Kostas Mylonas


in "Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology"


Department of Psychology

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Publications in Books of Selected Chapters and in Peer Reviewed Collective Volumes

·        Danassis-Afentakis, Α., Michalis, Α,. Mylonas, K., Spanos, G. & Fountopoulou, Μ-Ζ. (2001, in Greek). Language aptitude levels of High School Students [To epipedo glossikis eparkeias ton mathiton tou likeiou]. In G. Spanos & E. Frydaki (Eds.), Language & Literature in Education [Glossa & Logotechnia stin Ekpaidefsi] (pp. 375-406). Athens: Goulandri-Horn Foundation.

·        Georgas, D., Hantzi, A. Gari, A. Mylonas, K., Abakumkin, G., Dalla, Μ., Andreopoulou, S., Voutsinos, G. & Tzepoglou, S. (2002, in Greek). Exploration of National and European Identity, of Values and Attitudes towards the European Union as expressed by the main Educational groups [Dierevnise tis Ethnikis kai Evropaikis Taftotitas, ton aksion kai ton staseon apenanti stin Evropaike Enose ton vasikon omadon pou emplekontai stin ekapideftike diadikasia]. In Α. Verevi (Ed.) The "Research 1997-2000" Project: A brief presentation (pp. 412-421). Athens: Center for Educational Research.

·        Georgas, J., Paraskevopoulos, I.N., Besevegis, E., Giannitsas, N. & Mylonas, K. (2003). "Greece". In J. Georgas, L.G. Weiss, F.J.R. van de Vijver & D.H. Saklofske (Eds.), Culture and Children's Intelligence: Cross-cultural analysis of the WISC-III, pp. 199-214. San-Diego, CA: Academic Press.

·        Van de Vijver, F.J.R., Mylonas, K., Pavlopoulos, V. & Georgas, J. (2003). Methodology for combining the WISC-III datasets. In J. Georgas, L.G. Weiss, F.J.R. van de Vijver & D.H. Saklofske (Eds.), Culture and Children's Intelligence: Cross-cultural analysis of the WISC-III, pp. 265-276. San-Diego, CA: Academic Press.

·        Georgas, D., Gari, A., & Mylonas, K. (2004, in Greek). Relations with Relatives in the Greek Family [Scheseis me Siggenis stin Ellinike Oikogeneia]. In L. Mousourou and M. Stratigaki (Eds.) Family Policy Issues (pp. 189-225). Athens: Gutenberg.

·        Georgas, J., Mylonas, K., Gari, A. & Panagiotopoulou, P. (2004). Families and Values in Europe. In W. Arts & L. Halman (Eds.), European values at the end of the millennium, (pp. 167-204). Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.

·        Georgas, J., Bafiti, T., Mylonas, K., & Papademou, L. (2005). Families in Greece. In J.L. Roopnarine & U.P. Gielen (Eds.), Families in Global Perspective, (pp.207-224). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

·        Georgas, J. & Mylonas, K. (2006). Cultures are like all other cultures, like some other cultures, like no other culture. In U. Kim, K.S. Yang & K.K. Hwang (Eds.), Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context (pp. 197-221). New York: Springer.

·        Gari, A. & Mylonas, K. (2006, in Greek). Dual Career Family: studying the intrafamily couple relations along with self-esteem and self-concept in childhood and early adolescence. [Oikogeneia Diplis Stadiodromias: melete ton endo-oikogeniakon sheseon zevgarion kai tis aftoektimisis kai aftoantilipsis paidion kai efivon]. In Μ. Malikiosi-Loizos, D. Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, & G. Kleftaras (Eds.) Counseling Psychology in Females (pp. 303-327). Athens: Hellenic Letters.  

·        Gari, A., Mylonas, K., & David-Spanopoulou, Α. (2006, in Greek). The Greek Dual Career Family: Intrafamily relations and children's school adjustment [E ellinike oikogenia diplis stadiodromias: Endo-oikogeneiakes sheseis kai sxoliki prosarmogi mathiton-paidon sxolikis ilikias]. In Ch. Papaeliou, G. Ksanthakou, & C. Hatzichristou (Eds.) Educational School Psychology (pp. 153-168). Athens: Atrapos Editions.  

·        Mylonas, K., Gari, A., Giotsa, A., Pavlopoulos V. & Panagiotopoulou, P. (2006). "Greece". In J. Georgas, J.W. Berry, F.J.R. van de Vijver, C. Kagitcibasi, and Y.H. Poortinga, (Eds.), Families Across Cultures: A 30-Nation Psychological Study (pp. 344-352). New York: Cambridge University Press.

·        van de Vijver, F.J.R., Mylonas, K., Pavlopoulos V. & Georgas, J. (2006). Results: cross-cultural analyses of the family. In J. Georgas, J.W. Berry, F.J.R. van de Vijver, C. Kagitcibasi, and Y.H. Poortinga, (Eds.), Families Across Cultures: A 30-Nation Psychological Study (pp. 126-185). New York: Cambridge University Press.

·        Mylonas, K., Pavlopoulos, V., & Georgas, J. (2008).  Multilevel Structure Analysis for Family-Related Constructs. In F.J.R. van de Vijver, D.A. van Hemert & Y.H. Poortinga (Eds.) Multilevel Analysis of Individuals and Cultures (pp. 345-377). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

·        Besevegis, El., Pavlopoulos, V., & Mylonas, K. (2008, in Greek). Socio-demographic Factors of Immigration. [Koikoniko-dimografikoi paragontes tis metanastefsis]. In, El. Besevegis (Ed.) Immigrants in Greece: Acculturation and psychosocial adjustment (pp. 38-53). Athens: IMEPO editions.

·        Gari, A., Panagiotopoulou, P., & Mylonas, K. (2009). Social axioms in Greece: Etic and emic dimensions and their relationships with locus of control. In K. Leung & M. H. Bond (Eds.), Psychological Aspects of Social Axioms. Understanding global belief systems (pp. 197-216). New York: Springer Science.

·        Mylonas, K. (2009). Reducing Bias in Cross-Cultural Factor Analysis through a Statistical Technique for Metric Adjustment: Factor Solutions for Quintets and Quartets of Countries. In A. Gari and K. Mylonas (Eds.), Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus' Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research, pp. 159-168. Athens: Pedio Books Publishing.

·        Gari, A., Mylonas, K., & Panagiotopoulou, P. (2009). Dimensions of Social Axioms and Alternative Country-Clustering Methods. In A. Gari and K. Mylonas (Eds.), Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus' Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research, pp. 231-243. Athens: Pedio Books Publishing.

·         Mylonas, K., Gari, A., Panagiotopoulou, P., Georgiadi, E., Valchev, V., Papazoglou, S., & Brkich, M. (2011). Bias in Terms of Culture: Work Values country-clustering for 33 European countries and Person-Job Fit factor equivalence testing for four European countries.  In J. Deutch, M. Boehnke, U. Kühnen, & K. Boehnke (Eds.), Rendering borders obsolete: Cross-cultural and cultural psychology as an interdisciplinary, multi-method endeavor. Bremen, Germany: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. ISBN: 978-0-9845627-2-5. Accessed via www.iaccp.org.

·         Gari, A. & Mylonas, K. (2012). Attributed characteristics as assigned to gifted students by their teachers during the nomination procedure [Charaktiristika pou apodidoun oi ekpaideftikoi se charismatikous mathites otan kalountai na tous episimanoun]. In M. Zafeiropoulou, (Ed.) Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Children and Adolescents, Book of Selected Chapters. (pp. 299-319). Pedio Books Publishing. ISBN: 978-960-546-097-6.

·        Mylonas, K., Furnham, A., Konstantinidis, E., Papazoglou, S., Divale, W., Leblebici, C., Gondim, S.,  Moniz, A., Grad, H., Alvaro, J-L., Cretu, R-Z., Filus, A., & Boski, P. (2013). The Explanations for Unemployment Scale: An eight-country study on factor equivalence. In Y. Kashima, E. Kashima, & R. Beatson (Eds.), Steering the cultural dynamics: Selected papers from the 2010 Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Melbourne, Australia: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. ISBN: 978-0-9845627-3-2. Accessed via www.iaccp.org .

·         Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., Argiropoulou, Aik., & Mylonas, K. (2015). Self-Efficacy in Career Planning: A novel approach to the theory and application of Career Guidance and Counseling [E Aftoapotelesmatikotita sto shediasmo tis stadiodromias: mia nea proseggise ste theoria kai tin prakse tis epagelmatikis simvouleftikis]. In Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D. Asvestas, A. Koumoundourou, G., & Kalava-Mylona, A. (Eds.) Contemporary Issues in Career Counseling [Sighrona Themata Epagelmatikis Simvouleftikis] (pp. 69-86). Athens: Grigoris. ISBN: 978-960-333-947-2.

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