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Department of Chemistry

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Associate Professor of Industrial Chemistry

Sector: Polymeric Materials for Microsystems

Margarita Chatzichristidi

Undergraduate Courses

2007- : "Topics in Polymer Science". Fall semester, 4th year

2014-2020: "Polymers: Materials for New Applications". Spring semester, 4th year

2009- 2013: "Physical Industrial Processes (Unit Operation)". Fall semester, 4th year

Laboratory Courses

2014- : Laboratory courses for “Topics in Polymer Science”. Fall semester, undergraduate students 4th year.

2009- : Laboratory courses for “Polymer Science”. Fall semester, undergraduate students 3rd year.

2009- : Laboratory courses for “Chemical Industrial Processes”. Fall semester, undergraduate students 4th year.

2008-: Laboratory courses for “Use of Polymers in Cutting Edge Technology”. Spring semester, 1st year graduate students of “Polymer Science and its Applications” .

26/6-7/7/2006 and 6-10/6/2005: Laboratory course, "Methods in Μicro–Νano Τechnology and Νanobiotechnology", NanoBio School: "Fabrication of Protein Microarrays using Lithography", Institute of Microelectronics, N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”.

9/2001-6/2007: Laboratory Assistant, Department of Textile, Technological Institute (TEI) of Piraeus. Subjects: "Principles of Dyeing and Refining" and "Bleaching and Coloring"

Graduate Courses

2008- : "Use of Polymers in Cutting Edge Technology". Spring Semester, 1st year graduate students of “Polymer Science and its Applications”

Lecture Notes

"Topics in Polymer Science", Industrial Chemistry Laboratory, M. Pitsikalis and M. Chatzichristidi