Dr. Andreas Scorilas, Ph.D
Professor of Clinical Biochemistry,
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.

>400 publications in international peer review scientific journals, including publications in top class journals such as Clinical Chemistry, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Nature Medicine, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research etc.
Total Impact Factor, I.F>2000 (5 / publication)
>20.000 citations
h-Index  > 75
8 Patents
7 Books and 15 Book Chapters
>350 publications in proceedings of international conferences.
>500 original complete gene entries in  GeneBank of NCBI, 6 gene cards
70 publications in Greek
Coordinator in >20 accomplished national and international research grants

* Discovery and validation of novel tumor biomarkers 
* Molecular diagnostic methodologies
* Next generation sequencing
* miRNAs / ncRNAs
* Cancer pharmacogenomics and therapeutics
* Mechanisms of carcinogenesis and cancer progression
* Translational Research

Overview of Research Activities

Current Research Records
Teaching Activities

Graduate courses
Pathobiochemistry (Coordinator)
Molecular Diagnostics (Coordinator)
Molecular bases off human diseases
Molecular biology  - molecular diagnostic techniques
Biostatistics - Bioinformatics
Laboratory management

Undergraduate courses
Clinical Biochemistry (Coordinator)
Advanced Molecular Biology (Coordinator)
Biochemistry lab practicals

© 2023, Andreas Scorilas
Updated May 2023
Research Achievements
* Discovery, cloning and identification of the following novel cancer-related genes:
     - The novel apoptotic BCL2L12 gene
     - The new carcinoembryonic antigen gene CEAL1 (CEACAM19)
     - The SR-A1 gene (SCAF1)
     - TSKS, AP2A1 etc
* Characterization and study of the kallikrein gene family members KLK7, KLK11, KLK15
* Elucidation of the clinical significance of kallikrein genes and other cancer-related genes,
    in several human malignancies.
* Development of novel bioanalytical methodologies, useful in Biochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics.