
This Website was developed within the Dissertation of Master’s in Information System (Hellenic Open University), entitled ‘Specific Software Development for Automated Production, Management and Visualization of Geo-Data, by Geographical Information System and Web Services’. All the Data are obtained from research studies and projects that have been carried out at NKUA, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment as well as ETH Zurich, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation.

This Website hosts:

A. A Platform including a Software Tools for Data Management

  1. The updated specific s/w PROANA-Tool that is based on ArcGIS and can be produced automatically all associated data and maps for the terrain analysis of an area.

  2. The specific s/w GDM-Tool that is based on ArcGIS aiming to produce ground deformation maps (vertical and horizontal deformation) of an area, using GPS measurements.

  3. Time Series Tools (TS-Tool) of the Deformation deduced by GPS Measurements

  4. Image Processing Tools (ImP-Tool) / Image Classification, Orthorectification, Dem production)

B. Geological, Ground Deformation and Terrain Analysis Maps of specific Areas of Greece

Geological Maps, as well as Terrain Analysis and Ground Deformation Maps of specific Areas of Greece have been created during research studies and projects that have been carried out at NKUA, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment. Some of these Maps are available in this site.

C. Time Series (TS) of near Real Time GPS measurements of specific Areas of Greece

The Study of Ground Deformation of an area deduced by DGPS Measurements includes ground deformation maps creation as well as time series creation. The time series of the horizontal displacement (Easting and Northing) including the vertical displacement (Up) in relation to the time for each GPS Station can be represented on a diagram - graph. Time series for specific GPS Stations are available.