Καθηγητής Βασίλειος Καρακίτσιος

Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών,
Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος

Διευθυντής του Τομέα
Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας και Παλαιοντολογίας

Εργαστήριο Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας
και Παλαιοντολογίας












1) KARAKITSIOS V. (1977). Les stries et les stylolithes. Ed. Université ORSAY SUD (Paris XI), 17 p.

2) KARAKITSIOS V. (1977). Données préliminaires sur la géologie de la région de Sellia (Crète occidentale, Grèce). Rapport de D.E.A., Ed. Univ. P. et M. Curie, Paris, 31 p.

3) BONNEAU M. et KARAKITSIOS V. (1979). Les niveaux inférieurs (Trias supérieur) de la nappe de Tripolitza en Crète moyenne (Grèce) et leurs relations avec la nappe de phyllades. Problèmes stratigraphiques, tectoniques et de métamorphisme. C. R. Acad. Sc., Paris, (D), 28, p. 15-18

4) KARAKITSIOS V. et BONNEAU M. (1979). Données nouvelles sur l'âge de la base de la série carbonatée de Tripolitza et des "phyllades" en Crète moyenne, Grèce. 7e Reun. Ann. Sc. Terre, Lyon 1979, Soc. Geol. Fr. edit. Paris, p. 265

5) KARAKITSIOS V. (1979). Contribution à l'étude géologique des Hellénides: étude de la région de Sellia (Crète moyenne-occidentale, Grèce). PhD, Univ. P. et M. Curie, Paris, 167 p.

6) KARAKITSIOS V. (1982). Geological map of Greece: Sellia sheet, Crete, scale 1/50000. Institute of Geological and Mineral Exploration (IGME), Athens

7) KARAKITSIOS V. (1982). Hydrocarbon dynamics and oil accumulation. Ed. University of Athens, 75 p.

8) KARAKITSIOS V. (1983). On the Trypali series problem in the Sellia area of Crete island. 1st Geological Congress, Geol. Soc. Greece, Athens, December 1983, p. 20 (abstract)

9) KARAKITSIOS V. (1983). Geological education. 1st Geological Congress, Geol. Soc. Greece, Athens, December 1983, p. 138-139 (abstract)

10) KARAKITSIOS V. (1983). Study of the lowermost units in the Sellia area of Crete island (Plattenkalk and Trypali series). Proceedings of the 1st Geological Congress, Geol. Soc. Greece, Athens, December 1983 v. 1, p. 79-84

11) KARAKITSIOS V., MITROPOULOS P., VLACHOU M., LEKKAS E. and BARLAS K. (1983). Geological education and training. Proceedings of the 1st Geological Congress, Geol. Soc. Greece, Athens, December 1983, v. 1, p. 236-239

12) GOURNELLOS T. and KARAKITSIOS V. (1984). Neotectonic observations in the Aegean Arc. 2nd Greek two days geological symposium, Athens 1984 (Geology and Earthquakes) p. 9-10 (abstract)

13) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (1984). Petroleum geology: Sedimentary basins and petroleum traps. Eds University of Athens, 101 p.

14) KARAKITSIOS V. (1985) Les relations lithostratigraphiques et structurales entre la série de Phyllades et la série de Tripolitza (Crète moyenne-occidentale, Grèce). Terra cognita, Strasbourg, v. 5, p. 252-253

15) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (1986). The lithostratigraphical, metamorphic and tectonic relations between Phyllite and Tripolis carbonate series in Middle-western Crete. Bull. Geol. Soc Greece, v. ΧVΙΙΙ, p. 31-58

16) KARAKITSIOS V. (1986). Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology. 1st Hellenic symposium on hydrocarbon geology, Department of Geology University of Athens, 13 Mai 1985, Ed. Μ. Dermitzakis and V. Karakitsios, Athens 1986, p. 20-35, (in Greek)

17) KARAKITSIOS V. (1986). Sur la différenciation de la zone ionienne en Epire (Grèce nord-occidentale). Proceedings of the 3rd geological congress, Mai 1986, Geol. Soc. Greece, p. 76 (abstract)

18) KARAKITSIOS V. (1987). Sur la signification de la "série de Trypali" dans la région de Sellia en Crète occidentale (Grèce). C. R. Acad. Sc., Paris, t. 304, serie II, n. 3, p. 123-128

19) GOURNELLOS T. & KARAKITSIOS V. (1987). Neotectonic observations in the Aegean Arc. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, v. ΧΙΧ, p.77-83

20) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (1987). Geological study of the Ionian series in Epirus region: “Stratigraphic, structural and paleo-geographic evolution of the Ionian zone during the Mesozoic, first part “Stratigraphy”. Eds. Public Petroleum Enterprise S.A., Athens, Greece, 50 p.

21) KARAKITSIOS V. (1988). Sur l'existence d'une série à affinités internes dans la région de Sellia (Crète moyenne-occidentale, Grèce). Ann. geol. Pays Hell., v. 33, p. 217-222

22) KARAKITSIOS V. (1988). New stratigraphic data on the Jurassic formations of the Ionian series in Epirus (Greece). Structural and paleo-geographic consequences. 4th Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, May 1988, Athens, p. 57-58.

23) KARAKITSIOS V. (1988). Sur la différenciation de la zone ionienne en Epire (Grèce Nord-occidentale). Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 20/2, p. 181-196

24) KARAKITSIOS V., DANELIAN T. et DE WEVER P. (1988). Datations par les Radiolaires des Calcaires à Filaments, Schistes à Posidonies supérieurs et Calcaires de Vigla (zone ionienne, Epire, Grèce) du Callovien au Tithonique terminal. C. R. Acad. Sc., Paris, t. 306, Serie II, p.367-372

25) KARAKITSIOS V. et TSAILA-MONOPOLIS S. (1988). Données nouvelles sur les niveaux supérieurs (Lias inférieur-moyen) des Calcaires de Pantokrator (zone ionienne moyenne, Epire, Grèce continentale). Description des Calcaires de Louros. Rev. Micropaleont., Paris, v.31, n.1, p.49-55

26) KARAKITSIOS V. (1989) Alpine deformation of Tripolis s.l. series in  Peloponnesus and Crete (Greece) and their dynamic interpretation. Ann. Geol. Pays Hell., v. 34/1 p. 21-30

27) KARAKITSIOS V. (1989) New data on the stratigraphy of the Jurassic formations of the Ionian series in Epirus (Greece). Tectonic and Palaeogeographical consequences. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 23/2, p. 59-74

28) KARAKITSIOS V. (1990). Jurassic paleofaults in the Ionian zone (Epirus). 5th Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 1990, Thessalonici, p. 46 (abstract)

29) KARAKITSIOS V. et TSAILA-MONOPOLIS S. (1990). Données nouvelles sur les niveaux inférieurs (Trias supérieur) de la série calcaire ionienne en Epire (Grèce continentale). Conséquences stratigraphiques. Rev. Paleobiologie, Genève, v. 9, n. 1, p. 139-147

30) ΚARAKITSIOS V. (1990). Chronologie et géométrie de l'ouverture d'un bassin et de son inversion tectonique: le bassin ionien (Epire, Grèce). PhD, Univ. Paris 6, (Mémoire 411), 310 p.

31) KARAKITSIOS V. (1991) Study of Jurassic palaeofaults in the Ionian zone of Epirus. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 25/1, p. 307-318

32) DERMITZAKIS M., KARAKITSIOS V. & LAGIOS E. (1991). Neotectonic and recent deformation of Crete. 7th Cretan Congress, Rethymno 1991, p.115 (abstract)

33) KARAKITSIOS V. & KOLETTI L. (1991). Stratigraphy of the basal Vigla Limestones (Ionian zone-Western Greece) based on Nannoplankton. Paleogeographic consequences. Fourth INA Conference, Prague 1991, p. 47 (abstract)

34) KARAKITSIOS V. (1992). Ouverture et inversion tectonique du bassin ionien (Epire, Grèce). Ann. Geol. Pays Hell., v. 35, p. 185-318

35) KARAKITSIOS V. & KOLETTI L. (1992). Critical revision of the age of the basal Vigla Limestones (Ionian zone-Western Greece) based on Nannoplankton. Paleogeographic consequences. 4th International Nannoplankton Association Conference proceedings, Prague 8-14 September 1991. Nannoplankton Research. HAMRSMID B. & YOUNG J.R. (eds). Issued by the Moravian Oil Company, Hodonin. Knihovnicka ZPN 14a, 1992, v. 1, p. 165-177

36) KARAKITSIOS V. (1992). Inversion tectonics of the Ionian basin in Epirus (NW-Greece). 6th  Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, May 1992, Athens, p. 53 (abstract)

37) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (1992). Geological study of the Ionian series in Epirus region: “Stratigraphic, structural and Paleo-geographical evolution of the Ionian basin”. Second partTectonics Eds. Public Petroleum Enterprise S.A., Athens, Greece, 60 p.

38) ΚΑRAKITSIOS V. (1992). Opening and Inversion Tectonics of Ionian Basin in Epirus (NW-Greece). Monograph, University of Athens edition, 37 p. (ATHENS ACADEMY AWARD 1992)

39) KARAKITSIOS V. (1993). Données nouvelles sur les premiers sédiments pélagiaues (Carixien - Domérien) de la série ionienne (Epire, Grèce). Special edition in honour of Professor A. G. Panagos. Ed. Technical University of Athens, v. 1, p. 409-440

40) ΚARAKITSIOS V. (1993). The synrift sedimentation during extensional faulting from Upper Lias to Malm period and the inversion Tectonics in Ionian zone of Epirus (Greece). Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 26, n. 1, p. 215-243

41) ΚARAKITSIOS V. (1993). Lithostratigraphic study of the cuttings from the NE Ioannina well (1530m depth). Eds General Research and Exploration Company (GEMEE) S.A., Athens, 17 p.

42) KARAKITSIOS V. & VELITZELOS E. (1994). Discovery of the conifer Brachyphyllum nepos SAPORTA in the Lower Posidonia beds (Toarcian) of the Ionian zone (Epirus, NW-Greece). 7th Congress of the Geological Society of Greece (May 1994), Thessaloniki, p. 84-85 (abstract)

43) KARAKITSIOS V., SKOUNAKIS S. & GEORGALAS L. (1994). Study of the exploratory borehole for the subsurface injection of the treated wastewaters of Ioannina, the karstic basin of Ioannina, hydrogeological and environmental observations. 7th Congress of the Geological Society of Greece (May 1994), Thessaloniki, p. 132 (abstract)

44) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (1994). The Ioannina karstic plain (NW Greece), the unfavourable human activities and the ways of their confronting. 5th International Congress of Hellenic Speleological Society: "Cave Development, Evolution and Environment" and European Conference (part of the "Sub-terranean Europe, Environmental awareness and protection project"), November 1994, Athens. Bulletin Société Spéléologique de Grèce, v. 21, p. 515-531

45) KARAKITSIOS V. (1994). Le Carixien-Domérien de la série ionienne (Epire, Grèce). Un exemple de passage d'un milieu de plate-forme carbonatée à un milieu pélagique (début de l'ouverture du bassin ionien). Monograph. Eds University of Athens, 37 p. (ATHENS ACADEMY AWARD 1994)

46) KAΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (1994). Earth and Planetary Sciences: Geology, Geosyncline theory, Sedimentary basins, Sedimentology, Molasse, Orogenesis, Rock deformation, Faults, Tectonic structures, Tectonics, Hydrogeology, Flysch. Eds “Athens Editions S.A.”, v. 16, p. 106-108, 114, 182-184, 190-191, 243, 249-251, 280, 311-319, 340-343, 350-351, 360

47) KARAKITSIOS V. & VELITZELOS E. (1994). Discovery of the conifer Brachyphyllum nepos SAPORTA in the Lower Posidonia Beds (Toarcian) of the Ionian zone, NW Greece. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 20/2, p. 207-215

48) KARAKITSIOS V., SKOUNAKIS S. & GEORGALAS L. (1994). Investigation of underground injection of the treated wastewaters of the Ioannina city. Hydrogeological and environmental observations. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 20/4, p. 97-113

49) DERMITZAKIS M., KARAKITSIOS V. & LAGIOS E. (1995). Neotectonic and recent deformation of Crete. Proceedings 7th International Cretan Congress, Rethymno, v. Α1, p. 197-212

50) SAMARTZOPOULOS S. & KARAKITSIOS V. (1995). Environmental consequences from the Area of Sanitary Landfill of the Domokos Association. Eds Prefecture of Fthiotida, Lamia, 85 p.

51) KARAKITSIOS V. (1995). The Influence of Structure and Halokinesis on Organic Matter Preservation and Thrust System Evolution in Ionian Basin, NW Greece. AAPG Bulletin, v. 79, n. 7,  p. 960-980

52) DERMITZAKIS M., KARAKITSIOS V. & LAGIOS E. (1995). Results of gravimetric measurements of the last 7 years in Crete (Greece) and their contribution to the understanding of the recent- active deformation of the region. Ann. Geol. Pays Hell. v. 36,  p. 223-237

53) KARAKITSIOS V. & DERMITZAKIS Μ. (1996). Emergences of the Crete island from the Tethys Ocean through geologic time. 8th International Cretan Congress, Iraklio, Crete, 1996, p. 65 (abstract)

54) RIGAKIS N, NOUSINANOS T., KARAKITSIOS V., DERMITZAKIS M. & ANASTASAKIS G. (1996). On the existence of hydrocarbon accumulations in the Crete island. 8th International Cretan Congress, Iraklio, Crete, 1996, p. 124 (abstract)

55) ΚARAKITSIOS V. & RIGAKIS N. (1996). New oil source rocks cut in Greek Ionian basin. Oil & Gas Journal, v. 94, n. 7, p. 56-59.

56) KARAKITSIOS V. & DERMITZAKIS M. (1997). Lacunes sédimentaires, discordances et phénomènes paléokarstiques (Pliensbachien-Tithonique) dans la zone ionienne (Epire, Grèce nord-occidentale). Ann. Geol. Pays Hell., v. 37, p. 847-864

57) KARAKITSIOS V. (1997). Description, protection and conservation of the geological and geomorphological environment of Epirus. Natural Monuments and Geological Heritage, Molyvos, Lesvos, 29 June-2 July 1997, p. 41-42 (abstract)

58) KARAKITSIOS V. & VELITZELOS E. (1997). Ammonitico Rosso and Posidonia beds: two important geological formations of Epirus. Natural Monuments and Geological Heritage, Molyvos, Lesvos, 29 June-2 July 1997, p. 43-44 (abstract)

59) KARAKITSIOS V. (1997). Stratigraphy of Greece. Eds University of Athens, 150 p.

60) KARAKITSIOS V. & F. POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU (1998). Brecciation patterns of the Triassic solution-collapse breccias of the Ionian zone (western Greece): evidence for early diagenetic calichification. 15th International Sedimentological Congress, Alicante 1998, Eds. J. C. Canaveras, M. Angeles Garcia del Cura, J. Soris, Spain, p. 461-462

61) RIGAKIS N. & ΚΑRAKITSIOS V. (1998). The source-rock horizons of the Ionian Basin, Northwest Greece. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 15, p. 593-617 (GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREECE AWARD)

62) KARAKITSIOS V. (1998). The flysch basins in the continental collision chains: the example of Hellenides. 2ème Congrès Français de Statigraphie. 8-11 septembre 1998, Paris, p. 106 (abstract)

63) KARAKITSIOS V. & F. POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU (1998). Sedimentological Study of the Triassic Solution-collapse Breccias of the Ionian zone (NW Greece). Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 13, n. 2, p. 207-218

64) KARAKITSIOS V. & F. POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU (1998). The Trypali carbonate unit of western Crete (Greece): an evaporite formation transformed into solution collapse breccias. Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association XVI Congress, August 30 to September 2, 1998, Vienna, p. 262 (abstract)

65) KARAKITSIOS V. (1998). The Ioannina 1 Well (NW Greece): Well logs Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Organic Geochemistry of the Cuttings and Cores. Eds. Enterprise Oil, Athens, 78 p.

66) KARAKITSIOS V. & GOURNELLOS T. (1999). The Ioannina karstic plateau and the environmental consequences of the Dourouti open dump. Proceedings 5th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Congress, November 1999, Athens, p. 569-580

67) KARAKITSIOS V., DERMITZAKIS M., ROUSSOS N. & RIGAKIS N. (1999). Geographic distribution and basin deposition type of the hydrocarbon accumulations of the East Mediterranean. Proceedings 5th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Congress, November 1999, Athens, p. 581-590

68) KARAKITSIOS V, & DERMITZAKIS M. (2000). Emergences of the Crete island from the Tethys Ocean through geologic time. Proceedings, 8th International Cretan Congress, Iraklio, Crete, 1996, v. 3, p. 235-249

69) RIGAKIS N, NOUSINANOS T., KARAKITSIOS V., DERMITZAKIS M. & ANASTASAKIS G. (2000). On the existence of hydrocarbon accumulations in the Crete island. Proceedings, 8th International Cretan Congress, Iraklio, Crete, 1996, v. 3, p. 250-267

70) GOURNELLOS T., KARAKITSIOS V., VASSILOPOULOS A. & EVELPIDOU N. (2000). The distribution of windmills in relation with the physical Geography of Cyklades islands. Symposium: Geotouristic , Geocultural pathways and Mythical Geotopes, Athens, 1-4 July 2000, p.35 (abstract)

71) KARAKITSIOS V. & CHATZICHARALAMPOUS E. (2000). Natural and anthropogenic catastrophes of the Epirus Ammonitico Rosso της Ηπείρου. Symposium: Geotouristic , Geocultural pathways and Mythical Geotopes, Athens, 1-4 July 2000, p.46 (abstract)

72) KARAKITSIOS V. (2000). Search of favorable stratigraphic and structural conditions for the trapping of hydrocarbons in Ionian basin, Epirus. Eds. Hellenic Petroleum S.A., Athens, 105 p.

73) KARAKITSIOS V. (2000). Dourouti Landfill Epiroikos Agon. 24 February. 2000, Ioannina, p. 19

74) KARAKITSIOS V. (2000). Dourouti Landfill, a slow bomb that started to explode. Nei Agones Ipirou, 7 March 2000, Ioannina, p.8

75) KARAKITSIOS V. (2001). Description, protection and conservation of the geological and geomorphological environment of Epirus. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium “Natural Monuments and Geological Heritage under the aegis of UNESCO, 29 June-2 July 1997, Molyvos, Lesvos, p. 95-99

76) KARAKITSIOS V. & VELITZELOS E. (2001). Αmmonitico rosso and Posidonia Beds: Two important geological formations of Epirus that need Protection and Promotion. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium “Natural Monuments and Geological Heritage under the aegis of UNESCO, 29 June-2 July 1997, Molyvos, Lesvos, p. 107-112

77) KARAKITSIOS V., RIGAKIS N. & BAKOPOULOS I. (2001). Migration and trapping of the Ionian series hydrocarbons (Epirus, NW Greece). Proceedings of the 9th International Geological Congress, Athens, September 2001. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 34/3, p. 1237-1245

78) KARAKITSIOS V (2001). Stratigraphy. Eds. ASTARTI, Athens, 503 p.

79) KARAKITIOS V. (2001). ΕSpecial Chapters of Stratigraphy. Eds University of Athens, 153 p.

80) DOMMERGUES J.-L., KARAKITSIOS V., MEISTER C. & BONNEAU M. (2002). New ammonite data about the earliest syn-rift deposits (Lower Jurassic) in the Ionian Zone of N-W Greece (Epirus). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., v. 233 (3), p. 299-316

81) KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., WALSWORTH-BELL B. & PETRIZZO M.R. (2002). Preliminary results on Cretaceous anoxic events of the Ionian zone (western Greece). Proceedings of the 3ème Congrès Français de Stratigraphie (STRATI-2002), v. 1, p. 135-136

82) POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU F. & KARAKITSIOS V. (2002). Facies analysis of the Trypali carbonate unit in central-western Crete (Greece): an evaporite formation transformed into solution-collapse breccias. Sedimentology, v. 49, n. 5, p. 1113-1132

83) GOURNELLOS T., KARAKITSIOS V., VASSILOPOULOS A. & EVELPIDOU N. (2002). The distribution of windmills in relation with the physical Geography of Cyklades islands. Proceedings of the Symposium: Geotouristic , Geocultural pathways and Mythical Geotopes, Athens, 1-4 July 2000, Eds Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOTEE), Athens, p.134-140

84) KARAKITSIOS V. & CHATZICHARALAMPOUS E. (2002). Natural and anthropogenic catastrophes of the Epirus Ammonitico Rosso της Ηπείρου. Proceeding of the Symposium: Geotouristic , Geocultural pathways and Mythical Geotopes, Athens, 1-4 July 2000, Eds Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOTEE), Athens, p. 215-225

85) KARAKITSIOS V. (2003). Evolution and Petroleum Potential of the Ionian Basin (northwest Greece). AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, September 21-24, 2003, Barcelona, Spain, Official Program, p. 47 (full paper in CD-ROM, 12 p.)

86) KARAKITSIOS V. (2003). Management of Surface Water and Groundwater of the Ioannina Plateau. Proceedings of a Management of Water Resources of Epirus Meeting (D.E.Y.A. Ioanninon, Hellenic Comitee of Hedrogeology, TEE and GEOTEE of Epirus, 8 November 2003, Ioannina) Eds. DEYA Ioanninon, 17 p.

87) TSIKOS H., KARAKITSIOS V., BOMBARDIERE L., van BREUGEL Y., SINNINGHE-DAMSTE J., SCHOUTEN S., FARRIMOND P., TYSON R.V., and JENKYNS H.C. (2003). The Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1b in the Ionian Basin, NW Greece: organic geochemical evidence. In Mesozoic paleoceanography. Soc. Geol. France, p. 49

88) TSIKOS H., KARAKITSIOS V., VAN BREUGEL Y., WALSWORTH-BELL B., PETRIZZO M. R., BOMBARDIERE L., SINNINGHE DAMSTE J. S., SCHOUTEN S., ERBA E. PREMOLI SILVA I., FARRIMOND P., TYSON R. V. and  JENKYNS H. C. (2004). Organic carbon deposition in the Cretaceous of the Ionian Basin, NW-Greece: The Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1b re-visited. Geological Magazine, 141, p.401-416

89) KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., VAN BREUGEL Y., BAKOPOULOS I., and KOLETTI L. (2004).Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events in Western Continental Greece. 10th Congress, Geol. Soc. Greece, 15-17 April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece. Extended Abstracts, p. 439-440

90) POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU F., KARAKITSIOS V., KAMBERIS E., MARNELIS F. (2004). Chevron-type halite and nodular anhydrite in the Triassic subsurface evaporites of the Ionian zone (western Greece). 10th Congress, Geol. Soc. Greece, 15-17 April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece. Extended Abstracts, p. 558-559

91) RIGAKIS N., NOUSSINANOS Th., MARNELIS F. and KARAKITSIOS V. (2004). Oil potential of Preapulian zone. 10th Congress, Geol. Soc. Greece, 15-17 April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece. Extended Abstracts, p. 576-577

92) KARAKITSIOS V. (2004). Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) of Mesozoic as paleoclimatic indicators. IION (Hellenic Sedimentological Association), n. 1, p. 6-7

93) KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., VAN BREUGEL Y., BAKOPOULOS I. and KOLETTI L. (2004). Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events in Western Continental Greece. Bulletin Geol. Soc Greece, XXXVI/2, p. 846-855

94) KARAKITSIOS V. (2004). Jan H. Brunn’s Life Work and Personality. Proceedings, Meeting: Vourinos Geological Monument (Municipality of Eanis, Associations of Letters and Art Prefecture of Kozani, University of Athens, IGME, 19 September 2004). Eds. Letters and Arts Association, Prefecture of Kozani 15 σελ.

95) POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU F., KARAKITSIOA V., KAMBERIS E., MARNELIS F. (2004). Chevron-type halite and nodular anhydrite in the Triassic subsurface evaporites  of the Ionian zone (western Greece). Proceedings of the 10th International Congress, 15-17, Thessaloniki April 2004. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, XXXVI/1, p. 578-586

96) KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., VAN BREUGEL Y., BAKOPOULOS I., and KOLETTI L. (2004).Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events in Western Continental Greece. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress, 15-17, Thessaloniki April 2004. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, XXXVI/2, p. 846-855

97) KARAKITSIOS V. (2005) The Department of Geology and Geoenvironment and the Section of Historical Geology and Paleontology: their progress in time. Meeting of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment (May 2005, 11 p.)

98) KARAKITSIOS V. (2005) The Ioannina Karstic Plateau and its Water. ΠProceedings of the 7th Hellenic Hydrogeological Conference/ 2nd Mem Workshop on Fissured Rocks Hydrology, 4-8 October 2005). ΔBulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 37/1, p. 125-132

99) KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., AGIADI-KATSIAOUNI K., DERMITZOGLOU S. and CHATZICHARALAMBOUS E., (2005). The use of Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopes in the study of Global Palaeoceanographic Changes: examples from the Cretaceous sediment rocks of Western Greece. Proceedings of the 1st Meeting Committee of Paleontology-Stratigraphy (EPAS), Athens, November 2005, p. 16-17

100) TRIANTAPHYLLOU M.V., KARAKITSIOS V., MATSOUKA D. (2005) Biostratographical determination based on calcareous nannofossils of the basal part of Vigla Shales (Ionian Zone) in Ithaki island; preliminary results Proceedings of the 1st Meeting, Athens, November 2005, p. 32

101) ΚARAKITSIOS V. (2005). Hydrogeological study and determination of perimetric protection zones of the Krya springs, Ioannina, D.E.Y.A. Ioannina, 1st part, 73p.; Final part, 139p

102) ANASTASAKIS, G., PIPER, D.J.W., DERMITZAKIS, M.D., KARAKITSIOS, V. (2006). Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy and palaeogeographic evolution of Myrtoon and adjacent basins, Aegean Sea, Greece, Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 23, p. 353-369

103) KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., VAN BREUGEL Y., KOLETTI L., DAMSTE J.S.S. and JENKYNS H.C. (2007). First evidence for the late Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2, or “Bonarelli”event) from the Ionian Zone, western continental Greece. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol. Rundsch), vol. 96, p. 343-352

104) KARAKITSIOS, V. & RIGAKIS, N. (2007). Evolution and petroleum potential of Western Greece, Journal of Petroleum Geology, vol. 30(3), p. 197-218

105) DRINA H., ANTONARAKOU A., KONTAKIOTIS G., TSAPARAS N., SEGOU M. and KARAKITSIOS V. (2007). Paleobathymetric Evolution of the Early Late Miocene Deposits of the Pre-Apulian Zone, Levkas Island, Ionian Sea. 11th International Conference, Soc. Geol. Greec., 24-26 Mai 2007, p. 44 (abstract)

106) KARAKITSIOS, V. and AGIADI-KATSIAOUNI K. (2007). Regional Correlation and Cyclostratigraphy in the Mid-Cretaceous Formations of the Ionian Zone. 11th International Conference, Soc. Geol. Greec., 24-26 Mai 2007, p. 71 (abstract)

107) DRINA H., ANTONARAKOU A., KONTAKIOTIS G., TSAPARAS N., SEGOU M. and KARAKITSIOS V. (2007). Paleobathymetric Evolution of the Early Late Miocene Deposits of the Pre-Apulian Zone, Levkas Island, Ionian Sea. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. 40/1, p.39-52

108) KARAKITSIOS, V. and AGIADI-KATSIAOUNI K. (2007). Regional Correlation and Cyclostratigraphy in the Mid-Cretaceous Formations of the Ionian Zone. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. 40/1 p. 85-100

109) KARAKITSIOS V. (2007). Τhe Historical Geology and Paleontology Laboratory of the University of Athens Geology and Geoenvironment Department To Kapodistriako (Eds. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), n. 97-98, p. 7

110) KARAKITSIOS, V. AGIADI-KATSIAOUNI K. (2007). The Mesozoic Oceanic Anoxic Events in Western Greece: An overview. IAS 2007 25th Meeting Patras-Greece (4-6 September 2007), Book of Abstracts, p. 251

111) KARAKITSIOS, V. (2007). Studying the Carbonates from Triassic to Eocene in the Ionian Zone. IAS 2007 25th Meeting Patras-Greece (4-6 September 2007), Field Trips guide book, Field Trip P 3, p. 123-141

112) MELENDEZ, G. RAMAJO, J., BELLO, J., D’ARPA, C., DI STEFANO, P., FERMELI, G., KARAKITSIOS, V., SCHERREIKS, R. and ZARCONE, G. (2007). Palaeogeographic and palaeontologic event across the Tethys, in the Submediterranean and Mediterranean platforms at the callovian-Oxfordian transition. 23a Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología – Caravaca de la Cruz 3-6 Octubre 2007. Libro de resúmenes. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España y Univesidad de Granada (Ed. J.Braga, A. Checa, M. Company), extended abstracts, p. 139-140

113) MARNELIS F., ROUSSOS N., RIGAKIS N. and KARAKITSIOS V. (2007). Structural Geology of Western Greece’s fold-and-thrust belt. Challenge our Myths: Energy Conference & Exhibition, AAPG & AAPG European Region, 17-20 November 2007, Athens, AAPG Field Trip 14-17 November 2007. AAPG - Hellenic Petroleum S.A, Field Tripe Guide, p. 1-25.

114) KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., AGIADI-KATSIAOUNI K., DERMITZOGLOU S. and CHATZICHARALAMBOUS E. (2007). The use of Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopes in the study of Global Palaeoceanographic Changes: examples from the Cretaceous sediment rocks of Western Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. 39a, p. 41-56.

115) TRIANTAPHYLLOU M.V., KARAKITSIOS V., MATSOUKA D. (2007). Calcareous nannofossil biostratoigraphy of the basal part of Vigla shale member (Ionian zone0 in Ithaki island; preliminary results.  Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. 39a, p. 88-95.

116) KARAKITSIOS V. (2007). Sedimentary basins and hydrocarbons. Eds Labor. Hist. Geology & Paleontology, 242 p.

117) KARAKITSIOS V. (2008). Stratigraphy of Greece. Eds Labor. Hist. Geology & Paleontology, 221 p.

118) KAFOUSIA N., KARAKITSIOS V. and JENKYNS H.C. (2008). High- and low-resolution isotopic data record the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Ionian Zone, Western Greece. SDGG, Heft 58 - Abstract Volume - 26th Regional Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS)/SEPM-CES SEDIMENT 2008 – Bochum,Germany p. 146.

119) KAFOUSIA Ν., KARAKITSIOS V. & JENKYNS H.C. (2008). Carbon-isotope signature of the Early Toarcian OAE as recorded in the Pindos Ocean passive margin sediments (N. Peloponnesus, Greece). International symposium in honour “Global biogeochemical cycles: A “Leed”ing view” jointly sponsored by WUN and the University of Leeds. Leeds, Great Britain, 27-29 August 2008.

120) KAFOUSIA Ν., KARAKITSIOS V. & JENKYNS H.C. (2009). ‘Indications for the global character of the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event; the evidence from the Pindos Zone, W. Greece’. “19th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference”. Davos, Swiss, 21-26 Jun, 2009

121) AGIADIKATSIAOUNI, K., TRIANTAPHYLLOU, M., KARAKITSIOS, V., DERMITZAKIS, M. (2009). The strontium-calcium ratio in the otoliths of Ceratoscopelus maderensis (Myctophidae, Teleostei) and its application in the paleoclimate study. 2nd Meeting Committee of Paleontology-Stratigraphy (EPAS), Athens, 6 Mars 2009: «The record of climatic changes in the marine and terrestrial sediments», p. 15-17

122) KAFOUSIA Ν., KARAKITSIOS V. & JENKYNS H.C. (2009). The record of the Toarcian Anoxic Event (Τ-ΟΑΕ) in the Ionian zone (Epirus, North western Greece). 2nd Meeting Committee of Paleontology-Stratigraphy (EPAS), Athens, 6 Mars 2009: «The record of climatic changes in the marine and terrestrial sediments», p. 18-19

123) AGIADI, K., TRIANTAPHYLLOU, M., GIRONE, A., KARAKITSIOS, V., DERMITZAKIS, M. (2009). Eastern Ionian Sea paleoceanographic conditions during the Plio-Pleistocene as revealed through the study of fish otoliths, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.11 (8891), EGU General Assembly 2009.

124) KARAKITSIOS V. and POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU F. (2009). Triassic subsurface evaporates and outcropping solution-collapse breccias of the Ionian zone (Western Greece). Guide to Symposium and Field trip Evaporites: Sedimentology, Evaluation and Economic Significance. Island of Zakynthos, May 28-31 2009. Hellenic Sedimentological Association, p.55-58.

125) KARAKITSIOS V. (2009). Synsedimentary gravitational mass sliding. The example of the Preapulian zone Oligocene. IION (Hellenic Sedimentological Association), n. 6, p. 6-7.

126) AGIADI, K., TRIANTAPHYLLOU, M., GIRONE, A., KARAKITSIOS, V., DERMITZAKIS, M. (2010). Paleobathymetric interpretation of the fish otoliths from the Lower - Middle Quaternary deposits of Kephallonia and Zakynthos islands (Ionian Sea, Western Greece). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, vol. 11, /no 1, p.63-78.

127) KAFOUSIA N., KARAKITSIOS V. & JENKYNS H.C. (2010). Preliminary data from the record of the Early Toarcian Oceanic Event in the sediments of the Pindos zone (Greece). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLIII, n. 2, p. 627-633

128) KARAKITSIOS V., TRIANTAPHYLLOU M. & PANOUSSI p. (2010). Preliminary study on the slump structures of the Early Oligocene sediments of the Pre-Apulian zone (Antipaxos island, North-Western Greece). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLIII, n. 2, p. 634-642

129) KYRIAKOPOULOS K., KARAKITSIOS V. TSIPOURA-VLACHOU M. BARBERA G. MAZZOLENI &PUGLISI D. (2010). Petrological characters of the Early Cretaceous Boeothian flysch (Central Greece). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLIII, n. 2, p. 663-674

130) PUGLISI D., KYRIAKOPOULOS K., KARAKITSIOS V., TSIPOURA-VLACHOU M., BARBERA G. & MAZZOLENI P. (2010). Petrographic features of the Early Cretaceous Boeothian Flysch (External Hellenides, Central Greece); provenance and palaeogeographic implications. Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Proccedeings of the XIX Carpathian Balkan Congress, 23-26 September 2010, Greece, Special volume 99, p. 31-39

131) KOULI K., KAFOUSIA N. & KARAKITSIOS V. (2010) Preliminary Results of the Palynological Investigation of the Toarcian Deposits of Ionian Zone (Western Greece). XIX Carpathian Balkan Congress, p. 208

132) KARAKITSIOS V., KAFOUSIA N. & TSIKOS H. (2010). Oceanic Anoxic Events as recorded in the Mesozoic sedimentary record of mainland Greece. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, vol. 45, p. 123-131

133) ΚARAKITSIOS V. (2010). Hydrogeological research and determination of perimetric protection zones of the Krya springs (Ioannina, Epirus). Results. 6th Multidisciplinary, Inter-University Congress of the Athens National Technical University: “Integrated development of the mountainous regions”. Metsovo, 16-19 September 2010, p. 41 (full paper in press)

134) ΚARAKITSIOS V. (2010). Geological and paleontological findings of the Ioannina Municipality region, in order to be exposed in the future Natural Museum of Ioannina. Municipality of Ioannina, 236 p.

135) KARAKITSIOS V., ZAMBETAKIS A., Stamatakis M., POMONI F., DRINIA H., & KATI M., (2010). Geological Guide of the Zakynthos Island, Eds. Department of Geology & Geoenvironment/University of Athens, 22 p.

136) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β., ΖΑΜΠΕΤΑΚΗ Α., ΣΤΑΜΑΤΑΚΗΣ Μ, ΠΟΜΟΝΗ Φ. ΝΤΡΙΝΙΑ Χ. & ΚΑΤΗ Μ. (2010). Οδηγός Άσκησης Υπαίθρου Ζακύθνου. Εκδ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας/ΕΚΠΑ, 22 σ.

137) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β., Α. ΖΑΜΠΕΤΑΚΗ-ΛΕΚΚΑ & Γ. ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΑΚΗΣ (2010). Οδηγός Υπαίθρου ΒΑ Πελοποννήσου. Εκδόσεις Τομέα Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας & Παλαιοντολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ, 30 σ.

138) KAFOUSIA N., KARAKITSIOS V. JENKYNS H.C. & MATTIOLI E. (2011) A Global Event With A Regional Character: TheEarly Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Pindos Ocean (Northern Peloponnese,Greece). Geological Magazine, 148(4), p. 619-631

139) AGIADI, K., TRIANTAPHYLLOU, M., GIRONE, A., KARAKITSIOS, V. (2011). The early Quaternary palaeobiogeography of the eastern Ionian deep-sea Teleost fauna: A novel palaeocirculation approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.  306: 228-242.

140) ΚARAKITSIOS V. (2011). Black shale occurrences in the Ionian Zone (W Greece). Report, 9 p., 1 map, Eds., University of Athens

141) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (2011). Οδηγός Υπαίθρου Ηπείρου. Εκδόσεις Τομέα Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας & Παλαιοντολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ, 45 σ.

142) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (2011). Οδηγός Υπαίθρου Κεντρικής Ελλάδας. Εκδόσεις Τομέα Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας & Παλαιοντολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ, 45 σ.

143) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (2011). Οδηγός Υπαίθρου Κρήτης. Εκδόσεις Τομέα Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας & Παλαιοντολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ, 45 σ.

144) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. & Α. ΖΑΜΠΕΤΑΚΗ-ΛΕΚΚΑ (2011). Οδηγός Εργαστηρίου Στρωματογραφίας. Εκδόσεις Τομέα Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας & Παλαιοντολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ, 17 σ.

145) AGIADI K. & KARAKITSIOS V. (2012). Quaternary Climatic Variability Modulates Bregmaceros Mediterranean Distribution Range. 10th Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, Athens, 6 p.

146) KAFOUSIA N., KARAKITSIOS V. & JENKYNS H.H. (2012). Ocean Acidification during the past: The case of the Toarcian in the Ionian Zone (Western Greece). 10th Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, Athens, 7 p.

147) ΚΑΡΑΚΙΤΣΙΟΣ Β. (2012). Petroleum Systems of Western Greece. «Iion», Hellenic Sedimentological Association, 8, p. 8-17.

148) TZORTZAKI E., KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H. (2013). Biomarker evidence for intermittent photic zone euxinia in the Aptian-Albian organic sedimentary record from the Ionian Zone (Epirus, Greece). Organic Geochemistry, 64/1, p. 84-93.

149) KAFOUSIA N., KARAKITSIOS V., MATTIOLI E., JENKYNS H.C. (2013). Chemostratigraphy of the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event from the Ionian Zone, Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLVII/2, p.825-833.

150) AGIADI K., KARAKITSIOS V. (2013). Fish geographic distribution range shifts as recorded in the eastern Mediterranean during the last 5 Ma. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna.

151) KARAKITSIOS V., AGIADI K. (2013). Western Greece unconventional hydrocarbon potential from oil shale and shale gas reservoirs. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna.

152) KARAKITSIOS V., ROVERI M., LUGLI S., MANZI V., GENNARI R., ANTONARAKOU A., TRIANTAPHYLLOU M., AGIADI K., KONTAKIOTIS G. (2013). Remarks on the Messinian Evaporites of Zakynthos Island (Ionian Sea, Eastern Mediterranean). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLVII/1, p. 146-156.

153) KARAKITSIOS V., CHATZICHARALAMPOUS E. (2013) Biostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Ionian zone Ammonitico Rosso in the Mavron Oros area (NW Epirus, Greece) – Paleogeographic implications. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLVII/1, p. 136-145.

154) RIGAKIS N., KARAKITSIOS V., MARNELIS F., SOTIROPOULOS S. (2013). Geological solutions concluded by petroleum geochemical data in Western Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLVII/3, p. 2131-2143.

155) MANTZOUKA D., SAKALA J., KVACEK Z., KARAKITSIOS V. (2013). Paleobotanical study of Polichnitos region, southern part of Lesbos Island, Greece (preliminary results on Angiosperm wood). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLVII/1, p. 204-215.

156) AGIADI K., KOSKERIDOU E., TRIANTAPHYLLOU M., KARAKITSIOS V. (2013). Paleobathymetry of a Pliocene Voutes coast (Heraklion, Crete). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLVII/1, p.52-61.

157) AGIADI K., KOSKERIDOU E., TRIANTAPHYLLOU M., GIRONE A., KARAKITSIOS V. (2013). Fish otoliths from the Pliocene Heraklion Basin (Crete Island, Eastern Mediterranean). Geobios 46/6, p.461-472.

158) KARAKITSIOS V. (2013). Western Greece and Ionian Sea petroleum systems. AAPG Bulletin, 97/9, p. 1567-1595.

159) KAFOUSIA N., KARAKITSIOS V., MATTIOLI E., KENJO S., JENKYNS H.C. (2014). The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Ionian Zone, Greece. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 393/1, p.135-145.

160) TZORTZAKI E., KARAKITSIOS V., TSIKOS H., (2014). Biomarker evidence for intermittent photic zone euxinia in the Aptian-Albian organic sedimentary record from the Ionian Zone (Epirus, Greece), Organic Geochemistry 11/2013; 64:84-93.

161) AGIADI K., KARAKITSIOS V., (2014). How did past environmental change control the distribution of small pelagic fish in the Mediterranean Sea? Examples from the fossil record. 5th International Otolith Symposium, Peguera 20-24/10/2014.

162) KONTAKIOTIS G., ANTONARAKOU A., KAFOUSIA N., AGIADI K., DE RAFELIS M., KARAKITSIOS V., (2014). Oxygen isotope signature of the late Miocene –Pliocene deposits from Kalamaki section (Zakynthos Island, Greece). RCMNS Interim Colloquium “The Mediterranean Messinian Salinity Crisis: from geology to geobiology”, Torino 25-28/9/2014.

163) AGIADI K., KOSKERIDOU E., ANTONARAKOU A., GIAMALI C., KONTAKIOTIS G., KARAKITSIOS V., (2014). The Messinian – Zanclean transition of the Ionian Sea fish assemblages. RCMNS Interim Colloquium “The Mediterranean Messinian Salinity Crisis: from geology to geobiology”, Torino 25-28/9/2014.

164) KARAKITSIOS V., ROVERI M., LUGLI S., MANZI V., GENNARI R., ANTONARAKOU A., TRIANTAPHYLLOU M., KONTAKIOTIS G., AGIADI K., (2014). Basin dynamics modulates evaporite deposition during the Messinian salinity crisis in Zakynthos area (Ionian Sea). RCMNS Interim Colloquium “The Mediterranean Messinian Salinity Crisis: from geology to geobiology”, Torino 25-28/9/2014.

165) AGIADI K., KARAKITSIOS V., ANTONARAKOU A., KONTAKIOTIS G., KAFOUSIA N., (2014). Fish otoliths from the Messinian of Zakynthos Island (Ionian Sea, eastern Mediterranean). Giornate di Paleontologia XIV, edizione Bari,11-13/6/2014.

166) AGIADI K., KARAKITSIOS V., (2014). Case studies of palaenvironmental perturbations’ effect on fish distributions. IMBER Open Science Conference, Bergen 23-27/6/2014.

167) MANTZOUKA D., KVACEK Z., THEODORIDIS V., UTESCHER T., TSAPARAS N., KARAKITSIOS V., (2014). Gavdos Island palaeoflora: A newly recovered late Neogene flora of the Eastern Mediterranean (Greece). 9th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference, 26-31 August 2014, Padova-Italy.

168) PAPADOPOULOU- BRYNIOTI K., MERTZANIS A., VRYNIOTIS D., VASSILIADES E., KARAKITSIOS V. (2014). The contribution of karstic rocks to soil quality, Ioannina plain (Epirus, Hellas), Journal of Geochemical Exploration 12/2014.

169) MANTZOUKA D., KVAČEK Z., THEODORIDIS V., UTESCHER T., TSAPARSA N., KARAKITSIOS V. (2015). A new late Miocene (Tortonian) flora from Gavdos Island in southernmost Greece evaluated in the context of vegetation and climate in the Eastern Mediterranean. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen, 01/2015; 275(1):47-81.

170) VASILEIOS KARAKITSIOS, MARCO ROVERI, STEFANO LUGLI, VINICIO MANZI, ROCCO GENNARI, ASSIMINA ANTONARAKOU, MARIA TRIANTAPHYLLOU, KONSTANTINA AGIADI, GEORGE KONTAKIOTIS, NEFELI KAFOUSIA AND MARC DE RAFELIS (2016). A record of the Messinian salinity crisis in the eastern Ionian tectonically active domain (Greece, eastern Mediterranean), Basin Research (2016) 1–31, doi: 10.1111/bre.12173.





KARAKITSIOS V. (1982) Geological map of Greece Sellia sheet (Crete  inland) scale 1/50000. Institute of Geology and Mineral Exproration (I.G.M.E.), Athens (in Greek)

KARAKITSIOS V. (1986). The lithostratigraphical, metamorphic and tectonic relations between Phyllite and Tripolis carbonate series in Middlewestern Crete. Buletin. Geol. Soc Greece, v. ΧVΙΙΙ, p. 31-58, (in Greek)

KARAKITSIOS V. (1987). Sur la signification de la "série de Trypali" dans la région de Sellia en Crète occidentale (Grèce). C. R. Acad. Sc., Paris, t. 304, série II, n. 3, p. 123-128

KARAKITSIOS V. (1988). Sur l'existence d'une série à affinités internes dans la région de Sellia (Crète moyenne-occidentale, Grèce). Ann. geol. Pays Hell., v. 33, p. 217-222

KARAKITSIOS V. (1988). Sur la différenciation de la zone ionienne en Epire (Grèce Nord-occidentale). Bulletin Geol. Soc Greece, v.20/2 p. 181-196

KARAKITSIOS V. (1989) Alpine deformation of Tripolis s.l. series in  Peloponnesus and Crete (Greece) and their dynamic interpretation. Ann. Geol. Pays Hell., v. 34/1 p. 21-30

KARAKITSIOS V. (1989) New data on the stratigraphy of the Jurassic formations of the Ionian series in Epirus (Greece). Tectonic and Palaeogeographical consequences. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 23/2, p. 59-74

KARAKITSIOS V. (1991) Study of Jurassic palaeofaults in the Ionian zone of Epirus. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 25/1, p. 307-318

KARAKITSIOS V. (1992). Ouverture et inversion tectonique du bassin ionien (Epire, Grèce). Ann. Geol. Pays Hell., v. 35, p. 185-318. Athènes 1992

ΚΑRAKITSIOS V. (1992). Opening and Inversion Tectonics of Ionian Basin in Epirus (NW-Greece). University of Athens edition, 37 p. (ATHENS ACADEMY AWARD 1992)

KARAKITSIOS V. (1993). Données nouvelles sur les premiers sédiments pélagiques (Carixien - Domérien) de la série ionienne (Epire, Grèce). Special edition in honour of Professor A. G. Panagos. Ed. Technical University of Athens, v. 1, p. 409-440

ΚARAKITSIOS V. (1993). The synrift sedimentation during extensional faulting from Upper Lias to Malm period and the inversion Tectonics in Ionian zone of Epirus (Greece). Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, v. 26, n 1, p. 215-243

ΚARAKITSIOS V. (1994). The Ioannina karstic plain (NW Greece), the  unfavourable human activities and the ways of their confronting.. 5th International Congress of Hellenic Speleological Society: "Cave Development, Evolution and Environment" and European Conference (part of the "Sub-terranean Europe, Environmental awareness and protection project"), November 1994, Athens. Bulletin Société Spéléologique de Grèce, v. XXI, p. 515-531

KARAKITSIOS V. (1994). Le Carixien-Domérien de la série ionienne (Epire, Grèce). Un exemple de passage d'un milieu de plate-forme carbonatée à un milieu pélagique (début de l'ouverture du bassin ionien. Eds University of Athens, 37 p. (ATHENS ACADEMY AWARD 1994)

KARAKITSIOS V. (1995). The Influence of Structure and Halokinesis on Organic Matter Preservation and Thrust System Evolution in Ionian Basin, NW Greece. AAPG Bulletin, v. 79, n. 7, p. 960-980.

KARAKITSIOS V. (2001). Description, protection and conservation of the geological and geomorphological environment of Epirus Proceedings of 2nd International symposium: «Natural monuments and Geological heritage» under the aegis of UNESCO, 29 June-2 July, 1997, Molivos Lesvos.p. 95-99

KARAKITSIOS V. (2005) The Ioannina Karstic plateau and its water Management. Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece, XXXVII/1, p. 125-132

ΚARAKITSIOS V. (2010). Hydrogeological research and determination of perimetric protection zones of the Krya springs (Ioannina, Epirus). Results. 6th Interscientific, Intern-universitary Congress of the National Technical University of Athens: “Integrated development of the mountainous regions”. Metsovo, 16-19 September 2010, p. 41 (full paper in press)

ΚARAKITSIOS V. (2010). Geological and paleontological findings of the Ioannina Municipality region, in order to be exposed in the future Natural Museum of Ioannina. Municipality of Ioannina, 236 p.

KARAKITSIOS V. (2013). Western Greece and Ionian Sea petroleum systems. AAPG Bulletin, 97/9, p. 1567-1595.



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Prof. Dr. Karakitsios Vassilios © 2007 | Κατασκευή Κωνσταντόπουλος Κώστας