ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ 1989-2013

1) "The Historical Perspective of the Problem of Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility", Journal of Economic Studies*, Vol.16, No.5, 1989. (PDF)

2) "Two Levels of Hedonistic Influence on Microeconomic Theory", Scottish Journal of Political Economy*, Vol.37, No.4, 1990. (PDF)

3) "The Implicit Psychology of the Theory of the Rational Consumer", Australian Economic Papers*, Vol.29, No.54, 1990. (PDF)

4) "A Kaldorian Approach to Greek Economic Growth" (with I. Theodossiou), Applied Economics*, Vol. 23, 1991.(PDF)

5) "Psychological Threshold, Demand and Price Rigidity", Manchester School*, Vol.LX, No 2, 1992.(PDF)

6) "A Behavioural Approach to Kinked Demand Curves, Cyprus Journal of Economics*, Vol.5, No 1, 1992. (MPRA PDF)

7) "Keynes's Economic Thought and the Theory of Consumer Behaviour", Scottish Journal of Political Economy*, Vol.39, No 3, 1992. (PDF)

8) "A Kaldorian Approach to Greek Economic Growth: a Reply" (with I. Theodossiou), Applied Economics*, Vol.24, 1992. (PDF)

9) "Hierarchical Choice in Economics", Journal of Economic Surveys*, Vol. 8 No 2, 1994. (PDF)

10) "Causality and Determinism in Economics", (with T. Torrance) Scottish Journal of Political Economy*, Vol.41, No 2, 1994.(PDF)

11) "Economic Method and the Scientific Philosophy of Contemporary Physics", Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Vol.5, No 1, 1994. (ABS)

12) "A Note on the Substitution between Wage and Non-Wage Benefits in Spot Labour Markets", Economics Letters*, Vol. 45, No. 4, 1994. (PDF)

13) "Trade Union Priorities and Wage Rigidity", Labour* Vol 8, No 3, 1994. (PDF)

14) "Some Implications of the New Physics for Economic Methodology", South African Journal of Economics*, Vol. 62, No. 4, 1994.(PDF)

15) "Toward A Hierarchical Approach to Trade Union Behaviour", Economic Notes*, vol. 25, No. 1, 1996. (PDF)

16) "Modelling Menger's Consumer Theory", Ekonomia* vol.1, No.1, 1997. (PDF)

17) "Altruism, Union Utility and Outsiders", (with J. Skatun) Journal of Economic Studies*, vol.26, No 6, 1997.(PDF)

18) "Job Satisfaction and Target Earnings” (with I. Theodossiou), Journal of Economic Psychology* , vol. 18, 1997.(PDF)

19) “Origins and Development of the Trend Towards Value-Free Economics”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought* vol. 19, 1997. (PDF)

20) “The Impact of Fringe Benefits on Payment Profiles” (with J. Skatun), Research in Economics*, vol. 52, 1998. (PDF)

21) "Towards an Economic Approach to Imperfect Meritocracy" (with A. Karayiannis), Bulletin of Economic Research*, vol. 51, 1999. (PDF)

22) “Marginalist Consumer Theory: Delay, Acceptance and History Texts” (with A. Karayiannis) History of Economics Review*, vol. 30, 1999. (PDF)

23) “Rationality and Economics: The Model of Ηomo Economicus”, Neusis Review of the History and Philosophy of Science , (in Greek) vol. 10, 2001.(PDF)

24) "Choice Theory Foundations of Union Utility Functions Involving Discontinuities”, Spoudai Journal of Economics and Business*,   vol. 53, 2003.(PDF)

25) “The Historical Development of Hierarchical Behaviour in the History of Economic Thought” (with A. Karayiannis), Journal of the History of Economic Thought*, vol.26, 2004.(PDF)

26) "Satisficing and Sequential Targets in Economic Policy Design: a Politico- Economic Approach”, Contributions to Political Economy*, vol.23, 2004. (PDF)

27) “A Meta-theoretical Assessment on the Decline of the Scholastic Economics in the History of Economic Thought.” (with G. Gotsis), History of Economics Review*, vol. 40, 2004.(PDF)

28) “A Review of  Kuhnian and Lakatosian ‘Explanations’ in Economics” (with A. Karayiannis), History of Economic Ideas*, vol.13, 2005. (PDF)

29) “The Conceptual Roots of Work Effort in Preclassical and Classical Economic Thought (with A. Karayiannis), Economic History Archives*, vol.18, 2006. (PDF)

30) “The Paradox of Happiness: evidence from the late Pre-classical and classical economic thought" (with A. Karayiannis), Storia del Pensiero Economico* vol.4, 2007. (PDF)

31) “Comparison Wage in Trade Union Decision Making”, Acta Oeconomica*, vol.57, No.4,  2007. (PDF)

32) “The Paradox of Happiness: Towards an Alternative Explanation” Journal of Happiness Studies*,  vol.9, 2008. (MPRA PDF)

33) “Gender Discrimination and Institutional Frameworks: Evidence from Four European Union Countries” (with I. Theodossiou and S. Dodd), International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research *, vol. 1, No.1, 2008. (PDF)

34) “Childhood Socioeconomic Deprivation and Later Adulthood Health” (with I. Theodossiou and E. Lakioti),  International Journal of Social Economics*,  vol.38, No.1,  2011. (PDF)

35)The Economics of the Early Christian Rhetoric: The Case of the second Petrine Epistle of the New Testament” (with G. Gotsis), History of Economic Ideas*, vol.14, No.1 2011.(PDF)

36) Wicksteed, Robbins and the Emergence of Mainstream Economic Methodology”  Review of Political Economy*, vol.23, No.3, 2011.  (MPRA PDF)

37) “The Neglect of Comparison Income: An Historical Perspective”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought*, vol.18, No.3, 2011. (MPRA PDF)

38)  Economic Policies, Political Considerations and Overall Health”,  Economic Analysis and Policy*, vol.41, No3, 2011. (PDF)

39)  A Survey of Safety and Health at Work in Greece”, (with A. Economou and K. Grimani) International Journal of WorkPlace Health Management, vol., 5, No.1,  2012.(PDF)

40) “Professor Anastassios Karayiannis, 4 October1955 - 14 January 2012: Academic Economist and Scholar”,  History of Economic Thought and Policy* , No.2, 2012. (PDF)

41) “The History of  Attitudes  Towards  Interdependent Preferences" Journal of the History of Economic Thought* , vol.34, No.4,  2012. (MPRA PDF)
42) “Injury - Related Absenteeism and Job Satisfaction: Insights from Greek and UK Data” (with K. Grimani), The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol.24, No.18, 2013. (MPRA PDF)




43) “The Development of Trade Union Theory and Mainstream Economic Methodology” (with I. Katselidis), Journal of Economic Issues*, vol.48, No.4, 2014. (MPRA PDF)

44) “From Edgeworth to Econophysics: A Methodological Perspective, (with I. Katselidis), Journal of Economic Methodology* , vol.22, No.1,  2015. (MPRA PDF)

45)  “Workers’ Risk Underestimation and Occupational Health and Safety Regulation”, (with I. Theodossiou), European Journal of Law and Economics*, vol. 41, No.3, 2016. (MPRA PDF)

46) Economic Crisis, Economic Methodology and the Scientific Ideal of Physics”, Journal of Philosophical Economics*, vol.10, No1, 2016.(PDF)

47) “Labor Earnings Reductions, Happiness Levels and Needs Hierarchy” (with K. Grimani), International Journal of Wellbeing, vol.7, No1. 2017.(PDF)

48) “Value Neutrality in the History of Economics”, Neusis Review of the History and Philosophy of Science, 2019, vol. 26, pp.5-24 (in Greek). (PDF)

49) “Classical and Pre-Marginalist Ideas on the Relationship between Economics and Psychology”, (with I. Katselidis), History of Economic Ideas*, vol.28, No.1, 2019. (Flyer PDF)

50) “Pay Level Comparisons in Job Satisfaction Research and Mainstream Economic Methodology", Journal of Happiness Studies*, vol.21, No.3 pp.825-42, 2020.    (MPRA PDF)

51) “The Marginalization of Absolute and Relative Income Hypotheses of Consumption and the Role of Fiscal Policy”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought*, vol.28, No.6, pp.965-984, 2021. (MPRA Version)

52) “Post-Keynesian Economics: New Foundations by Marc Lavoie Chapter 2: Theory of Choice, Review of Political Economy, vol.35, No.4, pp. 1034-1044, 2023. (PDF)

53) "Value Judgements, Positivism and Utility Comparisons in Economics", Journal of Business Ethics, vol.189, No3, pp. 423-37, 2024. (PDF)

54) "The Conceptual Resilience of the Atomistic Individual in Mainstream Economic Rationality," Review of Political Economy, vol.37, No.1 pp.1-20, 2025.  (MPRA Version)