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Lecturing and Tuition

Educational Duties


1. Laboratory training in ‘General Botany’ to Biology and Pharmacy students (1974-82).

2. Laboratory training and classroom lecturing in ‘Introduction to Plant Physiology’ (Botany III) to Biology students (1982-).

3. Laboratory training and classroom lecturing in ‘Developmental Plant Physiology’ (Plant Physiology II) to Biology students (1982-2002).

4. Laboratory training and classroom lecturing in ‘Plant Ecophysiology’ to Biology students (1991-).

5. Organization and classroom lecturing in ‘Adaptive Mechanisms of Mediterranean Plants’ to post graduate Biology students (1997-).

6. Laboratory training and classroom lecturing in ‘Plant Physiology’ to Agricultural Ecosystems Management, School of Agricultural Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (1998-2002).

7. Organization and classroom lecturing in (post graduate level) in ‘Plant Conservation Methods’. (13-17.02.95).

8. Organization and classroom lecturing in (post graduate level) in ‘Plant Biodiversity and Conservation’. (06-09.05.96).

9. Tuition in the Re-educational Seminar ‘Modern Aspects on Plant Biology’ for high school teachers in the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus (05 - 09.02.1996 and 14 - 18.10.1996).

10. Classroom lecturing as invited lecturer on the use of native plant species for greening in urban areas. National Technical University of Athens.

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