Website of K. Georghiou

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Research Interests

Researh Activities


1. Photomorphogenesis
- Light and phytochrome control of seed germination
- Genetic approach to photomorphogenesis

2. Seed Biology
- Physiology of seed germination
- Ecophysiology of seed germination
- Seed anatomy
- Seed phtoinhibition
- Germination mechanisms

3. Seed technology
- Osmoconditioning (Positive effects on seed germination rate and seed viability)
- Seed Banks

4. Applied Botany
- Paper production from alternative raw materila sources
- Evaluation and exploitation of rare plants floristry

5. Conservation Biology
- Reproductive Biology of endemic, rare and threatened plants of Cyprus and Greece
- Biodiversity conservation
- Establishment of protected areas: network design, identification and delimitation of biotopes, habitat and species survey, ecological assessment, management plans
Ex situ conservation of plants. Seed (gene) banks. Botanic Garden conservation

6. Databases
- Database of endemic, rare and threatened plants of Cyprus and Greece
- Conservation status
- Biology-Ecology

7. Application of national and international legislation and conventions on the protection of wild species and habitats in Greece
- Directive 79/409/EEC
- Directive 92/43/EEC
- Directives 85/337/EEC and 97/11/EE
- CITES convention
- Rio convention

RAMSAR convention

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