The following sections contain selected scientific publications of the author according to his specialization areas.


Books Authored

  1. Mixed type Equations and Maximum Principles in fluid dynamics, 1983 , Greece
  2. Applied Analysis : Partial Differential Equations , Vol. II , 2003, Symmetry Publ. , Greece
  3. Lecture Notes on Mixed Type Partial Differential Equations, World Scientific , 144 pp,1990
  4. Counter Examples in Differential Equations and Related Topics, World Scientific , 192 pp,1991

Selected Citations :

•  W. F. Ames ( G I T ) – for the Mathematical Reviews , AMS :

Any analyst is always concerned about good counterexamples to use in lectures and research. Here is a book with a collection of counterexamples in the areas of continuity,differentiability, extrema, existence, uniqueness, stability, regularity, periodicity, etc. They have been collected from a variety of books and journals. The collection should prove useful to analysts interested in the main topic of differential equations. There is a reasonable bibliography and both a subject and an author index. This is a valuable book for students and researchers alike.

•  –G.C.Rota (M.I.T.) for the World Scientific :

The author knows his business : he has chosen the right counterexamples at the right time. The section on plane autonomous systems is particularly felicitous, and should be consulted by whoever teaches elementary differential equations ( some of the examples are really cute and we will use them in our 400-student course next year ). Why can't mathematicians write more books like this one ?

Books Edited

  • Mathematics – Space Technology , Greece ,1980
  • Mathematical Analysis , Teubner–Texte zur Mathematik ,Vol. 79 , 1985
  • Mixed type Equations , Teubner–Texte zur Mathematik , Vol. 90 , 1986
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. I , Greece ,1999
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. II , Greece ,1999

Published Papers 

  1. Weak solutions of the Frankl – Morawetz problem in , (with G. Rassias , Th. Rassias) , Tamkang J. Math. 10 (1979) , no. 1 , 81-91
  2. On the Frankl problem of second kind , Tamkang J. Math. 10 (1979) , no. 2 , 231-236
  3. The 3-dimensional Frankl problem , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 48 (1979) , no. 11-12 , 422-423
  4. The Bitsadze-Lavrentjev problem , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 48 (1979) , no. 11-12 , 424-425
  5. A new mixed type boundary value problem , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 48 (1979) , no. 11-12 , 420-421
  6. The survey on equations of mixed type , “Functional differential systems and related topics” (Proc. First Internat. Conf. , B \ I a\.zejewko,1979) , 295-301 , Higher College Engrg. , Zielona Gora , (1980)
  7. A maximum principle in R^3 , C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 2 (1980) , no.3, 131-133
  8. New uniqueness theorems , Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. 28 (1980) , no. 11-12 , 569-571
  9. A new bi-hyperbolic boundary value problem in the Euclidean space , Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. 28 (1980) , no. 11-12 , 565-568
  10. On a defective theorem on elliptic – hyperbolic equations , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 49 (1980) , no. 9-10 , 307-309
  11. Weak solutions for a mixed type problem , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 49 (1980) , no. 5-8 , 278-280
  12. On a Goursat type problem ,C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 2 (1980/81) , no. 1 , 49-51
  13. Uniqueness and existence theorems for a mixed type equation , Tamkang J. Math. 12 , (1981) , no. 1 , 77-83
  14. A new mixed type boundary value problem , Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 105 (1981) , no. 3 , 329-336
  15. Mixed type partial differential equations in R^n , Tamkang J. Math. 12 (1981), no. 2 , 177-181
  16. A uniqueness theorem for the generalized Frankl-Tricomi problem , Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 105 (1981) , no. 3 , 321-327
  17. A maximum principle in , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 85 (1982), no. 1, 106-113
  18. Weak solutions of the Frankl problem in the 4- dimensional Euclidean space , Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. 30 (1982) , no. 3-4 , 123-130
  19. An application of the theory of positive symmetric systems to a degenerate multidimensional hyperbolic equation in R^3 ,Serdica 8 (1982), no. 3 , 235-242
  20. An extended Chaplygin problem and a uniqueness theorem for the Chaplygin - Frankl problem , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 51 (1982) , no. 3-4 , 156-160
  21. The Bi-hyperbolic Degenerate Boundary Value Problem in R^3 , Discuss. Math., Vol. 5 , (1982), 101-104
  22. The extended Bitsadze-Lavrentjev-Tricomi boundary value problem , Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 33 (1984) , no.2 , 255-264
  23. On the Tricomi problem with two parabolic lines of degeneracy , Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica 12 (1984) , no. 1 , 51-56
  24. On the exterior mixed type boundary value problem in the Euclidean plane , “Mathematical Analysis” , 269-284 , Teubner-Texte Math. , 79 , Teubner , Leipzig , (1985)
  25. Extended Bitsadze-Lavrentjev problem with two parabolic lines of degeneracy and two elliptic arcs in Euclidean plane , C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 38 (1985) , no. 1 , 31-34
  26. The mixed Bitsadze-Lavrentjev-Tricomi boundary value problem , “Mixed Type Equations” , 6-21 , Teubner-Texte Math. , 90 , Teubner , Leipzig, (1986)
  27. On three new uniqueness theorems of the Tricomi probem for nonlinear mixed type equations , “Mixed Type Equations” , 269-279 , Teubner-Texte Math. , 90 , Teubner , Leipzig, (1986) The mixed Bitsadze-Lavrentjev-Tricomi boundary value problem , J. Math. Res. Expositions 7 (1987) ,no.1 , 77-80
  28. On three new generalized uniqueness theorems of the Tricomi problem for nonlinear mixed type equations , J. Math. Phys. Sci. 22 (1988), no. 6, 681-695
  29. On the well-posedness of the extended Chaplygin problem in a multidimensional region , C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 41 (1988), no. 2 , 35-37
  30. The well-posed Tricomi-Bitsadze-Lavrentjev problem in the Euclidean plane , Atti Accad. Sci. Torino Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 124 (1990) , no. 3-4 , 73-83
  31. The exterior Tricomi and Frankl problem , J. Math. Res. Exposition 10 (1990) no. 4 , 485-493
  32. On the well-posedness of the extended Tricomi-Chaplygin-Frankl problem in a multidimenional region , Chinese. J. Math. 19 (1991) , no.3 , 187-203
  33. On the well-posed Tricomi problem in R^2 , Discuss. Math. 12 (1992) , 85-93
  34. The well-posed Tricomi problem of two kinds , J. Math. Phys. Sci. 27 (1993), no. 6 , 383-393 World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  35. The well-posed Tricomi problem in the Euclidean plane , “Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics” , 189-195 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  36. Uniqueness of quasi–regular solutions for a parabolic elliptic–hyperbolic Tricomi problem , Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica 25 (1997) , no.4 , 277-287
  37. Bitsadze-Lavrentjev Problem , Encyclopaedia of Mathematics , Kluwer Academic Publishers , file: B: rassi 1 , March 28 , (1997) , 1-4 , The Netherlands Existence of weak solutions for a parabolic elliptic-hyperbolic Tricomi problem , Tsukuba J. Math. 23 (1999) , no. 1 , 37-54
  38. Uniqueness of quasi-regular solutions for a bi-parabolic elliptic bi-hyperbolic Tricomi problem , Complex Var. Theory Appl.(Taylor & Francis) 47 (2002) , no. 8 , 707-718



Books Authored

1. Mathematical Analysis : Multivariable Calculus , Vol. III , 1996 , Symmetry Publ. , Greece

Books Edited
  • Functional Analysis , Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis , World Scientific , 340 pp,1994
  • Geometry , Analysis and Mechanics , World Scientific ,388 pp,1995
  • Advances in Equations and Inequalities , Hadronic Press , USA , 1999
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. I , Greece ,1999
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. II , Greece ,1999  

Published Papers

  1.  On approximation of approximately linear mappings by linear mappings , J. Funct. Anal. 46 (1982) , no. 1 , 126-130
  2. On approximation of approximately linear mappings by linear mappings , Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 108 (1984) , no. 4 , 445-446
  3. On a new approximation of approximately linear mappings by linear mappings , Discuss. Math. 7 (1985) , 193-196
  4. Solution of a problem of Ulam , J. Approx. Theory 57 (1989), no. 3, 268-273
  5. Solution of a stability problem of Ulam , Discuss. Math. 12 (1992) , 95-103
  6. On the stability of the Euler-Lagrange functional equation , Chinese J. Math. 20 (1992) , no. 2 , 185-190
  7. Stefan Banach , Alexander Markowic Ostrowski , Stanislaw Marcin Ulam , “Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis”, 241-249, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  8. Complete solution of the multi – dimensional problem of Ulam , Discuss. Math. 14 (1994) , 101-107
  9. On the stability of the multi-dimensional nonlinear Euler-Lagrange functional equation , “Geometry,Analysis and Mechanics” , 275-285 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge , NJ , (1994)
  10. On the stability of the non-linear Euler-Lagrange functional equation in real normed linear spaces , J. Math. Phys. Sci. 28 (1994) , no.5 , 231-235
  11. On the stability of a multi-dimensional Cauchy type functional equation , “Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics” , 365-376 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  12. Solution of a stability problem of Ulam , “Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis” , 241-249 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  13. On the stability of the general Euler – Lagrange functional equation , Demonstratio Math. 29 (1996) , no. 4 , 755-766
  14. Solution of the Ulam stability problem for Euler-Lagrange quadratic mappings , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 220 (1998) , no. 2 , 613-639
  15. Solution of the Ulam stability problem for quartic mappings , Glasnik Matematicki Ser. III 34 (54) (1999) , no. 2 , 243-252
  16. On the stability of the multi-dimensional Euler-Lagrange functional equation, J. Indian Math. Soc. ( N. S. ) 66 (1999) , no. 1-4 , 1-9
  17. 17. Solution of the General Dth Degree Functional equation , (A.E.I. : Advances in Equations and Inequalities) , Hadronic Press , Fl. , USA , (1999) ,185-189
  18. Generalization of the Euler Theorem to Heptagons leading to a Quadratic Vector Identity , (A.E.I. : Advances in Equations and Inequalities) , Hadronic Press , Fl. , USA , (1999) ,179-183
  19. Augustin Louis Cauchy , His Life and His Work , (A.E.I. : Advances in Equations and Inequalities) , Hadronic Press , Fl. , USA , (1999) ,1-25
  20. On the Euler stability problem , J. Indian Math. Soc. ( N.S. ) 67 (2000) , no.1-4 , 1-15
  21. Solution of the Ulam stability problem for nonlinear five-dimensional Euler quadratic mappings , Southeast Asian Bull. Math. (Springer-Verlag) 24 (2000) , no. 4, 617-621
  22. On approximation of approximately quadratic mappings by quadratic mappings , Ann. Math. Sil. , No. 15 (2001) , 67-78
  23. Solution of a quadratic stability Hyers-Ulam type problem , Ricerche Mat. 50 (2001) , no. 1 , 9-17
  24. Solution of a Cauchy – Jensen stability Ulam type problem , Archivum Mathematicum ( Brno ) 37 (2001) , no.3 , 161-177
  25. Solution of the Ulam stability problem for cubic mappings , Glasnik Matematicki Ser. III 36 (56) (2001) , no.1 , 63-72
  26. Hyers–Ulam stability for a quadratic functional equation in several variables , J. Indian Math. Soc. ( N. S. ) 68 (2001) , no.1-4, 65 - 73
  27. On the Ulam stability of mixed type mappings on restricted domains , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 276 (2002) , no. 2 , 747-762
  28. On the Hyers-Ulam stability problem for quadratic multi-dimensional mappings , Aequationes Math .(Birkhauser-Verlag ) 64 (2002) , no.1-2 , 62-69
  29. Solution of the Ulam stability problem for an Euler type quadratic functional equation , Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 26 (2002) , 101-112
  30. On the Hyers-Ulam stability problem for quadratic multi-dimensional mappings on the Gaussian plane , Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 26 (2002) , 483-502
  31. On some approximately quadratic mappings being exactly quadratic , (with M. J. Rassias) , J. Ind. Math. Soc. 69 (2002) , 155-160.
  32. On the Ulam stability of Jensen and Jensen type mappings on restricted domains , (with M. J. Rassias), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 281 (2003),516-524
  33. On the quadratic functional inequality involving a sum of powers of norms , Intern. J. Math. Sciences 2 (2003) , no. 1 , 173-184
  34. On the general quadratic functional equation , Libertas Math. , 23(2003),165-174.
  35. Solution of a quadratic stability Ulam type problem , Archivum Mathematicum 40( 2004) , 1-16 pp. (.pdf file)
  36. The Ulam stability problem on approximation of approximately quadraticmappings by quadratic mappings, J. Inequ. Pure & Appl. Math. 5(2004), Issue, 1-9pp.
  37. Asymptotic behavior of mixed type functional equations, Austr. J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 1(2004), 1-21pp.
  38. Asymptotic behavior of Jensen and Jensen type functional equations, (with M. J. Rassias), PanAmerican Math. J. 15(2005), No4, 21-35.
  39. Asymptotic behavior of alternative Jensen and Jensen type functional equations, (with M. J. Rassias),Bulletin Sciences Mathematiques 129(2005), Issue 7, 545-558pp.
  40. Alternative Contraction Principle and Ulam Stability Problem, Math. Sci. Res J. 9(7) 2005 190-199pp.
  41. Solution of the Hyers-Ulam stability problem for quadratic type functional equations in several variables, Austral. J. Math. Anal. –electronic 2(2005), Issue 2, 1-9 pp.
  42. On the general quadratic functional equation, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (3)11(2005), 259-268 pp.
  43. On the Ulam problem for Euler quadratic mappings, Novi Sad J. Math. 35(2)(2005), 57-66.
  44. On the Cauchy-Ulam stability of the Jensen equation in C*-algebras, Internat. J. Pure & Appl. Math. Sci. 2(1)(2005), 92-101.
  45. Alternative contraction principle and alternative Jensen and Jensen type mappings, Internat. J. Appl. Math. & Stat. 4(M06)(2006), 1-10.
  46. Refined Hyers - Ulam approximation of approximately Jensen type mappings, Bulletin Sci. Math. (Article in press) (2006), 1-10.



Books Authored

  • Applied Analysis : Partial Differential Equations , Vol. II , 2003 , Symmetry Publ. , Greece

Books Edited

  • Mathematical Analysis , Teubner–Texte zur Mathematik ,Vol. 79 , 1985
  • Functional Analysis , Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis , World Scientific , 340 pp,1994
  • Geometry , Analysis and Mechanics , World Scientific ,388 pp,1995
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. I , Greece ,1999
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. II , Greece ,1999

Published Papers

  1. Some fixed point theorems in nonlinear analysis , (with G. Rassias , Th. Rassias) “Functional differential systems and related topics”(Proc. First Internat. Conf., B \ I a\.zejewko,1979) , 302-305, Higher College Engrg. , Zielona Gora (1980) 445-446
  2. On the generalized Cesaro operators , Mathematical Analysis , 32-34 , Teubner-Texte Math. , 79, Teubner , Leipzig, (1985)
  3. Landau's type inequalities , C. R. Acad. Bulgare. Sci. 46 (1993) , no.10, 9-11
  4. Open problems in analysis , “Geometry , analysis and mechanics” , 355-364 , World Scientific Publshing Co. , Inc., River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  5. Stefan Banach , Alexander Markowic Ostrowski , Stanislaw Marcin Ulam , “Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis”, 241-249, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  6. New Landau's type inequalities , Discuss. Math. 14 (1994) , 77-99
  7. Fractional linear algebra , “Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics” , 251-267 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  8. Multi-dimensional Landau inequalities ,“Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics” , 287-354 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  9. A new computation formula for the inverse of a matrix , “Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics” , 197-203 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  10. Landau's type inequalities ,“Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis” , 281-301 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ ,(1994)
  11. Generalized Landau's type inequalities , “Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis” , 303-325 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994)
  12. Landau's type inequalities , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 202 (1996) , no. 1 , 280-301
  13. Multi-dimensional Landau extremum problems , C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 50 (1997) , no. 2 , 5-8
  14. Multi-dimensional Landau extremum problems , J. Indian Math. Soc. ( N. S. ) 66 (1999) , no. 1-4 , 11-16
  15. Six-dimensional Landau inequalities , Demonstratio Math. 32 (1999) , no.2 , 413-431
  16. Mathematical Computation of the Code of a Date , (A.E.I. : Advances in Equations and Inequalities) , Hadronic Press , Fl. , USA , (1999) ,191-210
  17. Augustin Louis Cauchy , His Life and His Work , (A.E.I. : Advances in Equations and Inequalities) , Hadronic Press , Fl. , USA , (1999) ,1-25



Books Authored
  • Probability Theory and Statistics , 1989 , Symmetry Publ. , Greece
Books Edited
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. I , Greece ,1999
  • Mathematical Equations and Inequalities , Vol. II , Greece ,1999

Published Papers

  1. A counter example to a conjecture by P. Erdos , (with G. Rassias , Th. Rassias) Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 53 (1977) , no. 4 , 119-121.
  2. Research Problems in Complex Analysis ( New Problem : No. 6.81 ) , (with G. Rassias , Th. Rassias) , ( Eds.: D. A. Bannan and J. G. Clunie , Aspects of Contemp. Complex Analysis) , Acad. Press , (1980) , 584.
  3. On the derivative of a polynomial , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 51 (1982) , no. 9-10 , 379-380.
  4. Two new criteria on characterizations of inner products , Discuss. Math. 9 (1988) , 255-267.
  5. Four new criteria on characterizations of inner products , Discuss. Math. 10 (1990) , 139-146.
  6. Archimedes , “Geometry,Analysis and Mechanics” , 1-4 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge , NJ , (1994).
  7. On the extended Ostrowski constant , “Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis” , 237-239 , World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ , (1994).
  8. On the Heisenberg – Pauli – Weyl inequality , J. Inequ. Pure & Appl. Math. 5(2004),Issue 1,1-70 pp.
  9. On the Heisenberg-Weyl Inequality, J.Inequ.Pure and Appl.Math.,6(2004),Issue 1,1-8pp.
  10. On the refined Heisenberg-Weyl type inequality, J.Inequ.Pure & Appl.Math. 6(2005), Issue 2, 1-11pp.

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