1. Biostratigraphic observations of the Late Cenozoic invertebrate fauna from the Aegean region. Abst. 26e Congres, Geologique Internationale, p.224, 1980, Paris (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia). (in English).
B.R.G.M. & C.N.R.S. (1980) -Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres et Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Bibliographie des Sciences de la Terre. Paleontologie. Bulletin Signaletique, vol. 41, No 1, Orléans.
p. 5, 5, 1, 8.
ΝΤΡΙΝΙΑ, Χ. (1998) - Ιζηματογένεση στον Ανώτερο Καινοζωικό αιώνα της Δυτικής Κρήτης - Λεκάνη των Αποστόλων (Ρέθυμνο). Διδακτορική διατριβή. ΓΑΙΑ 4, σελ. 221.
σελ. 48.
Dimiza M. (2001) - Contribution to the ecostratigrphic and paleoecologic study of the Upper Pliocene sediments of Greece (Crete, Zakynthos, Cephallynia). Master of Science thesis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 140p., Athens
KONTAKIOTIS, G., (2004) - Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental determination of the Upper Miocene preevaporitic deposits of Gavdos island, based on benthic and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages.Master of Science Thesis, University of Athens, 162 pp.
TSAPARAS, N., (2005) - Contribution to the history of sedimentation of the Upper Cenozoic marine formations in Gavdos Island. PhD Thesis, University of Athens.
2. The Aegean Arc during Burdigalian and Messinian: a comparison. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions, vol. 27, fasc. 8, p. 93-95, 1981, Symposium Geodynamique region Mediterrannee, C.I.E.S.M., Kagliari.(in coll. with D. Papanikolaou). (in English).
RÖGL. F. & F. F. STEININGER (1983) - Vom Zerfall der Tethys zu Mediterran und Peratethys. Die Neogene Palaeogeographie und Palinspastik des zirkum-mediterranen Raumes. Ann. Natur hist. Mus. Wien, vol.85/A, S. 135-163, Wien.
p. 155, 163.
STAMATAKIS, M.G. (1989) - A boron-bearing potassium feldspar in volcanic ash and tuffaceous rocks from Miocene lake deposits, Samos island, Greece. Am. Mineral., 74, 230-235.
ΜΠΑΣΙΑΚΟΣ, Ι. (1993) - Χρονολόγηση απολιθωμάτων σπηλαίων και σπηλαιοαποθεμάτων με τη μέθοδο του συντονισμού της ηλεκτρονικής στροφορμής και μελέτη μορφολογίας υπόγειου καρστ και των σχετικών ραδιομετρικών και γεωλογικών συνθηκών σε σπηλαιοπεριβάλλοντα της περιοχής Δυρού Μάνης. Διδακτορική διατριβή, Παν/μιο Αθηνών, σελ.380.
σελ. 230.
ΦΟΥΝΤΟΥΛΗΣ, Ι. (1994) - Νεοτεκτονική εξέλιξη της κεντροδυτικής Πελοποννήσου. Διδακτορική διατριβή, Παν/μιο Αθηνών, σελ. 226.
3. Provenance of Messinian clastics along the north rim of Mediterranean basins. Rapports et proces-verbaux des Reunions, vol. 27, fasc. 8, p.104-105, 1981, Symposium Geodynamique region Mediterranee, C.I.E.S.M., Cagliari. (in coll. with P. Sonnenfeld, P. Hudec). (in English).
BIZON, G. & N. LYBERIS, (1981) - Coal: Classification, coalification, mineralogy, trace-element chemistry etc., Amsterdam
COUSTEAU, J.-Y. (1981) - Rapports et Procès - Verbaux des Réunions. Commission Intern. pour l' exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée, Vol. 27, fasc. 8, Monaco.
p. 6, 14, 93, 95.
4. Major changes from the last stage of the Hellenides to the actual Hellenic Arc and Trench system. Internat. Symposium on the Hellenic Arc and Trench (H.E.A.T.), Collected abstracts April 8-10, 1981, p. 77-78, 1981, Athens. (in coll. with D. Papanikolaou). (in English).
ΠΑΥΛΙΔΗΣ, Σ. & Δ. ΜΟΥΝΤΡΑΚΗΣ (1986) - Νεοτεκτονική. Εισαγωγή στη μελέτη των πρόσφατων Γεωλογικών Δομών. University Studio Press, σελ. 135, Θεσσαλονίκη.
p. 85, 134.
ΛΕΚΚΑΣ, Ε.Λ. (1987) - Γεωλογική δομή και γεωδυναμική εξέλιξη της οροσειράς του Κόζιακα (Δυτική Θεσσαλία). Διδακτορική διατριβή, Παν/μιο Αθηνών, σελ. 274
p. 264, 272
ΚΟΥΣΚΟΥΝΑ-ΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΑΡΟΥ, Β. (1991) - Παράγοντες που τροποποιούν την εξασθένιση των εντάσεων στην Κεντρική Ελλάδα και συμβολή στην αποτύπωση της σεισμικής επικινδυνότητας. Διδακτορική διατριβή, Παν/μιο Αθηνών, σελ. 276.
p. 21, 257
ΤΣΙΠΟΥΡΑ-ΒΛΑΧΟΥ, Μ. (1991) - Ορυκτολογική πετρολογική γεωχημική μελέτη ιζηματογενών σχηματισμών γεώτρησης βάθους 2000 μέτρων στη περιοχή Κατακώλου Ηλείας. Διδακτορική διατριβή, Παν/μιο Αθηνών. Σελ. 327.
σελ. 20, 22, 23.
DRIVALIARI, A. (1993) - Images polliniques et paléoenvironnements au Néogène Supérieur en Méditerranée orientale. Aspects climatiques et paléogeographiques d’ un transect latitudinal (de la Roumanie au delta du Nil).Thèse, Université Montpellier II, Sciences et techniques du Languedoc, pp.333, Montpellier.
p.71, 317.
ΡΟΥΣΙΑΚΗΣ, Σ. (1996) - Συμβολή στη μελέτη των ευρημάτων των θηλαστικών εκ των ανασκαφών της τυπικής θέσεως του Πικερμίου. Διδακτορική διατριβή, Παν/μιο Αθηνών, σελ. 259.
σελ. 243
ΝΤΡΙΝΙΑ, Χ. (1998) - Ιζηματογένεση στον Ανώτερο Καινοζωικό αιώνα της Δυτικής Κρήτης - Λεκάνη των Αποστόλων (Ρέθυμνο). Διδακτορική διατριβή. ΓΑΙΑ 4, σελ. 221.
σελ. 41, 50.
5. Relation Migration Landvertebrates, Paleogeography and Tectonics. International Symposium on the Hellenic Arc and Trench (H.E.A.T.), Collected abstracts April 8-10, p.101-103, 1981, Athens. (in coll. with P.Y. Sondaar). (in English).
ΑΖΖΑRΟLΙ, Α. (1982) - Insularity and its Effects on Terrestrial Vertebrates: Evolutionary and Biogeographic Aspects. Proceedings of the 1st Intern. Meeting on "Paleontology, Essential of Historical Geology" held in Venice, 2-4 June 1982, p. 176-210, Modena.
p. 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 210, 210, 210, 210, 210.
B.R.G.M. & C.N.R.S. (1982) - Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières et Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Bibliographie des Sciences de la Terre. Paléontologie. Bulletin Signalétique, vol. 43, No 9, Orléans.
p. 43, 1807.
REYNNENT, R. A. (1983) - Paleontological aspects of island biogeography: colonization and evolution of mammals on Meditterranean island. Oikos, vol.41, p. 299-306.
p. 301, 302, 305, 306
PALOMBO, M.R. (1986) - I grandi mammiferi Pleistocenici delle isole del Mediterraneo: tempi e vie di migrazione. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, vol.24(2-3), 1985, p. 201-224, Modena.
p. 204, 204, 207, 213, 213, 213, 214, 214, 215, 215, 215, 217, 217, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220.
ΝΤΡΙΝΙΑ, Χ. (1998) - Ιζηματογένεση στον Ανώτερο Καινοζωικό αιώνα της Δυτικής Κρήτης - Λεκάνη των Αποστόλων (Ρέθυμνο). Διδακτορική διατριβή. ΓΑΙΑ 4, σελ. 221.
σελ. 48.
REUMER, W.F., & J. de Vos, (1999) - Short biography and bibliography of Paul Y.Sondaar, Deinsea, 7:3-20, Rotterdam.
p. 8,9,10, 11,12,17,18.
6. Mediterranean currents and their bedload in the upper Miocene. Symposium of Geological Association of Canada, vol.6, p.A-65, 1981, Calgary. (in coll. with P. Sonnenfeld, P. Hudec, M. Davis). (in English).
B.R.G.M. & C.N.R.S. (1982) - Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières et Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Bibliographie des Sciences de la Terre. Paléontologie. Bulletin Signalétique, vol. 43, No 4, Orléans.
p. 33, 33, 829, 829.
7. Heavy minerals as Provenance indicators in gypsiferous sandstones. Intern. Meeting Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 28-30, 1982, "The geological evolution of the eastern Mediterranean", abstract, 1982, Edinburg. (in coll. with P. Sonnenfeld, P. Hudec). (in English).
8. Neogene Paleogeography in the Central Aegean. Collected Abstracts of VIIIth Int. Neogene Congress, September 15-22, 1985, p.122-123, Budapest. (in coll. with H. Boger) (in English).
NIKOΛAOY, K. (1987) - Πρόταση για δύο θέσεις γεωτρήσεων στα βαθειά νερά στην περιοχή δυτικά της Λευκάδας και Πρέβεζας (Ιόνιο Πέλαγος, Δ. Ελλάδα). Οcean Drilling Project, σελ. 14, Αθήνα.
p. 12.
DOADRIO, I. & J.A.CARMONA, (1998) - Divergence in Greek populations of genus Leuciscus and its evolutionary and biogeographical implications, Journal of Fish Biology, 53(3): 591-613.
9. Biozonation of Upper Cenozoic Invertebrate Megafaunas in the Hellenic area. Coll. Abstracts VIIIth Intern. Neogene Congress, September 15-22, p.179-180, 1985, Budapest. (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia). (in English).
KOSKERIDOU, Ε., (1997) - The Neogene Turritellidae of Greece. University of Athens, Ph.D. Τhesis, Gaia, 3, pp. 210.
σελ. 100, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 122, 123.
10. Late Cenozoic Faunal Evolution of the South Aegean island Arc. Coll. Abstracts VIIIth Intern. Neogene Congress, September 15-22, p.520-522, 1985, Budapest. (in coll. with P. Sondaar, J. De Vos). (in English).
MARTIN, D. S. (1986) - Refuting Late Pleistocene Extinction ed. D.K. Elliott, New York.
p. 114, 128.
11. Petrology and Diagenetic changes in a Diatom-rich Tertiary Marine formation from Zakynthos Island, Greece. 1st International Conference on Siliceous deposits, Dubrovnik, 7-12 September 1986, Collected Abstracts, Yugoslav Committee for I.C.C.P. project 187, p. 110. Dubrovnik, (in coll. with M. Stamatakis, A. Economou, A. Magganas) (in English).
LEKKAS E. (1994) - Geoenvironmental problems in Zakynthos Island, Bull. Geol. Soc. of Greece, vol. 30,4, p. 65-79.
p. 66, 71, 78, 79.
12. First order Correlations between Nannoplankton and Microplankton associations of some Mediterranean sections. Third Symposium on the Geology of Libya, September, 1986, Collected Abstracts, Tripolis. (in coll. with S. Theodoridis) (in English).
13. The First Greek Stamp with Paleontological subject. First Exibition of Cretan stamps, Herakleon Philotelic Club, October 25 - November 2, 1986, Herakleon. (Poster presentation) (in Greek).
14. Foraminifera as Indicators of Pollution in Marine Environments: An example from Keri-Gulf Zakynthos Island (W. Greece). 2nd International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera, Vienna, 23-28 June 1986, Vienna. (Poster presentation). (in coll. with P. Alafousou), (in English).
15. Petrology and Silica minerals Neoformation in the Lower Miocene Sediments of Ionian Islands, Greece. 3rd European Geoscience Congress, April 13-16, Collected abstracts, 1987, Strasbourg. Terra Cognita, vol. 7, No 1, p. 72, 1987, Strasbourg. (in coll. with M. Stamatakis, A. Magganas, M. Vlachou) (in English).
16. Early Man and Mammals in the Mediterranean and their Effect on the Environment, 3rd European Geoscience congress, April 13-16, (Collected Abstracts), 1987, Strasbourg, Terra cognita, vol. 7. No 2-3, p. 218, April 1987, Strasbourg. (in coll. with P. Y. Sondaar) (in English).
REUMER, W.F., & J. de Vos, (1999) - Short biography and bibliography of Paul Y. Sondaar, Deinsea, 7:3-20, Rotterdam.
p. 8,9,10, 11,12,17,18.
17. Biostratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the southeastern part of Zakynthos island (W. Greece) during the Plio-Pleistocene. Inter. Colloquium "Evolution climatique dans le domaine Mediterraneen au Neogene" R.C.M.N.S., Montpellier - Barcelone, Septembre 21-25, 1987, Coll. abstracts. p. 28, Montpellier. (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia). (in English).
TRIANTAPHYLLOU, M.V. (1996) - Biostratigraphical and ecostratigraphical observations based on calcareous nannofossils, of the eastern Mediterranean Plio-Pleistocene deposits. Gaia, 1, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, pp. 229.
σελ. 25, 28, 31.
TRIANTAPHYLLOU, M. (1998) - Revised biostratigraphy based on calcareous nannofossils of the Citadelle section, Zakynthos island, Greece. Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 20, 1, p. 31-37.
p.31, 34,35.
Dimiza M. (2001) - Contribution to the ecostratigrphic and paleoecologic study of the Upper Pliocene sediments of Greece (Crete, Zakynthos, Cephallynia). Master of Science thesis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 140p., Athens
18. Myths and Geological Phaenomena in Peloponnesus. 2nd Congress of the Arcadian Academy, August 1988, Tripolis, Peloponnesus. (in Greek).
19. Geological Observations on the ancient Palace of Tiryns and the adjacent area. Collected Abstracts, Archaeology and Heinrich Schliemann, a century after his death, Athens, 14-22 April, 1990, p.1-16. (in coll. with Z. Karotzieris, E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia, V. Tsapralis). (in English with Greek summary).
20. Gavdos Island: Sedimentological and Stratigraphic evidence for the earliest Serravallian, South - Aegean Sea domain deep basin. Abstracts IX Congress of Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy, Barcelona November 19-24, 1990, p.1-2, Insitut Paleontologic Dr. M. Crusafont, Barcelona. (in coll.with G.Anastasakis, M.Triantaphyllou). (in English).
21. Late Neogene evolution of the Myrtoon Sea and the Saronikos Gulf areas. Abstracts IX Congress of Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy, Barcelona November 19-24, 1990, p.23-24, Institut Paleontologic Dr. M. Crusafont, Barcelona. (in coll. with G. Anastasakis, E. Georgiades - Dikeoulia). (in English).
22. Contribution to the Geology of the main Minerals of the Crete island. VIIth International Cretological Congress, 25-31 August, 1991, Rethymnon, p.13, collected Abstracts. (in coll. with E. Georgiades-Dikeoulia, M.Stamatakis) (in Greek).
23. Neotectonic and Recent Deformation of Crete. VIIth International Cretological Congress, 25-31 August 1991, Rethymnon, p.23, Collected Abstracts. (in coll.with V. Karakitsios, E. Lagios). (in English).
24. Pliocene diatomaceous rocks from north Iraklion province, Crete, Greece. VI Flint International Symposium, Madrid, collected abstracts, p.100-103 (in coll. with M.Stamatakis, E.Elizaga &J.P.Calvo) (in English).
25. Biogenic Siliceous sediments as a source material for the Authigenesis of Silica Polymorphs Zeolites and Barite. A study case from Tertiary Porcelanitic rocks of Greece. IVth Hellenic Symposium of Oceanography, Rhodes 24-29, April 1993. (in coll. with A.C. Magganas, M.G. Stamatakis, K.G. Kyriakopoulos). (in English).
26. Routes during the Paleolithic period in the Saronic And Myrtoon sea based on Geological evidence. First International Conference “ The Paleolithic of Greece and the adjacent areas” I.CO.PA.G., Jannena, September 7-11, 1994, (Collected Abstract),p. 40-41. (In coll. with E.Georgiades-Dikeoulia, G. Kourtessi- Phillipakis). (in English).
27. Contribution to the Geological Evolution of Dyros region (Lakonia district) the last 400.000 years. First Intern. Conference "The Paleolithic of Greece and the Adjacent Areas" I.CO.PA.G., September 7-11, 1994. , (Collected Abstracts), p. 53-54. (In coll. with J. Basiakos). (in Greek)
LAX, E. M. (1995) – Quaternary Faunal remains from the Cave site of Apidima (Laconia, Greece). Acta Anthropologica, 1, 1995, p. 127-156.
p. 150, 152.
28. Natural hazards in ancient Greek writings: a case study on Pausanias “Ellados Periegesis” XXIV European Seismological Commission, 19-24 September, 1994, p. 133, (Collected Abstracts), p.133, Athens. (in coll. with V. Kouskounas, K. Makropoulos, K. Kouli). (in English).
29. First order correlations of some Mediterranean upper Miocene sections. 7th Intern. Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, May 25-27 1994. (collected abstracts) p. 80. (in coll. with M. V. Triantaphyllou ). (in English)
30. Sedimentary History of Prina Compex, Ierapetra basin, Crete. An overview. 7th Intern. Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, May 25-27 1994. (collected abstracts), p. 81. (in coll. with H. Drinia). (in English)
31. Quantitative Micropaleontological Analysis and Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Pliocene deposits in South Kerkyra. 7th Intrn. Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, May 25-27 1994. (collected abstracts), p.92. (in coll. with M. V. Triantaphyllou and H. Drinia). (in English).
32. Tertiary Porcelanites from Greece: Mineralogical and Geochemical data. First International Limno-geological Congress, August 21-25, 1995, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Collected Abstracts, p.75 (in coll. with A, Magganas, M. Stamatakis, K. Kyriakopoulos). (in English).
33. The Plio-Pleistocene boundary in Gerakas section, Zakynthos (Ionian Islands). Biostratigraphic and Paleoecological observations. Xth Congress RCMNS Bucuresti, Collected abstracts, vol. 1, p. 245, 1995. (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, H. Drinia). (in English).
34. The Miocene phosphogenic episode of Mediterranean: Paleogeographic and Paleoclimatic conditions. Correlation with the Cretaceous-Eocene phosphogenic episode of Tethys. Xth Congress RCMNS Bucuresti, Collected abstracts, vol. 3, p.253-254 , 1995. (in coll. with F. Pomoni-Papaioannou). (in English).
STAMATAKIS, M.G. (2004) - Phosphate deposits of Neogene age in Greece. Mineralogy, geochemistry and genetic implications. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, Volume 64, Issue 4, Pages 329-357.
35. Geohistorical evolution of Palms in the Aegean area. 8th International Cretological Congress, Herakleon, September 9-14, 1996, (Collected Abstracts) p.154. (in coll. with E. Velitzelos). (in Greek).
36. Concretions, “geological creations of the nature” and legends. 8th International Cretological Congress, Herakleon, September 9-14, 1996, p.38, (Collected Abstracts). (in coll. With H. Drinia) (in Greek).
37. Emersion of Crete island from Tethys Ocean through Geological Time. 8th International Cretological Congress, Herakleon, September 9-14, 1996, p.65, (Collected Abstracts). (in coll. with V. Karakitsios). (in Greek).
38. The existence of oil resources in Crete. 8th International Cretological Congress, Herakleon, September 9-14, 1996, p.124, (Collected Abstracts). (in coll. with N. Rigakis, Th. Nousinanos, V. Karakitsios, G. Anastasakis) (in Greek).
39. Building and ornamental stone of Thymiana, Chios island Greece. -Characterisation, origin and deterioration. Eurocare-Euromarble EU 496, Workshop 7, October 21-23, 1996, Patras University, Coll.Abstracts, p.26. (in coll. with M. Vlachou-Tsipoura, M. Stamatakis). (in English).
40. Petrological and Technical characteristics of the building stones (Maltezoplaka) extracted from Skopi Sitias (E. Crete). Eurocare-Euromarble EU 496, Workshop 7, October 21-23, 1996, Patras University, Coll.Abstracts, p.17. (in coll. with F. Pomoni-Papaioannou, H. Drinia). (in English).
41. Colonisation of islands by Man with special reference to Crete. 8th International Cretological Congress, Herakleon, September 9-14, 1996, (Collected Abstracts), p.39. (in coll. with P. Y. Sondaar, J. de Vos, G.D. van den Bergh). (in Greek).
42. Stratigraphy and Tectonosedimentary evolution of Zakynthos Island. 6th Int. Panionian Congress, September 1997, (collected abstracts), p. 23-24, Zakynthos. (in coll. with E. Lekkas, H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou) (in Greek).
Dimiza M. (2001) - Contribution to the ecostratigrphic and paleoecologic study of the Upper Pliocene sediments of Greece (Crete, Zakynthos, Cephallynia). Master of Science thesis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 140p., Athens
43. Paleogeographical evolution of the Ionian Islands during late Cenozoic. 6th Int. Panionian Congress, September 1997, (collected abstracts), p. 59, Zakynthos. (in coll. with H. Drinia, M. Triantaphyllou) (in Greek).
44. Study of the Upper Miocene fauna of Faneromeni section, Eastern Crete. Biostratigraphical implications and Cyclostratigraphical Patterns. Interim-Colloquium/RCMNS "Mediterranean Neogene Cyclostratigraphy in marine-continental palaeoenvironments" Patras 27-29 May 1998, (collected abstracts) p. 6 (in coll. with A. Antonarakou, H. Drinia, M.V. Triantaphyllou, N. Tsaparas). (in English).
45. Diatomaceous sediments of Gavdos island, Southern Greece, Stratigraphical and Petrological analysis. Interim-Colloquium/RCMNS "Mediterranean Neogene Cyclostratigraphy in marine-continental palaeoenvironments" Patras 27-29 May 1998, (collected abstracts) p. 22 (in coll. with M.V. Triantaphyllou, M. Stamatakis, N. Tsaparas). (in English).
46. Sedimentary facies analysis and biostratigraphical implications of the marine sediments of Central-West Crete (Selli Section-Rethymnon). Interim-Colloquium/RCMNS "Mediterranean Neogene Cyclostratigraphy in marine-continental palaeoenvironments" Patras 27-29 May 1998, (collected abstracts) p. 26 (in coll. with H. Drinia, M.V. Triantaphyllou). (in English).
47. Geological past and climatological conditions of the Saronikos Gulf area. 1st International conference on the History and Archaeology of the Argo-Saronic Gulf, Poros, 26-29 June 1998, (Collected Abstracts), (in coll. with D. Nikolakis, H. Drinia, M.V. Triantaphyllou, E. Vassilopoulou, V. Kouskouna). (in Greek)
48. Environmental and climatological significance of the Miocene Coralline Algal-Bryozoan facies (Apostoloi basin, Western Crete, Greece). Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association XVI Congerss, (Collected Abstracts), p. 142. (in coll. with H. Drinia, F. Pomoni-Papaioannou, M.V. Triantaphyllou) (in English).
49. Late glacial-Holocene vegetation of Kastoria (NW Greece) and paleo ecological implications of the Neolithic settlement Dispilio. 6th European Paleobotany-Palynology Conference, August 29-September 2, 2002, Athens, (Collected Abstracts), p.104-105 (in coll with K. Kouli). (in English).
50. Planktonic foraminiferal ecozones: response of the pelagic environment to paleoclimatic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. 1st Scientific Conference of the European Federation of Marine Science and Technology Societies “Oceanographical aspects for a sustainable Mediterranean”, Poster presentation, (Collected Abstracts), p. B-7, (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou). (in English).
51. Coccolithophorid (Calcareous Nannoplankton) biocommunities in the gulf of Korthi (Andros island, middle Aegean Sea). 1st Scientific Conference of the European Federation of Marine Science and Technology Societies “Oceanographical aspects for a sustainable Mediterranean”, Poster presentation, (Collected Abstracts), p. B-18, (in coll. with M. Triantaphyllou, M. Dimiza). (in English).
52. Foraminiferal sequence biostratography of the middle Miocene potamos section form Gavdos island, Greece. General meeting conference of the European Science Foundation Programme: Environments and Ecosystem dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene (EEDEN): “The Middle Miocene Crisis”, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland, 13-16 November, Abstracts, p. 43, (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, C. Doukas). (in English).
53. Contribution to the earthquake planning of Loutraki municipality (Corinthia, Greece). 2nd Symposium in Geophysics and Seismology, In memoriam Prof. A. Galanopoulos, 31 October-2 November 2002, University of Athens (in coll. with E. Lekkas, C. Kranis, S. Lozios, A. Bakopoulou). (in Greek and English).
54. The Bluish-Grey building and decorative stones of Eleusis. Origin, technical characteristics and archaeological remarks. (in press). 4th Symposium of Archaeometry. (in coll. with E. Tziligaki, F.Pomoni-Papaioannou, M.Stamatakis, E.Ypsilanti). (in English).
55. Late Miocene benthic Foraminifera adaptation to changing bottom water conditions: a case from Gavdos Island, eastern Mediterranean. General meeting conference of the European Science Foundation Programme: Environments and Ecosystem dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene (EEDEN): “Birth of the New World”, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, 12-16 November, Abstracts p. 7-8. , (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, N.Tsaparas, C. Doukas). (in English).
56. Distribution patterns of Foraminifera in Late Miocene eastern Mediterranean sediments in relation to Environmental gradients: first results. General meeting conference of the European Science Foundation Programme: Environments and Ecosystem dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene (EEDEN): “Birth of the New World”, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, 12-16 November, Poster, Abstracts, p. 6. (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou). (in English).
57.Preliminary study of epiphytal ostracod assemblages in the marine ecosystems of SE Andros island (middle Aegean Sea, Greece). 5th European Ostracodologists Meeting, 20-24 July 2003, Cuenca, Spain, p. 47, . (in coll. with M.Triantaphyllou, T.Tsourou). (in English).
58.Fossilised treasures of Kythira Island 1st International Conference of Kythira studies “Scientific research on Kythira Island”Kythira, 19-23 September 2003(in coll. with A.Kouli, S.Roussiakis), (in Greek).
59. Foraminiferal record of environmental changes: preevaporitic diatomaceous sediments from Gavdos Island, southern Greece. 10th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 14-17 April, 2004, Thessaloniki, Poster, Abstracts, p. 383-384. (in coll. with H. Drinia, A. Antonarakou, N.Tsaparas, G.Kontakiotis). (in English).
60. Holocene palaenvironmental changes in the coastal plain of Marathon (Attica; Greece). XI International Palynological Congress, 7-14 July 2004, Granada, Spain (in coll. with K. Kouli, M.Triantaphyllou, K. Pavlopoulos, T.Tsourou, E. Karymbalis, P.Karkanas). (in English).
61. Implications of coccolithophore vertical movement during a day-round sampling. 10th International Nannoplankton Association Conference, 28th August-4th September, 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, p.105, (in coll. with M.Triantaphyllou, M.P.Aubry, M.Dimiza, D,Gialouri). (in English).
62. The Pleistocene hippopotamids of the Katharo Plateau, Lasithi, Crete. 2nd Pancretan Speleological Symposium, Heraklion, Crete, 29 May 2005, p. 16 (in coll. with P. Pavlakis, H. Drinia
63. Domestic sewage impact on ostracod and benthic foraminiferal patterns: a case study from Kastro gulf (Andros Island, middle Aegean Sea, Greece). 15th International symposium on Ostracoda, Freie Universitat berlin, September 12-15, 2005, Berliner Palaobiologische Abhandlungen, Band 6, p.120 (in coll. with T.Tsourou, O. Koukousioura, M.Triantaphyllou). (in English).
64. Domestic sewage impact on ostracod and benthic foraminiferal patterns: a case study from Kastro gulf (Andros Island, middle Aegean Sea, Greece). International Earth Sciences Colloquium on the Aegean Regions-IESCA 2005, 4-7 October 2005, Izmir, Turkey, Abstracts, p. 213-214 (in coll. with T.Tsourou, O. Koukousioura, M.Triantaphyllou). (in English).
65. Climatic cycles and volcanic activity in SE Aegean Sea: The role of primary production and the response of terrestrial environments during the last 30kyrs. International Earth Sciences Colloquium on the Aegean Regions-IESCA 2005, 4-7 October 2005, Izmir, Turkey, Abstracts, p.117-118 (in coll. with M.Triantaphyllou, A.Gogou, V.Lykousis, I.Bouloubassi, P.Ziveri, K.Kouli, M.Dimiza, M.Papanikolaou, P.Gaitani). (in English).
66. Primary production trends and response of terrestrial environments in SE Aegean core NS-14: A multiproxy approach. European Geosciences Union2006, Vienna 2-7 April 2006, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.8, 08347, 2006 (in coll. with M.Triantaphyllou, A.Gogou, V.Lykousis, I.Bouloubassi, P.Ziveri, A. Rosell-Mele, K.Kouli, M.Dimiza, M.Papanikolaou, P.Gaitani, G.Katsouras). (in English).
67. The role of primary production and the response of terrestrial environments during the last 18kyrs in SE Aegean core NS-14: A multiproxy approach; preliminary results. 8th Hellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fishery, Thessaloniki 4-8 June 2006, Abstract, p.181 (in coll. with M.Triantaphyllou, A.Gogou, V.Lykousis, I.Bouloubassi, P.Ziveri, K.Kouli, M.Dimiza, M.Papanikolaou, P.Gaitani, G.Katsouras). (in English).
68. The role of Amphistegina lobifera as environmental health proxy in coastal environments: a case study from Kastro and Korthi gulfs (Andros Island, middle Aegean Sea, Greece). International Symposium of Foraminifera, FORAMS 2006, 10-15 September 2006, Natal, Brazil, Annuario do Instituto de Geociencias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, vol. 29-1, p.268. (in coll. with O. Koukousioura, M.Triantaphyllou, T.Tsourou, M.Dimiza). (in English).
69. Fossils and myths in North India: is there a connection between the Siwalik Hills and the Mahābhārata? The 19th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, 27-30 June 2006, Leiden the Netherlands. Abstracts: p 124. Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies (in coll. with A.E.E.Van der Geer, J. De Vos). (in English).
70. The mounting of a skeleton of the fossil species Candiacervus sp. II from Liko Cave, Crete, Greece. International Symposium Insular Vertebrate Evolution, the Palaeontological Approach, September 16-19 2003 Mallorca, Programme & Abstracts: 70-71. (in coll. with A.E.E.Van der Geer, J. De Vos, G. Lyras). (in English).
71. Fossils used as medicines in past and present. Medical conference, Naxos (Greece), August 24-27. (in coll. with A.E.E.Van der Geer). (in English).