Σύντομο Βιογραφικό
·(1970) Πτυχίο Φυσικής, Φυσικομαθηματική Σχολή, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών.
·(1980) Μεταπτυχιακό στη Φυσική (MSc.), τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Victoria του Manchester, Αγγλία.
(Polymer Dynamics in the Glass - Rubber Region Using Photon Correlation Spectroscopy).
·(1983) Διδακτορικό στη Φυσική (PhD), τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Victoria του Manchester, Αγγλία.
(Low Frequency Raman Scattering from Amorphous Polymers).
Αγγλικά, άριστες γνώσεις
Γερμανικά, Zertifikat Deutsch, Goethe Institute
Γαλλικά, βασικές γνώσεις
Στερεάς Κατάστασης και Φυσικής Υλικών, Ελλάς
Εταιρία Φυσικών, Ελλάς
Institute of Physics, Αγγλία
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Γερμανία
(1974) Etude des Dimensions Moleculaires des Polymers Dissous dans des Melanges Binaires de Solvants
Polaires et non Polaires-I. Polyvinyl-2-Pyridine F.Vira, K.Viras, F.Aroni et A.Dondos. Europ.Polym.J., 10, 891-
(1984) Low Frequency Excitation in Amorphous Acrylic Polymers. F.Viras and T.A.King, Polymer, 25, 899-905.
(1984) Low Frequency Excitations in Amorphous Polycarbonate Studied by Raman Spectroscopy. F.Viras and
T.A.King, Polymer, 25, 1411-1414.
(1985) Low Frequency Excitations in Amorphous Poly(Vinylacetate) F.Viras, K.G.Viras and T.A.King, J.Pol.
Sci.Polym. Phys., 23, 609-614.
(1987) Morphology of Poly(oxyethylene) Methyl-n-Alkyl Ethers as determined by Small-Angle X-Ray and Raman
Scattering. K.Viras, F.Viras, C.Campbell, T.A.King and C.Booth. J.Chem.Soc. Faraday Trans.2, 83, 917-925.
(1987) Application of the Perturbed-Elastic Rod Model to the Longitudinal Acoustical Modes of Poly(oxyethylene)s
and their n-Hexadecyl Ethers. F.Viras, K.Viras, C.Campbell, T.A.King and C.Booth. J.Chem.Soc. Faraday
Trans.2, 83, 927-932.
(1988) Crystalline Morphology of Block Copoly(oxypropylene / oxyethylene / oxypropylene) by Small-Angle X-Ray
and Raman Scattering. F.Viras, Yun-Zhu Luo, K.Viras, R.H.Mobbs, T.A.King, C.Booth. Macromol.Chem. 189,
(1988) Preferential Solvation in Polymer Cosolvent Systems: Polystyrene +Cyclohexane + Ethanol and Poly(vinyl-
2-pyridine) + Nitromethane + Carbon Tetrachloride. F.Viras, K.Viras, J.Polym.Sci. Polym. Phys. 26, 2525-2533.
(1988) The Preparation and Structure Characterization for PxE39Px Copolyether Series of Propylene Oxide-
Ethylene Oxide-Propylene Oxide. Luo Yunzhu, Fotini Viras, R.H.Mobbs, C.Booth Shenzhen University J. 2, 7.
(1989) Polymer cosolvent System:Poly(vinyl-2-pyridine)Toluene / Ethyl Acetate M.Palaiologou, F.Viras and
K.Viras. Eur. Polym..J. 24, 1191-1193.
(1989) Low-Frequency Raman Spectra of Even α,ω-Disubstituted n-Alkanes K.Viras, F.Viras, C.Campbell,
T.A.King and C.Booth. J.Phys.Chem., 93, 3479-3483.
(1989) A Study of the Structural Changes in Cd-Ge-Sb-As Glass During Transition to the Crystalline State Induced
by Thermal Treatment. D.Meimaris, F.Viras, P.Bekris. phys.stat.sol.(a), 115 , 483-490.
(1990) On the Universality of Low Frequency Raman Scattering from Amorphous Solids' F.Viras and T.A.King.
J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 119, 65-74.
(1991) Solution Properties of Polystyrene in Toluene-Ethyl Acetate Mixture. Ioanna Molinou, Maria Palaiologou,
Fotini Viras and Kyriakos Viras. Eur. Polym.J. 27, 277 - 279.
(1991) Biological Utilisation of Quantum Nonlocality. B D Josephson and F Pallikari-Viras. Foundations of
Physics, 21, 197-207.
(1991) Low-Frequency Raman Spectra of Odd α,ω -Disubstituted n-Alkanes Fotini Viras, Kyriakos Viras, Carl
Campbell, Terence A.King and Colin Booth. J.Polym Sci Physics, 29, 1467-1471,
(1994) Characteristics of composites based on PMMA modified gel silica glasses X.Li, T.A. King, F. Pallikari-Viras
J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 170, 243-249.
(1995) Science Fiction or Fact? F. Pallikari-Viras. The Scientific and Medical Network Review, 58, 13-18
(1996) Thermal Analysis of PMMA/ Gel Silica Glass Composites Pallikari-Viras, X. Li and T. A. King. J. Sol-Gel
Sci. & Tech., 7, 203-209.
(1996) Dielectric and thermal characterization of electroactive sol gel/polymer composites. I.M. Kalogeras, F.
Pallikari-Viras, A. Vassilikou-Dova, In proceeding of: Electrets, 1996. (ISE 9), 9th International Symposium,
pages: 499 - 504, Print ISBN: 0-7803-2695-4.
(1997) Further evidence for a statistical balancing in probabilistic systems influenced by the anomalous effect of
conscious intention. F. Pallikari-Viras, J. Soc. Psych. Res. 62 114-137.
(1998) On the Balancing Effect Hypothesis. In N. Zingrone (ed.) Research in Parapsychology 1993, Metuchen N.
J. & London: Scarecrow, 101-102.
(1999) A Rescaled Range Analysis of Random Events, F Pallikari, E Boller, J. Scientific Exploration, 13(1), 25-40.
(1999) Thermal Analysis of PMMA/SolGel Composites. Fotini Pallikari, 4Th. Mediterranean Conference on
Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis.
(2000) Raman Spectroscopy: a simple technique for estimating extent of polymerization in PMMA. Pallikari F.,
Chondrokoukis G., Rebelakis M., & Kotsalas, I.P. 8th Proc. POLYCHAR-8, World Forum on Polymer
(2001) A Study of the Fractal Character in Electronic Noise Processes, Fotini Pallikari, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,
12, 1499-1507 , doi:10.1016/S0960-0779(00)00167-3
(2001) Raman Spectroscopy: a simple technique for estimating extent of polymerization in PMMA. Pallikari F.,
Chondrokoukis G., Rebelakis M., & Kotsalas I.P. Material Research Innovations 4, 89-92.
(2002) A Random Walk in a Flat Universe, F. Pallikari. In R. L. Amoroso, G. Hunter, M. Kafatos and J-P Vigier
(eds). Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale, 95-102.
(2003) Must the 'magic' of psychokinesis hinder precise scientific measurement? Fotini Pallikari, J. Consciousness
Studies, 10 (6-7), 199-219.
(2004) On the false hypothesis of psi-mediated shift of statistical average in tests with random number generators.
Proc. Parapsychological Association Convention, 157-171.
(2004) A study of aging in dental composites using IR and Raman spectroscopy Polychar-12: Proc. World Forum
on Advanced Materials.
(2004) A study of aging in dental composites using IR and Raman spectroscopy. Fotini Pallikari, Soultana
Iosifidou, e-polymers 069[2004].
(2006) Markov Memory in Multifractal Natural Processes, N. Papasimakis, F. Pallikari, Fractal 2006.In Complexus
Mundi. Emergent Patterns in Nature, Miroslav N. Novak (editor). World Scientific Publishing Co. 53-62.
(PowerPoint Presentation)
(2006) Multifractal Character of Surface Latent Heat Flux. N. Papasimakis, G. Cervone, F. Pallikari,M. Kafatos.
Physica A, 371 (2), 703-718. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2006.03.053
(2006) Purported Evidence and Feasible Interpretations of Retrocausation. F. Pallikari: AIP Conference
Proceedings FRONTIERS OF TIME: Retrocausation - Experiment and Theory, 863, pp. 316-328.
(2006) Effects of blending with fluorescing molecules on the dynamics of the β, α and α' relaxations observed in
PMMA. Ioannis M. Kalogeras, Fotini Pallikari, Aglaia Vassilikou-Dova, Eugen R. Neagu. Applied Physics
Letters, 89, 172905, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2370354) & Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &
Technology, http://scitation.aip.org/journals/doc/APPLAB-ft/vol_89/iss_17/172905_1.html
(2007) Thermal analysis studies of doping effects on the conformational motions of polymer chains in solid
solutions with lasing molecules. Ioannis M. Kalogeras, Fotini Pallikari, Aglaia Vassilikou-Dova, Eugen R.
Neagu. Journal of Applied Physics 101, 094108 (9 pages) & Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science &
Technology. ·
(2008) Markovian Memory Embedded in Two-State Natural Processes, Fotini Pallikari, Nikitas Papasimakis,
(2009) Πειράματα με lasers - Ιδιότητες της δέσμης laser. Φ. Παλληκάρη. Εγχειρίδιο μέρους ύλης στην
διδασκαλία των 4ετών φοιτητών Φυσικού Τμήματος ΕΚΠΑ, έτη 2000-2012.
(2009) Ioannis M. Kalogeras, Fotini Pallikari, Aglaia Vassilikou-Dova, The diverse effect of antiplasticizer in the
molecular dynamics of an organic dye-doped polymer observed at different lengthscales", European Polymer
Journal, 45 (5), 1377-1384 ·doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2009.01.008
(2009) Breakdown of Long-Range Correlations in Heart Rate Fluctuations During Meditation. Papasimakis, N., &
Pallikari, F. arXiv: Biological Physics.
(2009) Fotini Pallikari, “Angelos Tanagras, the Oslo International Parapsychology Congress and the telekinesis of
Cleio", Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 73.4 (897), 193-206 http://www.spr.ac.uk/main/page/jspr-
(2010) Nikitas Papasimakis, Fotini Pallikari, Correlated and uncorrelated heart rate fluctuations during relaxing
visualization, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 90, 48003.
(2012) Fotini Pallikari, On the question of wavefunction collapse in a double-slit diffraction experiment,
arXiv:1210.0432 [quant-ph], http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1210/1210.0432.pdf
(2015) Fotini Pallikari, Investigating the Nature of Intangible Brain-Machine Interaction, arXiv:1507.02219v1,
(2015) Fotini Pallikari, Investigating the Nature of Intangible Brain-Machine Interaction, Journal of Social Sciences
and Humanities, 1(5), 499-508. (http://aiscience.org/journal/paperInfo/jssh?paperId=2260)
(2016) Fotini Pallikari, The Balancing Effect in Brain-Machine Interaction, arXiv:1602.00808 [q-bio.NC], 14 pages
(2016) Fotini Pallikari, Restoring Misconceptions - The balancing Effect in Brain-Machine Interaction.
(2016) Φωτεινή Παλληκάρη, Αγγελος Τανάγρας- Τα απομνημονεύματα μου. Η αυτοβιογραφία του Άγγελου
Τανάγρα (1875 - 1971) στην Ελληνική γλώσσα. Επιμέλεια έκδοσης, σχολιασμού και δημοσίευσης: Φωτεινή
Παλληκάρη. Τα τέσσερα κεφάλαια του βιβλίου στην Ελληνική γλώσσα διατίθενται δωρεάν στο διαδίκτυο από
την διεύθυνση: users.uoa.gr/~fpallik/tanagras.htm.
(2017) Φωτεινή Παλληκάρη. Άρθρα στην Αγγλική γλώσσα από το βιβλίο Αγγελος Τανάγρας- Τα
απομνημονεύματα μου, δημοσιεύονται στο διαδίκτυο:
https://www.facebook.com/pg/Tanagras.Memoirs/posts και
(2017) Fotini Pallikari, Angelos Tanagras-My Memoirs. A Collection of Short Stories (ISBN: 978-960-93-9605-9)
Παρουσίαση βιβλίου από τον Tom Ruffles.
(2017) Fotini Pallikari, Athen, 1930: Die Vierte Internationale Tagung für Parapsychologie, Zeitschrift für
Anomalistik, Band 17 (2017), S. 321-333.
(2019) Fotini Pallikari, The Theory of Psychobolia in the History of Greek Parapsychology, κείμενο από την
ομιλία με τον ίδιο τίτλο στο 43ο συνέδριο της Βρετανικής Εταιρείας Ψυχικών Ερευνών, 20-22
Σεπτεμβρίου 2019, Leicester UK.
(2019) Fotini Pallikari: Wichtige Klarstellungen und Korrekturen zur Rezension des Buches von Fotini Pallikari,
Angelos Tanagras: My Memoirs – A Collection of Short Stories (2017). Zeitschrift für Anomalistik 19
(2019), Nr. 1+2, S. 213–214 (DOI: 10.23793/zfa.2019.213).
(2019) Fotini Pallikari, Angelos Tanagras. The Theory of Psychobolia and the Religion of Science,
Paranormal Review 92, 12-13.
(2020) Fotini Pallikari, Psychical Research in Greece. The 1935 European lectures of Angelos Tanagras.
Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, Band 20, Nr. 3, S. 312-355.
(2021) Fotini Pallikari, Angelos Tanagras. An experiment to test survival. Journal of Anomalistics, (JAnom)
Volume 21, pp. 223–242.
(2021) Fotini Pallikari, Understanding Psychokinesis, (YouTube lecture video), Διαδικτυακή διάλεξη στο Institut
für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, IGPP, Freiburg, 2 Νοεμβρίου.
(2022) Fotini Pallikari. Understanding Psychokinesis. Η σύντομη έκδοση του YouTube βίντεο 2021
της διάλεξης στο IGPP.
(2022) Fotini Pallikari. The Double Slit Experiment and the Conscious Observer.
(2023) Fotini Pallikari, Understanding the Nature of Psychokinesis, (JAnom) Volume 23(1), pp. 103-131.
(2023) Fotini Pallikari, The Greek Society for Psychical Research. Angelos Tanagras and his telekinetic