_Knowing the Structure of Nature: Essays on Realism and Explanation, Palgrave -MacMillan, 2009.

Nominated for the Fernando Gil International Prize for the Philosophy of Science for 2011
The table of contents and Chapter 1 are available here.
Igor Douven (Metascience)
Andrés Rivadulla (Theoria)
The table of contents and Chapter 1 are available here.
Igor Douven (Metascience)
Andrés Rivadulla (Theoria)
_Επιστήμη και Αλήθεια: Δοκίμια στη Φιλοσοφία της Επιστήμης, Εκδόσεις Οκτώ

Science and Truth: Essays in the Philosophy of Science, Okto Publishers
_The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Science (with Martin Curd), Routledge 2008; second revised edition forthcoming in 2012

Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2008
From the reviews:
Psillos (Scientific Realism) and Curd (Principles of Reasoning) have amassed essays by 58 internationally dispersed integrative science and philosophy scholars. Divided into four parts, the book's multipage essays discuss historical and philosophical contexts, explain debates surrounding various isms, unpack broad philoscientific concepts like causation, and survey individual areas that employ scientific approaches, including economics and mathematics. While filled with allusions and field-specific language not accessible to uninitiated readers, the essays illuminate more abstruse philosophical tracts and make carefully measured connections between the higher realms of science and the actual world. Highly recommended for history of science and philosophy collections. LIBRARY JOURNAL, AUGUST 2008.
‘With a distinguished list of internationally renowned contributors, an excellent choice of topics in the field, and well-written, well-edited essays throughout, this compendium is an excellent resource. It will work well for any serious scholar inside or outside the field interested in the current state of philosophy of science. Highly recommended.' - CHOICE, Sept. 2008
Roman Frigg (Metascience)
Harvey Siegel (Science and Education)
Joseph Agassi (Philosophy of the Social Sciences)
Claudia Bianchi (Epistemologia—in Italian)
From the reviews:
Psillos (Scientific Realism) and Curd (Principles of Reasoning) have amassed essays by 58 internationally dispersed integrative science and philosophy scholars. Divided into four parts, the book's multipage essays discuss historical and philosophical contexts, explain debates surrounding various isms, unpack broad philoscientific concepts like causation, and survey individual areas that employ scientific approaches, including economics and mathematics. While filled with allusions and field-specific language not accessible to uninitiated readers, the essays illuminate more abstruse philosophical tracts and make carefully measured connections between the higher realms of science and the actual world. Highly recommended for history of science and philosophy collections. LIBRARY JOURNAL, AUGUST 2008.
‘With a distinguished list of internationally renowned contributors, an excellent choice of topics in the field, and well-written, well-edited essays throughout, this compendium is an excellent resource. It will work well for any serious scholar inside or outside the field interested in the current state of philosophy of science. Highly recommended.' - CHOICE, Sept. 2008
Roman Frigg (Metascience)
Harvey Siegel (Science and Education)
Joseph Agassi (Philosophy of the Social Sciences)
Claudia Bianchi (Epistemologia—in Italian)
_Λογική: Η Δομή του Επιχειρήματος, Νεφέλη 2007

_(με τους Δημήτρη Πορτίδη και Διονύση Αναπολιτάνο)
(Logic: The Structure of Argument, Nefeli 2007 (co-authored with Demetris Portides and D A Anapolitanos)).
Aris Arageorgis (Critica--in Greek)
(Logic: The Structure of Argument, Nefeli 2007 (co-authored with Demetris Portides and D A Anapolitanos)).
Aris Arageorgis (Critica--in Greek)
_Philosophy of Science A-Z, Edinburgh University Press, 2007

This is a dictionary: from A priori to Elie Zahar.
Translation into Arabic in preparation by Professor Salah Osman
Daniel McArthur (Philosophy in Review)
Lilia Gurova (The Balkan Journal of Philosophy)
Howard Sankey (Philosophy of Science)
Costas Krimbas (Eleftherotypia--in Greek)
Translation into Arabic in preparation by Professor Salah Osman
Daniel McArthur (Philosophy in Review)
Lilia Gurova (The Balkan Journal of Philosophy)
Howard Sankey (Philosophy of Science)
Costas Krimbas (Eleftherotypia--in Greek)
_Causation and Explanation, Acumen & McGill-Queens U.P., 2002.

Winner of the BSPS Presidents’ Award 2004
The Table of Contents and the Introduction are available here.
James Ladyman (Metascience)
Ingo Brigandt (Philosophy of Science)
Phil Dowe (Australasian Journal of Philosophy)
David H. Sanford (Philosophical Books)
Eleni Manolakaki (Nefsis—in Greek)
The Table of Contents and the Introduction are available here.
James Ladyman (Metascience)
Ingo Brigandt (Philosophy of Science)
Phil Dowe (Australasian Journal of Philosophy)
David H. Sanford (Philosophical Books)
Eleni Manolakaki (Nefsis—in Greek)
_Scientific Realism: How Science Tracks Truth,1999, Routledge.

Symposium on Scientific Realism: How Science Tracks Truth: ‘Quests for a Realist’, Metascience 10, No. 3, pp. 341-71. (Symposiasts: Michael Redhead, Peter Lipton, Igor Douven, Otavio Bueno with a reply by myself)
Alexander Bird (Ratio)
Marc Lange (Philosophical Books)
Jarrett Leplin (Mind)
Patrick Enfield (International Journal of Philosophical Studies)
Brian Ellis (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research)
Jerry Doppelt (Philosophical Review)
Alexander Bird (Ratio)
Marc Lange (Philosophical Books)
Jarrett Leplin (Mind)
Patrick Enfield (International Journal of Philosophical Studies)
Brian Ellis (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research)
Jerry Doppelt (Philosophical Review)