Investigating the most ancient asteroids

Data Collection

Observations are accepted from professional and amateur astronomers, who actively collaborate with University of Athens faculty members and wish to be partners in Ancient Asteroids Project.

Electronic submission of the observations is required. This involves uploading your image and calibration files in .fits (.fits, .fts or .fits), following the instructions given below.

Applicants are required to consult the relevant "Observing Guidelines" webpage when preparing their observation plan. Usually, an observation plan includes several hours of data collection with specific requirements, that all observers should follow, in order to produce useful data in our project. Make sure to follow all instructions given below and use the provided online tools for contacting us and for praparing your observation plan. These are required to proper refer to you as a collaborator and use your data in our project. Not following the exact steps may cause your files to be lost, not properly processed and eventually not used in the project.

Personal Information

In order to submit your observations, we first need to know a few things about you. We kindly ask you to fill the online PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM. Instructions for filling the Personal Information Form can be found here.

Data Preparation

Data Submission

Please upload your data through the online DATA SUBMISSION FORM. Instructions for filling the Data Submission Form can be found here.

Your contribution, personal information and data files will be received by the members of the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC). The observations will be evaluated and will be further proccessed, in order to be included for analysis.


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