National Kapodistrian University of Athens
- XX peer-reviewed papers
- YY conference papers
- ZZ internal reports
- Citations: ####
- h-index: ####
- [PDF] STUDEMEISTER, P.A., KILIAS, S. (1987) Alteration pattern and fluid inclusions of gold-bearing veins in Archean trondjemite near Wawa, Ontario, Canada. Economic Geology, v. 82, p. 429-439.
- [PDF] KALOGEROPOULOS, S.I., KILIAS, S.P., BITZIOS, D., NICOLAOU, M., BOTH R.A. (1989) Genesis of the Olympias carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn(Au,Ag) sulfide ore deposit, Eastern Chalkidiki Peninsula, N. Greece. Economic Geology, v. 84, p. 1210-1234.
- [PDF] KALOGEROPOULOS, S.I., KILIAS, S.P., BITZIOS, D., NICOLAOU, M., BOTH, R.A. (1990) Genesis of the Olympias carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn(Au,Ag) sulfide ore deposit, Eastern Chalkidiki Peninsula, N. Greece - A reply. Economic Geology, v. 85, p. 651-652.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., VERANIS, N.S., KONNERUP-MADSEN, J. (1995) The nature of the fluids associated with scheelite(+gold) mineralization, Metaggitsi-Pravita area, Central Chalkidiki Peninsula, N. Greece. In: Pasava, J., Kribek, B., Zak, K. (eds.) Mineral Deposits: From their origin to their environmental impacts. Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, p. 877-880.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., KALOGEROPOULOS, S.I., KONNERUP-MADSEN, J. (1996) Fluid inclusion evidence for the physicochemical conditions of sulfide deposition in the Olympias carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn(Au,Ag) sulfide ore deposit, E. Chalkidiki peninsula, N. Greece. Mineralium Deposita, v. 31, p. 394-406
- [PDF] KALOGEROPOULOS, S.I., KILIAS, S.P., ARVANITIDIS, N.D. (1996) Physicochemical conditions of deposition and origin of the carbonate-hosted base metal sulfide mineralization of the Thermes ore-field, Rhodope Massif, NE Greece. Mineralium Deposita, v. 31, p. 407-418
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., KONNERUP-MADSEN, J. (1997) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence for the genesis of quartz-scheelite veins, Metaggitsi area, central Chalkidiki peninsula, N. Greece. Mineralium Deposita, v. 32, p. 581-595.
- [PDF] ARVANITIDIS, N.D., KILIAS, S.P. (1997) Vein-quartz deposits in northern Greece – Exploitable resources for industrial uses. In: Papunen, H. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration-Where do they meet? Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, p. 701-704.
- [PDF] TSOKAS, G.N., STAMPOLIDIS, A., ANGELOPOULOS, A.D., KILIAS, S. (1998) Analysis of potential field anomalies in Lavrion mining area, Greece. Geophysics, v. 63, p. 1965-1970.
- [PDF] ELIOPOULOS, D.G., NADEN, J., KILIAS, S.P. (1999) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope (O,H) evidence for the formation of the Asimotripes mesothermal gold deposit, N. Greece. In: Stanley et al. (eds.), Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing. Balkema/Rotterdam, p. 33-36.
- [PDF] NADEN, J., KILIAS, S.P., LENG, M.J., CHELIOTIS, I., SHEPHERD, T.J., SPIRO, B. (1999) The Profitis Ilias deposit, Milos island, Greece: A case fluid inclusion data. In: Stanley et al. (eds.), Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing Balkema/Rotterdam, p. 63-66.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., NADEN, J., CHELIOTIS, I., SHEPHERD, T.J., CONSTANTINIDOU, H., CROSSING, J., SIMOS, I. (2001) Epithermal gold mineralisation in the active Aegean Volcanic Arc: the Profitis Ilias deposit, Milos island, Greece. Mineralium Deposita, v.36, p. 32-44.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P. (2001) Genesis of vein-quartz deposits in relation to uplift of the Serbo-Macedonian Zone, N. Greece: evidence from fluid inclusion studies. Chem. Erde, v.61, p. 117-139
- [PDF] NADEN, J., KILIAS, S.P., LENG, M.J., CHELIOTIS, I., SHEPHERD, T.J. (2003) Do fluid inclusions preserve δ18O values of hydrothermal fluids in epithermal systems over geological time? Evidence from paleo- and modern geothermal systems, Milos island, Aegean Sea. Chemical Geology, v. 197, p. 143-159.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., STAMATAKIS, M.G., CALVO, J.P., POZO, M., BUSTILLO, M. (2003) Genetic considerations for the L. Cambrian(?) Rubian magnesite deposit, Galicia, Spain. In: Eliopoulos et al. (eds) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development, Millpress, Rotterdam, p. 895-898.
- [PDF] NADEN, J., KILIAS, S.P., LIAKOPOULOS, A. (2003) Land-based geothermal systems with entrained seawater as an alternative to the Broadlands epithermal-Au paradigm: the case for Milos Island, Aegean Sea, Greece. In: Eliopoulos et al. (eds) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development, Millpress, Rotterdam, p. 507-510.
- [PDF] NADEN, J., KILIAS, S.P., DARBYSHIRE, F.D.P. (2005) Active geothermal systems with entrained seawater as modern analoges for transitional volcanic-hosted massive sulfide and continental magmato-hydrothermal mineralization: The example of Milos Island, Greece. Geology, v. 33, p. 541-544.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., POZO, M., BUSTILLO, M., STAMATAKIS, M.G., CALVO, J.P. (2006) Origin of the Rubian carbonate-hosted magnesite deposit, Galicia, NW Spain: mineralogical, REE, fluid inclusion and isotope evidence. Mineralium Deposita, v. 41, p. 713-733.
- [PDF] KILIAS S.P., DETSI K., GODELITSAS, A., TYPAS, M., NADEN, J., MARANTOS, I. (2007) Evidence of Mn-oxide biomineralization, Vani Mn deposit, Milos, Greece. In Andrew et al. (eds.) “Digging Deeper”, Millpress, Rotterdam, p. 1069-1072.
- [PDF] ELIOPOULOS, D.G., KILIAS, S.P. (2007) Hybrid Carlin gold and core-complex exhumation sulphide mineralization: the Asimotripes submicroscopic gold deposit, Rhodope Massif, N. Greece. In Andrew et al. (eds.) “Digging Deeper”, Millpress, Rotterdam, p. 617-620.
- [PDF] ELIOPOULOS, D., AND KILIAS, S.P. (2011) Marble-hosted submicroscopic gold mineralization at Asimotrypes area, Mount Pangeon, southern Rhodope Core Complex, Greece. Economic Geology, v. 106, p. 751-780.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P. (2011) Microbial-mat related structures in the Quaternary Cape Vani manganese oxide(-barite) deposit, NW Milos island-Greece. In Noffke N., and Chafetz, H., (Eds.) Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Depositional Systems Through Time, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication No. 101, p. 97-110.
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., PAKTSEVANOGLOU, M., GIAMPOURAS, M., STAVROPOULOU, A., APEIRANTHITI, D., MITSIS, I., NADEN, J., KEMP, S.J., SHEPHERD, T.J., KOUTLES, T., MICHAEL, C., CHRISTIDIS, C. (2013) Gold occurrence, mineral textures and ore fluid properties at the Viper (Sappes) epithermal Au–Ag–Cu orebody, Thrace, Greece. In: “Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world”, Millpress, Rotterdam (in press).
- [URL] CHI FRU, E., IVARSSON, M., KILIAS, S.P., BENGTSON, S., BELIVANOVA, V., MARONE, F., FORTIN, D., BROMAN, C., STAMPANONI, M., Fossilized iron bacteria reveal pathway to biological origin of banded iron formation. Nature Communications 4, 2050 (2013)
- [PDF] KILIAS, S.P., NOMIKOU, P., PAPANIKOLAOU, D., POLYMENAKOU, P.N., GODELITSAS, A., ARGYRAKI, A., CAREY, S., GAMALETSOS, P., MERTZIMEKIS, T.J., STATHOPOULOU, E., GOETTLICHER, J., STEININGER, R., BETZELOU, K., LIVANOS, I., CHRISTAKIS, Ch., CROFF BELL, K., SCOULLOS, M. (under review) New insights into hydrothermal vent processes in the unique shallow-submarine arc-volcano, Kolumbo (Santorini), Greece. Scientific Reports. (under review)
- Nomikou P., Carey S., Kilias S., Bell K.L.C., Godelitsas A., Argyraki A., Polymenakou P., , Stathopoulou E., Bejelou K.,
Perros I., Argyrou A. (2012) Kolumbo Submarine Volcano: A National Underwater Treasure for Greece. THALATTA 2012, Islands and sea:
Building a sustainable maritime economy, 22 - 23 September 2012, Santorini island, Greece.
- Hahn, A., Naden, J., Treloar, P.J., Kilias, S.P., Rankin, A.H., Forward, P. (2012) A new time frame for the mineralization in the Kassandra mine district, N Greece: deposit formation during metamorphic core complex exhumation. European Mineralogical Conference Vol. 1, EMC2012-742, European Mineralogical Conference 2012.
- Antonopoulou-Athera, N., Mavrogiannidou, I., Chatzitheodoridis, E., Lyon, I., Kilias, S., (2011) Interactive handling of biosignature patterns for the interpretation of TOF-SIMS mass spectra. Poster presented at the 11th European Workshop on Astrobiology, Cologne, Germany: Planets and life: evolution and distribution / 11th - 14th July 2011, EUROPEAN ASTROBIOLOGY NETWORK ASSOCIATION (EANA).
- Kilias, S.P., Nomikou, A., Godelitsas, A., Polymenakou, P., Stathopoulou, E., Carey, S. (2011) Interdisciplinary mineralogical, microbiological and chemical studies of the active Kolumbo shallow arc-related hydrothermal vent field, Aegean Sea: preliminary results. Poster presentation, William Smith 2011 Meeting, The Geological Society of London, 4-5 October 2011.
- Hahn, A., Rankin, A.H., Treloar, P.J., Naden, J., Forward, P., and Kilias, S.P. (2010) Hydrothermal Pb-Zn and Cu-Au mineralization in the Kassandra Mine District, N. Greece: a local mineralization model with regional implications? Poster presentation SEG 2010 Conference, Keystone, Colorado, USA.
- Kilias, S., Ivarsson, M., Broman, C. and Detsi, K. (2009) Fluid inclusions in microfossils as a biomarker, Vani manganese-oxide deposit, Milos, Greece. European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ECROFI) 2009, Granada, Spain.
- K. Detsi, K., Kilias, S.P., Naden, J., Typas, M.A., Benning, L., Pancost, R.D., Boyce, A.J. (2008) Biogenicity of Mn-mineralized Microbes from a Seafloor- Paleohydrothermal Vent System, Vani, Milos, Greece: Relevance to Mn-oxide Biomineralization. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-06917, 2008.
- Detsi K, Kilias SP, Naden J, Marantos I, Godelitsas A, Typas M (2007) Mn biomineralization in a seafloor paleo-hydrothermal vent system, Vani, Milos, Greece. Proceedings: “Rocks and Beasts: Interdisciplinary Conference on Vent Systems”, Leeds, UK, 17-19 June.
- Kilias, S.P., Naden, J., Detsi, K., (2005), Exhalative features and biosignatures in the Vani Mn deposit, Milos, active Aegean volcanic arc: field and microscopic evidence, Mineral Deposits Studies Group MDSG, Mineral Deposits in the 21st Century: Belfast 4-6 January.
- Kilias, S.P., Detsi, K., Naden, J., Papavasiliou, C., (2005), Fluid inclusion and microfossil evidence for hydrothermal bio-mineralization in the Vani "white smoker"-type Mn deposit, Milos Island, Greece, ECROFI, European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions XVIII: Siena 6-9 July.
- Kilias S, Arvanitidis N, Shepherd T (2004) Laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) analysis of trace elements in vein-quartz (N. Greece) as an evaluation technique for ultra pure quartz resource. 10th International Congress-Geological Society Greece, Thessaloniki 14-20 April, p. 447-448.
- Calvo JP, Pozo M, Bustillo M, Stamatakis M, Kilias S (2001) Sedimentology and geochemistry of lower Cambrian magnesite and associated shelf carbonates, NW Spain. 21st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Davos 3-5 September, p. 65.
See the book "Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Depositional Systems through Time",
edited by Nora Noffke and Henry Chafetz
SEPM Special Publication No. 101
ISBN 978-1-56576-314-2