Podcasts & Videos
- ‘Engaging Philosophy: Einstein on the Method of Science’, Einstein@Rotman, London ON, Public Library 14 October 2015
- ‘Kinds of evidence for realism, Part of the Symposium Local vs. Global Approaches to Realism EPSA15, University of Dusseldorf, Germany, 23-26 September 2015
- ‘Scientific realism & the neo-Aristotelian conception of nature’ in Scientific Realism: Objectivity and Truth in Science, Conference of the International Academy of Philosophy of Sciences, University of La Coruna, Spain, 22-25 September 2015
- ‘Conventions and Relations in Poincaré’s Philosophy of Science’, International Workshop on Henri Poincaré’s Philosophy: Conventions and Structural Realism, Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, 19 June 2015
- ‘Why believe in atoms? Jean Perrin's argument for realism’, Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, 18 June 2015
- ‘Hypotheses in the two Principia’ Workshop: Descartes and Newton on Method, Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, 17 June 2015
- ‘Representing is perspectival, the represented is not’, University of Cyprus, Workshop on Scientific Modeling: Describing the Abstract and Representing the Real, May 28-30 2015
- ‘Revisiting the ‘Bankruptcy of Science’ Debate: Realism, History and the Public Image of Science’, The Edelstein Center For the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 13 May 2015
- ‘Metaphysics of Science: Fact or Framework?’, The Bar-Hillel Colloquium, University of Tel Aviv, 11 May 2015
- ‘Models of Causation’, University of Thessaly, Greece, March 2015
- ‘Induction and Necessary Connections’, Dept of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, February 2015
- ‘Varieties of Structural Realism’ Dept of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, February 2015
- ‘Laws, Regularities and Natural Patterns’, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Media Studies, University of Rome III, January 2015
- ‘Induction: the Historical and Logical context of a problem’, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Media Studies, University of Rome III, January 2015
- ‘Values and Science’, Dept of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crere, January 2015
- ‘Induction: the Historical and Social Context of a Problem’, University of Crete, January 2015
- ‘Metaphysics of Science: Fact or Framework?’ Keynote talk, 3rd Panhellenic Philosophy of Science Conference, Athens, Greece, November 2014
- ‘From powers to laws and back again’ in Causal Powers in Science: Blending Historical and Conceptual Perspectives, Rotman Summer Institute, Rotman Institute of Philosophy, 22 June-5 July 2014, London Ontario
- ‘Metaphysics of Science: Fact or Framework?’ In the International Philosophy of Physics Conference: Metaphysics within and Without Physics, June 7-8 2014, Rotman Institute of Philosophy
- ‘Revisiting the ‘Bankruptcy of Science’ Debate: Realism, History and the Public Image of Science’, Invited talk at Conference "Science: The Real Thing?" 2-4 May 2014, Lingnam University, Hong Kong
- ‘Evidence: Wanted, Dead or Alive’, University of Toronto, April 16 2014 Panel discussion with: Helena Likwornik, & Maya Goldenberg,
- ‘From the ‘Bankruptcy of Science’ to the ‘Death of Evidence’: Science and its Value’, University of Ottawa, U. Ottawa ISSP Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series. April 10 2014
- ‘Revisiting the ‘Bankruptcy of Science’ Debate’ Rotman Institute of Philosophy, January 24, 2014
- ‘Revisiting the ‘Bankruptcy of Science’ Debate’: Lessons for Realism’, IHPST, University of Toronto, October 2013.
- ‘Science and Truth’ Summer School, Plato’s Academy: the Roads of Knowledge, University of Athens and Onassis Foundation, July 2013, Athens.
- ‘Nominalism and Science’, Invited talk at the Workshop ‘The Ontological Status of Number: Ancient and modern approaches’, Dept of Philosophy, University of Patras, May 2013.
- ‘Truth-tracking Explanations and realism’, Invited talk at the Workshop Explanation in the Sciences, Universite Catholique de Louvain, May 2013
- ‘Varieties of Empiricism in the Philosophy of Science’, Mercier Lectures in Philosophy—Part II, Universite Catholique de Louvain, May 2013
- ‘Causal Descriptivism Revisited’, Invited talk at the Conference ‘The Analysis of Theoretical Terms’ Munich Centre for mathematical Philosophy, University of Munich, April 2013
- ‘Varieties of Empiricism in the Philosophy of Science’, Mercier Lectures in Philosophy, Universite Catholique de Louvain, March 2013
- “Scientific realism with a Humean face”, Invited talk at the Workshop The Metaphysics of Scientific Realism, University of Athens, March 2013
- ‘This House Believes Too Much Trust is Placed in Science’ Invited participation to the debate of the Cambridge Union Society, February 2013.
- ‘Scientific Realism as a Historical Thesis’, Invited talk, London School of Economics, February 2013
- ‘Making contact with Molecules: On Perrin’s argument for realism’, Invited talk, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, Munich December 2012
- ‘Structuralism and Causation’ Paper presented at the 2nd Panhellenic Congress of Philosophy of Science, University of Athens, November 2012.
- ‘Scientific Realism as a Historical Thesis’, Invited Keynote Talk, Congress of Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza (SILFS), Milan November 2012
- ‘Ideas and Acts: Plato and contemporary philosophy’—public talk, Concert Hall of Athens, October 2012.
- ‘Scientific Realism as a Historical Thesis’, Invited talk, Symposium: Scientific Realism in the Light of the History of Science, University of Durham, September 2012
- ‘Science and Truth’ Summer School, Plato’s Academy: the Roads of Knowledge, University of Athens and Onassis Foundation, July 2012, Athens.
- ‘How Molecules Became Part of Scientific Consciousness: On Jean Perrin’s Case for Realism’, Invited talk, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July 2012
- ‘Scientific Realism: Between Platonism and Nominalism’, Invited Talk, University of Otago, New Zealand, July 2012
- ‘How Molecules Became Part of Scientific Consciousness: On Jean Perrin’s Case for Realism’, Public talk, University of Otago, New Zealand, July 2012
- ‘Regularities all the Way Down’ Invited Talk, Symposium: Metaphysics of Science, College de France, May 2012
- Short Graduate Course: ‘Realism without Dichotomies’, University of Barcelona, April 2012
- ‘What is a law of nature? An empiricist answer’ Invited talk in the Symposium La nature en éclats, Univeriste catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve April, 2012
- ‘Regularities all the way down’, Invited Talk, University of Konstanz, March 2012
- ‘How Molecules Became Part of Scientific Consciousness: On Jean Perrin’s Case for Realism’, Invited Talk, University of Western Ontario, December 2011
- ‘What is General Philosophy of Science?’ Invited talk, Philosophy of Science in Europe – European Philosophy of Science and the Viennese Heritage University of Vienna, December 2011
- ‘Regularities all the way down’. Invited Talk at the Workshop: Explanation, Causality, Unification’, University of Dusseldorf, November 2011.
- ‘How Molecules Became Part of Scientific Consciousness: On Jean Perrin’s Case for Realism’ Springer Lecture, 11th International IHPST conference, University of Thessaloniki, July 2011
- ‘Representing is Perspectival, the Represented is not’, Invited talk at the International Conference of the Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, Universite Catholique de Louvain, April 2011.
- ‘Empiricist Conceptions of laws of Nature’. Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Conference ‘ Nature en eclats’, April 2011 (invited).
- ‘The View from Above and the View from Within : on van Fraassen’s Perrin’ Invited talk at the conference ‘Representations and Models in Science: the Philosophy of Bas van Fraassen’, University of la Coruna, March 2011
- ‘Science and Religion’, Public Talk, Onassis Cultural Foundation, Athens, March 2011
- ‘Philosophy and Science’ Public Talk, Moaritis School of Athens, February 2011
- ‘Empiricist Conceptions of laws of Nature’. University of Cologne January 2011 (invited).
- ‘Adding Modality to Ontic Structuralism’, University of Cologne, January 2011 (invited).
- ‘Scientific Realism with a Humean Face’, University of Dusseldorf, January 2011 (invited).
- ‘Making Contact with Molecules: On Perrin on Molecular Reality’—Invited plenary talk at the Triennal Conference of the Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Bergamo, December 2010 (unable to attend due to general strike in Greece)
- ‘Making Contact with Molecules: On Perrin on Molecular Reality’, University of Leeds, November 2010 (invited).
- ‘Objectivity and Reference’ 1st Greek Philosophy of Science Conference, University of Athens, October 2010.
- ‘Towards a New Deal Between Philosophy and History of Science’, Public Talk, University of Athens, October 2010
- ‘Adding Modality to Structural Realism: An exploration and Critique’, Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy, University of Padua September 2010 (invited).
- ‘Scientific Realism: Between Platonism and Nominalism’, University of Milan- Biccoca, May 2010 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism: Between Platonism and Nominalism’, University of Barcelona, April 2010 (Invited)
- ‘Causation and Mechanisms’, Workshop: Metaphysics of Science, University of Warsaw, January 2010 (Invited)
- ‘Empiricist Conceptions of Laws of Nature’ Invited talk at the Workshop Laws of nature: New Approaches, University of Athens, December 2009
- ‘Freedom of the Will: Between Myth and Reality’, Public Talk, University of Athens, November 2009
- ‘Scientific Realism in Context’ 2nd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Amsterdam October 2009
- ‘The Scope and Limits of the No-Miracles Argument’, Conference on Philosophy of Science in European Perspective, Utrecht University, October 2009 (Invited)
- ‘Mechanisms sans Metaphysics’, Conference: Mechanisms and Causality in Science, University of Kent, September 2009 (Invited)
- ‘Anti-Nominalistic Scientific Realism: A Defence’, Workshop: Metaphysics of Science, University of Melbourne, July 2009 (Invited)
- ‘Against Neo-Instrumentalism’, University of Hannover, April 2009 (Invited)
- ‘On Reichenbach’s Argument for Scientific Realism’ University of Bielefeld, April 2009 (Invited)
- ‘Anti-Nominalistic Realism: A Defence’, University of Munster, April 2009 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism: Between Platonism and Nominalism’, University of Bristol, January 2009 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism and Mathematical Nominalism’, PSA08 Pittsburgh, November 2008
- ‘The Idea of Mechanism’, Conference on Causality in the Sciences, University of Kent, September 2008 (Invited)
- ‘Empiricist Conceptions of Laws of Nature’, Workshop & Young Researchers Days in Logic, Philosophy and History of Science, Brussels September 2008 (Invited)
- ‘What is (and what is not) Inference to the Best Explanation?’ Conference on Induction and Deduction in the Sciences, University of Ghent, July 2008 (Invited)
- ‘Is the History of Science the Wasteland of False Theories?’, 7th International Conference for History of Science in Science Education, University of Athens July 2008 (Invited)
- ‘Reichenbach’s Argument for Scientific Realism’, Conference ‘A Philosopher of Science in Istanbul: Hans Reichenbach’, May 2008 (Invited)
- ‘Choosing the Realist Framework’ Conference: ‘Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Underdetermination, University of Düsseldorf, April 2008 (Invited)
- ‘Regularities all the way down: Thomas Brown’s Philosophy of Causation’. Congress of the British Society for the History of Philosophy: Causation 1500-2000, University of York, March 2008
- ‘Intuitions as a philosophical laboratory’, Public Talk, University of Athens, January 2008
- ‘How to be a Scientific Realist: A Proposal to Empiricists’, Centre for Philosophy of Science, University of Ghent, December 2007 (Invited)
- ‘Empiricist Conception of Laws of Nature’ Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, December 2007 (Invited)
- ‘Living with the Abstract: Realism and Models’ Conference: Models and Simulations, University of Tilburg October 2007 (Invited)
- ‘The Next Best Thing: Causation and Regularity’ Workshop on Causation and Relativity, Autonomous University of Barcelona, September 2007 (Invited)
- ‘How to be a Scientific Realist: A Proposal to Empiricists’, Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Bristol, July 2007 (Invited)
- ‘What is Causation?’ Congress: Trends in Science Education, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India, February 2007 (Invited)
- ‘Why Does Philosophy Matter to Science?’ Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai February 2007 (Invited Public Lecture)
- ‘Rationality: A Matter of Structure or Content’, Greek Philosophical Society, January 2007 (Invited)
- ‘The A Priori: Between Conventions and Implicit Definitions’, Bilkent University, Ankara, November 2006 (Invited)
- ‘The A Priori: Between Conventions and Implicit Definitions’, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences, LSE, September 2006 (Invited)
- ‘The A Priori: Between Conventions and Implicit Definitions’ (with Demetra Christopoulou) Symposium on Implicit Definitions and the A Priori, GAP 2006, Berlin September 2006 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific realism and the Deflationary Theory of Truth’, University of Helsinki, June 2006 (Invited)
- ‘Realism vs Perspectivalism: Why Does it Matter?’ Conference on Realism/Universalism vs. Relativism/Culturalism: Philosophical, Historical and Political Perspectives, Bogazici University, Istanbul, May 2006 (Invited)
- Between Realism and Empiricism: The adventures of Structuralism in the Philosophy of Science’ Greek Conference in the Philosophy of Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, May 2006 (Invited)
- ‘Mechanisms: Between Explanation and Causation’ Symposium on Mechanisms in the Sciences, American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Chicago April 2006 (Invited)
- ‘Causal Pluralism’, Dept of Philosophy, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 2006 (Invited)
- ‘Causation, Laws and Explanation’ University of Helsinki, December 2005 (Invited)
- ‘Causal Pluralism’ Erasmus University of Rotterdam, November 2005 (Invited)
- ‘Causal Pluralism’ Conference of the European Society of Analytic Philosophy, Lisbon, August 2005 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism and Deflationism about Truth’ (with Andreas Karitzis) Annual conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, University of Manchester, July 2005
- ‘Causal Pluralism’ Workshop on the Philosophy of Action, University of Cyprus, June 2005 (Invited)
- ‘Causal Pluralism’, Conference on the Metaphysics of Science, University of Gent June 2005 (Invited)
- ‘The Natural Causal Attitude’, Bogazici University Istanbul May 2005 (Invited)
- ‘Causal Pluralism’, Lund University April 2005 (Invited)
- ‘Philosophers as Risk Managers’, Workshop Improving Policy Decisions in areas of risk and scientific uncertainty, LSE, December 2004 (Invited)
- ‘The Structure, the Whole Structure and Nothing but the Structure?’ Symposium on The Semantic View of Theories, Scientific Structuralism and Structural Realism, Philosophy of Science Association 2004, Austin Texas, November 2004
- ‘The Natural Causal Attitude’, Symposium on Causal Inference and Probability in the Physical Sciences (Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science), Valladolid, Spain, November 2004 (Invited)
- ‘Using a black box or finding out what’s in it?’ Symposium on Risk, Uncertainty and Dissent: Dealing With “Chancy” Science and “Chancy” Society, organised by the Group of Policy Advisers (ΕU), the Philosophy Department of the London School of Economics and the European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, Spain, June 2004 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism and Metaphysics’ Conference Metaphysics in Science, Reading, May 2004 (Invited)
- ‘Remarks on Conceptual Change’ 4th European Symposium on Conceptual Change, Delphi May 2004 (Invited)
- ‘Experience: Foundation or Constraint?’, Public Talk, University of Athens, March 2004
- ‘The Ultimate Argument for Realism’, University of Rotterdam February 2004 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism and the Base-rate Fallacy’, Belgian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Brussels, February 2004 (Invited)
- ‘A Glimpse of the Secret Connexion: Harmonising Mechanisms with Counterfactuals’ University of Gent, Belgium, February 2004 (Invited)
- ‘Science and Truth’ Dept of Philosophy and Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, December 2003 (Invited)
- ‘Ramsey’s Ramsey-sentences’ Conference Cambridge and Vienna—Frank P. Ramsey and the Vienna Circle, University of Vienna, November 2003 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism and the Base-Rate Fallacy’ Science Studies Programme, University of Oslo, September 2003 (Invited).
- ‘A Glimpse of the Secret Connexion: Harmonising Mechanisms with Counterfactuals’, University of Oslo, September 2003 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific realism and the Base-rate Fallacy’, University of Stockholm, September 2003 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific realism and the Base-rate Fallacy’, University of Goteborg, September 2003 (Invited)
- ‘A Glimpse of the Secret Connexion: Harmonising Mechanisms with Counterfactuals’ Invited talk at the 4th Athens-Pittsburgh Symposium Proof and Demonstration in the Sciences, Delphi, June 2003
- ‘A Glimpse of the Secret Connexion: Harmonising Mechanisms with Counterfactuals’, Dept of Philosophy, Bogazici University, Istanbul, May 2003 (Invited)
- ‘Causation: Between mechanisms and Counterfactuals’, California Institute of Technology May 2003 (Invited)
- ‘Causation: Between mechanisms and Counterfactuals’, University of California San Diego, May 2003 (Invited)
- ‘Cartwright’s Realist Toil: From Entities to Capacities’, Science Studies Programme, University of California, San Diego, May 2003. (Invited)
- ‘Laws and Invariance’ Workshop Metaphysics in Science, University of Edinburgh, December 2002 (Invited)
- ‘Cartwright’s Realist Toil: From Entities to Capacities’ Workshop Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science, University of Konstanz, December 2002 (Invited)
- ‘Tracking the Real: Through Thick and Thin’, Annual BSPS conference, University of Glasgow, July 2002 (Invited)
- ‘Is There a Place for Inference to the Best Explanation Within Bayesianism?’ Workshop ‘Deduction and Induction in the Sciences’, University of Vienna, July 2002 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism’ and ‘Simply the Best: A Case for Abduction’ Summer School on Inference to the Best Explanation, University of Iceland, September 2001 (Invited)
- ‘Stroud’s Dilemma: Trouble for Physicalism?’ Workshop on Barry Stroud’s The Quest for Colour, (with a reply by Barry Stroud), University of Athens, June 2001 (Invited)
- ‘Is Structural Realism Possible?’ PSA 2000, Vancouver, November 2000
- ‘Is Structural Realism Possible?’ Lunch-time seminar at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, November 2000 (Invited)
- ‘Naturalist Check-Points’ 3rd Athens-Pittsburgh conference on Experience and Knowledge, University of Crete, October 2000 (Invited)
- ‘Is Structural Realism Possible?’ Annual BSPS conference, University of Sheffield, July 2000
- ‘On the History of the ‘Received View of Theories’: Some Hempellian Themes’ (with Demetris Portides) 3rd HOPOS Conference, University of Vienna, July 2000
- ‘The present State of the Scientific Realism Debate’ Conference 100 Years of Philosophy, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2000 (Invited)
- ‘How Not to Structure Realism’ 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and the Philosophy of Science, Krakow, Poland, August 1999
- ‘Carnap and Incommensurability’ Conference Incommensurability and Related Matters, Hannover, June 1999
- ‘Theories as Complexes of Representational Media’ (co-authored with Robin Hendry) PSA 1998, Kansas City, October 1998
- ‘Abduction: Between Conceptual Richness and Computational Complexity’ Annual BSPS conference, University of Reading, September 1998 (Invited)
- ‘What Comes First, Explanation or Causation?’ Conference Cognitive Theory of Social Action, Turin, June 1998 (Invited)
- ‘Understanding Scientific Progress’, Oxford Philosophical Society, April 1998 (Invited).
- ‘Ramsey on Scientific Theories’ Conference The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey, Kings College London, November 1997 (Invited)
- ‘How Not to Structure Realism’: Annual BSPS conference, University of Oxford, September 1997 (Invited)
- ‘Is There a Logic of Abduction?’, First Panhellenic Symposium on Logic, University of Cyprus, July 1997
- ‘Constructing Carnap’s Empiricism’, Workshop Aspects of Empiricism: The Philosophy of Bas C. van Fraassen, University of Nejmegen, Holland, November 1996 (Invited)
- ‘Scientific Realism and the “Pessimistic Induction”’ PSA 1996, Cleveland OH, November 1996
- ‘Carnap’s Adventures in Theory-Land’ Conference The Legacy of Empiricism, University of Edinburgh, September 1996
- ‘Ampliative Reasoning: Abduction or Induction?’ Workshop Abductive and Inductive Reasoning (under the auspices of the European Conference of Artificial Intelligence 96), Budapest, August 1996
- ‘Scientific Realism and the Pessimistic Induction’ Annual BSPS conference, University of Leeds, September 1995 (Invited)
- ‘Ronald Giere Meets Henri Poincare: Models and Principles in Science’ 10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, August 1995
- ‘Is Structural Realism the Best of Both Worlds?’ Conference Structural Realism and the Pessimistic Meta-Induction, Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences, LSE, February 1995
- ‘The Cognitive Interplay Between Theories and Models’, Conference Theories and Models in Scientific Processes, Warsaw, August 1994.
- ‘Poincare’s Conception of Mechanical Explanation’ Gongres International Henri Poincare, Nancy, France, May 1994
- ‘Abduction and Truth’ Annual BSPS conference, (post-graduate session), University of St. Andrews, September 1993
- ‘Laplace and the Caloric Theory of Heat: A case of Ad Hoc Modifications’ 19th International Congress of History of Science, University of Zaragoza, Spain, August 1993
- ‘Objectivity and Scientific Realism’, Conference on Objectivity, Birkbeck College, London, November 1992
- ‘Scientific Realism and Underdetermination of Theories by Evidence’, Annual BSPS conference, (post-graduate session), University of Durham, September 1992
- ‘Conceptions and Misconceptions of Ether’, Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Imperial College London, June 1992
Podcasts & Videos
- What is reality? Stathis Psillos & Tony Sobrado, Feb 8th, 2014 by tony sobrado
- From the 'Bankruptcy of Science' to the 'Death of Evidence': Science and its Value. April 10, 2014 Stathis Psillos, Rotman Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Science, Western University, 25 May 2014 - Uploaded by Situating Science
- Metaphysics of Science: Fact or Framework? Stathis Psillos, Western University, 2014 Metaphysics Within and Without Physics Conference June 7-8, 2014, Western University, 13 Jun 2014 - Uploaded by Rotman Institute of Philosophy
- Scientific Realism as an Historical Thesis. Stathis Psillos. Durham University, 16 Jan 2013 - Uploaded by Durham University
- Evidence: Wanted Dead or Alive. Stathis Psillos, 16 April 2014, University of Toronto, Part 6 of The Lives of Evidence national lecture series. 21 Jun 2014 - Uploaded by Situating Science
- From the 'Bankruptcy of Science' to the 'Death of Evidence': Science and its Value. Stathis Psillos, ISSP Distinguished Speaker Series 2014, Uploaded by ISSP UOttawa
- Pt.4 This House Believes Too Much Trust Is Placed In Science, The Cambridge Union Society -
- Regularities All the Way Down. Stathis Psillos, 04 May 2012 Symposium, Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé - Marcelin Berthelot