Curriculum Vitae
For a detailed curriculum vitae please click here.
University of Athens.
Dr. S. Wimberger, University of Heidelberg.
Prof. C. Wetterich, University of Heidelberg.
University of Heidelberg and University of Athens (Cotutelle de these).
Advisors: PD Dr. Sandro Wimberger and Associate Prof. Dr. Alexandros Karanikas.
PhD thesis title:"Beyond Mean-Field Dynamics in Open and Closed Bosonic Systems".
University of Athens.
Advisors: Associate Prof. Dr. Alexandros Karanikas, Assistant Prof. Dr. Fotis Diakonos and Prof. Dr. Emmanouel Floratos.
Master thesis title: "The Closed Complex Time Evolution in Open Quantum Systems".
University of Athens.
Advisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Alexandros Karanikas.
Bachelor thesis title: "Path Integrals in Quantum Field Theory φ 4".
Physics Schools