
It is truly a pleasure to engage in collaboration with a diverse array of individuals, contributing to a variety of projects. This page encapsulates the ongoing projects I am involved in, while also offering convenient access to any published outputs.

Ages of Man logo

Ages of Man

Remote sensing statistical applications in agriculture

The agricultural sector has been experiencing intensifying automation in recent decades. Precision agriculture offers both financial and environmental benefits, leading toward a sustainable agricultural model. The literature on remote sensing applications in agriculture addresses a variety of challenges such as biomass and yield estimation, stress and development monitoring, vegetation mapping, and crop classification. The Ages of Man project applies advanced statistical methodology on remote-sensing agriculture.

Research papers and preprints:
Focusing on research reproducibility, an ecosystem of R packages is developed. Visit the Ages of Man GitHub page to find out more.

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Step in Stat

Statistics and programming tutorials

Step in Stat is a dedicated team of statisticians who specialize in creating open content in the fields of statistics and statistical programming languages. With a strong focus on providing high-quality educational materials, our primary goal is to deliver clear and concise instructions to learners that are both easy to follow and understand.

Visit the Step in Stat YouTube Channel.