Ph.D. defense presentation, Athens 2013, Greece.
Sixth International Workshop DICE2012, Castiglioncello 2012, Italy.
Symposium, Many-Body Quantum Dynamics, Heidelberg 2012, Germany.
CQD pretalk, Heidelberg 2012, Germany.
DPG Spring Meeting, Stuttgart 2012, Germany.
Workshop on Noisy Many-Body Systems, Heidelberg 2012, Germany..
Quantum Transport qroup seminar, Konstanz 2011, Germany..
X. Billard Workshop of Forschergruppe 760, Riezlern 2011, Austria.
Foundations of Quantum Physics group seminar, Kaiserslautern 2011, Germany.
Section of Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics seminar, Athens 2011, Greece..
75th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden 2011, Germany.
CQD Symposium. Dynamical Control of Quantum Correlations: From Experiment to Theory and Back, Heidelberg 2011, Germany.
Group Seminars
XI. Billard Workshop of Forschergruppe 760, Regensburg 2012, Germany.
DPG Physics School on Quantum Gases in Dilute Atomic Vapour , Bad Honnef 2011, Germany.
IX. Billard Workshop of Forschergruppe 760, Marburg 2010, Germany.