
Konstantinos Siampos
Post-doctoral researcher

Research Interests

String theory, field theory and quantum gravity


  • Conformal field theories and integrable models
  • Fluid/gravity correspondence
  • Gauge/gravity duality
  • Supergravity models, effective field theories and supersymmetry breaking

Short Bio

A three pages CV


  • Ph.D. in Theoretical High Energy Physics, University of Patras, 2005-10
  • Master in High Energy Physics, University of Patras, 2003-05
  • Bachelor in Physics, University of Patras, 1999-2003
Research Positions:

  • Post-doctoral fellow, Physics department, University of Athens, 2019-2023
  • CERN TH-fellow, 2017-19
  • Post-doctoral fellow, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern, 2014-17
  • Post-doctoral fellow, Mecanique et gravitation, Universite de Mons, 2012-14
  • Post-doctoral fellow, CPhT, Ecole Polytechnique, 2010-12

Military service, 2009-10

Academic Position:

  • Assistant Professor, Physics department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, May 2024

Research Activity