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Research Projects



Conserving the Flora of the Balkans: Native Plants of Greece


PLANT-NET CY - Establishment of a Plant Micro-Reserve Network in Cyprus for the Conservation of Priority Species and Habitats

European Union, LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity - LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, 2010-2013 (coordinator: Environmental Service, Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment, Cyprus; NKUA scientific responsible: C.A. Thanos)


JUNICOAST - Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Crete and the South Aegean

European Union, LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity - LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, 2009-2012 (coordinator: MAICh, Chania; NKUA scientific responsible: C.A. Thanos)


Climate change impacts on the local endemic plants of Troodos National Forest Park

Research Promotion Foundation (RPF), Cyprus, 2009-2011 (coordinator: Frederick University, Cyprus; NKUA scientific responsible: C.A. Thanos)


SEMCLIMED - Impact du Changement Climatique sur la Flore Méditerranéenne et Actions de Conservation

European Union (Interreg III B Medocc 2005) 2006-2008 (coordinator: CIEF Valencia, Spain; NKUA scientific responsible & Action Leader: C.A. Thanos)


Conservation of plant diversity of Hymettus Mt - NKUA Seed Bank

NKUA (Kapodistrias Project) 2005-2006, 2007-2008, 2009-2010 (scientific responsible: C.A. Thanos)


ENSCONET - European Native Seed Conservation Network

European Union (6th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration - Co-ordination Action, RICA-CT-2004-506109) 2004-2009 (coordinator: Millenium Seed Bank, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK; NKUA scientific responsible and member of the Project Management Team: C.A. Thanos)


CRETAPLANT - A Pilot Network of Plant Micro-Reserves in Western Crete

European Union (DG XI, LIFE04 NAT_GR_000104) 2004-2007 (manager & scientific responsible: C.A. Thanos)


Population recording, monitoring and protection for 3 plant species of Community importance (Directive 92/43/EEC, Annex II) in Lefka Ori (GR 4340008)

Environment Protection and Sustainable Development Project (Ministry of the Environment, Greece) 2003-2004 (coordinator: MAICh, Chania; NKUA research group leader: C.A. Thanos)


Conservation of Biodiversity in the Greek Flora - Seed Bank of University of Athens

University of Athens, 1999-2001 (coordinator: C.A. Thanos)


Light and chemical signals in seed germination and ecosystem regeneration

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, Binational Research Project between Greece and Yugoslavia, 1996-1998 (Greek group leader: C.A. Thanos, Yugoslavian group leader: Prof. R. Konjevic, Belgrade Univ.)


The reproductive potential of Aleppo pine (in early tree ages) and the postfire resilience capacity of Mediterranean pine forests (in increasingly shorter interfire periods)

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, PENED; 1996-1998 (coordinator: C.A. Thanos)


Management techniques for optimisation of suppression and minimisation of wildfire effects - PROMETHEUS

EU (ENVIRONMENT - EV5V-CT94-0482), 1994-1996 (coordinator: Algosystems SA, research group leader: C.A. Thanos)


Comparative, ecophysiological investigation of the postfire regeneration in Mediterranean pines (Pinus halepensis and P. brutia)

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, PENED, 1993-1995 (coordinator: C.A. Thanos)


Identification, preservation, adaptation and cultivation of selected aromatic and medicinal plants suitable for marginal lands of the Mediterranean region

EEC (CAMAR - 9PL 900422), 1991-1995 (coordinator: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece, research group leader: C.A. Thanos)


Seed osmoconditioning in vegetable plants (cucumber, watermelon, tomato) and cotton

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, PENED, 1983-1984 (coordinator: C.A. Thanos)


Restoration study on the natural ecosystems of Samos Island burned during the wildfires of summer 1983

Prefecture Council of Samos, 1983-1985 (coordinator: C.A. Thanos)



Research Associate


Conservation management in NATURA 2000 sites of Cyprus

European Union (LIFE 04 NAT/CY/000013) 2004-2009 (Environmental Service, Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment, Cyprus; NKUA scientific responsible: K. Georghiou)


Feeding ecology and behaviour of the ant genus Messor in Mediterranean ecosystems of Greece

Heraclitus Project 2003-2007 (coordinator: A. Legakis)


Strategic management plan of Pinus halepensis forests

European Union (TWIG-Transnational Woodland Industries Group - RECITE II) 2004-2006 (NAGREF associate)


GENMEDOC - Création d′un réseau de centres de conservation du matériel génétique de la flore des régions méditerranéennes de l′espace MEDOCC

European Union (Interreg III B Medocc 2003) 2004-2006 (coordinator: CIEF, Valencia, Spain; MAICh scientific responsible: C.A. Thanos)


Experimental studies on the effects of wood pasture to plant biodiversity

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, Binational Research Project between Greece and Germany 2002-2004 (Greek group leader: P. Dimopoulos, German group leader: Prof. E. Bergmeier, Goettingen Univ.)


EUFIRELAB - Euro-Mediterranean Wildland Fire Laboratory, a wall-less Laboratory for Wildland Fire Sciences and Technologies in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

European Union (5th Framework programme EVR1-CT-2002-40028) 2002-2007 (coordinator: J.C. Valette, INRA, Avignon, France; research group leader: M. Arianoutsou)


Identification and Description of Habitat Types in Protected Natural Sites

Ministry of the Environment, Urban Planning and Public Works, Greece, 1999-2001, Group 3 (66 sites) - (research group leader: K. Georghiou)


Origanum sp. and Salvia sp.: Integrated breeding research to improve homogeneity and quality of multifunctional secondary plant products

EU (FAIR3 - PL96 1914) 1997-1999 (coordinator: C. Franz, University of Vienna, Austria; MAICh associate)


Inventory, identification, evaluation and mapping of the habitat types and flora and fauna species in Greece (Directive 92/43/EEC)

EU (LIFE - B4-3200/94/756), 1994-1995 (coordinator: GBWC - Greek Biotope/Wetlands Centre; research group leader: K. Georghiou)


Modelling vegetation dynamics and degradation in Mediterranean ecosystems - MODMED

EU (ENVIRONMENT - EV5V-CT94-0489). 1994-1996 (coordinator: S. Mazzoleni, University of Campobasso, Italy; research group leader: M. Arianoutsou)


Conservation and protection of the endemic, rare and threatened plants of the Greek Flora: physiological study of seed germination and establishment of a seed bank

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, PENED, 1993-1995 (coordinator: K. Georghiou)


The postfire legume flora and its role in the regeneration process of Mediterranean ecosystems after a wildfire

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, PENED, 1993-1995 (coordinator: M. Arianoutsou)


Ecophysiological investigation of seed germination in endemic, rare and threatened plants of Cyprus

University of Athens, 1989-1991, 1992-1993, 1993-1994 (coordinator: K. Georghiou)


The aromatic flora of Greece

GSRT - General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, PENED, 1984-1986 (coordinator: S. Kokkini-Gousgouni)