For a complete list including citations, click here. All papers in English, unless otherwise stated. Papers in Greek have an English summary, unless otherwise stated..
Geological Researches of the Neogene deposits of the Hierapetra province in Crete, Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 21: 342-484 (Ph.D thesis) (in Greek).
Pleistocenic deposits and old-strandlines in peninsula of Gramboussa, in relation to the recent tectonic movements of Crete island. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 24: 205-240 (in Greek).
Bio-statistical observations on the Terebralia lignitarum lignitarum (EICHWALD) from the Miocene of East Crete. Ann.Geol. des Pays Hellen. 24: 481-514 (in Greek).
Geological Researches in the Armeni-Chandra district (East Crete). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 25: 225-249 (in coll. with N. Symeonides; in Greek with German summary).
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geologie der Inseln Angistri und Metopi (SW. von Aegina). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 25: 250-280 (in coll. with N. Symeonides; in Greek with German summary).
Thomas A.B. Spratt, the English admiral of the last century and some of his Geological opinions about Crete island. Hellenic Oceanology and Limnology 11: 90-120 (in Greek).
Recent tectonic movements and old strandlines along the coast of Crete. Symposium Geodynamique Region Mediterranee, C.I.E.S.M., Athenes, Nov. 1972. 23e Congres-Assemblee Pleniere. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions 22 (2A): 156-158.
Recent tectonic movements and old strandlines along the coasts of Crete. Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 10 (1): 48-64.
The occurrences of Pleistocenic deposits in SE Sitia District (E.Crete). Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 10 (2): 180-222.
The Lake of Aghios Nikolaos (Physical Geography and Tectonic). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 25: 373-396 (in coll. with I. Mariolakos; in Greek).
Study of Beach-rocks in the Aegean sea, Observations in SE. Crete, Rhodes and Metopi. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 26: 275-305 (in coll. with D.Theodoropoulos; in Greek).
Observation on the metapodials of Hipparion from Pikermi (Attika, Greece). Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. van Wetensch., series B, 89 (1): 18-28.
Contribution to the study of coastal Geology of Rhodes Island (Greece). 25e Congres-Assemblee Pleniere, Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Mediterrannee (C.I.E.S.M.), Split Yougoslavie, 1976. Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Reunions 24 (7A): 271-273 (in coll. with G. Marinos).
The most important Caves and Potholes of Greece. Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de la Grece 14: 1-15 (in coll. with N. Papadopoulou).
Structural conditions and Speleogenesis of the cave "Koutouki" in Peania (Attica). Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de la Grece 14: 42-63 (in coll. with S. Lekkas; in Greek).
Subsidence of inter-island-channels and Faunal migration. 6th Colloquium on the Geology of the Aegean Region 1: 535-536 (in coll. with T. Goedicke).
The Quaternary fossil mammals in the caves and karstic holes of Crete island and their significance. Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de la Grece 14: 152-190 (in Greek).
Les grandes cavites mondiales. Spelunga 2 (suppl.), 4e s�rie: 63 (in coll. with C. Chabert, P. Boyr�bon et al.; in French and English).
Stratigraphy and Sedimentary history of the Miocene of Zakynthos island (Ionian islands, Greece). Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 29: 47-186 (Docent thesis; in English and Greek).
Messinian clastics in the Mediterranean region. Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 29 (2): 595-602 (in coll. with P. Sonnenfeld, P. Hudec, R. Davis).
Planktonic Foraminifera and Calcareous Nannoplankton from the Pliocene of Koufonisi Island (E. Crete, Greece). Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 29: 630-643 (in coll. with S. Theodoridis).
Macrofauna and Planktonic Foraminifera of the Tortonian deposits of Achladhia section in Sitia district (E. Crete). Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 29: 650-663 (in coll. with R. Mirkou, N. Symeonides).
The importance of fossil Mammals in reconstructing Paleogeography, with special reference to the Pleistocene Aegean Archipelago. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 29: 808-840 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar).
Code of Greek stratigraphic nomenclature and Glossary of Useful Stratigraphic terms. Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de la Grece 14 (2): 127-146 (in Greek).
The Marine Quaternary Formations of SE Zakynthos Island and their Paleogeographic implications. 6th Colloquium on the geology of the Aegean Region 1: 407-415 (in coll. with D. Papanikolaou, Z.Karotsieris).
Macrofauna and Planktonic Foraminifera of the Armenopetra section in Keratokambos-Viannou area (E. Crete). 7th Int. Congress on Mediterranean Neogene, Athens 1979. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen., hors serie A (1): 309-314 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia).
Stratigraphy and Macrofauna of the Neogene deposits in Kastelli Kissamou district (W. Crete). 7th Int. Congress on Mediterranean Neogene, Athens 1979. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen., hors serie A (1): 317-328 (in coll. with A. Markopoulou-Diakantoni).
Stratigraphy and Fauna of Upper Miocene deposits in Armyri Panayia section (Herakleon province, Central Crete). 7th Int. Congress on Mediterranean Neogene, Athens 1979. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen., hors serie A (3): 1321-1331.
Biostratigraphic observations on the Upper Miocene deposits in Armyri Panayia section (Herakleon Province, Central Crete). Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 14 (1): 61-69.
Paleoenvironmental observations based on the fauna assemblages from the Miocene deposits of Psathi section (Stalos, Kydonias, W. Crete). Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 14 (1): 93-101 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia, R. Mirkou).
Some results on the correlation of marine and non marine deposits of Neogene in Eastern Mediterranean. Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de Grece 16 (1): 17-24 (in Greek).
The progress to date and the future objectives of research of the Neogene. Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de la Grece 17 (1): 59-74 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia; in Greek).
The molasse of Paros Island, Aegean sea. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 83: 59-71 (in coll. with D. Papanikolaou, R. Mirkou, S. Theodoridis).
Biostratigraphic survey in the Pliocene sediments of Ammudhares and Aghios Charalambos section (Hierapetra province, E. Crete). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 30: 130-142.
Contribution to the Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Miocene deposits of Kalogeri section (Hierapetra province, E. Crete). Praktika Akademias Athenon 55: 249-260 (in Greek).
Stratigraphic and Paleontological survey on the Neo�Tertiary deposits of the section Sopates and Nea Anatoli in Eastern Crete (Greece). Cretologia 10-11: 169-193 (in Greek).
The Aegean Arc during Burdigalian and Messinian: A comparison. Rivista Italiana Paleontologia 87 (1): 83-92 (in coll.with D. Papanikolaou).
Pleistocene Fauna from a section in the channel of Corinth (Greece). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 30 (2): 473-499 (in coll. with N. Krstic).
Major changes from the last stages of the Hellenides to the actual Hellenic arc and trench system. Int. Symposium on the Hellenic Arc and Trench (H.E.A.T.), April 8-10, 1981, Athens, vol. 2: 57-73 (in coll. with D. Papanikolaou).
Relation of Landvertebrates Migration to Paleogeography and Tectonics. Int. Symposium on the Hellenic Arc and Trench (H.E.A.T.), April 8-10, 1981, Athens, vol. 2: 283- 308 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar).
History of Greek Speleology and its contribution to Science and National Economy. 1st Greek Speleological Workshop, Athens 11-13 Dec., 1981. Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de la Grece 18 (1,2): 21-73 (in coll. with A. Petrochilos, Gr. Papadopoulos et al.). (in Greek).
Mesures de la profondeur et du developement d'une cavite. 1st Speleological Symposium of Greece, Athens, 11-13 Dec., 1981. Bull. de la Soc. Speleologique de Grece 18 (1,2): 391-410 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia; in Greek with French summary).
Stratigraphic survey and Environmental interpretation of the Neogene deposits of Keratokampos (Viannou district, Central Crete). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 31 (1): 271-332, with 14 plates (in coll. with E. Kourouni; in Greek).
Pliocene Faunal Assemblages in Atsipades section at Herakleon Province (E. Crete, Greece). Symposium Geodynamique region Mediterranee, C.I.E.S.M., Cannes, Dec. 2-11, 1982. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions 28 (4): 231-233 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia).
Matrix provenance of upper Miocene Gypsiferous Conglomeratic Sandstones. Symposium Geodynamique region Mediterranee, C.I.E.S.M., Cannes, France, Dec. 2-11 1982. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions 28 (4): 47-49 (in coll. with P. Sonnenfeld, P.Hudec).
Some thoughts on the problems of Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera. Oryktos Ploutos 26: 25-47 (in Greek).
Paleoecological aspects on Foraminifera assemblages of the section Armenopetra (Viannou area, Crete Island). 18th European Micropaleontological Congress, Bratislava 1984. Geologica Carpathica 35 (2): 223-229 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia).
Biostratigraphic survey on Macrofauna and Microfauna and Calcareous Nannoplankton from the Neogene deposits of Vassiliki in East Crete. Interim Colloquium on Mediterranean Neogene Marine Megafaunal Paleoenvironments and Biostratigraphy, Athens, Sept. 6-9, 1984. Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 32: 183-195 (in coll. with S. Theodoridis).
Biostratigraphic and Chronostratigraphic correlations of the late Cenozoic Bivalves of the Hellenic area. Interim Colloquium on Mediterranean Neogene Marine Megafaunal Paleoenvironments and Biostratigraphy, Athens, Sept. 6-9, 1984. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 32: 197-209 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia).
The Quaternary Fossil Mammals from Northeastern of Kerkyra (Corfu) island (Ionian Sea, Greece). Symposium Sedimentologie Region Mediterranee, C.I.E.S.M., Luzern, Switzerland, 11-19 Oct., 1984. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions 29 (2): 155-156 (in coll. with P. Y. Sondaar).
Tertiary Flora remains from Aegean area: The Macroflora from Chios island (Greece). Symposium Sedimentologie, Region Mediterranee C.I.E.S.M., Luzern, Switzerland, 11-19 Oct., 1984. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions 29 (2): 165-166 (in coll. with E. Velitzelos).
Biostratigraphic survey and Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Pliocene sediments of Profitis Ilias area, southwest of Ploutis village in Central Herakleon province, Crete. Symposium Sedimentologie, Region Mediterranee, C.I.E.S.M., Luzern, Switzerland, 11-19 Oct., 1984. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions 29 (2): 207-211 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia).
Matrix Provenace of Upper Miocene Gypsiferous Sandstones in the Mediterranean area. Akad. der Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. Klasse, Abt. 1 194 (1-5): 23-37 (in coll. with P. Sonnenfeld, P. Hudec).
Model proposals on the Development of Pleistocene Deer on Crete island. 2nd European Geoscience Congress, April 1-4, 1985, Strassbourg. Terra Cognita 5 (2-3): 136 (in coll. with J. De Vos).
Report of the Working Group on Chronostratigraphy and Geochronology. Mediterranean and Paratethys Neogene. 8th R.C.M.N.S. Congress, 1985, Budapest: pp. 15-19 (in coll. with F. Steininger).
Quaternary insular Fossil Mammals and their Paleogeographical implications. 2e Congres Int. sur la zoogeographie et l� ecologie de la Grece et des Regions Avoisinantes, Athenes, Sept. 1981. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 10: 369-386 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar).
Neogene of the Mediterranean Tethys and Paratethys. I.G.C.P. Project No 25 (1974-1983). Inst. of Paleontology, University of Vienna, (ed. F. Steininger, F. R�gl, J. Senes, K. Kleeman) 1: 189, 2: 535 (in coll. with others).
The most important Maritime Caves of Greece and their significance. Proc. of the First Greek Oceanographic Symposium, Athens, May 14-17, 1984: pp.371-380 (in coll.with A. Petrochilou; in Greek).
Contribution to the study of the Stratigraphy of the area Faneromeni Dam, Herakleon province (Central Crete). Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 33 (1): 1-36 (in coll. with S. Theodoridis; in Greek).
Mammals Faunal Succession and Evolution during the Pleistocene in Cretan Paleoenvironment. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 33 (1): 101-138 (in coll. with J. De Vos; in Greek).
Contribution to the study of Quaternary deposits of Geras Gulf in Lesvos island (E. Aegean, Greece). C.I.E.S.M. Congress, Mallorca, Spain, 20-25 Oct., 1986. Rapports et proc�s-verbaux des R�unions 30 (2): 69-71 (in coll. with Chr. Ioakim, D. Pavlakelli).
Upper Cenozoic connections of the Aegean to the Eastern Mediterranean: Marine Geological Evidence as compared to the fossil mammals of the region. C.I.E.S.M., Congress Mallorca, Spain, 20-25 Oct., 1986. Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Reunions 30 (2): 72-73 (in coll. with G. Anastasakis).
Colonization of Islands by early Man and its effect on the Environment. C.I.E.S.M. Congress, Mallorca, Spain, 20-25 Oct., 1986. Rapport et Proces-verbaux des Reunions 30 (2): 267-268 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar).
Fauna-Opeenvolgingen Radiatie van Endemische Herten in het Pleistoceen van Kreta. Cranium 2: 91-102 (in coll. with J. De Vos; in Dutch with English summary).
Models of the development of Pleistocene deer on Crete (Greece). Modern Geology 10: 243-248 (in coll. with J. De Vos).
Late Cenozoic Faunal Evolution and Paleogeography of the South Aegean Island Arc. Modern Geology 10: 249-259 (in coll. with J. De Vos, P.Y. Sondaar).
The use of Petroleum during the centuries. First Greek Symposium on Hydrocarbon Geology, University of Athens, May 1985: pp.4-15 (in Greek).
Ecostratigraphic observations on the Messinian deposits of Akropotamos in the Kavalla area (N. Greece). Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 33 (1): 367-376 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia, E. Velitzelos).
Biozonation of the Neogene Invertebrate Megafauna of the Hellenic area. Proc. of the 8th Int. Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy, Budapest, 15-22 Sept. 1985. Ann. Istituti Geologici Publici Hungarici 70: 125-136 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia).
Neogene Paleogeography in the Central Aegean Region, Proc. of 8th Int. Neogene Congress of the Regional Commitee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy, Budapest, 15-22 Sept. 1985. Ann. Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici 70: 217-220 (in coll. with H. Boger).
Report on the round-table discussion "Mediterranean and Paratethys correlations". Proc. of the 8th Int. Congress of the Regional Commitee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy, Budapest, 15-22 Sept. 1985. Ann. Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici 70: 397-421 (in coll. with F. Steininger, F. Rogl).
Faunal Succession and the Evolution of Mammals in Crete during the Pleistocene. N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont. Abh. 173 (3): 377-408 (in coll. with J. De Vos).
The Paleolithic Man and Vanished life of the Mediterra�nean. Nea Oikologia (Jan. 1987): 24-31 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar; in Greek).
Geological Framework and Observed Oilsheeps of Zakynthos Island: their Possible Influence on the Pollution of the Marine Environment. Thalassographica 10 (2): 7-22 (in coll. with P. Alafouzou).
General Introduction to the Geology of Crete: Field Guide for the excursion. Ed. F. Steininger. Vienna: Institute of Paleontology: pp. 136.
Paleogeographic evolution of the Aegean during Late Cenozoic. 6th Int. Congress on Aegean Prehistory, Athens, 1987. Abstracts: 133-134 (in Greek).
Early Man in the Mediterranean and his effect on the environment. 2nd Hellenic Anthropological Symposium, Nov. 28-30, 1986, Athens. Anthropologica Analekta 49 (1): 21-29 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar).
Colonization of Islands by Early Man and its Effect on the Environment. Modern Geology 13: 189-202 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar).
Pleistocene Evolution of the central Aegean Cyclades region: Paleogeographic reconstruction based on marine geological evidence as compared to Pleistocene Mammal Findings. Int. Congress on Early Man in Island Environments, Oliena, Sardinia 1988, Collected Abstracts: 43-45 (in coll. with G. Anastasakis).
Petrology and Diagenetic changes in Miocene Marine Diatomaceous deposits from Zakynthos Island (Greece). In: Siliceous Deposits of the Tethys and Pacific Regions (Ed. James R. Hein and Obradovic), New York: pp. 129-139 (in coll. with M. Stamatakis, A. Economou-Amilli, A. Magganas).
La colonization des iles de l'Egee en relation avec evolution paleogeographique. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica (A) 14 (2): 99-121, and (B) 17 (2): 99-130 (in Greek with French summary).
Giants, Dragons, Saints and Geological Phaenomena. Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 23 (2): 75 -100 (in coll. with E. Papadopoulou).
Paleogeography, Geodynamics, Processes and event Stratigraphy during the Late Cenozoic of the Aegean area. Int. Symposium on Biogeographical Aspects of Insularity, Rome, 18-22 May 1987. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 85: 263-288.
Petrological and Geological Study on the building material from the underground pit of Gortys area, Crete island. Proc. of the Int. Symposium Engineering Geology of Ancient Works, Monuments and Historical Sites, Preservation and Protection. Balkema, Rotterdam: pp. 2049�2056 (in coll. with M. Tsipoura-Vlachou, M. Stamatakis).
The evolution of the Aegeis during the Late Cenozoic. Geologica Balcanica 20 (3): 3-16.
Post-middle Miocene Paleogeographic evolution of the central Aegean sea, detailed Quaternary reconstruction of the region. Its possible influence on the distribution of the Quaternary Mammals of the Cyclades islands. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaeontologie 1: 1-16 (in coll. with G. Anastasakis).
Paleoclimatic evolution of Crete Island during the Upper Cenozoic. Pepragmena of the 6th Int. Cretological Congress, Aug. 24-30, 1986, A (1): 163-170 (in coll. with E. Georgiades; in Greek).
Event Stratigraphy and Geological Evolution of Crete during the Upper Cenozoic. Pepragmena of the 6th Int. Cretological Congress, Aug. 24-30, 1986, A (1): 215-252 (in Greek).
Research results and Perspectives of Vertebrate Fossils in Cretan Caves. Pepragmena of the 6th Int. Cretological Congress, Aug. 24-30, 1986, A (1): 337-392 (in coll. with G. Theodorou; in Greek).
Ecostratigraphical observations at the eastern part of Korinthiakos Gulf. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 34 (2): 127-161 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou; in Greek).
On the Pontian Correlation in the Aegean (Aegina island). Newsletter on Stratigraphy 24 (3): 137-158 (in coll. with F. Rogl, R. Bernor, C. Muller, M. Stancheva).
The aspect of Geology in the poetry of G. Seferis. Proc. of the 5th Congress, Thessaloniki, May 24-27, 1990. Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 25 (1): 21-29 (in coll. with M. Fousseki; in Greek).
The Presence of Pleistocene Mammals in Lesvos Island (E. Aegean). Proc. of the 5th Congress, Thessaloniki, May 24-27, 1990. Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 25 (2): 405-421 (in coll. with S. Galoukas, V. Eisenmann).
Contribution to the Stratigraphy of Miocene sediments of Kassos Island (South Sporades). Proc. of the 5th Congress, Thessaloniki, May 24-27 1990. Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 25 (2): 529-548 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou).
Contribution to the Stratigraphy of Miocene sediments of Kassos Island (South Sporades). Neues Jahrbuch f�r Geologie und Paleontologie 1: 52-64 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou).
Geology and Society Seminar of Sedimentary Geology, 1st Cycle, 1990/91. Editions of the Faculty of Geosciences of the University of Athens (1991): pp. vii-xvii (in Greek).
Dragons, Giants and Saints in Paleontology. 3rd Hellenic Anthropological Symposium, 20-25 May, 1987, Athens. Anthropologica Analekta 50 (1): 2-18 (in coll. with E. Papadopoulou; in Greek).
Geological concepts from the Homeric Epics. 2nd Congress of the Greek Geographical Society, Athens 16-17 Dec. 1989; Proc.: 81-118 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Pangalou; in Greek).
Geological tracking on the poetry of G. Seferis. Parousia, School of Letters (Athens University) H: 265-273 (in coll. with M. Fousseki; in Greek).
Contribution to the study of geological concepts from the Homeric Epics. Parnassos 33: 3, 40-365 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Pangalou; in Greek).
Observations on the Pleistocene to Recent Mollusc Marine Fauna assemblages from Chryssi island (SE. Crete). Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 35 (1): 319-337 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia, E. Koskeridou).
Contribution a l'etude de la Geologie Cotiere de l'Ile de Rhodes. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 35 (1): 103-123 (in coll. With E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia; in French with English summary).
Contribution to the absolute dating of beach rocks by means of the Thermoluminesce technique. 4th Hellenic Symposium of Oceanography, Rhodes, 24-29 April, 1993. National Centre of Marine Research: pp. 257-259 (in coll. with M. Michael, J. Bassiakos, F. Tripolit�siotou).
Results of Gravimetric measurements of the last 7 years in Crete (Greece) and their contribution to the understanding of the recent active deformation of the region. In: Volume to the memory of Professor M. Mitzopoulos. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 36 (1): 223-237 (in coll. with V. Karakitsios, E. Lagios).
The presence of a Pliocene outcrop in Chryssi island (SE Crete). In: Volume to the memory Prof. M. Mitzopoulos. Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 36 (1): 351-385 (in coll. with E. Georgiades, E. Koskeridou, M.B. Triantaphyllou).
Geological and Stability study of Sykia Cave (Olymbi, Chios island). In: Volume to the memory of Professor M. Mitzopoulos. Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 36 (1): 415-457 (in coll. with Z. Karotsieris, K. Stergiopoulos; in Greek)
Decouverte d'une icthyofaune marine dans les diatomites du Pliocene superieur (Plaisancien) des environs d'Heraklion (Crete centrale, Grece). C. R. Academie des Sciences de Paris serie 2 319: 589-596 (in coll. with J. Gaudant, B. Delrieu, N. Symeonidis; in French).
Geological Remarks on Pausanias �Ellados Periegesis�. Congress of the Geographical Society of Greece, Athens; Proc. 2: 356-369 (in coll. with K. Kouli; in Greek).
Geological Tracking on steps of O. Elytis. Proc. of 7th Int. Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, May 25-27, 1994, vol. 30 (1): 21-28 (in coll. with M.Fousseki; in Greek).
Karstic phenomena and environmental conditions in the area of Aghios Nicolaos, Crete island: Lake-doline of Aghios Nicolaos and karstic hole of Aghios Charalambos. 5th Int. Congress of the Greek Speleological Society, Athens-Crete, 7-11 Nov. 1994. Bull. of the Greek Speleological Soc. 21: 34-39 (in coll. with G. Anastasakis; in Greek).
Cave pearles. Mineralogical and Geochemical approachment. 5th Int. Congress of the Greek Speleol. Soc., Athens-Crete, 7-11 Nov. 1994. Bull. of the Greek Speleol. Soc. 21: 140-158 (in coll. with B. Vlachou, I. Bassiakos; in Greek).
Geological and stability study of Sykia cave (Olymbi, Chios island). 5th Int. Congress of the Greek Speleological Society, Athens-Crete, 7-11 Nov. 1994. Bull. of the Greek Speleological Soc. 21: 159-160 (in coll. with Z. Karotsieris, K. Stergiopoulos; in Greek).
Late Cenozoic paleogeography and faunal succession of mammals in Crete. 5th Int. Congress of the Greek Speleological Society, Athens-Crete, 7-11 Nov. 1994. Bull. of the Greek Spel. Soc. 21: 301-317 (in Greek).
The Quaternary glacial periods with references to Greece. 5th Int. Congress of the Greek Speleological Society, Athens-Crete, 7-11 Nov. 1994. Bull. of the Greek Spel. Soc. 21: 485-491 (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia, H. Drinia; in Greek).
SPELEO: A software application for filing and evaluating caves. 5th Int. Congress of the Greek Speleological Society, Athens-Crete, 7-11 Nov. 1994. Bull. of the Greek Spel. Soc. 21: 449-456 (in coll. with Ch. Vassilatos, M. Triantaphyllou; in Greek).
First order correlation of some Mediterranean upper Miocene sections. Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Greece 30 (2): 317-322 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou).
Stratigraphic Framework of the Gavdos Island Neogene sediments. Newsletter on Stratigraphy 32 (1): 1-15 (in coll. with G. Anastasakis, M. Triantaphyllou).
Neotectonic and Recent Deformation of Crete. Proc. of the 7th Int. Cretological Congress, Rethymnon, 25-31 Aug. 1991, A (1): 197-212 (in coll. with V. Karakitsios, E. Lagios; in Greek).
Contribution to the Geology of the main Minerals of the Crete island. Proc. of the 7th Int. Cretological Congress, 25-31 Aug., 1991, Rethymnon, A (1): 111-123 (in coll. with E. Georgiades, M. Stamatakis; in Greek).
Quantitative Micropaleontological analysis and Paleoenvironmental interpretation of Southern Kerkyra Pliocene deposits. Geologie en Mediterranee 22 (3-4): 111-123 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, H. Drinia).
The Paleogeography and Faunal Evolution of the Land Mammals of Crete. In: Pleistocene and Holocene Fauna of Crete and its First Settlers (Ed. D. Reese). Prehistory Press, Monographs in World Archaeology 28: 61-67 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar, J. de Vos).
Sedimentary History of Prina complex, Ierapetra basin Crete. An overview. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 37: 999-1014 (in coll. with H. Drinia).
Authigenic Minerals and Geochemical Features of tertiary Porcelanites and cherts from Greece. Ann. Geol. des Pays Hellen. 37: 981-997 (in coll. with A.C. Magganas, M.G. Stamatakis, K.G. Kyriakopoulos).
Gortys cave seen by Markovits. Archaeology 61: 66-68, and in Acta Anthropologica 2 (1998): 71-79 (both in Greek).
Position and Opposition in the Theory of Homogeneous formation of the Earth of James Hutton. Anthropology 3: 29-56 (in coll. with N. Nikolopoulos; in Greek).
Late Pleistocene Marine Cycles in Southern Corfu. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 37: 663-767 (in coll. with F. R�gl, W.Antl-Weiser, et al.).
Lithofacial, Sedimentological and Technical Characteristics of the Neogene building stones extracted from Skopi-Sitia (E. Crete). Eurocare-Euromarble EU 496, Proc. of the 7th Workshop, Oct. 21-23, 1996: 121-127 (in coll. with F. Pomoni-Papaioannou, Ch. Drinia).
Building and ornamental stone of Thymiana, Chios island, Greece. Characterisation, origin and deterioration. Eurocare-Euromarble EU 496, Workshop 7, Oct. 21-23, 1996, ICE/HT-FORTH, Patras: 187-192 (in coll. with M. Vlachou-Tsipoura, M. Stamatakis).
Lacunes sedimentaires, Discordances et Phenomenes paleokarstiques (Pliensbachien-Tithonique) dans la zone ionienne (Epire, Grece nord-occidentale). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 37: 847-864 (in coll. with V.Karakitsios; in French).
Prehistoric Island Environment. Nefsis 5: 91-114 (in Greek).
Paleogeographical evolution of the island of Lesvos during Late Cenozoic era. 1st Int. Symposium of the Petrified Forest of Lesvos, April 26-27, 1996, Molyvos, Lesvos: 107-114.
The Plio-Pleistocene boundary in the Gerakas section, Zakynthos (Ionian islands). Biostratigraphic and paleoecological observations. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaeontologie (Januar 1997) 1: 12-30 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, H.Drinia).
Colonization of Islands by Man with special reference to Crete. Anthropologia 4: 5-30 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar, J. de Vos)
Gerakas Gulf: A natural park and a geological monument. Int. symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, Athens, 23-27 June 1997: 2923-2926 (in coll. with H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou).
Cyclical sedimentation anb biostratigraphical-palaeoecological analysis of the marine sediments of Potami section (Apostoli basin, Rethymnon, Crete). 5th Symposium of Oceanography, Kavala, 15-18 April, 1997, vol. 1: 419-422 (in coll. with H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou; in Greek).
Historical Earthquakes in Ancient Greek writings: A case study of "Ellados Periegesis" by Pausanias. Archeologie et seismisite (editions APDCA): 39-48 (in coll. with K. Kouli, K. Makropoulos, V. Kouskouna).
Contribution of Charles Darwin to the evolution of Historical Geology. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 24 (1): 63-79 (in coll. with N. Nikolopoulos).
Politics and Publicity in Palaeoanthropology. Anthropology 4: 69-87 (in Greek).
Biostratigraphical and Paleoecological analysis of the Neogene deposits of Kalamos island, Ionian sea, West Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece 22 (2): 125-132 (in coll. with A. Antonarakou, H. Drinia, M.V. Triantaphyllou, N. Tsaparas).
Sedimentology and Paleoenvironmental conditions of origin of Concretions in Sitia region, E. Crete. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece 22 (2): 351-357 (in coll. with H. Drinia).
The Geomorphes of Meteora. Proc. of the 4th Congress of the Greek Geographical Society, Athens: 140-161 (in coll. with H. Drinia; in Greek).
Paleoecological factors that controlled the survival and adaptation of the Pleistocene Man on the Mediterranean islands. Ann. Geol. des Pays Helleniques 38: 25-35 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar, J. de Vos, H. Drinia).
The pattern of Locomotion of Hominids-Evolution and Comparison with the Equidae. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 24(2): 137-164 (in coll. with J. de Vos, P.Y. Sondaar, J. Reumer).
Sedimentology, environmental analysis and facies analysis. Arch. Congress The Prehistoric research in Greece and its perspectives, Thessaloniki-Kastoria, 26-28 Nov. 1998: 42-43 (in coll. with H. Drinia).
Archaeo-palynology and the cultural landscape. Arch. Congress The Prehistoric research in Greece and its perspectives, Thessaloniki-Kastoria, 26-28 Nov. 1998: 27-28 (in coll. with K.Kouli).
The use of geosciences in prehistoric research: Mineral, Geochemical and micropaleontological analyses of archaeological findings. Arch. Congress The Prehistoric research in Greece and its perspectives, Thessaloniki-Kastoria, 26-28 Nov. 1998: 55-58 (in coll. with M.Stamatakis & M.Triantaphyllou).
Calcareous Nannofossil biostratigraphy and petrological analysis of the pre-evaporitic diatomaceous sediments from Gavdos island, Southern Greece. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Paleont. 3: 161-178 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Stamatakis, N. Tsaparas).
Paleogeographical and paleoenvironmental significance of the condensed sequences on Cefallinia island. Proc. of the 5th Geographical Congress, Athens, 11-13 Nov. 1999: 610-619 (in coll. with H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou, A. Antonarakou; in Greek).
The walnut (Juglans regia LINNE) in the area of the Balkan peninsula during Quaternary: natural or cultivated? Proc. of the 5th Geographical Congress, Athens, 11-13 Nov. 1999: 439-448 (in coll. with K. Kouli; in Greek).
Astronomical cycles and sedimentary sequences; Paleoclimatological applications. Proc. of the 5th Geographical Congress, Athens, 11-13 Nov. 1999: 610-619 (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou; in Greek).
Paleobiogeographical reconstruction of the Katharo Plain. Biologia Gallo-hellenika 25 (2): 157-186 (in coll. with P. Pavlakis, H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, Th. Tsourou).
The presence of fossil Mammals in Lesvos Island, NE Aegean Sea, and their palaeobiogeographical implications. DEINSEA 7: 113-120 (in coll. with H. Drinia).
Biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental determination of a marine Plio/Pleistocene outcrop in Cefallinia island. Geologie Mediterraneenne 26: 3-18 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, H. Drinia).
Geographical distributions of hydrocarbons and the type of depositional basins in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proc. of the 5th Geographical Congress, Athens 11-13 Nov. 1999: 581-590 (in coll. with V. Karakitsios, N. Roussos, N. Rigakis).
Paleogeographical evolution of the Ionian islands during Late Ceonozoic era. Proc. of the 6th Panionian Congress 1: 223-235 (in coll. with H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou; in Greek).
Stratigraphy and tectonosedimentary evolution of Zakynthos island. Proc. of the 6th Panionian Congress 1: 223-235 (in coll. with E. Lekkas, H. Drinia, M.Triantaphyllou; in Greek).
Study of the Late Miocene fauna of Faneromeni section, Eastern Crete. Biostratigraphical implications and cyclostratigraphical patterns. Proc. RCMNS Interim Colloquium, Patras 1998: 3-8 (in coll. with A. Antonarakou, H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou, N. Tsaparas).
Concretions, �geological creations of the nature� and legends. 8th Int. Cretological Congress, Herakleon, Sept. 9-14, 1996, A (1). Prehistoric and ancient Greek period: 373-386 (in coll. With H. Drinia; in Greek).
Colonisation of islands by Man with special reference to Crete. 8th Int. Cretological Congress, Herakleon, Sept. 9-14, 1996, A (1). Prehistoric and ancient Greek period: 387-408 (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar, J. de Vos, G.D. van den Bergh; in Greek).
University Museums. Character and function. Int. Symposium Museology in the 21st century, theory and application, 21- 24 Nov. 1997, Thessaloniki: 66-72, (in coll. with M.V. Triantaphyllou; in Greek).
The neotectonic structure of Ierapetra (Ag. Nikolaos) region. Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 38 (in coll. with Z.Karotsieris, S. Lozios).
Sedimentary facies analysis and Biostratigraphical implications of the continental-marine sediments of central-west Crete (Selli section, Rethymnon). Neues Jahrb. Geol. Paleont. 220 (2): 295-312 (in coll. with H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou).
Geological and Palaeogeographical evolution of Kos island and the surrounding area. Int. Congress on the History-Art-Archaeology of Kos island area, June 1997, Kos. Archaeognosia 1: 25-36 (in coll. with H. Drinia, K. Kyriakopoulos; in Greek).
Geological Observations on the ancient Palace of Tiryns and the adjacent area. Proc. of the Int. Congress on Archaeology and Heinrich Schliemann, a century after his death. Archaeognosia 11: 205-218 (in coll. with Z. Karotsieris, V. Tsapralis; in Greek).
Emersions of Crete from the Tethyan ocean during Geological Time. 8th Int. Cretological Congress, Herakleon, Sept. 9-14, 1996, ? (1): 17-23 (in coll. with V. Karakitsios; in Greek).
The presence of hydrocarbons on Crete island. 8th Int. Cretological Congress, Herakleon, Sept. 9-14, 1996, ? (1):127-137 (in coll. with N.Rigakis, Th. Nounisianos, V. Karakitsios, G.Anastasakis; in Greek).
The application of sedimentary facies environmental analysis in prehistoric research. Archaeognosia 11: 307-326 (in coll. with H. Drinia; in Greek).
Evolution of the brain of Plio/Pleistocene wolves. Cranium 18 (2): 30-40 (in coll. with G. Lyras, A. van der Geer).
Mediterranean Geology and Paleontology, Ecogeography of the Mediterranean region: 31-46. Scientific Institute of Environmental Research, Stohastis Editions, Athens (in coll. with H. Drinia; in Greek).
New tendencies and advances in modern stratigraphical research. Proc. of the 9th Int. Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 26-28 Sept. 2001. Bull. of the Greek Geol. Soc. 6 (in Greek).
Preliminary note on the Late Pliocene fauna from Vatera (Lesvos, Greece). Ann. Geol. du Pays Hellen. 39: 37-70 (in coll. with J. De Vos, J. Van der Made, A. Athanasiou, G. Lyras).
Conditions of development of a neogene temperate-type of sedimentation in a tropical-subtropical area (Rethymnon Formation, Eastern Crete, Greece). Sedimentary Geology 154: 147-157 (in coll. with F. Pomoni-Papaioannou, H. Drinia).
Holo- and Heterococcolithophorids (Calcareous Nannoplankton) in the gulf of Korthi (Andros island, Aegean sea, Greece) during late summer 2001. Revue de Paleobiologie 21 (1): 353-369 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Dimiza).
The presence of Holococcolithoporids (calcareous nannoplankton) in the marine ecosystems of Andros island (Aegean sea, Greece) during Aug. 2001. Implications for their use as environmental and paleoecological proxies. Proc. of the 5th Geographical Congress 1: 371-379 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Dimiza).
Application of paleoecological statistical methods based on benthic foraminifera for the determination of paleoenvironmental changes. Proc. of the 5th Geographical Congress 1: 54-61 (in coll. with M. Dimiza, H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, N. Tsaparas).
Coccolithophore regional dynamics in the coastal environments of Andros island (middle Aegean Sea) during summer 2001 and spring 2002. 9th Int. Nannoplankton Association Conference, 8-13 Sept. 2002, Parma. Journal of Nannoplankton Research 24 (2): 173-174 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Dimiza).
Planktonic foraminiferal ecozones: response of the pelagic environment to paleoclimatic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Proc. of the 1st Scientific Conference of EFMS and HO, Oceanographical aspects for a sustainable Mediterranean, Athens, Sept. 2002 (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou; as in CD-rom).
Naxos of today and yesterday - Geology and Climate. 2nd Sumposium Naxos through the Centuries, 3-7 Sept. 1997: 91-126 (in coll. with D. Nikolakis, H. Drinia; in Greek).
Brackish marsch benthic microfauna and paleoenvironmental changes during the last 6.000 years at the coastal plain of Marathon. Revista Italiana Paleontologia et Stratigrafia 109 (3): 539-547 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, K. Pavlopoulos, T. Tsourou; in English).
Epiphytal Ostracode and Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages: Investigating their role as environmental health proxies in the marine ecosystems of SE Andros Island (Middle Aegean Sea, Greece). Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Envir. Sc. Tech., Lemnos Isl., Greece, A: 879-887 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, T. Tsourou, O. Koukousioura).
Emiliania huxleyi dynamics in the summer coccolithophore assemblages of Andros island (Middle Aegean Sea) coastal environments: First results. Coccolithophores 2003, INA Workshop on extant Coccolithophorid research. GAIA 11: 47-50 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Dimiza).(
A new coccolithophore life-cycle association: Syracosphaera halldalii (heterococcolithophore) and Calyptrolithina divergens var. tuberosa (holococcolithophore). Coccolithophores 2003, INA Workshop on extant Coccolithophorid research. GAIA 11: 77-80 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Dimiza).
Planktonic foraminiferal ecozones: Response of the pelagic environment to paleoclimatic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean. Marine Mediterranean Science 4 (2): 31-38 (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou).
Syracosphaera halldalii and Calyptrolithina divergens var. tuberosa life-cycle association and relevant taxonomic remarks. In: Advances in the biology, ecology and taphonomy of extant calcareous nannoplankton (Ed. M.V. Triantaphyllou). Micropaleontology 50, supplement 1: 121-126 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Dimiza).
Foraminiferal sequence eco-biostratigraphy of the Middle-early Late Miocene Potamos Section from Gavdos island, Greece. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 249: 29-43 (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, N. Tsaparas, C. Doukas).
Assessment of micropaleontological sedimentary parameters as proxies of surface water properties in Gavdos Island, Eastern Mediterranean. Proc. 5th Int. Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, April 14-20, 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece: 455-457 (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, N.Tsaparas).
The phylogenetic position of raccoon dogs: Implications of their neuroanatomy. Proc. 5th Int. Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, April 14-20, 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece: 307-310 (in coll. with G. Lyras, A. van der Geer).
Foraminiferal record of environmental changes: preevaporitic diatomaceous sediments from Gavdos Island, southern Greece. 10th Int. Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 14-17 April, 2004, Thessaloniki: 455-457 (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, N. Tsaparas, G. Kontakiotis).
The mounting of a skeleton of the fossil species Candiacervus sp.II from Liko Cave, Crete, Greece. Proc. of the Int.Symposium Insular Vertebrate Evolution: The Palaeontological Approach. Monogafies de la Societat d�Historia Natural de les Balears 12:337-346 (in coll. with A. Van der Geer, J. De Vos, G. Lyras).
Foraminiferal and ostracod ecological patterns in coastal environments of SE Andros Island (Middle Aegean Sea, Greece). Revue de Micropaleontologie 48(4):279-302 (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, T. Tsourou, O. Koukousioura).
The Tortonian fish fauna of Gavdos Island (Greece). C.R. Palevol 4:687-695 (in coll. with J. Gaudant, N. Tsaparas, A. Antonarakou, H. Drinia).
The Pleistocene hippopotamids of the Katharo Plateau, Lasithi, Crete. Preliminary report. Proc. of the 2nd Pancretan Speleological Symposium, Heraklion, Crete, 29 May 2005: 53-57 (in coll. with P. Pavlakis, H. Drinia; in Greek).
Cynotherium sardous, an insular canid (Mammalia: Carnivora) from the Pleistocene of Sardinia (Italy), and its origin. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3): 735-745 (in coll. with G. Lyras, A. van der Geer, J. de Vos).
A new marine fish fauna from the pre-evaporitic Messinian of Gavdos island (Greece). Comptes Rendus Palevol. 5: 795-802 (in coll. with J. Gaudant, N. Tsaparas, A. Antonarakou, H. Drinia, S. Saint-Martin).
Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of Myrtoon and adjacent basins, Aegean Sea, Greece. Marine and Petroleum Geology 23: 353-369 (in coll. with G. Anastasakis, D. J.W. Piper, V. Karakitsios).
The unique Postcranial of the Old World Monkey Paradolichopithecus: more similar to Australopithecus than to Baboons. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences 41(1): 19-28. (in coll. with P. Sondaar, A. Van der Geer).
Relative growth of the metapodials in a juvenile island deer: Candiacervus (Mammalia, Cervidae) from the Pleistocene of Crete. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences 41(1): 119-125 (in coll. with A. Van der Geer, J. De Vos).
Paleopathological observations on a population of fossil deer from the Late Pleistocene of Creete. In: Volume in honour of Professor Andonis Koutselinis (eds. A. Kalofourtis, N. Papadopoulos, C. Spiliopoulou, K. Maravelias, A. Chatziioannou), Athens: pp. 43-51 (in coll. with A. Van der Geer, G. Lyras; in Greek).
New data on the Pleistocene Cretan deer Candiacervus sp. II (Cervidae, Mammalia). In: Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Proc. of the 18th Int. Senckenberg Conference (eds. R.-D. Kahlke, L.C. Maul, P. Mazza). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 256: 131-137 (in coll. with A. van der Geer, J. de Vos, G. Lyras).
Crete before the Cretans: the reign of dwarfs. Pharos 13: 121-132 (in coll. A. Van der Geer, J. De Vos).
Adaptations of the Pleistocene island canid Cynotherium sardous (Sardinia, Italy) for hunting small prey. Cranium 23 (1): 51-60 (in coll. with G. Lyras, A. van der Geer).
Fossil Folklore from India: The Siwalik Hills and the Mahabharata. Folkore 119: 71-92. London: The Folklore Society (in coll. with A. van der Geer, J. de Vos).
Dental eruption sequence in the Pliocene Papionini Paradolichopithecus arvernensis (Mammalia: Primates) from Greece. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28 (4): 1238-1244 (in coll. with A. van der Geer).
The origin of Homo floresiensis and its relation to evolutionary processes under isolation.Anthropological Science. Published online 1 August 2008 (in coll. with G. Lyras, A. van der Geer, S. van der Geer and J. de Vos).
Fossil medicines from snake eggs to Saint s bones; an overview. Special article. Calicut Medical Journal 2008; 6 (1): e8 (in coll. with A. van der Geer).
(in coll. with A. van der Geer).
Local Museistics: Geological and palaeontological museums as an emergent tool in Geodidactics. Proposed initiatives for sharing strategies across Southern Europe. XV Simposio sobre Enseñanza de la Geologia, Guadalajara, Spain, Julio 2008), (in coll. with G. Meléndez, J. Rodrigues, A. Calonge, G. Fermeli, M.D. López-Carrillo). (in Spanish with English summary).
Seasonality and ecology of living coccolithophores in Eastern Mediterranean coastal environments (Andros Island, Middle Aegean Sea). Micropaleontology, vol. 54 (2): 159-175 (in coll. with M. Dimiza, M. Triantaphyllou). (in English).
Vertical distribution and ecology of living coccolithophores in the marine ecosystems of Andros Island (Middle Aegean Sea) during late summer 2001. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, vol. 43: 7-20. (in coll. with M.Dimiza, M.Triantaphyllou). (in English).
Natural and cultural landscape of the Neolithic settlement of Dispilió: palynological results. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, vol. 43: 29-39. (in coll. with K.Kouli). (in English).
History, philosophy and application of global boundary stratotype sections and points. New revisions of geological time scale. Contribution of new stratigraphy-paleontology methods to the modern geological research 28-49. (in English).
The history of the Museum of Paleontology and Geology of the University of Athens in an evolutionary perspective. Proceedings of the international workshop on management of collections, museums and archaeological sites, Thessaloniki 2005, Mouseia, 05: 30-33. (in coll. with G. Lyras). (in greek)
What is Geological and Palaeontological Heritage? Unique Attributes Interest and Significance. Summer School Professional Development Program. Geological and Palaeontological Heritage. Retrieval, Conservation, Management and Display. Vrisa Lesvos, 21-26 August 2006. Postgraduate Course of Museums Studies: Athens. p.17-30.
Geology in the poetry of G.Seferis. In: Geo-Technes. Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (Ed.). p. 121-126.
The History and Development of the Geological Sciences. Summer School Professional Development Program. Geological and Palaeontological Heritage. Retrieval, Conservation, Management and Display. Vrisa Lesvos, 21-26 August 2006. Postgraduate Course of Museums Studies: Athens. (in coll. with G. Fermeli).
Palaeogeographic evolution of Kythira Island during Late Cenozoic. 1st International Conference of Kythira studies “Scientific research on Kythira Island” Kythira, 19-21 September 2003, p. 133-150 (in coll. with S.Roussiakis, K.Kouli), (in Greek with English abstract).
Geological past and climatic conditions of the broad area of the Saronikos Gulf.Proceedings of the 1st International Cinference of History and Archaeology of Argosaronikos, Poros, 26-29 June, 1998, vol. C, 423-440. (in coll with D. Nikolakis, H. Drinia, M.Triantaphyllou, S. Vasilopoulou, B. Kouskouna). (in Greek with English abstract).
Dental eruption sequence in the Pliocene papionin Paradolichopithecus arvernensis (Mammalia: Primates) from Greece. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28(4), pp.1238 - 1244. (in coll. with A.E.E. Van der Geer). (in English). DOI: 10.1671/0272-4634-28.4.1238.
Exomuseuns (site-based interpretation) and local museums: key educational activities for teaching Earth Science. Proposed iniciatives for sharing strageties across Europe. Proceedings of the 5th International ProGEO Symposium on Geoconservation of the Geological heritage and ProGEO Working Group 1 Annual Meeting, 1-5/10/2008, Rab island, Croatia, p52-53. (in coll. with Melendez, G., Page, K.N., Rodrigues, J., Calonge, A., Fermeli, G., Lopez-Carrillo, M. D.).
The digitized collections of the Museums of Geology and Palaeontology educational tools for school education. 33rd International Geological Congress, 6-14/8 Oslo- Norway, Vol. Abstracts, 1p. (in coll with Fermeli, G.).
El papel de los museos geológicos y paleontológicos locales como recurso geoturístico y didáctico: La red europea exomuseos. Libro de resumenes, XXIV Jornadas de la Sociedad Espanola de Paleontologia, Museo del Jurasico de Asturias (MUJA), Colunga, 15-18 octubre 2008, p.152-153 (in coll with Meléndez, G., Calonge, A., Fermeli, G., López-Carrillo, M.D. y Rodrigues, J.). (in Spanish).
Using Planktonic Foraminifera Mg/Ca ratios to detect a double temperature - salinity trend in the Aegean Sea. Registry of climatic changes in marine and terrestrial sediments: Workshop of the Geological Society of Greece, 6 March 2009, Athens, Book of Abstracts, p. 13-14. (in coll. with Kontakiotis, G., Antonarakou, A., Triantaphyllou, M.V., Mortyn, P.G., Martinez-Boti, M.A.).
Assessing the salinity effect on planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca: Evidence from Aegean Sea core-top samples (Eastern Mediterranean). European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna April 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.11, EGU2009-1301 (in coll. with Kontakiotis, G., Antonarakou, A., Mortyn, P.G., Triantaphyllou, M.V., Martínez‐botí, M.À.)
Biostratigraphy and paleoecological implications of calcareous microfossils in the Afales section (Oligocene), Ithaki Island, western Greece. 13th Congress RCMNS, Earth System Evolutionand the Mediterranean area from 23Ma to the present, 2‐6 September 2009, Naples, Acta Naturalia de “L’Ateneo Pamense”, vol, 45, 1/4, p. 197‐198 (in coll. with Drinia, H., Antonarakou, A., Triantaphyllou, M.V., Tsaila Monopolis, S.).
Zanclean‐Piacenzian climate variability in the eastern Mediterranean (Pissouri basin, Cyprus Island). 13th Congress RCMNS, Earth System Evolutionand the Mediterranean area from 23Ma to the present, 2‐6 September 2009, Naples, Acta Naturalia de “L’Ateneo Pamense”, vol, 45, 1/4, p. 270 (in coll. with Triantaphyllou, M.V., Antonarakou, A., Drinia, H., Lourens, L., Ziveri, P., Dimiza, M., Kontakiotis, G., Tsolakis, E., Theodorou, G.).
The marine microfossil record of past climatic changes in Eastern Mediterranean. International Symposium “Mineralogy and Geodiversity” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Dr. Emil Constantinescu, Bucharest, 30-31. October 2009, Romanian Journal of Mineralogy, vol. 84. (in coll. with Drinia, H., Antonarakou, A.).
Μulti proxy evidence for climatic variability during late glacial – Ηolocene in the south ‐ eastern aegean sea. “Registry of climatic changes in marine and terrestrial sediments:, Workshop of the Geological Society of Greece, 6 March 2009, Athens, Book of Abstracts, p. 2-3.(in coll. with M.V. Triantaphyllou, Α. Αντοναrakou, P. Ziveri, A. Gogou, G. Marino, V, Lykousis, I. Bouloubassi, K.-C. Emeis, K. Kouli, M. Dimiza, A. Rosell-Melé, M. Papanikolaou, G. Kontakiotis, V. Lianou, G. Katsouras, N. Nunez). (in English).
Desdemona and Cassio - a crime of passion? - Pleistocene Violence as a possible interpretation of the double skull burial at the cave site of Apidima, South Peleponnese, Greece. Proc. 2nd Intern. Congress of Anthropology, Athens-Areopolis-Sparta 5-10.6.2006. p. 117-121 (in coll. with Pitsios Th., Zafiri V., Panos A.).
Planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca as a proxy for paleoceanographic reconstruction during deposition of Holocene S1 sapropel in Aegean Sea. Proceedings of 9th Symposium on Oceanography and Fishery I: 73-78, (in coll. with Kontakiotis G., Antonarakou A., Triantaphyllou M.V., Mortyn P.G., Bouloubassi, I., Gogou, A., Katsouras, G., Lykoussis V., Martinez-Botim À.).
The origin of Homo floresiensis and its relation to evolutionary processes under isolation. Anthropological Science, vol. 117(1), p. 33-43. (in coll. with G.A. Lyras, A.A.E. Van Der Geer, S.B. Van der Geer, J. De Vos) (in English).
Palynological investigation of Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the coastal plain of Marathon (Attica, Greece). Geobios, 42: 43-51. (in coll. with Kouli, K., Triantaphyllou, M., Pavlopoulos, K., Tsourou, Th.,Karkanas, P.) (in English). DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2008.07.004.
Benthic foraminifera trends associated with turbidite-like events from the early late Miocene deposits of Gavdos island, Greece. The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. (Vol. 118, p. 183-196, Mosca), (in coll. with H. Drinia). (in English).
Nannoplankton assemblages and benthic microfauna acting as environmental health proxies in coastal ecosystems: preliminary results from Andros island (Central Aegean Sea). 9th Hellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fishery, Proceedings, vol.II: 1330-1335. (in coll. with Dimiza M.D., Tsourou, T., Triantaphyllou, M.V., Koukousioura, O.). (in English).
Formation and Evolution of Meteora Conglomerates. 3o Historical Congress of Kalampaka, 7-9/09/07. (in coll. with H. Drinia, G. Fermeli). (in Greek).
Late Glacial–Holocene ecostratigraphy of the south-eastern Aegean Sea based on plankton and pollen assemblages. Geo-Marine Letters, 29 (4), pp. 249-267. (in coll with M.V. Triantaphyllou, A. Antonarakou, K. Kouli, M. Dimiza, G. Kontakiotis, M.D, Papanikolaou, P. Ziveri, P.G. Mortyn, V. Lianou, V. Lykousis) (in English).
Lower Pliocene (Zanclean) regressive sequence of Rafina near Pikermi in Attica, Greece: A spectacular locality of mass-aggregated giant balanid cirripedes. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, 44, 9 - 19 (in coll. with Radwanska, U., Radwanski, A., Drinia, H.).
Palaeontological Geotopes as a key heritage educational instrument in Palaeontology. XXVa Jornadas de la Sociedad española de Paleontología, Ronda - Spain, 23-26/09/2009, vol. Abstracts, 4p. (in coll. with Meléndez, G., Escorihuela, J. and Fermeli, G).
The status of stratigraphy in the 21st century. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XLIII, N.1, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress, Patras, May, 2010, pp. 86-91. (in English).
The response of benthic foraminifera to palaeoenvironmental disturbance: A quantitative approach in turbidite-like successions. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen , 258 (3), pp. 325-338. (in coll. with Drinia, H.). (in English).
Contributions to European Pollen Da tabase: Lake Orestiás (Kastoria, northern Greece). Grana, 49 (2), pp. 154-156. (in coll. with Kouli, K.). (in English).
Paleoenvironmental changes since 3000 BC in the coastal marsh of Vravron (Attica, SE Greece). Quaternary International, 216 (1-2), pp. 14-22, (in coll. with Triantaphyllou, M.V., Kouli, K., Tsourou, T.,Koukousioura, O., Pavlopoulos, K.,). (in English).
Paleobathymetric interpretation of the fish otoliths from the lower - middle quaternary deposits of kephallonia and Zakynthos islands (Ionian Sea, Western Greece). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 116 (1), pp. 63-78, (in coll. with Agiadi, K., Triantaphyllou, M., Girone, A., Karakitsios, V.). (in English)
Paleogeographical evolution and relative sea level changes in the coastal zone of Acarnania at Holocene. Scientific Conference on "Acheloos Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow: Helping protect the environment and culture of Aitoloakarnania". (in coll. with H. Drinia) (in Greek).
The contribution of museums digitalized palaeontological collections to the scientific literacy of compulsory education students: The case of an interactive multimedia production of the Palaeontological and Geological Museum of the University of Athens. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XLIII, N.2, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress, Patras, May, 2010, pp. 978-988. (in coll. with Fermeli, G.).
A Geological journey from the place to the time, application for the students in the high school. 2ο Greek Conferance of the Scientific Education, 27-30 May 2010, Athens. Abstract vol, pp. 208. (in coll. with Fermeli, G.). (in Greek and English).
Pedagocic and didactic in the place of Natural Studies. To Kapodistriako, 1-5-2010, pp.2. (in coll. with Fermeli, G.). (in Greek).
a. Geoschools: Innovative teaching of geosciences in secondary schools and raising awareness on geoheritage in the society. In: Fernandez-Martinez, E. y Castano de Luis, R. (Eds.). Avances y retos en la conservacion del Patrimonio Geologico en Espana. Actas de la IX Reunion Nacional de la Comision de Patrimonio Geologico (Sociedad Geologica de Espana). Universidad de Leon, 120-124. (in coll. with Fermeli, G., Melendez, G., Calonge, A., Steining er, F., Koutsouveli, A., Neto de Carvalho, C., Rodrigues, J., D'Arpa, C. and Di Patti, C.).
b. Geoschools: La ensenanza innovadora de las ciencias de la Tierra en la escuela secundaria y la concienciacion sobre el patrimonio geologico de la sociedad.
Geoschools, A modern approach for teaching geosciences in secondary schools. Prima Conferenza Internazionale COMENIUS del Progetto NETS-EU, La cooperazione europea nell’Educazione non formale delle Scienze, Citta della Scienza, Napoli 13-14 Ottobre 2011. (In coll. with Fermeli, G., D'Arpa, C., Di Patti, C., Melendez, G., Calonge, A., Steininger, F., Koutsouveli, A., Neto de Carvalho, C. and Rodrigues, J.).
Geoschools project. Conferencia Geoescolas: novas praticas no ensino das Geociencias, Geopark Naturtejo, Idanha-a-Nova, 5-6 de Novembro de 2011, Livro de Resumos, 6-7. (In coll. with Fermeli, G., Melendez, G., Steininger, F., Calonge, A., Carvalho, C., N., Rodrigues J., Koutsouveli, A., D’Arpa C., Di Patti, C.).
Geoschools - teaching geosciences in secondary schools. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-13249-3, 1 p. (in coll. with Fermeli, G., Steininger, F., Melendez, G., Calonge, A., D’Arpa, C., Di Patti, C., Koutsouveli, An., Neto de Carvalho, C., Rodrigues, J.). (in English).
Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Proceedings of Scientific Congress “Charles Darwin. His life and his scientific work”, Athens 19-20.12.2009, p. 49-71 (in coll.with Pitsios, Th.).
Geoschools: Un Approccio moderno per l’insegnamento delle Geoscienze nella scuola secondaria. Giornate di Paleontologia XII edizione – Catania, 24-26 Maggio 2012. (in coll. with D’Apra, C., Di Patti, C., Fermeli, G., Meléndez, G., Calonge, A., Steininger, F., Koutsouveli, A., Neto De Carvalho, C., & Rodrigues, J.).
Preliminary results from a statistical interest research on geosciences content and teaching strategies in secondary schools in Greece and Spain. In: A. M. Sarmiento, M. Cantano & G. R. Almodóvar (Eds.)Comunicaciones del XVII Simposio sobre Enseñanza de la Geología, 39-47, Huelva. (in coll. with Fermeli, G., Meléndez, G., Calonge, A., Steininger, F. & Makridis, G.). (in English).
Das Geoschools Projekt der Europäischen Union. In: G. Friedl und H. Steyrer mit Unterstützung von Cl. Esterbauer und dem Organisationskommittee (Eds). Absracts geo.wissenschaft PLUS praxis. PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012, 15-20/9/2012, 129, Salzburg. (in coll. with Steininger, F. F., Fermeli, G., Melendez, G., Calonge, A., D‘Arpa, C., Di Patti, C., Koutsouveli, An., Neto De Carvalho, C. & Rodrigues, J.).
Using planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to detect a double temperature salinity influence in the Aegean Sea. Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, CD, 11pp. (full paper). (in coll. with Kontakiotis, G., Antonarakou, A., Triantaphyllou, M.V., Mortyn, P.G. & MARTÍNEZ -Boti, M.À.).
The evolution of motion mechanism of man and the orthopaedic problems related to it. In: Honorary Volume for Professor Demetrius St. Korres. Konstantaras Medical Publications, p.71-76. (in Greek).
Geocultural itinerary in Aegina. In: 3rd GEOschools Conference: “Teaching geosciences in Europe from Primary to Secondary School”, Athens, pp.32 (in coll. with Fermeli, G., Koutsouveli, A.). (in English).
Caves and fossils: Palaeontology in Greek caves and fissures. In: Stable places and changing perceptions: Cave Archaeology in Greece, 83-98, Archaeopress, Oxford, England. (in coll. with A.A.E. van der Geer).
Geoscience Teaching and Student Interest in Secondary Schools-Preliminary Results from an Interest Research in Greece, Spain and Italy. Geoheritage, 12pp. (in coll. with Fermeli, G., Meléndez, G., Koutsouveli, An., Calonge, A., D’Arpa, C., & Di Patti, C.) (in English).
Geoschools: Teaching Geosciences in Europe from Primary to Secondary school”. In: 3rd Geoschools Conference: “Teaching geosciences in Europe from Primary to Secondary School”. Eds: G. Fermeli, M. Dermitzakis, G. Meléndez. Publ. Seminario de Paleontología de Zaragoza, 11, 15-20, Zaragoza. (in coll. with Fermeli, G.). (in English).
Geoschools Interest research on Geosciences content and teaching strategies in secondary schools in Europe. In: 3rd Geoschools Conference: “Teaching geosciences in Europe from Primary to Secondary School”. Eds: G. Fermeli, M. Dermitzakis, G. Meléndez. Publ. Seminario de Paleontología de Zaragoza, 11, 25-30, Zaragoza. (in coll. with Fermeli, G., Makridis, G., Steininger, F., Koutsouveli, An., Meléndez, G., Calonge, A., D’Arpa, C., Di Patti, C., Neto De Carvalho C. & Rodrigues, J.). (in English).
First evidence of Palms in the island of Crete, Southern Greece. 14th RCMNS Congress on Neogene to Quaternary Geological Evolution of Mediterranean, Paratethys and Black Sea, 8-12 Sept. 2013, Instabul (in coll. with D. Velitzelos, A. Antonarakou, T. Denk, G. Kontakiotis).
The conglomerates of Meteora: a world heritage monument. Submitted to Geoheritage. (in coll. with Fermeli, G. and Drinia, H.).
The fossil mammals of Milos island and the adjacent areas and their significance to the better understanding of insular environment. (in press) (in coll. with G. Lyras and M. Psychogiou).
On the first occurrence of the palm-tree Sabal major (UNGER 1852) HEER in the Pliocene of Greece (submitted). Documenta Naturae. (in coll. with Velitzelos, E., Drinia, H., Butzman, R.)
Live and dead benthic foraminiferal assemblages from coastal environments of the Aegean Sea (Greece): distribution and diversity Revue de Micropaleontologie doi:10.1016/j.revmic.2015.10.002, Available online 8 December 2015 (in collabotarion with Margarita D. Dimiza, Olga Koukousioura, Maria V. Triantaphyllou).
Paleopathological observations on the Pleistocene Proboscideans of Megalopolis (Central Peloponnese, Greece). International Journal of Paleopathology (in press) (in coll. with Lyras, G. and Van der Geer, A.A.)
Geodiversity and Geo-tourism: a contribution to the local sustainable growth. Heritage, vol.15, 2012 (in coll. with Fermeli, G.)..
The minerals, the mammals and the geomorphological evolution of Naxos island: proposals for the establishment of a geo – cultural and geo – archaeological park. (in press). (in coll. with Stamatakis, M. and Fermeli, G.).
Giants, Dragons and Saints. Myth and reality in Geology. Submitted to Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. (in coll. with Van der Geer, A.A. and Lyras, G.A.)
The middle Miocene mammalian fauna of Chios island (Greece). Submitted to Geobios (in coll. with Rousakis, S. and Tsourou, Th.).
Classification of Gems and Minerals by Saint Epifanios: an early attempt, a medieval approach to classify the natural world. (in press) (in coll. with Tzirakis, N. and Katerinopoulos, Ath.).
The study of specifications for the promotion and protection of monuments of nature: pilot application on the excavation on the plateau of Katharo, Crete. Submitted to The Museum. (in coll. with Dermitzaki, Aik.and Doxanaki, An.).