Athanasios A. Papaioannou
Athens Cosmic Ray Group |  National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

IAASARS | National Observatory of Athens

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Curriculum Vitae                                             


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  Personal data

Date of Birth: October 27, 1979

Place of Birth: Kamari | Xylokastrou | Korinthias

Nationality: Greek

Marital Status: Married, father of two

Military Service: Fulfilled


2005 | B. Sc in Physics, orientation Astronomy, Astrophysics & Mechanics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grade: Very Good (7.18 / 10.00)

2007 | M. Sc in Nuclear Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grade: Excellent (8.57 / 10.00)

2012 | Ph. D. in Space Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grade: Excellent

  Participation in Research Projects

09. 2005 - 12. 2007: Pythagoras II: 'Monitoring & Predicting Space Weather Using Neutron Monitor Measurements from the Athens Cosmic Ray Station', Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. H. Mavromichalaki, more info here

01. 2008 - 12. 2009: 'FP7 - Real-time Neutron Monitor Database (NMDB)', Contract No 213007, Coordinator: Dr. C. T. Steigies, more info here

10. 2008 - 03. 2010: 'ESA - SREM Solar Particle Events Scientific Analysis', ESA - ITT proposal AO/1-5543/07/NL/NR, Coordinator: Dr. I. A. Daglis, more info here

03. 2010 - 01.2011: Kapodistrias: 'Studying X-ray solar flares for the last three solar cycles', Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. H. Mavromichalaki

02. 2011 - 11.2013: 'FP7 - SEPServer', Contract No 262773, Coordinator: Dr. R. Vainio, more info here

07.2012 - 12.2013: 'ESA - Space Weather Precursor Services Operation (SN-IV3), European Ionosode and Neutron Monitor Service', Coordinator: Dr. Anna Belehaki, more info here

12.2013 - 01.2014: 'FP7-COMESEP', Contract No 263252, Coordinator: Dr. N. Crosby, more info here

12.2013 - today: 'ESA-FORSEPF',  ESA Contract No. 4000109641/13/NL/AK, Coordinator: Dr A. Anastasiadis, more info here


Solar Extreme Events 2007 - International Symposium. Program and Abstracts Book (2007)

Solar Extreme Events 2007 - International Symposium. Proceedings [ISBN 978-960-466-049-0 / 408 pages] (2007)

Cosmic Rays & Neutron Monitors - a training course in science and applications. Program and Abstracts Book (2009)

  Educational | Teaching

Tutoring students of the Physics Department of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens on the Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Laboratory Course (2006 - Present)

Constructed online tutorials (in Greek) on exercise 1 (Geiger-Muller detector), exercise 6 (Radiation Absorption) & exercise 8 (Cosmic Rays) for the Laboratory Course: Introduction to Nuclear Physics

Co-Supervised a Thesis entitled: 'Cosmic Ray Effects on Microelectronic Systems', by V. Doupis & I. Viglis, for the M. Sc., available here (2008)

Co-Supervised a Thesis entitled: 'Mapping of the Solar Activity on Cosmic Ray Data', by P. Makrantoni, for the B. Sc. of Physics, available here (2009)

Supervised and conducted one laboratory exercise of the Cosmic Ray & Neutron Monitors - a training course in science and applications, NMDB Summer Course. Namely: Lab 4 (Precursors in Cosmic Ray Data) (2009)

Created tutorials on the Impact of Cosmic Rays on Technological Systems and Special Chapters on Measurements and Impact for NMDB's Public Outreach Section (2009)

Conducted a laboratory exercise on Ionization Effects of Cosmic Rays at the M. Sc. Cosmic Ray Course of the Physics Department at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (23.04.2010), notes (in Greek) available here (2010)

Co-Supervised a Thesis entitled: 'Cosmic Ray Effects on Space Environment', by P. Mitropoulou, for the M. Sc., available here (2010)

Co-Supervising a Thesis entitled: 'Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectum During Stron Forbush Decreases and Related Radiation Doses' by M. Livada, for the M. Sc. available here (2013)

  Conference and School Organization

Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) | 27 - 29. 09. 2006 (Organizational staff)

COST 724 Workshop On Neutron Monitors | 02 - 04. 04. 2007 (Local Organizing Committee)

Solar Extreme Events 2007 - International Symposium | 24 - 27. 09. 2007 (Local Organizing Committee)

FP7 - NMDB - unofficial Kick off Meeting | 28. 09. 2007 (Local Organizing Committee)

Cosmic Rays & Neutron Monitors - a training course in science and applications | 14 - 19. 09. 2009 (Local Organizing Committee)

10 years anniversary of the Athens Neutron Monitor Station | 10.03. 2011 (Local Organizing Committee)

NMDB Workshop on Data Quality | 11 - 13. 03. 2011 (Local Organizing Committee)

COMESEP 1st Year Progress Meeting | 17 - 20. 04. 2012 (Local Organizing Committee)

NMDB Workshop | 24 - 25. 11. 2012 (Local Organizing Committee)

SEPServer 6th Consortium Board Meeting  | 18 - 20. 09. 2013 (Local Organizing Committee)

European Space Weather Week 10 - Splinter on Neutron Monitors  | 22. 11. 2013 (Convener)

EGU2014 - ST6.1/EOS16/NH9.14/PS5.6
Raising and maintaining awareness of our local space weather: education and public outreach
| 27.04- 02.05.2014 (Convener)

  Participation in Research Project's meetings and events

Pythagoras II Scientific Results Public Display, 06.2008, Athens, Greece. Poster presentation

COST 724 Workshop On Neutron Monitors, 02 - 04. 04. 2007, Athens, Greece

FP7 - NMDB - unofficial Kick off Meeting, 28. 09. 2007, Athens, Greece

FP7 - NMDB - official Kick off Meeting, 17 - 19. 01. 2008, Paris, France. Oral presentation

ESA-SREM Solar Particle Scientific Analysis, Kick-off Meeting, 15.09.2008. Oral presentation

ESA-SREM Solar Particle Event Analysis, Progress Meeting, 18. 06. 2009, Chalkidiki, Greece. Oral presentation

FP7 - NMDB Monthly teleconferences from 10. 07. 2008 up to 03. 11. 2009

ESA-SREM Solar Particle Events Analysis, Teleconference, 21. 10. 2009, Pre-submitted presentation

FP7 - NMDB - final meeting, 03-05. 12. 2009, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation

FP7 Evaluation Hearing by EC, 01. 03. 2010, Brussels, Belgium. Oral presentation

TEC-EES Final Presentation Days 2010, 01-02. 02. 2010, ESA, ESTEC, Nordwijk, The Netherlands. Oral presentation

FP7 - SEPServer bi-monthly teleconferences from 01.01.2011 up to 31.11.2013

FP7 - SEPServer - 3rd Consortium Board Meeting, 29.02- 02.03.2012, Leuven, Belgium.

ESA-SNIV3 Kick-off Meeting, 25.07.2012, Madrid, Spain. Oral presentation

FP7 - SEPServer - 4th Consortium Board Meeting, 18-19.09.2012, Barcelona, Spain. Oral presentation

ESA-SNIV3 1st Progress Meeting, 28.09.2012, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation

ESA-SNIV3 Meeting with Data Providers, 23.11.2012, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation

NMDB Workshop, 24 - 25. 11. 2012, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation

ESA-SNIV3 Joint Progress Meeting, 13.03.2013, Royal Observatory of Brussels, Brussels. Oral presentation

FP7-SEPServer Workshop on SEPs, 19.03.2013, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, Paris, France. Oral presentation

FP7-SEPServer 6th Progress Meeting, 19.09.2013, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation

ESA-FORSEPF, Negotiations Teleconference, 08.10.2013, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation

FP7-SEPServer Public Release, 19.11.2013, Antwerp, Brussels. Oral presentation

ESA-FORSPEF, Pre-KOM, 20.11.2013, Antwerp, Brussels

ESA-FORSPEF, KOM Teleconference, 04.12.2013, Athens, Greece. Oral Presentation


Hellenic Physicists Association (2005 - present)

Hellenic Astronomical Society (2005 - present)

Committee on Space Research - COSPAR (2007 - present)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - IEEE (2007 - 2008)

Space Weather Working Team (2010 - present)

European Geosciences Union (2013 - present)


Astrophysics and Space Science

Solar Physics


Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  Participation in Conferences and Schools

2nd  Greek Conference on Cosmology, 19-20 April 2001, National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece

1st Aegean Summer School on Cosmology, 21-29 September 2001, Karlovasi, Samos, Greece

HEP 2003: Recent Developments in High Energy Physics & Cosmology, 17-20 April 2003, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS), 20 August - 3 September 2004, Florence, Italy. Poster presentation available here

First European Space Weather Week, 29 November - 3 December 2004, ESA, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Poster presentation available here

9th Joint Symposium of Greek and Cypriot Physicists, 4-6 February 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus

7th Hellenic Astronomical Society Conference, 8-11 September 2005, Kephalonia, Greece

Second European Space Weather Week, 14-18 November 2005, ESA, ESTEC, Nordwijk, The Netherlands. Poster presentation available here

11th National Conference on Physics, 30 March - 2 April 2006, Larisa, Greece. Oral presentation available here

International Advanced School on Space Weather, 2 – 19 May 2006, International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste Italy

16th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 26-27 May 2006, Athens, Greece

20th European Cosmic Rays Symposium (ECRS), 5-8 September 2006, Lisboa, Portugal. Poster presentation available here

Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2006), 27-29 September 2006, Athens, Greece. Poster presentation available here

1st Hellenic-European Student Space Science and Technology Symposium, 9-11 October 2006, Patra, Greece

10th Joint Symposium of Greek and Cypriot Physicists, 2-4 March 2007, Corfu, Greece. Oral presentations available here and here

30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), 3-11 July 2007, Merida, Mexico. Poster presentation available here

8th Hellenic Astronomical Society Conference, 13-15 September 2007, Thasos, Greece. Poster presentation available here

Solar Extreme Events 2007, 24 - 27 September 2007, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation available here and Poster presentation available here

37th COSPAR General Assembly, 13-20 July 2008, Montreal, Canada. Oral presentation available here

Modern Challenges in Non-linear Plasma Physics, 15-19 June 2009, Chalkidiki, Greece. Poster presentations available here and here

Cosmic Rays and Neutron Monitors – a training course in science and applications, 14-19 September 2009, Athens, Greece

9th Hellenic Astronomical Society Conference, 20-24 September 2009, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation available here and Poster presentations available here and here

Sixth European Space Weather Week, 16-19 November 2009, Bruge, Belgium. Poster presentation available here and participation to ESWW fair exhibition for NMDB

22nd European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 03-06 August 2010, Turku, Finland. Poster presentation available here

European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, 07-12 April 2013, Vienna, Austria. Oral presentation available here and Poster presentations available here and here

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Updated: 06. 2012