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Red Data Book


Aim and Necessity of the Red Data Book

The national Red Data Lists and Books for plants and animals are invaluable for the conservation of biodiversity. They also attest to both the state’s and the society’s commitment to invest in the protection of the natural environment.

The primary objective of the
Red Data Book of the Flora of Cyprus is the identification of the threatened plants and the assessment of their extinction risk according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list criteria. The resulting data provide a database that will support future research and decision making, although regular and continuous updating is required to maintain its value.

The project has produced baseline data on plant population, biology, distribution and value, which will help to:
set priorities for conservation; raise public awareness; and highlight research needs. End users include: the relevant Cypriot authorities (i.e., in terms of proposals for the conservation of the flora, updating and amending international conventions, national strategy for biodiversity conservation); managers of protected areas; and environmental impact assessors.

Red Data Book | Aim | Cyprinia | Fieldwork | Results | Presentation and Description of Plants

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