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Cognitive Psychology I (PSY32): This is a compulsory 5-credit course (5 ECTS) offered every fall semester. I am covering the following topics during my lectures: Definition and history of Cognitive Psychology. Research methods of cognitive psychology (experimental, neuroimaging, simulations, AI, etc.). Biological bases of cognition. Information-processing theory. Mental representations. Cognitive psychology and cognitive science. Attention, perception, memory and learning.

Student assessment is based on a written final examination.


Roussos, P. L. (2012). Cognitive Psychology: The basic cognitive processes. Athens: Topos.

Eysenck, M. W. (2010). Fundamentals of Cognition. Athens: Gutenberg.

Goldstein, E. B. (2015). Cognitive Psychology: Connecting mind, research and everyday experience. Athens: Gutenberg.

Cognitive Psychology II (PSY05): This is a compulsory 5-credit course (5 ECTS) offered every spring semester. I am covering the following topics during my lectures: Definition and the nature of thinking; methodological issues in the study of thinking; problem solving; reasoning; analogical thinking; creativity; decision making. Language. Metacognitive processes. Cognitive development. Consciousness. Cognition and emotions. Artificial intelligence.

Student assessment is based on a written final examination.


Roussos, P. L. (Ed.)(2014). Cognitive Psychology: Advanced cognitive processes. Athens: Topos.

Eysenck, M. W. (2010). Fundamentals of Cognition. Athens: Gutenberg.

Goldstein, E. B. (2015). Cognitive Psychology: Connecting mind, research and everyday experience. Athens: Gutenberg.

Sternberg, R. J. (2003). Cognitive Psychology. Athens: Atrapos.

Efklides, A. (1997). Psychology of Thinking. Athens: Ellinika Grammata.

Kahney, H. (1997). Problem Solving. In Greek. Athens: Ellinika Grammata.

Mayer, R. E. (1992). Thinking, Problem Solving, Cognition. 2nd ed. New York: Freeman.

Applied Cognitive Psychology (PSY90): This is an elective 3-credit course (3 ECTS) that is offered every other fall semester. The following topics are covered: History and methods of applied cognitive psychology; memory improvement; everyday memory; face identification; working memory and performance limitations; biological cycles and cognitive performance; drugs and cognitive performance; intuitive statistics, judgements and decision making; dyslexia; human-computer interaction; divided attention and dual-task performance. Student assessment is based on class participation and performance on a written examination and a long essay on a topic of the student's own choice within the areas covered in the course.


Herrmann, D. J., Yoder, C. Y., Gruneberg, M., & Payne, D. G. (2010). Applied cognitive psychology. In Greek. Athens: Pedio.

Esgate, A., & Groome, D. (2005). An introduction to applied cognitive psychology. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.

Cyberpsychology (PSY109): This is an elective 3-credit course (3 ECTS) that is offered every other fall semester. It covers the following topics: Introduction to Cyberpsychology; communication mediated by the computer; Internet, personality and individual differences; human identity on the web; social influence on the Internet; kids and teens on the Internet; online games; the dark side of the Internet; the Internet as an educational space; consumer cyberpsychology and online advertising; Internet and romantic relationships; pathological use of the Internet / internet addiction. Student assessment is based on class participation and performance on a written examination and on an evaluation of a website.


Gordo-Lopez A., & Parker, I. (2008). Cyberpsychology. In Greek. Athens: Papazisis.

Connolly, I., Palmer, M., Barton, H., & Kirwan, G. (Eds.) (2016). An introduction to cyberpsychology. Routledge.

© 2008 Petros Roussos UoA Psych Dept