Educational Duties
Manuals for the laboratory courses:
1. Introduction to Plant Physiology (Botany III)
- Germination and dormancy of seeds
- Plant hormones and growth
- Phototropism
2. Developmental Plant Physiology (Plant Physiology II)
- Dose - response curve in photomorohogenesis
- Action spectrum
3. Plant Ecophysiology
- Monitoring of environmental conditions
- Elaboration of meteorological data
Author of educational material:
1. Introduction to Plant Physiology (Botany III), 1984, (40 p.)
- Vegetative growth
- Growth rates
- Biological rhythms
- Reproductive growth
2. Developmental Plant Physiology (Plant Physiology II), 1985, (120 p.)
- Photomorphogenesis
- Phototropism, Gravitropism
3. Plant Ecophysiology, 1991, (62 p.)
- The natural environmnet of plants - Temperature, Light
- Ecophysiology of endangered plants - Conservation Biology
1. Chapter 5. Flora and Vegetation. In: Introduction to the natural and anthropogenic environment, Volume A, The Natural Environment (1999). pp. 275-323. Hellenic Open University, Patras. ISBN 960-538-048-X.