Curriculum Vitae

Stathis Psillos MSc, PhD
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 22 June 1965
Nationality: Hellenic
Work Address: Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, University Campus, Athens 15771, Greece.
tel. +30 10 727 5538; fax +30 10 727 5530
Full CV here
2009- Professor of Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics, Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Greece
1998- Research Associate of the Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences, London School of Economics
2004-2008 Associate Professor, Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Greece
1999-2004 Lecturer, Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Greece
1999-2000 Assistant Professor, Dept of Philosophy, University of Patras, Greece
1995-1998 British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics
1996-1997 Visiting Lecturer, Dept of Philosophy, King’s College London
1993-1995 Research Assistant Department of Philosophy, King’s College London
Areas of Expertise
Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, Epistemology, History of Philosophy of Science
Areas of Competence
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, First-Order Logic, Philosophy of Physics, History of Modern Philosophy
1998-2011 (University of Athens)
Postgraduate: Epistemology & Metaphysics; Reductionism; Causation; Philosophy of Science; Scientific Realism; Laws of Nature; The A priori and the Analytic (from Kant to Quine); Scientific Explanation; Naturalised Epistemology; Hume; Empiricism; Truth; Logic and Epistemology; Metaphysics of Science; Marxism and philosophy of science; Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics; various seminars on recent books
Undergraduate: Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of Mind; The A priori and the Analytic (from Kant to Quine); Philosophy of Science; Epistemology & Metaphysics, Analytic Philosophy; Scientific Realism; Metaphysics of Science
1999-2000 (University of Patras)
Undergraduate: Introduction to Logic; Logical Positivism
1995-1998 (University of London; London School of Economics)
Postgraduate: Philosophy of Science; Philosophical Problems; The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap (with Thomas Uebel)
Undergraduate: Scientific Method; Methodology; Explanation; Problems of Philosophy and Methodology
1996-1997 (University of London; King’s College)
Undergraduate: What is Science?
1993-1995 (University of London; King’s College)
Tutorials: Introduction to Philosophy; Epistemology; Philosophy of Science
Visiting Appointments/Fellowships
January 2011 Fellow at the University of Cologne
November 2007 Bilkent University, Ankara
February 2007 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India
December 2006 University of Helsinki
September 2001 University of Iceland, Summer School on ‘Inference to the Best Explanation’
1990-1994 Ph.D degree in Philosophy of Science, University of London
1989-1990 Master of Science (M.Sc) in History and Philosophy of Science, University of London, King’s College
1983-1989 University Degree in Physics, University of Patras, Greece
Professional Offices/Duties
2011 Chair of the Local Organising Committee of the 3rd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Athens 5-8/10, 2011
2009- Editor of Metascience
2008- Member of the Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) (Titular member since 2010)
2007-2009 President of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)
2006-2007 Founding Member of the European Philosophy of Science Association; Secretary of the Founding Steering Committee
Programme Committees Conference on Causality and Explanation in the Sciences, University of Ghent September 2011
11th International IHPST conference, University of Thessaloniki, July 2011
Conference on Logic Reasoning and Rationality, University of Ghent, September 2010
Conference on The Future of Philosophy of Science, Tilburg Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, April 2010
World Congress of Philosophy Co-chair of the PC for Philosophy of Science Seoul, South Korea, July 2008
Workshop on Scientific Reasoning in AI and Philosophy of Science, under the auspices of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Berlin August 2000
Journals’ Editorial Board
Epistemologia (2011-)
European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2009-)
Balkan Journal of Philosophy (2008-)
Journal for General Philosophy of Science (2007-)
Nefsis (2005-)
Noesis (2005-)
Philosophical Writings (2001-)
Episteme (2001-)
Other Services the Community
2007- Member of the Editorial Board of the series New Directions in the Philosophy of Science, Palgrave-MacMillan
2005 Member of the board of judges for the Best Essay Contest (recent PhDs) of the Philosophy of Science Association
1997-1998 Committee Member: The British Society for the Philosophy of Science
1995-1998 Deputy Editor: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
1993-1995 Assistant Editor: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Referee for
Journals: Australasian Journal of Philosophy; The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; Synthese; International Studies in the Philosophy of Science; Erkenntnis; Journal of Critical Realism; Studies in History and Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Science; Economics and Philosophy; Philosophical Papers; The Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophical Studies; Canadian Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophia; Philosophy & Phenomenological Research; Nous; Dialectica; Perspectives on Science; Philosophy Compass; Mind
Publishing Houses: Cambridge University Press; Palgrave; Routledge; Kluwer; Oxford University Press; Acumen.
Research Funding Bodies: Netherlands Research Foundation; Korea Research Foundation; German Research Foundation; Austrian Science Fund; National Science Foundation; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
2011 Springer Lecturer, 11th International IHPST Conference, University of Thessaloniki, July 2011
2008 Choice Outstanding Academic Title for The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Science
2004 The British Society for the Philosophy of Science Past Presidents’ Prize for the book Causation and Explanation.
1995-1998 British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship
1989-1993 Scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation.
Funding ID
2011-2015 Chief Investigator Research Programme: Aspects and Prospects of Realism in the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics (APRePoSMa)—Funded by the EU sponsored research programme Thales II. 600,000 Euros
2008-2013 Member of the European Research Network (funded by the ESF) “The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective” Research Networking Programme (PSE) (2008-2013
2005-2008 Chief Investigator Research Programme on Philosophical Realism Pythagoras II (2005-08). 70,000 Euros
PhD Supervision
2011 Aspassia Kanellou: Perceptual Content and the Argument of Illusion
2010 Filippos Georgiadis: Structural Realism
2010 Nicos Bisketzis: Problems in the Philosophy of Causation
2010 Eva Agalopoulou: The Concept of Analyticity from Carnap to Quine
2008 Mania Georgatou: Causation & Explanation in Biology
2008 Andreas Karitzis: Towards a Metaphysics of Truth
2005 Demetra Christopoulou: A Critical Analysis of Neo-Logicism.
2005 Kostas Stergiopoulos: Empiricism, Science and Metaphysics
PhD Examination
March 2011 David Trembath Design Knowledge and the Instruments of Detection, The University of Western Australia
November 2010 Alastair Edge: Blind Scientific Realism, University of Leeds
June 2010 Christos Pechlivanidis: Aristotle’s Philosophy of Science and Abduction, University of Thessaloniki
January 2009 David Walker: Inference to the Best Explanation in Science, University of Bristol
June 2009 RL Segall: The fertility of theories, University of Cape Town
September 2007 Eleni Kalyvianaki: Algorithmic Natural language Semantics, Dept of Maths, University of Athens
June 2006 Harri Sahavirta, Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science - And the Evolution of the Popperian Worlds, University of Helsinki
June 2006 Pandora Hantzidaki Conceptual Change and Scientific Rationalism, University of Athens.
April 2006 David Harker: Progress and preservation: increased unification and the realist’s conception of scientific success, University of Illinois at Chicago.
November 2005 Caterina Marchionni: ‘Unity, plurality and explanation. The case of geographical economics and its neighbours’, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
April 2005 Kyriakos Theodoridis: ‘Kripke on necessity : a metaphysical investigation’, University of Lund
2000 Panagiotis Oulis: ‘The concept of decease in psychiatry’, University of Athens
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 22 June 1965
Nationality: Hellenic
Work Address: Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, University Campus, Athens 15771, Greece.
tel. +30 10 727 5538; fax +30 10 727 5530
Full CV here
2009- Professor of Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics, Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Greece
1998- Research Associate of the Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences, London School of Economics
2004-2008 Associate Professor, Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Greece
1999-2004 Lecturer, Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Greece
1999-2000 Assistant Professor, Dept of Philosophy, University of Patras, Greece
1995-1998 British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics
1996-1997 Visiting Lecturer, Dept of Philosophy, King’s College London
1993-1995 Research Assistant Department of Philosophy, King’s College London
Areas of Expertise
Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, Epistemology, History of Philosophy of Science
Areas of Competence
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, First-Order Logic, Philosophy of Physics, History of Modern Philosophy
1998-2011 (University of Athens)
Postgraduate: Epistemology & Metaphysics; Reductionism; Causation; Philosophy of Science; Scientific Realism; Laws of Nature; The A priori and the Analytic (from Kant to Quine); Scientific Explanation; Naturalised Epistemology; Hume; Empiricism; Truth; Logic and Epistemology; Metaphysics of Science; Marxism and philosophy of science; Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics; various seminars on recent books
Undergraduate: Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of Mind; The A priori and the Analytic (from Kant to Quine); Philosophy of Science; Epistemology & Metaphysics, Analytic Philosophy; Scientific Realism; Metaphysics of Science
1999-2000 (University of Patras)
Undergraduate: Introduction to Logic; Logical Positivism
1995-1998 (University of London; London School of Economics)
Postgraduate: Philosophy of Science; Philosophical Problems; The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap (with Thomas Uebel)
Undergraduate: Scientific Method; Methodology; Explanation; Problems of Philosophy and Methodology
1996-1997 (University of London; King’s College)
Undergraduate: What is Science?
1993-1995 (University of London; King’s College)
Tutorials: Introduction to Philosophy; Epistemology; Philosophy of Science
Visiting Appointments/Fellowships
January 2011 Fellow at the University of Cologne
November 2007 Bilkent University, Ankara
February 2007 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India
December 2006 University of Helsinki
September 2001 University of Iceland, Summer School on ‘Inference to the Best Explanation’
1990-1994 Ph.D degree in Philosophy of Science, University of London
1989-1990 Master of Science (M.Sc) in History and Philosophy of Science, University of London, King’s College
1983-1989 University Degree in Physics, University of Patras, Greece
Professional Offices/Duties
2011 Chair of the Local Organising Committee of the 3rd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Athens 5-8/10, 2011
2009- Editor of Metascience
2008- Member of the Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) (Titular member since 2010)
2007-2009 President of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)
2006-2007 Founding Member of the European Philosophy of Science Association; Secretary of the Founding Steering Committee
Programme Committees Conference on Causality and Explanation in the Sciences, University of Ghent September 2011
11th International IHPST conference, University of Thessaloniki, July 2011
Conference on Logic Reasoning and Rationality, University of Ghent, September 2010
Conference on The Future of Philosophy of Science, Tilburg Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, April 2010
World Congress of Philosophy Co-chair of the PC for Philosophy of Science Seoul, South Korea, July 2008
Workshop on Scientific Reasoning in AI and Philosophy of Science, under the auspices of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Berlin August 2000
Journals’ Editorial Board
Epistemologia (2011-)
European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2009-)
Balkan Journal of Philosophy (2008-)
Journal for General Philosophy of Science (2007-)
Nefsis (2005-)
Noesis (2005-)
Philosophical Writings (2001-)
Episteme (2001-)
Other Services the Community
2007- Member of the Editorial Board of the series New Directions in the Philosophy of Science, Palgrave-MacMillan
2005 Member of the board of judges for the Best Essay Contest (recent PhDs) of the Philosophy of Science Association
1997-1998 Committee Member: The British Society for the Philosophy of Science
1995-1998 Deputy Editor: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
1993-1995 Assistant Editor: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Referee for
Journals: Australasian Journal of Philosophy; The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; Synthese; International Studies in the Philosophy of Science; Erkenntnis; Journal of Critical Realism; Studies in History and Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Science; Economics and Philosophy; Philosophical Papers; The Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophical Studies; Canadian Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophia; Philosophy & Phenomenological Research; Nous; Dialectica; Perspectives on Science; Philosophy Compass; Mind
Publishing Houses: Cambridge University Press; Palgrave; Routledge; Kluwer; Oxford University Press; Acumen.
Research Funding Bodies: Netherlands Research Foundation; Korea Research Foundation; German Research Foundation; Austrian Science Fund; National Science Foundation; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
2011 Springer Lecturer, 11th International IHPST Conference, University of Thessaloniki, July 2011
2008 Choice Outstanding Academic Title for The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Science
2004 The British Society for the Philosophy of Science Past Presidents’ Prize for the book Causation and Explanation.
1995-1998 British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship
1989-1993 Scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation.
Funding ID
2011-2015 Chief Investigator Research Programme: Aspects and Prospects of Realism in the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics (APRePoSMa)—Funded by the EU sponsored research programme Thales II. 600,000 Euros
2008-2013 Member of the European Research Network (funded by the ESF) “The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective” Research Networking Programme (PSE) (2008-2013
2005-2008 Chief Investigator Research Programme on Philosophical Realism Pythagoras II (2005-08). 70,000 Euros
PhD Supervision
2011 Aspassia Kanellou: Perceptual Content and the Argument of Illusion
2010 Filippos Georgiadis: Structural Realism
2010 Nicos Bisketzis: Problems in the Philosophy of Causation
2010 Eva Agalopoulou: The Concept of Analyticity from Carnap to Quine
2008 Mania Georgatou: Causation & Explanation in Biology
2008 Andreas Karitzis: Towards a Metaphysics of Truth
2005 Demetra Christopoulou: A Critical Analysis of Neo-Logicism.
2005 Kostas Stergiopoulos: Empiricism, Science and Metaphysics
PhD Examination
March 2011 David Trembath Design Knowledge and the Instruments of Detection, The University of Western Australia
November 2010 Alastair Edge: Blind Scientific Realism, University of Leeds
June 2010 Christos Pechlivanidis: Aristotle’s Philosophy of Science and Abduction, University of Thessaloniki
January 2009 David Walker: Inference to the Best Explanation in Science, University of Bristol
June 2009 RL Segall: The fertility of theories, University of Cape Town
September 2007 Eleni Kalyvianaki: Algorithmic Natural language Semantics, Dept of Maths, University of Athens
June 2006 Harri Sahavirta, Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science - And the Evolution of the Popperian Worlds, University of Helsinki
June 2006 Pandora Hantzidaki Conceptual Change and Scientific Rationalism, University of Athens.
April 2006 David Harker: Progress and preservation: increased unification and the realist’s conception of scientific success, University of Illinois at Chicago.
November 2005 Caterina Marchionni: ‘Unity, plurality and explanation. The case of geographical economics and its neighbours’, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
April 2005 Kyriakos Theodoridis: ‘Kripke on necessity : a metaphysical investigation’, University of Lund
2000 Panagiotis Oulis: ‘The concept of decease in psychiatry’, University of Athens