Kostas Mylonas


in "Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology"


Department of Psychology

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

·        Georgas, D., Christakopoulou, S., Mylonas, K. & Schwartz, S. (1992, in Greek). Universal Values: The case of Greece [Katholikes Aksies: Elliniki pragmatikotita]. Psychologica Themata, 5 (1), 7-25.

·        Georgas, J., Berry, J.W., Shaw, A., Christakopoulou, S. & Mylonas, K. (1996). Acculturation of Greek Family Values. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 27 (3), 329-338.

·        Gari, A., Christakopoulou, S., & Mylonas, K. (1996, in Greek). Students' Belief System: own and parental occupational plans [Sistima apopseon ton mathiton: epaggelmatika schedia mathiton kai goneon]. Review of Counseling and Guidance, 36 & 37, 110-125.

·        Kalantzi-Azizi, A., Christakopoulou, S., Mylonas, K., Angleitner, A. & Strelau, J. (1996, in Greek). The Assessment of Temperament in Adults with the Pavlovian Temperament Survey (PTS): initial findings for the Greek version and cross-cultural evaluation [Metrisi tis Idiosigkrasias gia enilikes me to Pavlovian Temperament Survey (PTS): prokatarktika evrimata gia tin elliniki ekdosi kai diapolitistiki aksiologisi]. Psychology, The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 3 (1), 130-138.

·        Georgas, D., Gari, A., Crhistakopoulou, S., Mylonas, K. & Papaloe, V. (1998, in Greek). Present and Projective Family relations of Greek University Students [Oikogeniakes Scheseis ton Ellino Foititon sto Paron kai sto Melon). Vima Koinonikon Epistimon, 6, 24, 167-187.

·        Gari, A., Kalantzi-Azizi, A. & Mylonas, K. (2000). Adaptation and motivation of Greek gifted pupils: exploring some influences of primary schooling. High Ability Studies, 11(1), 55-68.

·        Georgas, J., Mylonas, K., Bafiti, T., Poortinga, Y.H., Christakopoulou, S., Kagitçibasi, Ç., Berry, J.W., Kwak, K., Ataca, B., Charalambous, N., Goodwin, R., Wang, W., Angleitner, A., Stepanikova, I., Pick, S., Givaudin, M., Zhuravliova-Gionis, I., Konantambigi, R., Gelfand, M.J., Velislava, M., McBride, C. & Codiç, Y. (2001). Functional Relationships in the Nuclear and the Extended Family: A 16 culture study. International Journal of Psychology, 36 (5), 289-300.

·        Veligekas, P. & Mylonas, K. (2001, in Greek). Self-Consciousness Scale Revisited for a Greek Sample: Self-Consciousness and Counseling [Epaneksetase tis Klimakas Aftosinidisias se Digma Ellinikou Plithismou: Aftosinidisia kai Simvouleftike]. Review of Counseling and Guidance, 56 & 57, 53-71.

·        Hatzichristou, C., Gari, A., Mylonas, K., Georgouleas, G. Likitsakou, Ν., Bafiti, Τ., Vaitsi, Α. & Bakopoulou, Α. (2001, in Greek). Psychological Adjustment of Repatriate and Foreign Students at School [Prosarmogi Palinstounton kai Alodapon Mathiton sto Sxoleio]. Nea Paedia, 99, 13-36.

·        Veligekas, P. & Mylonas, K. (2003, in Greek). Self-Efficacy Expectations and Outcome Expectations in Track & Field Athletes [Prosdokies Aftoapotelesmatikotitas kai Prosdokies Apotelesmatos Athliton-trion Klasikou Athlitismou]. Sports Psychology, 14, 3-26.

·        Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., Mylonas, K., & Argiropoulou, A. (2003, in Greek). Adolescents' Views on their Parents' Influence on their Occupational Choices [Oi apopseis ton efivon gia tin epidrasi ton goneon tous stis epaggelmatikes tous epiloges]. Review of Counseling and Guidance, 64 & 65, 95-108.

·        Georgas, D., Hantzi, A., Gari, A., Mylonas, K., Dalla, Μ., Andreopoulou, S. & Panagiotopoulou, P. (2004, in Greek). Attitudes towards the European Union and National Identity [Staseis apenante stin Evrope kai Ethike Taftotita]. Psychology, The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 11(1), 87-105.

·        Giannitsas, N. & Mylonas, K. (2004, in Greek). Factor analysis of the Hellenic WISC-III: Areas of Cognitive Development [Analisi Paragonton gia to Helleniko WISC-III: Tomeis gnostikis anaptiksis]. Psychology, The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 11(3), 423-443.

·        Gari, A., Mylonas, K. & Karagianni, D. (2005). Political and religious group membership, Value priorities and Educational Values. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 26(3), 301-310.

·        Veligekas, P. & Mylonas, K. (2007, in Greek). Goal Setting in Track & Field Athletes [Prosanatolismos Stoxou Athliton-trion Klasikou Athlitismou]. Kinesiologia, www.uoa.gr/tefaa, 4(1), 27-39.

·        Veligekas, P., Mylonas, K., & Zervas, J. (2007). Goal orientation and Beliefs about the Causes of Success among Greek Track & Field Athletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105, 927-938.

·        Mylonas, K. & Ksanthopoulou, Ch. (2007). Assessing Socio-Economic Status: an alternative method – statistical approach [E Metrise tou koinoniko-oikonomikou epipedou: mia enallaktike methodologike kai statistike proseggise]. Psychology, The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 14(1), 76-95.

·        Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., Mylonas, K., & Argyropoulou, K. (2008). Holland’s hexagonal personality model for a sample of Greek university students. International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, 8, 111-125.

·        Bournelli, P., Makri, A., & Mylonas, K. (2009). Motor Creativity and Self-Concept. Creativity Research Journal, 21(1), 104-110.

·        Mylonas, K. (2009). Statistical analysis techniques based on Cross-Cultural research methods: cross-cultural paradigms and intra-country comparisons. "Psychology": The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 16(2), 185-204.

·        Hatzichristou, C., Polichroni, F., & Mylonas, K. (2011). Exploring the develpomental characteristics of school and psychosocial adjustment of kindergarten and primary school children [Dierevnise ekseliktikon xaraktiristikon scholikis kai psichokoinonikis prosarmogis paidion proscholikis kai scholikis ilikias]. Psychology, The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, Special Issue on Children and Adolescent Development, 18(4), 503-524.

·        Hatzichristou, C., Gari, A., Mylonas, K., Tsiovoulou, A. Karitsa, V., & Giavrimis, P. (2012). Views and Attitudes of Students on Divorce and Adjustment of Children with Divorced Parents [Antilipseis kai Staseis Mathiton Schetika me to Diazigio kai tin Prosarmogi ton Paidion Chorismenon Goneon]. Nea Paedia, 144, 131-146.

·        Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., Mylonas, K., Argyropoulou, K., & Tampouri, S. (2012). Career Decision-making Difficulties, Dysfunctional Thinking and Generalized Self-Efficacy of University Students in Greece. World Journal of Education, 2(1), 117-130.

·        Mylonas, K., Veligekas, P. Gari, A., & Kontaxopoulou, D. (2012). Development and Psychometric Properties of the Scale for Self-Consciousness Assessment. Psychological Reports: Measures and Statistics, 111(1), 233-252.

·        Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., Mylonas, K., Argyropoulou, K., & Drosos, N. (2013). Career Decision-Making Characteristics of Primary Education Students in Greece. International Education Studies, 6(5), 22-32. DoI:10.5539/ies.v6n5p22

·        Mylonas, K. & Furnham, A. (2014). Bias in Terms of Culture and a Method for Reducing It: An Eight-Country "Explanations of Unemployment Scale" Study. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 74(1), 77-96. DoI: 10.1177/0013164413502669

·        Zajenkowska, A., Mylonas, K., Lawrence,C., Konopka. K., & Rajchert, J. (2014). Cross-cultural sex differences in situational triggers of aggressive responses. International Journal of Psychology, 49(5), 355-363, DoI: 10.1002/ijop.12052

·        Hatzichristou, C., Gari, A., Mylonas, K., Karitsa, V., Tsiovoulou, A., & Giavrimis, P. (2014, in Greek). Views and Attitudes of Teachers on Divorce and Adjustment of Children with Divorced Parents [Antilipseis kai Staseis Ekpaideftikon Schetika me to Diazigio kai tin Prosarmoge ton Paidion Chorismenon Goneon]. Vima Koinonikon Epistimon. 16 (63), 80-105.

·        Gari, A., Mylonas, K., & Portešová, S. (2015). An analysis of attitudes towards the gifted students with learning difficulties using two samples of Greek and Czech primary school teachers. Gifted Education International, 31(3), 271-286. DoI: 10.1177 / 0261429413511887

·        Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., Mylonas, K., & Argyropoulou, K. (2015). Self-Efficacy in Career Planning: A New Approach to Career Exploration. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 11(2), 40-54.

·        Zajenkowska, A., Jankowski, K., Mylonas, K., & Rajchert, J. (2015). Coffee consumption and propensity to experience aggressive feelings in provoking and frustrating situations. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 3(2), 105-111.

·        Galanaki, E., Mylonas, K., & Vogiatzoglou, P. (2015). Evaluating Voluntary Aloneness in Childhood:  Initial Validation of the Children’s Solitude Scale. European Journal of Developmental Psychology - Developmetrics, 12(6), 688-700. DoI: 10.1080/17405629.2015. 1071253

·        Gibbons, J.L,. González-Oliva, A.G., & Mylonas, K. (2015). Ethnic and Adoption Attitudes among Guatemalan University Students. SpringerPlus, 4(1), 1-8. DoI:10.1186/s40064-015-1578-2  Open Access: link.springer.com/article/10.1186.s40064-015-1578-2

·        Papazoglou, S., & Mylonas, K. (2016). An examination of alternative Multidimensional scaling techniques. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Online first, August 2016, DoI: dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013164416661823

·        Mylonas, K. (2016). Factor structures across countries and across clusters of countries: A 36-country study on the Family Values Scale. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 3(8), 63-76, online first, August 2016. DoI: 10.14738/assrj.38.2157

·        Mylonas, K., Lawrence, C., Zajenkowska, A., & Bower Russa, M. (2017). The Situational Triggers of Aggressive Responses scale in five countries: Factor structure and country clustering solutions, Personality and Individual Differences, 107(1), 172-179. Online first, August 2016, DoI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.07.030   

·        Mylonas, K., Furnham, A., Alvaro, J-L., Papazoglou, S., Divale, W., Cretu, R.Z., Grad, H., Gondim, S., Leblebici, C., Filus, A., Moniz, A., Mitsostergiou, A., Kyvetou, G., Konstantinidis, E., & Boski, P. (2016) Explanations of unemployment: an eight-country comparison. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6(9), 344-357. DoI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v6-i9/2315  http://hrmars.com/index.php/journals/archive_detail/IJARBSS/156

·        2017 to 2022 publications have not been updated yet. Will be updated the soonest possible.

·        Mylonas, K., Lawrence, C., Frangistas, I., Bower Russa, M., Papazoglou, S., Papachristou, I., & Zajenkowska, A. (2023). Greek Standardization of the Situational Triggers of Aggressive Responses (STARGR). International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, Advance Article online, https://doi.org/10.1027/2157-3891/a000065


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