National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Albert Einstein
Η φαντασία είναι πιο σημαντική από τη γνώση.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, German-born Theoretical Physicist
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School of Economics and Political Science
Department of Economics
Division of Mathematics and Informatics

To be honest, at this time during my PhD studies, I don’t have enough time. But when such a possibility exists, I like spending it in a more productive way. One of my favorites is going for a walk on the Beach, glazing at the Aegean Sea or investigating the beautiful aspects of nature. (i.e. to walk in the mountains, forests, generally in nature).

Furthermore, I like reading Greek Philosophers like Socrates, Pythagoreans, Plato, Aristotle etc. which not only makes me much richer in knowledge and wisdom but it also makes me wonder about the way they expressed all those unique questions and worries thousands of years before.

Moreover, my favorite type of music is classical baroque music, and my favorite composer is Beethoven and I listen with pleasure for plenty of hours the music of Mozart, Handel, Haydn, Bach, Vivaldi, Schubert, etc.

In addition I like playing board games and my favorites are Go, Chess, Rubik's cube and Sudoku.

Last but not least, especially during holidays I like to travel abroad.

Oxford UK Bremen Germany Leros Greece
Oxford UK Oxford UK Bratislava Slovakia Mini Cooper Folding Bike Mini Cooper Folding Bike