Language and Learning Lab

greek version
english version

Groups & institutions

LLL CogSci Wiki
The lab wiki
Cognitive Science
Graduate program web page
Philosophy & History of Science
PHS department web page
Cognitive Science Society
The international CS society
Hellenic Cognitive Science Society
The Greek CS society


Statistical processing package. An introduction to R, Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and questionnaires, The R journal, RStudio, Dan Mirman's R Resources, ez ANOVA package, afex package, prettyR package, eyetrackingR package, Must-Have R Packages for Social Scientists, R <- Psychologist, R links for experimental linguistics.
Programming language. Beginner's guide, Python links for experimental linguistics.
Integration of R with LaTeX to produce text with embedded statistical analyses, data, and graphics.
Experimental control software, delivering stimuli and recording responses. Online help, alphabetic keyword list, ScriptingRT (to create online studies)
Vocal response processing
IPLR (ILSP PsychoLinguistic Resources)
Data and online tools for selecting and constructing verbal stimuli
SPM (statistical parametric mapping)
Statistical analysis software for neuroimaging data
Library of neuroimaging analysis tools
A speech analysis, modification and synthesis system
Brain tutor
An educational program about the brain
Mendeley, colwiz, zotero
Reference management software
Psy soft
Comprehensive list of visual psychophysics software
Software and Tools
Lists and reviews of software for experimental linguistics
Neuroimaging visualization software
MRIcron, caret (About, Download), BrainVoyager

Online courses

Learning R
Index of Online R Courses
Statistics Online Computational Resource
Portable online aids for probability and statistics education, technology based instruction and statistical computing.
TryR Code School
Online R course (sponsored by O'Reilly)
Learn R online
Coursera Data Science Specialization
A nine-course introduction to data science, developed and taught by leading professors.
Software Carpentry
Teaching basic lab skills for research computing
Python class
Google python class (day 1 part 1)
Data Camp
Data science courses
R Practicals
Josef Fruehwald's R Study group practicals
Learning Statistics with R
Daniel Navarro's introductory statistics class for psychology students using the R statistical package.
Bodo Winter tutorials
Bodo Winter's tutorials on statistics and R.
R workshop
R workshop on using linear models, logistic regression, and growth curve analyses to analyze eye-tracking data
Categorical predictors
Coding categorical variables when analyzing factorial experiments with regression (see also this document)
Data visualization
Hadley Wickham's data visualization course and manuscript on visualizing statistical models
R Graph Compendium
A compendium of clean graphs in R

Archives & resources

Cognitive sciences e-print archive
A bibliography of the philosophy of mind and the science of consciousness
Dedicated to the communication of news, science, and information of interest to the brain mapping community, and to sharing and promoting the science of brain mapping. (also see their links)
The Mind Research Repository
Repository for publications and corresponding data and analyses (R code).
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A comprehensive online encyclopedia
Abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources
Biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books
Google Scholar
Online scholarly literature search (advanced search)
Hellenic academic library consortium, access to online journal full text
UoA online services
Library catalogs, databases, and information services, University of Athens
IATE term search
Online search in the European Union inter-institutional terminology database (InterActive Terminology for Europe)
Online English dictionary
Online Modern Greek dictionary
Cognitive Science Glossary
An English-Greek/Greek-English dictionary of cognitive science terms
Statistics terms
English-Greek dictionary of statistics (M. Tsagris)
Neuroscience terms
English-Greek dictionary of neuroscience (by the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience)
MRI safety
UK medicine and healthcare products regulatory agency, Athinoula A. Martinos imaging center at MIT, MRI subject safety screen at UCLA, Information from Oregon Health & Science University, UCSD center for functional MRI
Neuroimaging atlases
Links at, Brodmann's Interactive Atlas, Neuroanatomy Atlas, The whole brain atlas, Brain Innovation

Lectures, documentaries

The science network
10 years of Rumelhart prizes symposium (legendary figures in cognitive science). Also, lectures and interview from the society's 10th conference (2010) and 11th conference (2011) (don't miss David Poeppel)
Allen Newell
Allen Newell's last lecture, titled “Desires and Diversions” (1991).
TED: Ideas worth spreading
Merzenich, Ramachandran, Taylor, Santos, Gopnik, Goleman, Bloom, Csikszentmihalyi, Schwartz, Kahneman, deCharms.
Google Talks
Lakoff, Merzenich, Mitchell.
Edge videos
Dehaene, Gopnik, Noë, Kahneman, Pinker vs. Spelke.
MIT OpenCourseWare
Online courses from MIT. (see Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
Academic earth
Online courses by top scholars.
The human spark (PBS)
What makes humans unique;
The dyslexia myth
What research really shows about dyslexia.

Blogs and collections

Language Log
Topics in language and linguistics
Topics in neurosciences
The Neurocritic
“Deconstructing the most sensationalistic recent findings in Human Brain Imaging, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Psychopharmacology”
Research blogging
Scientific research topics. Psychology channel. Neuroscience channel.
Cognitive Daily
Topics in cognitive psychology (archive)
Psychology blogs
A list of selected psychology blogs
You are not so smart
Popular misconceptions about how we think
Talking Brains
Greg Hickok and David Poeppel blog on the neural organization of language
20 years of fMRI
Special issue of NeuroImage (Vol. 62, Iss. 2, pp. 575–1324, August 2012) for the 20 years of functional magnetic resonance imaging
Daniel Bor
An author and neuroscientist writes about consciousness, neuroimaging, and other stuff
The upturned microscope
A pessimist science comics & humor blog
Cognitive fun!
Cognitive self-testing. See how well you do in a variety of cognitive experiments.
Experimental Linguistics in the Field
For fieldworking linguists who want to do experiments – and for psycholinguists who want to go beyond the lab
Bad Science
Ben Goldacre's blog, “unpicking the misuse of science and statistics”
Data Pub
Blog about all things data from the California Digital Library (including the 10 things every new grad student should do)
Bayesian methods
A reading list on tools of Bayesian statistics and machine learning for cognitive science


Last Updated: January 2016