Nonradial and Nonpolytropic Astrophysical Outflows.
III. A criterion for the transition from jets to Winds.
C. Sauty,& K. Tsinganos, Astron. & Astrophys.,
Vol. 287, pp. 893 - 926, 1994
On the topological stability of astrophysical jets,
N. Vlahakis & K. Tsinganos, MNRAS, Vol. 292, pp. 591 - 600, 1997
Analytical studies of collimated winds. IV. Rotating and collimated MHD outflows,
E. Trussoni, K. Tsinganos & C. Sauty, Astron. & Astrophys., Vol. 325, pp. 1099 - 1114, 1997
Systematic Construction of Exact MHD Models for Astrophysical Winds and Jets.
N. Vlahakis & K. Tsinganos, MNRAS, Vol. 298, pp. 777 - 789, 1998
On the Magnetic Acceleration and Collimation of Astrophysical Outflows
S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos, MNRAS, Vol. 305, pp. 211 - 224, 1999
A Class of Exact Models for Astrophysical Jets.
N. Vlahakis & K. Tsinganos, MNRAS, Vol. 307, pp. 279 - 292, 1999
Nonradial and Nonpolytropic Astrophysical Outflows. IV. Magnetic or Thermal Collimation of Winds into Jets ?
C. Sauty, K. Tsinganos, & E. Trussoni, Astron. & Astrophys., Vol. 348, pp. 327 - 349, 1999
The Radial and Angular Variation of the Electron Density in the Solar Corona
P.T. Gallagher, M. Mathioudakis, F.P. Keenen, K.J.H. Phillips and K. Tsinganos, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 524, pp. L133-L137, 1999
Magnetic Collimation of the Solar & Stellar Winds
K. Tsinganos & S. Bogovalov, Astron. & Astrophys., 356, pp. 989-1002, 2000
A disk-wind model with correct crossing of all MHD critical surfaces
N. Vlahakis, K. Tsinganos, C. Sauty, E. Trussoni, MNRAS, 318, pp. 417-428, 2000
The Recent High State of the BL Lacertae Object AO 0235 and Cross-Correlations
Between the Optical and Radio Bands,
M.Roy, I.E. Papadakis, E. Ramos-Colon, R. Sambruna, K. Tsinganos, J. Papamastorakis & M. Kafatos, ApJ, 545, December 20, 2000
Magnetically collimated jets with high mass flux,
S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos, MNRAS, 325, pp. 249 - 256, 2001
Analytical MHD Model for Solar/Stellar Winds with Latitudinal dependences
obtained using a separation of the variables,
J.J.G. Lima, E.R. Priest and K. Tsinganos,
Astronoomy & Astrophysics, 371, pp. 240 - 249, 2001
On a MHD classification of AGN, K. Tsinganos, C. Sauty & E. Trussoni, in High Energy gamma-ray Astronomy, AIP,
F. Aharonian & H. Volk (eds.), 558, pp. 299 - 311, 2001
Magnetic collimation of relativistic outflows in jets with a high mass flux,
K. Tsinganos & S. Bogovalov, MNRAS, 337, pp. 553 - 558, 2002
Systematic construction of exact 2-D MHD equilibria with steady,
compressible flow in Cartesian geometry and uniform gravity,
G.J.D. Petrie, N. Vlahakis and K. Tsinganos,
Astronomy & Atrophysics 382, pp. 1081 - 1092, 2002
The WEBT BL Lac Campaign 2000
M. Villata, C.M. Raiteri, O.M. Kurtanidze, M.C. Nikolashvili,
M.A. Ibrahimov, I.E. Papadakis, K. Tsinganos, et al.,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 390, pp. 407-421, 2002
2D MHD modelling of compressible and heated coronal loops obtained via
a nonlinear separation of variables and compared to TRACE and SoHO observations
G.J.D. Petrie, C. Gontikakis, H.C. Dara, K. Tsinganos and M.J. Aschwanden,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 409, pp. 1065 - 1083, 2003
Star-driven wind and jet models
C. Sauty, K. Tsinganos, E. Trussoni and Z. Meliani,
Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 287, pp. 25-30, 2003
Collimmation of Astrophysical MHD Outflows
K. Tsinganos, N. Vlahakis, S. Bogovalov, C. Sauty, E. Trussoni and J. Lima,
Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 287, pp. 103-108, 2003
Relativistic Parker winds with variable effective polytropic index
Z. Meliani, C. Sauty, K. Tsinganos and N. Vlahakis,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 425, pp. 773 - 781, 2004
Nonradial and nonpolytropic astrophysical outflows. VI. Overpressured winds and jets
C. Sauty, E. Trussoni and K. Tsinganos,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 421, pp. 797 - 809, 2004
A solar active region loop compared with a 2D MHD model
C. Gontikakis, G.J.D. Petrie, H.C. Dara and K. Tsinganos,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 434, pp. 1155 - 1163, 2005
Shock Formation at the Magnetic Collimation of Relativistic Jets
S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos, MNRAS, 357, pp. 918 -928, 2005
Magmetic Collimmation of the Relativistc Jet in M87
J. Gracia, K. Tsinganos and S. Bogovalov
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 442, pp. L7 - L10, 2005
Steady 2D prominence-like solutions of the MHD equations with field-aligned compressible flow
G.J.D. Petrie, K. Tsinganos and T. Neukirch,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 429, pp. 1081 - 1092, 2005