4, No EGS02-A-04816, XXVII
EGS Gen. Assembly, Nice, France, April 2002. Abstract.
94. TZANIS, A., 2002: Magnetotelluric and seismotectonic constraints on the tectonics of the
Adapazari - Bolu stretch of the North Anatolia Fault, Turkey. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 4, No EGS02-
A-05063, XXVII EGS Gen. Assembly, Nice, France, April 2002. Abstract.
95. TZANIS, A., 2003. Can earthquakes be triggered by diurnal Geomagnetic variations? Observational
evidence from Greece and abroad. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 5, No EAE03-A-13108, EGS-AGU-EUG
Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April 2002. Abstract.
96. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2003. Two critical tests for the Critical Point earthquake. Geophys.
Res. Abstr., 5, No EAE03-A-11736, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April
2002. Abstract.
97. Vallianatos F. and TZANIS A., 2003. A first principles approach towards understanding the physics
of precursory accelerating seismicity. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 5, No EAE03-A-12418, EGS-AGU-
EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April 2002. Abstract.
98. TZANIS A., Chailas S. and Kranis H., 2004. Aeromagnetic and Topographic Constraints on the
Active Tectonics of Central Greece, 10th Congress Geol. Soc. Greece,15-17 April 2004,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 627628. Extended Abstract.
99. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2004. Precursory acceleration of seismicity: from theoretical
elegance to practical difficulties, 10th Congress Geol. Soc. Greece, 15-17 April 2004, Thessaloniki,
Greece, 631 632. Extended Abstract and Presentation.
100. Uritsky V.M., A. TZANIS, and N.A. Smirnova, 2005. Using the Self-Organized Criticality
Approach for Modeling Pre-Seismic Electromagnetic Emissions. Extended Abstracts, International
Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetics (IWSE2005), Chofu Tokyo, Japan, March 15-17, 2005,
pp.231-234. Extended Abstract.
101. Troyan, V., N. Smirnova, V. Uritsky, D. Kiyashchenko, F. Vallianatos, J.P. Makris, V. Lapenna, L.
Telesca, A. TZANIS, Yu. Kopytenko, V. Ismagilov, V. Korepanov, and N. Makarenko, 2005.
Results of the SUPRE project execution promising for development of a methodology for combined
seismic-electromagnetic testing of the earthquake preparation zone. Extended Abtracts,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetics (IWSE2005), Chofu Tokyo, Japan, March 15-
17, 2005, pp.346-349. Extended Abstract.
102. TZANIS, A., 2006. MATGPR: A freeware Matlab® package for the analysis of common-offset
GPR data. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 8, no EGU06-A-09488, EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna,
Austria. Abstract.
103. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2006. Forecasting the M6.9 Kythera earthquake of 8 January 2006:
A step forward in earthquake prediction research? Geophys. Res. Abstr., 8, no EGU06-A-09089,
EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria. Abstract and Presentation.
104. Sotiropoulos, P. and Tzanis, A., 2007. Automated monitoring of groundwater quality with ion-
selective electrodes and an application at the Kato Souli area (NE Attica, Greece). Proceedings, 7
Int. Scientific Conference SGEM 2007, 11-15 June 2007, Burgas, Bulgaria, 183. Extended
105. TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos, F., 2012. Multidimensional earthquake frequency distributions
consistent with self-organization of complex systems: The interdependence of magnitude, interevent
time and interevent distance. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 14, no EGU2012-11579, EGU General
Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria. Abstract and Poster Presentation.
106. Vallianatos, F., TZANIS, A., Michas, G. and Papadakis, G., 2012. Evidence of non-extensivity and
complexity in the seismicity observed during 2011-2012 at the Santorini volcanic complex, Greece.
Geophys. Res. Abstr., 14, no EGU2012-14398, 2012 EGU General Assembly 2012, Viena, Austria.
Abstract and Poster Presentation.
107. TZANIS, A., 2012. Extraction of orientation-and-scale-dependent information from GPR B-scans
with tunable two-dimensional wavelet filters. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 14, no EGU2012-11755, EGU
General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria. Abstract and Poster Presentation.
108. Efstathiou, A., TZANIS, A., Chailas, S., Lagios, E. and Stamatakis, M., 2012. High resolution
imaging of the Methana volcanic complex, Greece, with magnetotelluric and aeromagnetic data.
Geophys. Res. Abstr., 14, no EGU2012-11673, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Abstract and Poster Presentation.
109. Efstathiou A., TZANIS, A., Chailas, S. and Stamatakis, M., 2012. Magmatic activity at the NW
Hellenic Volcanic Arc (Argolis peninsula) and its relationship to regional tectonics: An analysis
based on 3D aeromagnetic inversion and other geophysical and geological observations. Int. Conf.
“Volcanism of the Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area VOLSAM
2012, 10-12 October 2012, Santorini, Greece. Draft Paper.
110. Chailas S., TZANIS A. and Lagios E., 2012. Internal structure of the Santorini volcanic complex
determined by interpretation of gravity and magnetotelluric data. Int Conf. “Volcanism of the
Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area VOLSAM 2012, 10-12 October
2012, Santorini, Greece. Poster Presentation.
111. TZANIS, A., 2013. The Curvelet Transform in the analysis of 2-D GPR data: Signal enhancement
and extraction of orientation-and-scale-dependent information. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 15, EGU2013-
12814, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. Abstract with Poster Presentation.
112. Efstathiou A., TZANIS A., Chailas S., Lagios E. and Stamatakis, M., 2013. Investigation of the
deep structure and magmatic activity at the NW Hellenic Volcanic Arc with 3-D aeromagnetic
inversion and seismotectonic analysis. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 15, no EGU2013-617, EGU General
Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. Abstract and Presentation.
113. Tzanis, A., Vallianatos, F. and Efstathiou, A., 2013. Generalized multidimensional earthquake
frequency distributions consistent with Non-Extensive Statistical Physics: An appraisal of the
universality in the interdependence of magnitude, interevent time and interevent distance. Geophys.
Res. Abstr., 15, EGU2013-628, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. Abstract.
114. Efstathiou A., TZANIS, A. and Vallianatos F., 2014. An analysis of Greek seismicity based on Non
Extensive Statistical Physics: The interdependence of magnitude, interevent time and interevent
distance. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 16, no EGU2014-458-1, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna,
Austria. Abstract.
115. TZANIS, A., 2014. The Characteristic States of the Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor for General
Earth Conductivity Distributions I: Construction. 22
EM Induction Workshop, Weimar, Germany,
August 24-30, 2014. Extended Abstract.
116. TZANIS, A., 2014. The Characteristic States of the Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor for General
Conductivity Distributions II: Analytic Properties and Utility. 22
EM Induction Workshop,
Weimar, Germany, August 24-30, 2014. Extended Abstract.
117. TZANIS A., Efstathiou A., Chailas S. and Stamatakis, M., 2016. Evidence of deep magmatic
activity in the broader area of the Argolid, Greece, and its relationship to regional tectonics.
Proceedings, 1
Tectonics & Structural Geology Meeting, Tectonics & Structural Geology
Committee of the G.S.G, Athens 6 December 2016, 70-72. Extended Abstract.
118. TZANIS, A., Sakkas, V. and Lagios, E., 2017, High Resolution Magnetotelluric Imaging of the
Nisyros Caldera and Geothermal Resource (Greece). Geophys. Res. Abstr., 19, EGU2017-4922,
EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria. Abstract and Presentation.
119. Doxa, C., Sakkas, V., TZANIS, A. and Kranis, H., 2019. Contemporary Kinematics of the South
Aegean Area Detected with Differential GNSS Measurements. 15th International Congress of the
Geological Society of Greece, Athens, 22 -24 May, 2019; Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Sp. Pub. 7, Ext.
Abs. GSG2019-305, 175-176. Extended Abstract.
120. TZANIS, A., Sakkas, V., Chailas, S and Lagios, E., 2019. Contemporary Tectonic Deformation in
the Santorini Volcanic Complex, Greece. 15th International Congress of the Geological Society of
Greece, Athens, 22 -24 May, 2019; Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Sp. Pub. 7, Ext. Abs. GSG2019-305,
217-218. Extended Abstract.
121. Tzanis, A. and Efstathiou, A., 2019. Earthquake Recurrence Intervals in Complex Seismogenetic
Systems: A Proemial Analysis. 15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece,
Athens, 22 -24 May, 2019; Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Sp. Pub. 7, Ext. Abs. GSG2019-305, 231-232.
Extended Abstract.
122. Chailas, S. and TZANIS, A., 2019. A new improved version of the Aeromagnetic Map of Greece.
15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Athens, 22 -24 May, 2019; Bull.
Geol. Soc. Greece, Sp. Pub. 7, Ext. Abs. GSG2019-305, 289-290. Extended Abstract.
123. Sakkas, V., Doxa, Ch., TZANIS, A. and Kranis, H., 2020. Contemporary Kinematics of the South
Aegean Area (Greece) Detected with Continuous GNSS Measurements, EGU General Assembly
2020, Paper EGU2020-7656, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-7656
[Top of Page]
Books Educational Suppmements
1. Notes on the Exploration of Geothermal Resources”, February 2003, 90pp (in Greek).
2. Introduction to the Electromagnetic Methods of Geothermal Exploration”, May 2003, 106pp
(in Greek).
3. Elements of Geoelectromagnetism, Revision 4, April 2016, 227pp (in Greek).
4. Mathematical Techniques in Earth Sciences, February 2019, 97pp (In Greek).
[Top of Page]
Scientific Journalism
Encyclopaedia of Earth and Space Sciences, (1994, Ekdotike Athinon S.A.); Articles:
Earth Structure, Composition and Heat Flow in, pp 11 14 (in Greek).
Geomagnetism and Geomagnetic Field, pp 220 222 (in Greek).
Geothermy, Geothermal Exploration, pp 102 106 (in Greek).
Electromagnetic Exploration, pp 158 159 (in Greek).
[Top of Page]
5. Computer Software
1. matGPR: The Ground Probing Radar (GPR) has become an invaluable means of exploring shallow
structures for geoscientific, engineering environmental and archaeological work. At the same time, GPR
analysis software is mostly proprietary and expensive. The academic freeware community has been slow
to react and the limited free software is usually highly focused on specific problems and generally
unorganized. The current version, matGPR Release 3.5, is the product of a continued effort to produce a
cross-platform freeware analysis and interpretation package, which can also be expandable and
customizable to the requirements of a particular user with relatively little programming effort. matGPR
was realized with MATLAB™, an ideal platform for the development of such software as it offers a
complete programming environment and solutions for the development of advanced analysis software.
The result is a GUI-driven, user friendly program providing a quite broad and functional range of tools for
the analysis and visualization of zero and single-offset GPR data collected with several different types of
instruments. matGPR is available free of charge for research and education; click here for more details and
downloading instructions. At this point in time, there are hundreds of known matGPR users worldwide;
anonymous statistical data is available at http://www.motigo.com/en_US/webstats/catalog/a/b/4808192.
2. maTEM: Software system, written in MATLAB, to interpret TEM sounding data. The program, is
designed to process, model and invert multiple soundings, either individually, or simultaneously along
profiles. The latter capability allows for laterally constrained inversion, so as to generate pseudo-2D or 2D
resistivity sections based on the program EM1DINV v2.13 by the Hydro-Geophysics Group of the
University of Aarhus, Denmark. The user may import, display, denoise and smooth multiple sounding
data, perform approximate inversions, design 1-D model(s) graphically, perform forward modelling and
inversion, generate/ update a data base to store the results and use the data base to create 2-D and 3-D
displays of the geoelectric structure with built-in graphical functions. maTEM is highly modular so that
additional functions can be added at any time, at minimal programming cost. maTEM is fully functional
but not fully debugged and is not yet freely available for downloading. Nevertheless, it may be provided to
interested colleagues upon request, subject to the applicant having secured a license to use em1dinv from
its own authors; for an application to use em1dinv please click here.
[Top of Page]