Associate Prof. Christoforos G. Kokotos
Date of Birth: 24 September 1981
Work Address: Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis, Athens
Work Phone: +30 210 7274271, 7274281
Email address:
Orchid: 0000-0002-4762-7682
September 1999 - June 2003
Bachelor in Chemistry: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Graduated from the Department of Chemistry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with the Grade of 8.02 on a 10-point scale.
October 2003 - January 2007
PhD in Organic Synthesis: University of Bristol, UK, Research Supervisor: Professor Varinder K. Aggarwal, Title: “Applications of Sulfur Ylides in Asymmetric Synthesis”.
Professional Experience
January 2007 - September 2008
Postdoctoral Researcher: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry (Prof. George Kokotos).
October 2008 - October 2009
Postdoctoral Researcher: Princeton University, USA, Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry (Prof. David W. C. MacMillan).
November 2009 - November 2010
Military Service: Naval Base of Crete, Chania, Greece, Served my military service in Greek Navy providing Gas Free Certificates, allowing repairs in Battleships.
November 2010 - December 2013
Lecturer in Organic Chemistry (elected but not hired), Postdoctoral Researcher: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry. Working on the development of new methodologies mainly in organocatalysis within the Post-doctoral Research Grant, “PEPCAT-Novel Organocatalysts Based on Peptides and Amino Acids and their Application in Asymmetric Organic Transformations”.
January 2014 - March 2016
Lecturer in Organic Chemistry: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry.
March 2016 – August 2020
Assistant Professor in Organic Chemistry: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry.
August 2020 – till today
Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry. Working on the development of new methodologies mainly in Organocatalysis and Photocatalysis and their applications in the synthesis of bioactive compounds.
Positions in National and International Committees
January 2017 - till present
Greek Representative in the Organic and Biomolecular Division of IUPAC.
January 2017 – July 2018
Member of the General Assembly of the Greek Institute of Research and Innovation.
December 2018 – January 2022
Greek Representative in the EuCheMS, Division of Organic Chemistry.
January 2020 - till present
Member of the Center of Excellence of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens “Drug Design and Discovery”. The Centers of Excellence of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens aim at coordinating the efforts of the university’s Research Teams, in research areas of outmost societal importance, towards attracting competitive funding and assisting/consulting the Greek state.
January 2020 – till present
Member of the Center of Excellence of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens “Renewable Energy”. The Centers of Excellence of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens aim at coordinating the efforts of the university’s Research Teams, in research areas of outmost societal importance, towards attracting competitive funding and assisting/consulting the Greek state.
January 2020 – till present
Member of the Center of Excellence of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens “Natural Products”. The Centers of Excellence of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens aim at coordinating the efforts of the university’s Research Teams, in research areas of outmost societal importance, towards attracting competitive funding and assisting/consulting the Greek state.
September 2020 – till present
Member of the Steering Committee of the Postgraduate Program “Catalysis and Applications in Industry” of the Chemistry Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
December 2020 – till present
Member of Sectoral Scientific Council “Natural Sciences” of the National Council for Research, Technology and Innovation (representing Chemistry).
January 2021 – till present
Member of the International Advisory Board of European Journal of Organic Chemistry.
February 2023 – till present
Member of the International Advisory Board of Chemistry A European Journal.
(1) “PAPADAKIS” four-year undergraduate studies scholarship (1999–2003), obtained after written examinations.
(2) IKY (State Foundation of Scholarships), one-year scholarships for undergraduate students ranked in the top five of their year (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003).
(3) MARI KAMARA award, awarded to the student that finished first in his year (2002-2003).
(4) Industrial sponsorship (2003-2006), joint sponsorship from Avecia (MPhil Pharma), Syngenta, Johnson-Matthey and DTI.
(5) Award for the best oral presentation in Syngenta Collaborative Research Conference 2006, Bracknell, UK, entitled “Applications of Sulfur Ylides in Organic Chemistry”.
(6) IKY (State Foundation of Scholarships), one-year post-doctoral scholarship (year 2011).
(7) Prize for Young Chemists (IUPAC), Award to encourage outstanding young researchers at the beginning of their career (year 2011).
(8) ACS Young Academic Investigators Award (ACS), 9th Young Academic Investigators, 248th ACS National Meeting, Organic Division, San Francisco, USA, August 2014. (Europe’s representative). Award to encourage outstanding young academic investigators at the beginning of their career (year 2014). The intent of the Symposium is to have the program composed of Assistant Professor speakers. Sixteen speakers are invited to give 30-minute presentations on their work. Only 2 European Young Investigators were selected.
(9) Young Investigators Workshop (EuCheMS), Workshop to encourage outstanding young academic investigators at the beginning of their career (year 2014). EuCheMS workshops promote and recognize academic excellence. Each National Chemical Society (European countries, USA, Canada, Japan, and China) nominates one young investigator, for which a total of not more than 30 can be chosen.
(10) Scientific scholarships from the Latsis Foundation (year 2015, 12.000 €).
(11) JSP (Junior Scientist Programme) Fellowship to attend the Burgenstock Conference 2016. A very famous conference that you can attend only after invitation. JSP fellowships are to promote the participation of promising European scientists at the beginning of their academic careers (2016).
(12) Hildegard Zervas Award from the Academy of Athens (National Academy of Science and Arts) for the promotion of Organic Chemistry (December 2016).
(13) Young Investigators Workshop (EuCheMS), Workshop to encourage outstanding young academic investigators at the beginning of their career (year 2017). EuCheMS workshops promote and recognize academic excellence. Each National Chemical Society (European countries, USA, Canada, Japan, and China) nominates one young investigator, for which a total of not more than 30 can be chosen.
(14) Outstanding Reviewer 2017, Green Chemistry (impact factor 9.13).
(15) Young Investigators Workshop (EuCheMS), Workshop to encourage outstanding young academic investigators at the beginning of their career (year 2018). EuCheMS workshops promote and recognize academic excellence. Each National Chemical Society (European countries, USA, Canada, Japan, and China) nominates one young investigator, for which a total of not more than 30 can be chosen.
(16) Hildegard Zervas Award from the Academy of Athens (National Academy of Science and Arts) for the promotion of Organic Chemistry (E. Voutyritsa, A. Theodorou and Dr. M. G. Kokotou) (December 2018).
(17) Georgios Foteinos Award from the Academy of Athens (National Academy of Science and Arts) for the promotion of Chemistry (A. Schiza, N. Spiliopoulou and A. Shahu) (December 2020).
(18) Outstanding Reviewer 2020, Green Chemistry (impact factor 10.18).
(19) in the top 2% worldwide of Scientists in Organic Chemistry for the year 2020, ( ).
(20) in the top 2% worldwide of Scientists in Organic Chemistry throughout their careers up to the end of 2020, ( ).
(21) in the top 2% worldwide of Scientists in Organic Chemistry for the year 2021, (
(22) in the top 2% worldwide of Scientists in Organic Chemistry throughout their careers up to the end of 2021, (
(23) Chemistry Europe Fellow (Chemistry Europe) The Fellowship is the highest award given by Chemistry Europe. New Fellows are announced every two years in the run-up to the biannual EuChemS Congress (Class of 2020-2022, March 2022). Only 4 has received this honor from Greece and 1st in Organic Chemistry from Greece. Interview at chemistry views: , Interview at Chemical Chronicles (Official Journal of the Green Association of Chemists):
(24) Chemical Science Reviewer Spotlight – September 2022 (Royal Chemical Society, Chemical Science), Interview at:
(25) Georgios Foteinos Award from the Academy of Athens (National Academy of Science and Arts) for the promotion of Chemistry (N. Spiliopoulou and N. F. Nikitas) (December 2022).
Research Grants - Participation in Research Programmes
(1) Post-doctoral Research Grant, “PEPCAT-Novel Organocatalysts Based on Peptides and Amino Acids and their Application in Asymmetric Organic Transformations”, Action Post-doc (2012-2015, 150.000 €).
(2) Organocatalysis – ORCA, Cost Action CM0905 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2011-2014), Management Committee Substitute and co-Organizer of the third ORCA meeting in Athens, 2012. Action Chair: Prof. P. Pihko, University of Jyvskyl, Finland. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 15.000 €.
(3) Scientific Studies 2015, Latsis Foundation “PhotoOrganocatalysis: Development of new environmentally-friendly methods for the synthesis of compounds for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry” (2015, 12.000€).
(4) C-H Activation in Organic Synthesis – CHAOS, Cost Action CM15106 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2016-2020), Management Committee Substitute. Action Chair: Prof. M. Schnurch, Technical University of Vienna, Austria. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 36.000 €.
(5) Individual Fellowship for PhD research from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), Errika Voutyritsa, 36 months, 2016-2019, 32.400€.
(6) Individual Fellowship for PhD research from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Ierasia Triandafillidi, 24 months, 2017-2019, 21.600€.
(7) Individual Fellowship for PhD research from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), Nikolaos Nikitas, 36 months, 2018-2021, 32.400€.
(8) European Network on Pseudomyxoma Peritonei – PMP, Cost Action CA17101 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2019-2023), Management Committee Member. Action Chair: Prof. Kjersti Flatmark, Oslo University Hospital, Norway. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 5.000 €.
(9) Chemobrionics, Cost Action CA17120 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2019-2023), Management Committee Member. Action Chair: Prof. Julyan Cartwright, CSIC Granada, Spain. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 5.000 €.
(10) Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry, Cost Action CA18112 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2019-2023), Management Committee Member. Action Chair: Prof. Evelina Colacino, University of Montpelier, France. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 23.000 €.
(11) Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes, Cost Action CA18224 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2019-2023), Management Committee Member. Action Chair: Prof. Ana Rita Duarte, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 6.000 €.
(12) Individual Fellowship for PhD research from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Nikoleta Spiliopoulou, 36 months, 2019-2022, 32.400€.
(14) Research Programme «1st Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to Support Faculty Members & Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant» entitled: «Sunlight-driven Photoorganocatalysis: Novel and Green Organic Transformations and Synthesis of Compounds for the Chemical Industry», ΕΛΙΔΕΚ (2019-2023, 200.000 €).
(15) Individual Fellowship for postdoctoral research from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), Dr. Ierasia Triandafillidi, 24 months, 2020-2022, 24.000€.
(16) Individual Fellowship for postdoctoral research from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), Dr. Maroula G. Kokotou, 24 months, 2020-2022, 24.000€.
(17) Individual Fellowship for PhD research from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Constantinos Constantinou, 36 months, 2022-2024, 32.400€.
(18) Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry Driven Processes and Related Technologies (MultIChem), Cost Action CA20129 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2021-2025), Working Group 1 and 4 Member. Action Chair: Dr. Alexey VERKHOVTSEV, MBN Research Center gGmbH, Germany. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 1.000 €.
(19) Plastics monitoRIng detectiOn RemedIaTion recoverY (PRIORITY), Cost Action CA20101 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2021-2025), Working Group 5 Member. Action Chair: Prof. Stefania Federici, National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology, Italy. Funding for the Kokotos’ group (short-term scientific missions, meetings participation, and training schools): 1.000 €.
(20) Research Programme «3rd Call for H.F.R.I. to Support Post-doctoral Researchers» Dr. Dimitrios Chronopoulos entitled: «Carbocatalysis: Advancing Organic Synthesis and Asymmetric Catalysis», ΕΛΙΔΕΚ (2023-2025, 118.800 €).
Teaching Experience
(1) Laboratory supervision on 1st level General Chemistry during the academic years 2004 and 2005, University of Bristol.
(2) Teaching “Named Reactions in Organic Chemistry” the students of the Masters’ course “Organic Synthesis and Applications in Chemical Industry”, University of Athens, Greece during the academic year 2007 and 2008, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
(3) Supervision of 9 PhD students, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
(4) Supervision of 27 Masters’ students, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
(5) Supervision of 38 undergraduate students for their final year projects, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
(6) Supervision of 3 visiting PhD student, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
(7) Member of the Examination Committee of 8 International PhD Theses: 1. Ben-Gurion University, 2020, 2. Jyvaskyla University, Finland, 2020, 3. Sastra University, India, 2020, 4. University of Vienna, Austria, 2021, 5. Gotenborg University, Sweden, 2022, 6. University of Vienna, Austria, 2023, 7. University of University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2023, 8. University College Dublin.
(8) Teaching of “Organic Chemistry” and Laboratory supervision on the 1st year students in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece as a Lecturer (ΠΔ 407) (2nd semester, 2009-2010).
(9) Teaching “Advanced Organic Synthesis: Organocatalysis” for the students of the Μasters’ course “Organic Synthesis and Applications in Chemical Industry”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2010 till today).
(10) Laboratory supervision “Organic Chemistry II” for the undergraduate students of the Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (since 2013).
(11) Teaching “Organic Chemistry” for the first-year students of the Department of Biology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2014 till today).
(12) Teaching “Advanced Organic Synthesis” for the fourth-year students of the Department of Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2014 till today).
(13) Teaching “Organic Chemistry II” for the second-year students of the Department of Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2017 till today).
(14) Supervision of 1 visiting undergraduate Erasmus Plus student, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
(15) Teaching “Advanced Organic Synthesis and Catalysis” for the students of the Μasters’ course “Catalysis and Applications in Chemical Industry”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2019 till today).
Teaching Notes – Book Chapters
1) “Named Reactions in Organic Chemistry” (Greek), C. G. Kokotos, 2008. Notes (78 pages) for the students of the Μasters’ course “Organic Synthesis and Applications in Chemical Industry”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
2) “Advanced Organic Synthesis: Organocatalysis” (Greek), C. G. Kokotos, 2011. Notes (84 pages) for the students of the Μasters’ course “Organic Synthesis and Applications in Chemical Industry”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
3) “Ureas and Thioureas as Asymmetric Organocatalysts”, D. Limnios, C. G. Kokotos, 2015. Book Chapter 2.19, “Sustainable Catalysis”, 4-volume book, Eds. M. North, RSC press.
4) “Organic Chemistry”, Translation in Greek of the “Organic Chemistry”, Clayden, Greeves, Warren”, 2017. Chapters 25-30, Utopia Press.
5) “Recent Advances in Reactions Promoted by Amino Acids and Oligopeptides”, I. Triandafillidi, E. Voutyritsa, C. G. Kokotos, 2019. Book Chapter 2, “Organocatalysis: Stereoselective Reactions and Applications in Organic Synthesis”, Eds. M. Benaglia, Walter de Gruyter GmbH.
6) “C–C and C–Heteroatom bonds photocatalyzed and photoinitiated by carbonyls”, N. F. Nikitas, C. G. Kokotos, 2022. Book Chapter, “Photochemistry, Volume 49”, Eds. S. Crepsi, S. Protti, RSC press.
7) “Sulfur Ylides as C1 Homologating Reagents”, N. Spiliopoulou, N. F. Nikitas, C. G. Kokotos, 2023. Book Chapter 8, “Homologation Reactions: Reagents, Applications and Mechanisms”, Eds. V. Pace, Wiley VHC.
Conference Organisation
1) Co-Organizer of 3th ORCA meeting, Athens, 2012. Organocatalysis–ORCA, Cost Action CM0905.
2) Co-Organizer of 1st Athens International Catalysis Symposium in Athens (ACAC), 2016.
3) Local Organizing Committee of EFMC-ASMC-19, International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry 19, Athens, 2019.
4) Local Organizing Committee of 2ου Summer School, COST Action CHAOS, Athens, 2019.
5) Vice-Chair του Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development - 6th Panhellenic Symposium with International Participation, Athens, 2019.
6) Member of the International Scientific Committee of 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, 2020 (postponed till September 2022).
7) Chair of the Athens Summer School on Organic Synthesis (ASSOS2021) and International Young Investigator Symposium, Athens, 2021.
8) Co-Organizer of the 1st Postgraduate Symposium of the Department of Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, 2022.
9) Chair of the Athens Summer School on Organic Synthesis (ASSOS2022) and International Young Investigator Symposium, Athens, 2022.
10) Open Day for Organic Chemistry, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry NKUA, Athens, November 2022.
Languages English language: (Excellent). Degree: Cambridge Proficiency in English (2001), Advanced Proficiency Certificate in English (1997)
French language: (Very good). Degree: DELF 2nd Degree (1998)
German language: (Poor).
Greek language: (Mother tongue).