
Undergraduate level

  • Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry III
  • "Drug synthesis lab" exercises tutoring
  • Tutoring in one of the four lab periods (each period is 4 weeks long) included at 5th and 6th semester
  • 1st semester, October-January (two lab periods): every Monday (14:00-18:00), Thursday (12:00-14:00) and Friday (13:00-17:00)
  • 2nd semester, Fabruary-June (two lab periods): every Monday and Thursday (14:00-18:00) and Wednesday (09:00-13:00)

Postgraduate level

  • Advanced Pharmacochemistry I

Open Positions

There are open positions in our lab for post-graduate research which can lead to the MPhil or PhD degrees.

The projects can include:

  • Organic synthesis of bioactive compounds (antivirals, antiparasitics, CNS)


Organic Chemistry Lab
On this site you will find information regarding check-in, specialized organic glassware, safety, basic organic laboratory skills, and equipment, of labeled ligands and of peptidic receptor portions (in collaboration) you may use in lab. Hopefully, the information will help you better understand what you will do in lab prior to the beginning of the lab period. The more you understand before lab, the easier the pre-lab lectures will be and the faster you will be able to finish the laboratory exercises.
Introduction to organic laboratory techniques
An on line laboratory book.

Proposed textbooks

  • Experimental Organic Chemistry, Standard and Microscale by L. M. Harwood, C. J. Moody and J. M. Percy (Blackwell Scientific Publications)