$$G_{\mu\nu}=8\pi T_{\mu\nu}$$

George Pappas
BSc in Physics,
MSc in Astrophysics,
PhD in Astrophysics,
National Kapodistrian University of Athens
Physics Department,
Section of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mechanics.
gpappas AT phys.uoa.gr
Eberhard-Karls University of Tubingen
Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Theoretical Astrophysics
georgios.pappas AT uni-tuebingen.de
gpappas AT sissa.it
my CV
past research
These are my old information.
I have now moved to The University of Nottingham
georgios.pappas AT nottingham.ac.uk
My google page (more up to date)

  1. Research
  2. Interesting Links
    1. On Relativity,
    2. Usenet,
    3. Black Hole Visualizations,
    4. Feynman,
    5. Relativity and the Dimensionality of the World,
    6. Μαύρες Τρύπες Kerr ή κάτι άλλο;
    7. Space, Time, and Spacetime,
    8. On Cosmology
    9. On Compact Objects
    10. Conversion to geometric units
    11. On Bicycle Stability
    12. Quantum Mechanics in your face
    13. The Scenario Machine
    14. Αχιλλέας Παπαπέτρου
    15. O Δ. Χριστοδούλου στο ΕΚΠΑ.
    16. V.I. Arnold on teaching mathematics.
  3. Other work and Talks


Published work:

[1] T P Sotiriou and G Pappas 2005 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 8 23, Extending Sibgatullin's ansatz for the Ernst potential to generate a richer family of axially symmetric solutions of Einstein's equations (arXiv:gr-qc/0504122),
[2] G Pappas and T A Apostolatos 2008 Class. Quantum Grav. 25 228002, Faithful transformation of quasi-isotropic to Weyl–Papapetrou coordinates: a prerequisite to compare metrics (extended version arXiv:0803.0602v1 [gr-qc]),
[3] George Pappas 2009 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 189 012028, Matching of analytical and numerical solutions for neutron stars of arbitrary rotation (also on arXiv:1201.6055 [gr-qc] with a correction in M_4), update: the correct moment should have been,
$$\small M_4=\left( a^4 - (3a^2 -2ab + b^2)k + k^2 -\frac{1}{7}kM^2\right) M $$,
[4] George Pappas, 2012 MNRAS, 422, 2581-2589, What can QPOs tell us about the structure of the corresponding compact objects?, (arXiv:1201.6071 [astro-ph.HE]),
[5] G Pappas and T A Apostolatos, 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 231104 , "Revising the multipole moments of numerical spacetimes, and its consequences", (arXiv:1201.6067 [gr-qc]).
[6] G Pappas and T A Apostolatos, 2013 MNRAS, 429, 3007–3024, "An all-purpose metric for the exterior of any kind of rotating neutron star", arXiv:1209.6148 [gr-qc], Additional material can be found at this URL.
[7] G Pappas and T A Apostolatos, NEB 15 conference proceedings (to appear in J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.), "Multipole Moments of numerical spacetimes", arXiv:1211.6299 [gr-qc].
[8] T. A. Apostolatos, G. Pappas, and K. Chatziioannou, NEB 15 conference proceedings (J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 453 (2013) 012001), "A Newtonian problem as an insightful tool for the behavior of gravitational-wave sources".
[9] G Pappas and TA Apostolatos, 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 121101, "Effectively Universal Behavior of Rotating Neutron Stars in General Relativity Makes Them Even Simpler than Their Newtonian Counterparts", (arXiv:1311.5508 [gr-qc]).
[10] Kent Yagi, Koutarou Kyutoku, George Pappas, Nicolas Yunes, and Theocharis A. Apostolatos, 2014 Phys. Rev. D 89, 124013, "Effective no-hair relations for neutron stars and quark stars: Relativistic results", (arXiv:1403.6243 [gr-qc]).
[11] Kent Yagi, Leo C. Stein, George Pappas, Nicolas Yunes, and Theocharis A. Apostolatos, 2014 Phys. Rev. D 90, 063010, "Why I-Love-Q: Explaining why universality emerges in compact objects", (arXiv:1406.7587 [gr-qc]).

Under submission:

[12] G Pappas and T P Sotiriou, "Multipole moments in scalar-tensor theory of gravity", arXiv:1412.3494 [gr-qc].

Articles on arXiv.


Other work and Talks: