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Dr. Efstratios Theodossiou


Associate Professor of History and Philosophy of Astronomy and Physical Sciences

            School of Physics-University of Athens

e-mail: etheodos@phys.uoa.gr

               Website: http://users.uoa.gr/~etheodos



Dr. Efstratios Theodossiou is an Astrophysicist and Associate Professor of History and Philosophy of Astronomy and Physical Sciences at the University of Athens (School of Physics, Department of Astronomy-Astrophysics and Mechanics).

His scientific interests included History and Philosophy of Astronomy and Physical Sciences and Popularisation of Astronomy and Sciences. His other research interests include Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, satellite spectrophotometry of Be stars and variable stars.

He is member of IAU Commission 41 and Treasurer of the Hellenic Astronomical Society.


Publications in History and Philosophy of Astronomy and Physical Sciences


a. Papers in International Journal: 26

b. Papers in the British Sundial Society Bulletin: 16

c. Proceedings of Conferences: 59

d. Supervision of diploma's dissertations: 26

e. Scientific articles in Greek journals, newspapers etc.: 221

f. International Conferences: 31



I. History and Philosophy of Astronomy and Physical Sciences


Papers in International Journals

1. A presocratic cosmological proposal, E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, M. Stathopoulou and Th. Grammenos, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 2(2):125-130, December 1999.

2. From Pythagoreans to Kepler: The dispute between the geocentric and the heliocentric system. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis, V.N. Manimanis and E.-M. Kalyva. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. Vol. 5, No. 1, Number 9, June 2002, pp. 89-98.

3. The Russians Calendars after the Christianization of the country. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and E. Danezis. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 21, Numbers 1-3, June 2002, pp. 149-153.

4. The Calendar of the Greek Orthodox Church. M. Dimitrijevic and E. Theodossiou. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 21, Numbers 1-3, June 2002, pp. 145-148.

5. The fall of a meteorite at Aegos Potami in 467 BC. E. Theodossiou, P. Niarchos, V.N. Manimanis and W. Orchiston. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. Vol. 5, No. 2, Number 10, December 2002, pp. 135-140.

6. The first tower clock in Athens. E. Theodossiou, S. Azzopardi and V.N. Manimanis. Horological Journal, Number 8, Vol. 145, August 2003, p. 288-292.

7. The Christian chronologies of the Creation and the view of modern Astrophysics. E. Theodossiou. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 23, No 1, February 2004, pp.75-80.

8. The different meanings of the term Ouranos and the importance of Aether in Aristotle's works On the Heaven and On the Cosmos. E. Theodossiou. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 23, No 1, February 2004, pp.81-84.

9. Theophilos Kairis: The creator and initiator of Theosebism in Greece. E. Theodossiou, Th. Grammenos and V. N. Manimanis. Journal of European Legacy, Vol. 10, No 1.

10. On the Reform of Julian Calendar on Ecoumenical Congress in Constantinople in 1932. M. S. Dimitrijevic and E. Theodossiou. Journal Lumina, Journal Nova Representarii a Lumii, Nr. 5, pp. 81-86, Bucuresti, 2005.

11. Un-tangible world and modern physics. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, Y. Gonidakis and M. S. Dimitrijevic. European Journal of Science and Theology. December 2005, vol. 1, No. 4, 11-17.

12. The greatest Byzantine Astronomer Nichephoros Gregoras and the Serbs. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis. Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade No. 80, 1-4, 2006.

13. Nicephoros Gregoras-The greatest Byzantine astronomer. Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V., Dimitrijevic, M. and Danezis, E., Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, vol. 25, No. 1, February 2006, p. 105-118.

14. The greatest Byzantine astronomer Nicephoros Gregoras and the Serbs. Haјbeђи Визаңтијски астроңом Ниђифор Григoра и Срби. Journal of Classical Studies “Matica Srpska”, vol. 8, 149-168, UCD: 521:929. Нови Сад, 2006.

15. Hexameron of St. Basil the Great and Cosmological Views of his time. Selected paper in a book published in Romanina and English languages by Basarab Nicolescu and Magda Stavinschi. Curtea Veche Publications, Bucharest, 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 103-109.

16. Cosmological Implications of the Hexameron of St. Basil the Great. Romanian Astronomical journal, accepted by Basil Mioc, Editor in Chief.

17. The unknown Roman calendars of Ancient Macedonia. Theodossiou, E. and Mantarakis, P., Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions vol. 25, No. 4, August 2006, pp. 347-354.

18. Haјbeђи Визаңтијски астроңом Ниђифор Григoра и Срби. Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V., Dimitrijevic, M. and Danezis, E. Ðyбл. Aстр. Друш. “Pyђeр Бошковиђ” бр. 7, 247-256, Нови Сад, 2006.

19. Êocмoлщка питања ў беседама на шестодңев Bасилија Bелиқог. Aнтиқа и Cабремени Cвет. Београд 2007. Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E. and Dimitrijevic, M.. Cosmological Questions in the Homilies on Hexameron of Saint Basil the Great. Antiquity and Modern World-Collection of papers. Serbian Society of Ancient Studies, UDC 52, pp. 80-88.

20. Bасилије Bелиқи, свети: Êocмoлщка питања ў беседама на шестодңев Bасилија Bелиқог. Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E. and Dimitrijevic, M.. СВЕСКЕ, броз 83, Март 2007, Ҝнижевност-уметност-култура. pp. 58-62.

21. Demetrios Eginitis: Restorer of the Athens Observatory, Theodossiou, E. Th., Manimanis, V.N., Mantarakis, P., Journal of History of Astronomy and Heritage, JH2A: 10(2), 123-132, July 2007.

22. Milutin Milancovic and the Reform of the Julian Calendar in 1923. Dimitrijevic, M. and Theodossiou, E., Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. (editor) Wayne Orchiston, 11(1), pp. 50-54, March 2008.

23. Rigas Velenstinles: A visionary pioneer of Greek Enlightement and Martyr of Freedom. Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V.N., Dimitrijevic, M. and Danezis, E., Journal Flogiston, July 2007, Vol. 14, pp. 19-35.

24.“Hydor” from ancient Greek Cosmogonies to modern Astrophysics. Theodossiou, E., Dimitrijevic, M., Manimanis, V.N. and Grammenos Th., Transdisciplinarity  in Science and Religion Journal, Vol. 1, 2007, pp. 117-128. Editors Basarab Nicolescu and magda Stavinschi, Curtea Veche Publications, Bucuresti 2007.

25. Moschophoros-Kriophoros-Icthys: Constellation-Mythology and Time. Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V.N., Goyette, S. and  Dimitrijevic, M. (paper submitted).

26. From the Infinity (Apeiron) of Anaximander in Ancient Greece to the theory of Infinite Universies in modern Cosmogony, Theodossiou, E.Th., Manimanis, V.N., Mantarakis, P. and M. Dimitrijevic (paper submitted).


 Publications in the British Sundial Society Bulletin and in other International Bulletins

1. The Japanese sundial of Ancient Epidaurus. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society. Volume 14 (ii), June 2002, pp. 67-69.

2. The horizontal Sundial of Athens. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and E.-M. Kalyva. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society. Volume 14 (iii), September 2002, pp. 126-128.

3. The Ancient Clepsydra of Athens. E. Theodossiou and E.-M. Kalyva. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society. Volume 14 (iv), December 2002, pp. 162-166.

4. The sundials at the Skalnate Pleso Observatory, in Poprad (Slovak Repuplic) and in Otzenhausen (Germany). E. Theodossiou, P.G. Niarchos and V.N. Manimanis. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society. Volume 15 (ii), June 2003.

5. L' Antica Clepsidra d Atenes - La Antigua Clepsidra de Atenas, E. Theodossiou and E.-M. Kalyva. Revista de la Societat Catalana de Gnomonica. N.45. Gener-abril del 2003, 1-8.

6. The sundials at Novodevithiy Convent in Moscow. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society, 15 (ii), June 2003, pp. 71-73.

7. The ancient athenian sculptured calendar. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society, 15 (iii), September 2003, pp. 100-103.

8. The vertical sundial of Hossios Loukas Convent. E. Theodossiou and A. Dakanalis. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society, 16 (i), March 2004, pp. 18-21.

9. Two sundials in South East Attica. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society, 16 (ii), June 2004, pp. 49-52.

10. The vertical sundial of Saint Lavrentios Convent. E. Theodossiou, Y. Kouris and V.N. Manimanis. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society, 16 (iii), September 2004, pp.101-103.

11. La torre dels Vents D� Atenes-La torre de los Vientos de Atenes. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis e M. Katsiotis. Revista de la Societat Catalana de Gnomonica. N. 52. Maig-agost del 2005, 11-19.

12. The Quadruplex sundial of Ôenos, The Compedium-Volume 13, No. 2, June 2006.

13. The Sundial of Dion, E. Theodossiou, Bulletin of British Sundial Society, BSB vol. 18 (iv), December 2006, pp. 184-185.

14. The Tower of the Winds in Athens-The water-clock and its eight vertical sundials. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and P. Mantarakis. NASS, The Compendium, vol. 13, No. 4, December 2006, pp. 4-8.

15. The vertical sundial of the church of the Dormition of the Virgin at Agia Trias in the Argive plain. E. Theodossiou and A. Dacanalis, Bulletin of British Sundial Society, BSB vol. 19 (i), March 2007, pp. 12-14.

16. The vertical sundial of Panaghia Vlaherna Convent in Kyllene, Peloponnese. E. Theodossiou, Y. Kouris and V.N. Manimanis. BSS Bulletin, vol. 19 (ii), June 2007, pp. 84-85

17. Sundial of Panaghia Scripou-Orchomenos, E. Theodossiou, V. N. Manimanis and P. Mantarakis. NASS (U.S.A). The Compendium, vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 14-17, September 2007.


International Conferences

1. International Scientific Symposium: �The Newtonean Physics and its spread to the Balcanian area�. National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, December 17-18, 1993.

2. Panhellenic Scientific Conference. � The Request of the Scientific Research-The Sciemnce in Greece�. Athens, June, 2-3, 1995.

3. JENAM '97. 6th European and 3rd Hellenic Astronomical Society Conference. 2-5 July 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece (Convenor of the Session).

4. JENAM '98. 7th European and 65th Czech Astronomical Society Conference. 2-5 September 1998, Prague, Czech Republic.

5. 4th Hellenic Astronomical Society Conference. Samos, September, 16-19, 1999. (Convenor of the Session).

6. JENAM 2000. 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference. Associated Symposium. Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. May 29-June 3, 2000. Moscow, Russia.

7. Bissextilia 2000. �Time and Figures of Normalization�. International Scientific Symposium, September 29-30, Anargirios and Corgialenios School of Spetses-Greece (invited talk).

8. International Conference on the History of Science. The Unification of Scientific Europe 17th-19th centuries. Athens, October 11-14, 2000. National Hellenic Research Foundation.

9. Fifth Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Session 8: History and teaching in Astronomy.

10. Astronomy Workshop: New Directions for Close Binary Studies: "The Royal Road to the Stars". Dardanos, Canakkale (Turkey), Onsekiz Mart University Astrophysics Observatory, 24-28 June 2002.

11. XXI Scientific Instrument Symposium, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 9-14 September 2002.

12. 2ï Scientific Symposium. �Physics in the 20th Century�. Hellenic Physical Society. Egumenitsa, Greece, April, 4-6 2003. (invited talk).

13. 2ï Panhellenic Conference. �The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Physical Science�, University of Athens, May 8-11, 2003.

14. Sixth Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 14-17 September 2003, Pentele, Greece. Session 8: History and teaching in Astronomy. (Convenor of the Session).

15. ÁСТРОНОМСКО­ДРУШТВО­"РУБЕР­БШКОВУИТ"­БЕОГРАД­УДК­52 (05) Yugoslavia. Васиона Часопис За Астрономијy. 2004.

16. Ninth Common Conference of Greek and Cyprian physicists. Nicosia-Cyprus, February 3-6, 2005 (invited talk).

17. First International Conference: Science and Art, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, June 16-19, 2005 (invited talk).

18. 1st International Congress, Science and Art, Greek Physic Society (Å.F.Å.), Eugenides Foundation, 19 June 2005 (Invited talk).

19. Scientific Symposium: Samothrace in time and Space, 1st September 2005. Amphitheatre «Nicolaus Fardys (Invited talk).

20. 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005, Êefalinia-Greece. Session 8: History and teaching in Astronomy.

21. XIV, National Conference of Astronomy of Serbia and Montenegro.Belgrade, 12-14 October 2005.

22. Science and Orthodoxy-A necessary Dialogue. 22-26 October2005. Bucharest-Constantza, Romania.

23.  The views of ancient philosophers for Physical Sciences and their influence at modern thought. Greek Physic Society (Å.F.Å.)-Panhellenic Mathematical Society. Xanthi 11-13 November 2005.

24.  Scientific Symposium �Science and God-The human and the over logic�, Sunday, 22 January 2006, National Research Foundation.

25. 11th Panhellenic Conference Hellenic Physics Society “ New Horizons in Physics during our century” Larissa, March 30 – April 2 Áðñéëßïõ 2006.

26. Scientific Symposium: “Cosmotheories of Ancient Greek Philosophers and Modern Physics, Hellenic Physics Society, Kavala, 2006 June 8.

27. Eucleidia 2006, Hellenic Physics Society Megara, 2006 September 21.

28. Scientific Symposium of Hellenic Physics Society-T.E.I. of Lamia, Lamia, 2006 December 15-17.

29. Scientific Symposium: “A journey in space”,  Hellenic Physics Society of West Macedonia. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2006 December 18.

30. Scientific Symposium: Science and Art, Hellenic Physics Society and Karystion Brotherhood, Giokalion Amphitheatre, Karystos, 2007 March 17.

31. Scientific Symposium: Humanity and Philosophy of Sciences. Hellenic Physics Society, Nauplion, 2007 March 30-April 1.

32. Scientific Symposium: Social Dimension of Physical Sciences. Hellenic Physics Society, Olympia, 2007 November 2-4.

33. 2nd International Conference  Science and Art, (invited speaker), Technopolis, Athens 2008, 16 January 2008.

34.  12 Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Physics Society, Kavala, 20-21 Ìarch 2008. (invited speaker).

35.  12 Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Physics Society, Drama, 22 Ìarch 2008. (invited speaker).

36.  20+1 years of Laparoscopic Surgery-Scientific Symposium, Alexandroupolis, 21-22 Ìarch 2008. (invited speaker).

37.     Development of astronomy among Serbs V, Belgrade 18-22 April, 2008

Conferences' Proceedings

1. Theodossiou, E. and Danezis, E., 1993: "The offering of Newton to the development of Physics and Mathematics". International Scientific Conference: "The Newtonean Physics and its spread to the Balcanian area". National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, December 17-18.

2. Danezis, E. and Theodossiou, E., 1993: "The evolution of the Newtonean ideas about velocity till today� International Scientific Conference: "The Newtonean Physics and its spread to the balcanian area". National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, December 17-18.

3. Theodossiou, E. and Danezis, E., 1996: "The contribution of the French thought to the the Calendar Reform-The Calendier Rebublicaine�, Bissextilia 1996. Old University of Athens, 29 February (invited talk).

4. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E., Grammenos, Th. and Stathopoulou, M.: "The Macedonian Calendar in Macedonia". Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM '97. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997.

5. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E., Grammenos, Th. and Stathopoulou, M.: "The Macedonian Calendars in Macedonia during the Roman Occupation". Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM '97. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997.

6. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E., Grammenos, Th. and Stathopoulou, M.: "The Macedonian Calendars outside Macedonia". Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM '97. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997.

7. Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M. and Grammenos, Th.: "A presocratic cosmological proposal". Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM '97. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997.

8. Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M. and Grammenos, Th.: "Cosmological implications on the "Hexameron" of St. Basilius". Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM '97. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997.

9. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E., Grammenos, Th. and Stathopoulou, M.: "From Pythagoreans to Kepler. Earth does not occupy the center of our Universe". Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Samos, Greece, 16-18 September 1999.

10. Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Grammenos, Th. and Stathopoulou, M.: "Democritus' Cosmological proposals and Modern Physics". Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Samos, Greece, 16-18 September 1999.

11. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E., Grammenos, Th. and Manimanis, V.: "Ancient Macedonia and its calendars". Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000.

12. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E. and Manimanis, V.: "The calendars of the Christian World". Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000.

13. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E. and Manimanis, V.: "The Ibo's seasonal calendar". Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000.

14. Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V., Grammenos, Th. and Stathopoulou, M.: "The Cosmological Views of Democritus and Modern Physics". Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000.

15. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E. and Manimanis, V.: "From Pythagoreans to Kepler. The contest between the Geocentric and Heliocentric System". Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000.

16. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E. and Manimanis, V.: "The calendars in Russia after the adoption of Christianity". Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000.

17. Theodossiou, E., Danezis, E. and Manimanis, V.: 2000, "La mesure du temps et les Constellations". Bissextilia 2000. "Time and Figures of Normalization". International Scientific Symposium, September 29-30, Anargirios and Corgialenios School of Spetses-Greece (invited talk).

18. Theodossiou, E. and Danezis, E.: 2000, "Time-space alterations-Bubbles of energy- matter". Bissextilia 2000. "Time and Figures of Normalization". International Scientific Symposium, September 29-30, Anargirios and Corgialenios School of Spetses-Greece (invited talk).

19. Danezis, E. and Theodossiou, E.: 2000, "La probleme de la nature du temps". Bissextilia 2000. Bissextilia 2000. "Time and Figures of Normalization". International Scientific Symposium, September 29-30, Anargirios and Corgialenios School of Spetses-Greece.

20. Prodromic Cosmological Theories of Giordano Bruno. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V. Manimanis. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

21. The famous Star City. E. Theodossiou and V. Manimanis. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

22. Non adopted Constellations and astronomical maps. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and P. Niarchos. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

23. Christianum Stellatum Coelum and the zodiacal signs. E. Theodossiou and V. Manimanis. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

24. The Chronologies of the Creation. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V. Manimanis. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

25. The astronomical implications of the famous astronomical clock of Prague. E. Theodossiou, P. Niarchos and V. Manimanis. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

26. Moschophoros-Kriophoros and ICTHYS. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V. Manimanis. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

27. The Calendar of the Greek Orthodox Church. M. Dimitrijevic and E. Theodossiou. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece.

28. Ôhe fall of a meteorite at Aegos Potami in 467 BCE. E. Theodossiou, P. Niarchos and V.N. Manimanis.Astronomy Workshop: New Directions for Close Binary Studies: "The Royal Road to the Stars". Dardanos, Canakkale (Turkey), Onsekiz Mart University Astrophysics Observatory, 24-28 June 2002.

29. The fall of an aerolith at Aegos Potami (467 B.C.). Theodossiou, E., Niarchos, P.G. and Manimanis, V.N. -Xth SEAC-2002 Conference: "Cultural Context from Archaeoastronomical Data and the Echoes of the Cosmic Catastrophic Events". Tartu, 27 August - 1 September 2002.

30. Ôhe "Dragon houses" of Euboea as ancient megalithic Observatories. Theodossiou, E., Niarchos, P.G. and Manimanis V.N., Xth SEAC-2002 Conference: "Cultural Context from Archaeoastronomical Data and the Echoes of the Cosmic Catastrophic Events". Tartu, 27 August - 1 September 2002.

31. Are the unknown Greek Pyramids old Observatories' Theodossiou, E., Niarchos, P.G. and Manimanis V.N., -Xth SEAC-2002 Conference: "Cultural Context from Archaeoastronomical Data and the Echoes of the Cosmic Catastrophic Events". Tartu, 27 August - 1 September 2002.

32. 17th Century Physics Beliefs and the first mechanical clock of Athens. Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V.N., Danezis, E., and Kalyva, E.-M. XXI Scientific Instrument Symposium, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 9-14 September 2002.

33. From Ancient Cosmogony to Modern Cosmology. 2ï Scientific Symposium. Physics in the 20th Century. Hellenic Physical Society. Egumenitsa, Greece, 4-6 Áðñéëßïõ 2003 (invited talk).

34. A general proposal for the teaching of History and Philosophy of Physics according to the aspects of School of Physics students. �The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Physical Science�, University of Athens, May 8-11, 2003.

35. The Heliocentric System from the Orphic Hymns and the Pythagoreans to the Emperor Julian. E. Theodossiou and V. N. Manimanis. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

36. The Pre-Aristarchean Pythagoreans: The Views of Philolaos of Croton. E. Theodossiou, V. N. Manimanis and E. Danezis. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

37. The Pre-Aristarchean Pythagoreans: The Views of Iketas, Ecphantos and Heraclides of Pontos. E. Theodossiou and V. N. Manimanis. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

38. The Heliocentric System of Aristarchus of Samos in the Ancient Greek Writers and the Modern Greek References in Favor of Him. Efstratios Theodossiou. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

39. The Heliocentric System of Aristarchus of Samos in the Modern International References in Favor of Him. Efstratios Theodossiou. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

40. The Contribution of the Arabic World in Astronomy. E. Theodossiou, V. N. Manimanis and E. Danezis. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

41. Astronomy in Byzantium and the West until Copernicus. E. Theodossiou and V. N. Manimanis. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

42. Cosmogony and Cosmological Views of the Ancient Greeks and of the Ancient Eastern Civilizations. Efstratios Theodossiou. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

43. Astronomical Views of the Ancient Eastern Civilizations and of the Ancient Greeks. Efstratios Theodossiou. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

44. The cosmological aspects of the Dogon tribe. V. N. Manimanis and Efstratios Theodossiou. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

45. A systematic study of sundials-A new proposition. Efstratios Theodossiou 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

46. The search for the localisation of the planet Vulcanus. V. N. Manimanis and Efstratios Theodossiou. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

47. The astronomical and arithmetical mystery of the pyramids. Aris Dakanalis and Efstratios Theodossiou. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

48.  The development of Astronomy in Ionia and Aegean Sea. Modern Physics and its influence in life and thought. Greek Physic Society (Å.F.Å.), Fira-Santorini, 21-22 October 2004 (Invited talk).

49.  Art and Astronomy in Dogon. 1st International Congress, Science and Art, Greek Physic Society (Å.F.Å.), Eugenides Foundation, 19 June 2005 (Invited talk).

50.  Orphic Hymns and Astronomy, Samothrace in time and Space, Scientific Symposium, 1st September 2005. Amphitheatre «Nicolaus Fardys (Invited talk).

51.  The measurement of small time intervals from ancient astronomers. E. Theodossiou, D. Papathanasoglou and V.N. Manimanis. 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005, Êefalinia-Greece. Session 8: History and teaching in Astronomy. AIP Conference Proceeding, August 25, 2006, vol. 848, pp. 934-938.

52.  The sundial of Panaghia Scripou in Orchomenos. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis. 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005, Êefalinia-Greece. Session 8: History and teaching in Astronomy. AIP Conference Proceeding, August 25, 2006, vol. 848, pp. 927-933.

53.  Nichephoros Gregoras and the Serbs. Stratos Theodossiou and Milan Dimitrijevic. XIV, National Conference of Astronomy of Serbia and Montenegro.Belgrade, 12-14 October 2005.

54.  Cosmological Implications of the «Hexameron� of Saint Basil the Great. M. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M. Dimitrijevic. Science and Orthodoxy-A necessary Dialogue. 22-26 October2005. Bucharest-Constantza, Romania.

55.  Theology and Modern Physics. M. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M. Dimitrijevic. Science and Orthodoxy-A necessary Dialogue. 22-26 October2005. Bucharest-Constantza, Romania.

56.  The new rectified Julian Calendar. M. Dimitrijevic and E. Theodossiou. Science and Orthodoxy-A necessary Dialogue. 22-26 October 2005. Bucharest-Constantza, Romania.

57.  Cosmological Implications of Democritus and Modern Physics. Ì. Danezis, Å. Theodossiou and A. Dacanalis. The views of ancient philosophers for Physical Sciences and their influence at modern thought. Greek Physic Society (Å.F.Å.)-Panhellenic Mathematical Society. Xanthi 11-13 November 2005.

58.  Orphic Hymns and the views of Pythagorians in Astronomy, Å. Theodossiou, Ì. Danezis and A. Dacanalis. The views of ancient philosophers for Physical Sciences and their influence at modern thought. Greek Physic Society (Å.F.Å.)-Panhellenic Mathematical Society. Xanthi 11-13 November 2005.

 59. Un-tangible World and Modern Physics. Scientific Conference “Science and God”. E.I.E. (National Research Foundation), Athens, Sunday 22 January 2006

60.  The Apeiron of Anaximander and modern Astrophysics. Theodossiou, E., 11th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Physics Society “New Horizons of Physics”. Larissa, 30 March2 Ápril 2006».

61.  ¾ÄÙÑ from Ancient Greek Cosmogonies to modern Astrophysics. Theodossiou, E., Dimitrijevic, M., Manimanis, V.N. and Grammenos Th., International Symposium: European Ideas, ancient civilization and Serbian culture, Serbian Society of Ancient Studies, Sremski Karlovci, 28-30 Septemberv 2007, pp. 26-27.

62.  Constellation, Mythology and Art, Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V.N., Goyette, S.  and Dimitrijevic, M., International Symposium: European Ideas, ancient civilization and Serbian culture, Serbian Society of Ancient Studies, Sremski Karlovci, 28-30 Septemberv 2007, pp. 27-28.

63.  Ôheory of strings, superstrings and membrane Universes. 12ï Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Physics Society, Kavala, 20-21 Ìarch 2008. (invited speaker). Conferences’ Proceedings.

64.  Astronomy-art and time. 12ï Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Physics Society, Drama, 22 Ìarch 2008. (invited speaker). Conferences’ Proceedings.

65.  Constellations and astronomical eras. E. Theodossiou and M. Dimitrijevic Development of astronomy among Serbs V, Belgrade 18-22 April, 2008.

66.  The heliocentric system from the Orphic Hymns and the Pythagoreans to emperor Julian, E. Theodossiou, A. Dacanalis, M. Dimitrijevic and M. Danzezis. Development of astronomy among Serbs V, Belgrade 18-22 April, 2008.

Supervison of Diploma Dissertations (33)

1.      Astronomical ideas of the Mesopotamians and the Southamerican civilizations. Ioannis Androulakes (A. M. 7844) and G. Kossides (A.M. 9444). June 1994.
2.      Cosmogony: From the myth to the speech. Demetrios Toumpes (A.M. 9735). September 1995.
3.      Astronomical ideas in Greece till the 2nd A.D. Century. E. Panousses (A.M. 9280), E. Valsames (A.M. 9158). September 1995.
4.      Astronomical ideas in Greece from 5th A.D. Century to 1600 A.D. E. Papadopoulou (A.M. 9603), H. Fikires (A.M. 9658). April 1996.
5.      Astronomical ideas in the Mediterranean Sea till 3rd B.C. Century. E. Demokosta (A. M. 10080) and S. Tsalavoutas (A.M. 10225). May 1997.
6.      Physics and cosmological ideas from Ancient times till today. Antonios Metsakos (A.M. 9665). November 1997.
7.      Presocratic Philosophy and Modern Cosmology. A. Diamandes (A.M. 10339). June 1998.
8.      Physics ideas in India. F. Grivas (A.M. 9178) and S. Agelou (A.M. 9138). September 1998.
9.      Cosmological models and Christian Fathers. L. Pantazes (A.M. 10695) and N. Hatzakes (A.M. 10759). June 1999.
10.  De Caelum of Aristotle. A. koukoutsakes (A.M. 9858) and P. Koukakes (A.M. 10375). October 1999.
11.  Modern Cosmology and the Great Christian Fathers-Cosmological implications. A. Melissaratos (A.M. 10114). July 1999.
12.  Modern Cosmology and the Hexameron of St. Basilius the Great. Th. Alexandropoulosos (A.M. 10034). June 2000.
13.  Galileo and Science. Papademetriou E. (physisist). June 2001.
14.  Copernicus and Astronomy. Soulis Anna (physisist). June 2001.
15.  Galileo-Kepler and Newton. Varsos Leonidas (physisist). June 2001.
16.  Johannes Kepler and Modern Astronomy. Diirdiris Sophia (physisist). June 2001.
17.  Science and Philosophy. From Rationalist Theory to the Presocratic Philosophy. Kaliva Evie-Maria (A.M. 98275). June 2002.
18.  The Arabs and Science. Gragopoulou Kanella (A.M. 99254). December 2003.
19.  Theories and discoveries in Physics from 17th Century till 1930. Kontoleon Georgia-Anthi (A.M. 11488). June 2004.
20.  Women in Science from the Antiquity till today-The Nobel prizes. Grousouzakou Panagiota (A.M. 11439) and Sitopoulos Demetrios (A.M. 11688) July 2004.
21.  Astronomy in Byzantium. Karabelas Antonios (A.M. 98087) and Nikitopoulos Konstantinos (A.M. 98172) July 2004.
22.  Cosmogony-Mythology and Philosophy of Ancient Nations. Sotiropoulou Elefteria-Kanella (A.M. 90233) November 2005.
23.  Physics Science during 18th and 19th Centuries and the philosophical theories. Sarlis Helen (A.M. 200000246) December 2005.
24.  Physics and Medicine. Physicians and Physics. Vakaloudis Demetrios (A.M. 200000365) April 2006.
25. Limniati Sophia (Á.Ì. 2000000151): The beginning of the theory of Electricity and the fundamental scientists.
26. Lygeros Alexander (Á.Ì. 2000000348): The important scientists at the Middle Ages before Nicolaus Copernicus.
27. Noussis Konstantinos (Á.Ì. 200100181): The important scientists during Middle Ages. May 2007
28. Athanassiou Fotios (Á.Ì. 20000005), Arabic scientific activity during Middle Ages, Ïctober 2007.
29. Tsekoura Carolina (Á.Ì. 200200254), Byzantium: The great astronomers Theodore Metochites and Nicephoros Gregoras, Ïctober 2007.
30. Prekates George (Á.Ì. 200100344), The Greek Enlightenmen: From Cyrill Loukaris to Iosepos Moisiododax and their offering to Physics Sciences.
31. Dacanalis Aris (Á.Ì. 200100042), The Great Pyramid-Composing astronomical elements, November 2007.
32. Kastikogiorgos Konstantinos (98343), The offerings of Physics in Medicine from Galileo till today, January 2008.
33. Perrakis Konstantinos (Á.Ì. 2001000212). The influence of Indian philosophy and astronomy to the Arabs and Byzantium, January 2008.


Dr. E. Theodossiou has also published 225 scientific articles in Greek scientific-popular magazines and newspapers


History of Astronomy-Scientific articles in Journals and News papers

1. Wolf-Rayet stars, Physical World, 1984, E. Antonopoulou and E. Theodossiou.
2. The primordial method of measuring the time-Sundials. Physical World, Nï. 115, April 1988, E. Theodossiou and E. Kïntizas.
3. Calendars and the Greek Pasca (Easter). Physical World, Nï. 121, September 1989, E. Theodossiou.
4. The zodiacal circle and the Greek Mythology. Physical World, Nï. 133, December 1991. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
5. The zodiacal constellations of Aries and Taurus. Physical World, Nï. 134. January 1992. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
6. Leap year, origin and etymology of the name. The scientific explanation. Book and Media, Nï. 19. May-June 1992. E. Theodossiou.
7. Pleiades-Hyades. Physical World, Nï. 136. September 1992. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
8. Extraterrestrial civilisations. Astronautics, Nï. 16. September-October 1992, p.. 58-59. E. Theodossiou.
9. Life and death of the stars. Part I. Physical World, Nï. 137, November-December 1992. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
10. The constellation of Gemini. Physical World, Nï. 137. November-December 1992. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
11. Life and death of the stars. Part II. Physical World, Nï. 138. January-February 1993. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
12. Time and Astronomy, Astronautics, March-April 1993. Nï. 17. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
13. Is the Man alone in our Galaxy' Science and Technology, Nï 8. November-December 1993. E. Theodossiou.
14. Stars and their Myths. The zodiacal constellations of Cancer, Leo and Virgin. Physical World Nï. 143. December 1993-January 1994. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
15. Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Science and Technology, Nï 9. January - February 1994. E. Theodossiou.
16. Time in Philosophy and Science. Physical World. April-May-June 1994. Nï 145. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
17. The Mechanism of Antikythera. Astronautics, Nï 19. March-April 1994, p. 65-66. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
18. Astrology: Religion or Science' Astronautics, Nï 20. September-October 1994, p. 61-71. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
19. Christ was born Before Christ! Peiraike Politia, December 1994. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
20. The New-year�s Day. Vima, Sunday, 1st January 1995, no. 12305, p. B2. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
21. Solar System. Night Sky, vol. 1, December 1995, p. 42-46. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
22. Leap second, Leap day, Leap year. Night Sky, vol. 4. May 1996, p. 22. E. Theodossiou.
23. Life in Space; Reumata, vol. 1, July-August 1998. Editions Livanis-"Nea Synora", p. 62-85. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
24. The evolution of time�s ideas in Philosophy and Science from the ancient times till Newton. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres. Time and Man. Sunday 27 December 1998. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
25. Measuring the Time in Ancient Times. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres. Time and Man. Sunday 27 December 1998. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
26. The beginnings of the counting days from Ancient Times till the Gregorian Calendar. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres Time and Man. Sunday 27 December 1998. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
27. Gnomons, sundials and Clepsydres. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres. Time and Man. Sunday 27 December 1998. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
28. The mechanical Chronometers. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres. Time and Man. Sunday 27 December 1998. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
29. The real essence of Time. From Euclid to Newton. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres Time and Man. Sunday 27 December 1998. E. Danezis and E. Theodossiou.
30. The astronomical views of Dogon tribe. Hemeressia-Prisma. Saturday-Sunday 13-14 March 1999. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis .
31. The �Physics� Selection� of Regas Velestinles. Kalamata, Saturday 20 March 1999. E. Theodossiou and P. Niarchos .
32. The pyramids. Hemeressia-Prisma. Saturday-Sunday 8-9 May 1999. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
33. The Brookhaven experiment. Hemeressia-Prisma. Saturday-Sunday 25-26 September 1999. E. Theodossiou.
34. Star of Bethlehem, Pemptousia, vol. 1, December 1999. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
35. Ancient calendars still in current use. �On Time�. Supplement to European Astronomical Newsletter. No 18, December 1999. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
36. Customs of Christmas and New Year�s Day. Daily News of Peiraeus. no. 566, 21 December 1999. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
37. Jesus Christ and the Star of Bethlehem. Hemeressia-Prisma. Saturday-Sunday 25-26 December 1999. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
38. Solar wind. Ôechnology and Science. The Physical Aspect. The Students newspaper-School of Physics-University of Athens, vol. 4, January 2000.
39. The calendars of the Christians. Ephemerios, The journal of the Greek Church. January 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
40. The cosmological views of Democritus and Modern Physics. http://home.vicnet.net.asu//~greekaus//science.html. The Greek Australian on-line magazine. February 21, 2000. Danezis, E. and Theodossiou, E.
41. Time in Science and Philosophy. Reumata, vol. 5, spring 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
42. The Prague�s astronomical clock. Periscope of Science, vol. 240. June 2000. Å. Theodossiou, V. Manimanis and P. Íiarchos.
43. Leap year. Ephemerios, The journal of the Greek Church. June 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
44. The names of the days in the week. Hemeressia-Prisma, vol. 66. Saturday-Sunday 9-10 June 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
45. The first mechanical clock of Athens. Hemeressia-Prisma, vol. 74. Saturday-Sunday 5-6 Áugust 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
46. The mystery of life in Earth. Vradini, Sunday, 6 Áugust 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
47. Extraterrestrial Intelligence. VITA, vol. 40, Áugust 2000. Å. Theodossiou.
48. Searching for life in remote planets. Vradini, Sunday 13 August 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
49. The �inhabitants� of the heavenly City. Vradini, Sunday, 20 August 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
50. Thoughts on leaving Earth. Hemeressia-Prisma, vol. 76, Saturday-Sunday 19-20 August 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
51. Earth and Space. Vradini. Sunday 27 August 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
52. Indiction. Ephemerios, The journal of the Greek Church, vol. 9, September 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
53. �Modern� scientists in Ancient Greece. Vradini, Sunday 3 September 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
54. Ôhe unknown new Universe. Vradini, Sunday 10 September 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
55. Ôhe problem of the time�s essence in Time-space. Hemeressia-Prisma, Saturday-Sunday 16-17 September 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
56. Matter and anti-matter in Space. Vradini, Sunday, 24 September 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
57. Space Observatories. Vradini. Sunday 1 October 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
58. The Fileas Fog�s voyage and the measuring of time. Hemeressia-Prisma, vol. 80, Saturday-Sunday 7-8 October 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
59. Asteroids. Vradini, Sunday 8 October 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
60. Colonies in Space. Vradini, Sunday 15 October 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
61. Stars and star�s systems. Vradini, Sunday, 22 October 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
62. The precession of the Earth�s axis and the New Age. Ephemerios, The journal of the Greek Church, vol.10, October 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
63. The mystery of Essenes. Vradini, Sunday 5 Íïvember 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
64. Vikings and the discovery of America. Hemeressia-Prisma, vol. 88, Saturday-Sunday 11-12 Íïvember 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
65. In the days of Messiah. Vradini. Sunday 12 Íïvember 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
66. Mars, the red planet. Vradini, Sunday 19 Íïvember 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou
67. Ôhe holy texts of Christianity. Vradini, Sunday 26 Íïvember 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
68. The exact day of Christ�s birth. Vradini. Sunday, 26 Íïvember 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
69. Black holes in Space. Vradini, Sunday 3 December 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
70. Comets. Vradini Sunday, 17 December 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
71. Myths and legents for Santa Claus. Hemeressia-Prisma, vol. 94, Saturday-Sunday 23-24 December 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
72. Ôhe brightest� star. Vradini, Sunday 24 December 2000. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis.
73. Constellations. A journey in Myths and Time. Pemptousia, vol. 4, December 2000. Å. Theodossiou, Å. Danezis and V. Manimanis.
74. Measuring time. The calendars of Ancient Greeks. Vradini. Sunday, 31 December 2000. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou.
75. Januarius-January. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 31 December 2000.
75. Incas and the measuring of time. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Vradini. Sunday 14 January 2001.
76. The unknown civilisation of Ancient Sumer. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Vradini. Sunday 28 January 2001.
77. Februarius-February. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-EPTA HEMERES. Sunday 4 February 2001.
78. Those, who believe in the �real� truth. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. Vradini. Sunday 4 February 2001.
79. Kabbala. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. Vradini. Sunday 11 February 2001.
80. Ancient Israel. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. Vradini. Sunday 18ç February 2001.
81. Ôhe sheet of Torino. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Vradini. Sunday 25ç February 2001.
82. Ìartius-Ìarch. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-EPTA HEMERES. Sunday 4 March 2001.
83. Ôhe expansion of Christianity. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. Vradini. Sunday 4 March 2001.
84. Judas Iscariot, Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Vradini. Sunday 11 March 2001.
85. The Holy sheet of Torino and theological symbolism. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Vradini. Sunday 18 March 2001.
86. The end of Mir. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. Vradini. Saturday-Sunday 24-25 March 2001.
87. Space: Future and hope of Humanity. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. Vradini. Saturday-Sunday 24-25 March 2001.
88. Aprilis-April. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 1 April 2001.
89. Ôhe real face of Jesus. Å. Theodossiou. "HORA OF SUNDAY", Sunday 1 April 2001.
90. Trash in Space. Å. Theodossiou. "HORA OF SUNDAY", Sunday 8 April 2001.
91. The story of the calendars. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". The Greek Pasca. Sunday 8 April 2001.
92. The Roman Calendars. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
93. Julian calendar. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
94. Íichephoros Gregoras and Georgios Gemistos. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
95. Gregorian calendar. Å. Danezis-Å. Theodossiou. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
96. The New reformed Julian calendar. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
97. Oppositions against the Calendar reform in Greece. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
98. The holiday of Pasca (Easter) during the first centuries of Christianity. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
99.The First Ecumenical Synod. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
100. Pasca for all the Christians. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 8 April 2001.
101. The dates of Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. "HORA OF SUNDAY", Good Saturday 14-Sunday of Easter15 April 2001.
102. The Resurrection in Eastern Civilisations. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. "Vradini". Good Saturday 14-Sunday of Easter15 April 2001
103. Life in Space. Å. Theodossiou. "HORA OF SUNDAY", Sunday 22 April 2001.
104. Majus-May. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 6 May 2001.
105. What is Time' Å. Theodossiou. "HORA OF SUNDAY", Sunday 6 May 2001.
106. Cosmological views of Democritus and Modern Physics. Å. Danezis, Å. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 37o, (Part É), May-June 2001.
107. Co-ordinated Universal Time. Å. Theodossiou. "HORA OF SUNDAY", Sunday 13 May 2001.
108. Quantum Theory, Theory of Strings and Theory of Everything. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. The Mysteries of the Universe, vol. 1, May 2001, pp. 29-34.
109. The astronomical definition of Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. "Ånoriake Euthini", vol. 26, Editions of the Church of Syros. March-April 2001.
110. Junius-June. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 3 June 2001.
111. Julius-July. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 1 July 2001.
112. Augustus-August. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 5 August 2001.
113. September. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 2 September 2001.
114. A world of strings. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. "Physical World", vol. 4, June-July-August 2001, pp. 43-46.
115. Cosmological views of Democritus and Modern Physics. Å. Danezis, Å. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 38, (Part IÉ), July-August 2001, pp. 30-33.
116. Planets or brown dwarfs' Å. Theodossiou, Focus, vol. 19, September 2001.
117. October. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 7 October 2001.
118. Telescopes on Earth and in Space. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. "Physical World", vol. 5, September-October- Nïvember 2001, pp. 6-11.
119. November. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Ç KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 4 Nïvember 2001.
120. A presocratic cosmological proposal. Ì. Danezis, S. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 40,November-December 2001.
121. Islam-the Islamic calendar. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Vradini. Sunday 11 November 2001.
122. December. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. Ç KATHIMERINI-"EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 2 December 2001.
123. The Star City in Moscow. Å. Theodossiou-P. Niarchos and V. Manimanis. Pemptousia. Vol. 7, December 2001.
124. Ôhe Customs of the great Festivals. Å. Theodossiou-Å. Danezis. "Vradini". Sunday 23 December 2001.
126. The calendrical problem. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis. Aeropos, vol. 41, January-February 2002.
127. From Pythagoreans to Kepler. Å. Theodossiou, Å. Danezis and Th. Grammenos. Aeropos, vol. 42, March-April 2002, pp. 4-9.
128. Life on Earth. Å. Theodossiou, �The Ìysteries of Universe�, vol. 3, March 2002, pp. 18-22.
129. The exact date of Jesus Resurrection. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis. "Eleftherotypia". Good Saturday 4-Sunday of Easter 5 May 2002, pp. 34-35.
130. Stars and Constellations. Å. Danezis- Å. Theodossiou. The sky of summer. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 23 June 2002.
131. Ursa Majoris and Ursa Minoris. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis The sky of summer. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 23 June 2002.
132. Cepheus-Cassiopeia-Draco. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis. The sky of summer. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 23 June 2002.
133. The efforts of changing the Greek names of the constellations. Å. Theodossiou, Å. Danezis and V. Manimanis. Aeropos, vol. 44, July-August 2002, pp. 18-24.
134. A presocratic philosophical cosmological proposal. Ì. Danezis, S. Theodossiou et al. Physical World, vol. 8, June-July-August 2002, pp. 24-27.
135. Travelling in Constandinoupolis-A personal approach. Å. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 45o, September-October 2002.
136. Predictions of aeroliths in the manuscripts of ancient Greeks philosophers. Å. Theodossiou, P. Niarchos and V. Manimanis. Aeropos, vol. 45, September-October 2002, pp. 4-7.
137. Watching the night sky. Ì. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. The sky of autumn. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 15 September 2002.
138. The constellation of Aquarius. Ì. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. The sky of autumn. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 15 September 2002.
139. The constellation of Andromeda. Ì. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. The sky of autumn. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 15 September 2002.
140. Pisces: to the limits of zodiacal zone. Å. Theodossiou and Ì. Danezis. The sky of autumn. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 15 September 2002.
141. Forgotten Constellations. Å. Theodossiou and Ì. Danezis The sky of autumn. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 15 September 2002.
142. The Japanese sundial of Ancient Epidaurus. Å. Theodossiou and V. Manimanis. Aeropos, vol. 46, November-December 2002, pp. 16-17.
143. The Homeric Troy. Å. Theodossiou. Pemptousia, vol. 12, December 2002.
144. Christian starry constellations (Coelum Christianum stellatum). Å. Theodossiou and Ì. Danezis. The sky of winter. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 29 December 2002.
145. Hyades and Pleiades. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. The sky of winter. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 29 December 2002.
146. The guards of the heavenly Gates. Å. Theodossiou and Ì. Danezis. The sky of winter. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 29 December 2002.
147. Hipparchus-The father of Astronomy. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. "Åleftherothypia"-Historica 166, 2 January 2003, pp. 30-33.
148. The astronomer and Mathematician Claudius Ptolemy. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis, "Åleftherothypia"-Historica 166, 2 January 2003, pp. 44-49.
149. The horizontal sundial of Athens. Å. Theodossiou, Ì. Danezis and V. Manimanis. Aeropos, vol. 47, January-February 2003, pp. 36-37.
150. Equinoxes and Solstices-Legends for Santa Claus. Å. Theodossiou, Ì. Danezis and Th. Êïlassis. Aeropos, vol. 47, January- February 2003..
151. Do we count the real time' Theory of Relativity and Modern Astrophysics. Å. Theodossiou. Avaton, The mysteries of Time, vol. 30,February-March 2003, p. 62-65.
152. The calendars� construction. Å. Theodossiou. Ephemeris Christianiki-80 years from the New Calendar, Thursday 30 January 2003, p. 8.
153. Ôhe first roman calendars. Å. Theodossiou. Ephemeris Christianiki-80 years from the New Calendar, Thursday 13 February 2003, p. 8.
154. Julian or Old Calendar. Å. Theodossiou. Ephemeris Christianiki-80 years from the New Calendar, Thursday 27 February 2003, p. 8.
155. The Coma of Verenices. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. The sky of spring. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 2 March 2003, p. 17.
156. Northern Crown-Corvus-Crater and Sextant. Å. Theodossiou and Ì. Danezis. The sky of spring. KATHIMERINI-EPTA HEMERES. Sunday 2 March 2003, p. 27.
157. Uranography on the southern sky. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. The sky of spring. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 2 March 2003, p. 23-25.
158. Juno and Hercules. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis. The sky of spring. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 2 March 2003, p. 26-30.
159. Mani and the Greek revolution against the Turks-Travelling in Mani. Å. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 48, Ìarch-April 2003.
160. Moscow and Ástronautics. The Center Yuri Gaggarin. Å. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 48, March-April 2003, pp. 34-43.
161. Gregorian or New Calendar. Å. Theodossiou. Ephemeris Christianiki-80 years from the New Calendar, Thursday 13 March 2003, p. 8.
162. Oppositions against the New Calendar. Å. Theodossiou. Ephemeris Christianiki-80 years from the New Calendar, Thursday 27 March 2003, p. 8.
163. The New Julian calendar for the Orthodox Church. Å. Theodossiou. Ephemeris Christianiki-80 years from the New Calendar, Thursday 10 April 2003, p. 8.
164. The ancient clepsydra of Athens. Å. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 50, July-August 2003.
165. Cosmological views of Ancient Greeks philosophers. Å. Theodossiou. Pemptousia, vol. 14, August 2003.
166.The Great moments of Physics on the Andros island. Å. Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 51, September October 2003, pp. 38-43.
167. The Cosmology of Democritus. Ì. Danezis, Å. Theodossiou, V. Manimanis, Th. Grammenos, Physical World, vol. 12 (171), June, July, August 2003, pp. 6-15.168. The cosmological myths of Babylonians. Å. Theodossiou, Physical World Junior, vol. 2, November 2003.
169. The �sapere-vedere� of Leonardo da Vinci. Å. Theodossiou, Physical World, vol. 13 (172), September, October, November 2003.
170. The cosmological myths of Ancient Egyptians and of Hindu. Å. Theodossiou, Physical World Junior, vol. 3, December 2003.
171. Pompeii, the necropolis of Italy. Å. Theodossiou. Pemptousia, vol. 15, December 2003.172. Thoughts and scientific views about the Star of Bethlehem. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 21 December 2003.
173. The �real� Star of Bethlehem. Å. Danezis and Å. Theodossiou. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 21 December 2003.
174. The mysterious presence of Magi in front of the Holy infant. Å. Theodossiou and Å. Danezis. KATHIMERINI- "EPTA HEMERES". Sunday 21 December 2003.
175. The �pentathlos� Eratosthenes Editions Le Pommier. International Collaboration-Institute Nationale de Recherche Pedagogique in France, 2004.

176. The Pre-Aristarchean Pythagoreans: The Views of Iketas, Ecphantos and Heraclides of Pontos. Efstratios Theodossiou and Vassilios N. Manimanis. Aeropos, vol. 55, May-June 2004.
177. The Pre-Aristarchean Pythagoreans: The Views of Philolaos of Croton. Efstratios Theodossiou, Vassilios N. Manimanis and Emmanuel Danezis. Aeropos, vol. 55, May-June 2004.
178. The Heliocentric System from the Orphic Hymns and the Pythagoreans to the Emperor Julian. Efstratios Theodossiou and Vassilios N. Manimanis. Aeropos, vol. 55, May-June 2004.
179. The Heliocentric System of Aristarchus of Samos in the Ancient Greek Writers and the Modern Greek References in Favor of Him. Efstratios Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 55, May-June 2004.
180. The Heliocentric System of Aristarchus of Samos in the Modern International References in Favor of Him. Efstratios Theodossiou. Aeropos, vol. 55, May-June 2004.
181. The peculiar new Universe of Albert Einstein. Emmanuel Danezis and Efstratios Theodossiou. Eleftherotypia, Thursday May 29, 2004, Historica, vol. 237, pp. 18-23.
182. The peculiar effects of the Theory of Relativity. Efstratios Theodossiou and Emmanuel Danezis. Eleftherotypia, Thursday May 29, 2004, Historica, vol. 237, pp. 24-31.
183. Glossary of Relativity. Efstratios Theodossiou. Eleftherotypia, Thursday May 29, 2004, Historica, vol. 237, pp. 48-49.
184. The Heliocentric System. The Contribution of the Arabic World in Astronomy. Efstratios Theodossiou, Vassilios N. Manimanis and Emmanuel Danezis. Aeropos, vol. 56, July-August 2004.
185. The Heliocentric System in Byzantium and in Arabs. Astronomy in Byzantium and the West until Copernicus. Efstratios Theodossiou and Vassilios N. Manimanis. Aeropos, vol. 56, July-August 2004.

186. The exploration of the Moon. Efstratios Theodossiou and Emmanuel Danezis. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres, Sunday, 5 December 2004.
187. The Dreamers of the Space. Emmanuel Danezis and Efstratios Theodossiou. Kathimerini-Epta Hemeres, Sunday, 5 December 2004.
188. Christmas, with the green color of the hope and the nature. Efstratios Theodossiou and Emmanuel Danezis. Vradini of the Sunday, Sunday, 19 December 2004.
189. The Customs for the Christmas dinner. Efstratios Theodossiou and Emmanuel Danezis. Vradini of the Sunday, Sunday, 25/26 December 2004.
190. Santa Claus is coming� Myths and traditions for the Saint with the gifts. Efstratios Theodossiou and Emmanuel Danezis. Vradini of the Sunday, Sunday, 1/2 January 2005.
191. The ancient sculptured calendar of Saint Elefterios. Efstratios Theodossiou, Vassilios N. Manimanis and Markos Katsiotis. Aeropos, vol. 59, January-February 2005, pp. 10-13.
192. The orbits of the planets. Emmanuel Danezis and Efstratios Theodossiou. KATHIMERINI-EPTA HEMERES, Sunday, 20 February 2005.
193. Comets-the dirty snowballs. Efstratios Theodossiou and Emmanuel Danezis. KATHIMERINI-EPTA HEMERES, Sunday, 20 February 2005.

194. Easter and Religion. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis, Vradini of the Sunday, April 30 � May 1, 2005.
195.Adonis and Ancient religions. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis Vradini of the Sunday April 30 � May 1, 2005.

196. Aerides-The Tower of the Winds. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis Ôï Aeropos, vol. 61, Ìay-June 2005, pp. 10-13.
197. Sirius in the art and Astronomy of the Dogon tribe. Aeropos, vol. 62, July-August 2005, pp. 4-7.
198. Space Stations. Manos Danezis and Stratos Theodossiou, Kathimerini of the Sunday, EPTA HIMERES, 24 July, 2005.
199. The Chronicle of the Rockets. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis Kathimerini of the Sunday, EPTA HIMERES, 24 July, 2005.
200. Hosios Loukas Convent. Stratos Theodossiou and Aris Dakanalis, Pemptousia, vol. 18, August-November 2005, pp. 126-133.

201. The astronomy of Anaximander. V.N. Manimanis and Stratos Theodossiou. Periscopio of the Science, vol. 296, September 2005.
Andre Marie Ampere-His life and his scientific work. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Elfterotypia-Historika, October 27, 2005, pp. 3-17.
203.Andre Marie Ampere-Elecrodynamics. Manos Danezis and Stratos Theodossiou. Elfterotypia-Historika, October 27, 2005, pp. 3-17.

204. The study of small time intervals according to the Ancient Greek astronomers. Stratos Theodossiou, Dimitris Papathanasoglou and Vasilios Manimanis, Aeropos, no. 63, September-October 2005.
205. Albert Einstein-The Father of Theory of Relativity, Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Pemptousia, vol. 19, December 2005-March 2006, pp. 60-64.
206. Cosmological constant – the Einsteins great fault. Stratos Theodossiou. Pemptousia, vol. 19, December 2005-March 2006, pp. 66-76.
207. The ancient Macedonian calendar and its path through the ages. Stratos Theodossiou, Manos Danezis, Theophanis Grammenos and Vassilios Manimanis, Aeropos, 16 pages, vol. 65, January-February 2006.
208.Untangible world and Modern Physics. News paper Christianike, pp.7 and 10. Thursday 23 February 2006.
209. Ôheophilos Kairis- Th initiator of a new religion in Greece. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis, Istorika Themata-Eleftherotypia. Vol. 48, pp. 104-117.
210. Solar eclipsis, Stratos Theodossiou. Helioparty at the University of Athens.
211. All about solar eclipses. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Ôï Paron tes Kyriakes, Sunday 2 Ápril 2006, no. 700, p. 25.
212. A Fear for the Space. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Pemptousia, vol. 20, April-July 2006, pp. 82-88.
213. The beginning of the dates in Ancient Greece.
Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Aeropos, vol. 67, May-June 2006, pp. 28-30.
214. Solar and lunar eclipses.
. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Pemptousia, vol. 21, August-November 2006.
215. Nicolaus Copernicus-The founder of Astronomy. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Historica Themata, vol. 350. Athens, Ïctober 2006, pp. 92-103.
The quadraplex sundial of Andronicos Kyristes in Tenos. Stratos Theodossiou, V. Manimanis, P. Mantarakis and Chysostomides Harilaos, Aeropos, vol. 70, Athens, November-December 2006.
Research and proposals for the Star of Bethlehem. Stratos Theodossiou. “The Christmas Star”, Eugenides Foundation Athens, December 2006, pp. 69-73.
218. Here Magi from East…, Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. “The Christmas Star”, Eugenides Foundation
Athens, December 2006, pp. 109-114.
The Star of Bethlehem. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. “ Astir tis Anatolis”, vol. 11, December 2006, pp. 339-341.
John C. Mather and George F. Smoot: The Nobel prizes of Physics 2006. Pemptousia, vol. 22, December 2006-March 2007, pp. 86-90.
221. The unknown
Slovakia, Stratos Theodossiou, Pemptousia, vol. 23, April-July, 2007, pp. 86-90.
Ôycho Brahe, the greatest observer in Astronomy. Stratos Theodossiou, Manos Danezis. Istorika Themata, vol. 63, June, 2007, pp. 44-61.
Theophilos Kairis, Stratos Theodossiou, Manos Danezis, Markos Katsiotis and Petros Mantarakis, Aeropos, vol. 75, September-October  2007.
Thales of Miletus, The introducer of the first principle, Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis, Pemptousia, vol. 25, December 2007-March 2008, pp. 98-102.
225. Rigas Velestinles, Stratos Theodossiou, Vasileios Manimanis, Milan Dimitrijevic and Manos Danezis, Aeropos, vol. 76, November-December 2007.
226. Mythology, Astronomy and Art, Theodossiou, E., Manimanis, V.N., Dimitrijevic, M. and Danezis, E., Aeropos, vol. 77, January-February, 2008, pp. 4-10.
227. Johannes Kepler the genius interpretator of planetsmotion. Stratos Theodossiou and Manos Danezis. Istorika Themata, vol. 69, January 2008, pp. 110-119.

Dr. E. Theodossiou has also published and the below twelve books in History and Philosophy of Astronomy and Physics.


Books in History and Philosophy of Sciences 13:

1.      Stars and their myths - Introduction in Uranography, 1991, Editions Diavlos, 4th edition. (Preface by professor P. Laskarides, Director of Department of Astrophysics in the University of Athens), p. 230.

2.      Measuring the Timeless-time - Time in Astronomy, 1994, Editions Diavlos, 3th edition. (Preface by Prof. G Barbanis, Director of Hellenic Astronomical Society, p. 200.

3.      Astrology, Science or Religion, 1994, Editions of Apostolic Deaconry of the Greek Church, 5th edition, p. 60.

4.      "The Odyssey of Calendars" volume A'. Looking for the roots of knowlegde. 1995, Editions Diavlos, (History and Philosophy of Sciences), 3th edition. (Preface by the academic Prof. G Kontopoulos). 2nd edition, p. 410.

5.      "The Odyssey of Calendars" volume B'. Astronomy and Tradition. 1995, Editions Diavlos, Under the auspices of the University of Athens. (Preface by the academician Professor G. Kontopoulos). The second volume of this book is taught in the Aegean University. 2nd edition, p. 454.

6.      "Straman- The tale of the Heavens" 1996, Editions Diavlos. 2nd edition, p. 76.

7.      "The Universe I loved . An Introduction in Astrophysics" volumes I. 1998, Editions Diavlos, p. 370.

8.      "The Universe I loved . An Introduction in Astrophysics" volumes II. 1998, Editions Diavlos, p. 530.

This two-volume project (books no. 7 and 8) is taught at  the University of Athens.

9.      "In the trace of ICHTHYS - Astronomy, History, Philosophy", 2000, Editions Diavlos, 2nd edition, p. 732.

10.  "Cosmology of the Mind-An Introduction in Cosmology", 2003, Editions Diavlos, 1st edition, p. 484.

11. "The cycle of the Time-Astronomy and Mysterious religions", 2004,  Editions Diavlos, Athens 1st edition, p.250.

12. "The future of our Past-Science and New Civilization", 2005. Editions Diavlos, Athens, 1st edition.

13. "The dethronement of the Earth-The dispute between the geïcentric and the heliocentric system" by Theodossiou Stratos, Diavlos Publications, Áthens 2007.



The book "Cosmology of the mind-An introduction in Cosmology" (2003) was awarded by the "Aronis Prize" of the University of Athens (23 December, 2004).



Special Distinction of Hellenic - American University: The Universe I loved-The Delution of the senses. 1st International Science Film Festival in Athens, 25-28 May 2006.


Scientific supervision and prefacing of books

1.  In the books of Emilio Segre: Personaggi e scoperte della Fisica classica and Personaggi e scoperte della Fisica contemporanea. (Editions Diavlos).

2.  Preface in the book of the engineer Siegfried Petrides: Homer's Odyssey: America's discvovery by the Ancient Greeks, Athens, 1999.

3. Preface in the book of the mathematician E. Spandagos: The constellations of Eratosthenes, Editions Aithra 2002 (History of Mathematics).

4. Scientific supervision on the book of Lucio Russo: La Rivoluzione dimenticata, Diavlos Publications, Áthens 2006.

5. Presentation of the scientific contents of the new digital program of Eugenides Planetarium: The Christmas Star, 2006 December 12.

6. Presentation of Sophias Rizopoulou book: Relations of Water, At the Library of Ianos Publications, Athens, 2007 March 22.


Presentations on our books

  1. From the famous writer Vasilis Vasilikos, at the TV-programm “Axion Esti”, ET-3, 2007, January 6.
  2. At the Library of Eugenides Foundation during the “Nights dedicated to Books”, 2007, February 26.

University Notebooks and other books

1.             "An Introduction in Astrophysics", Book for the first year students of the School of Physics-University of Athens, 1985 (Group of authors).

2.             "Laboratory Exercises in Astrophysics", Book for the first year students of the School of Physics-University of Athens, 1985 (Group of authors).

3.         "Astronomy - Space", Book for the Greek Secondary School (Gymnasium) students, First praise of the Ministry of Education in a Pan-Hellenic competition, 1982 (Group of authors).

4.                  Notes on Stellar Spectroscopy, Book for the students of the School of Physics-University of Athens, 1998 (Group of authors).

5.         From Presocratic Philosophers to Galileo Galilei. Book for the students of the School of Physics-University of Athens, 2003, p. 180.

6.         From Galileo Galilei to the Theory of Everything. Book for the students of the School of Physics-University of Athens, 2003, p. 200.

7.         The Beginning of Physics and the Great Physicists. Book for the students of the School of Physics-University of Athens 2004, p. 480.

The 5th, 6th and 7th books are the teaching books for the lesson History and Philosophy of Physical Sciences, in the School of Physics of Athens University.


A book in France (Collaboration)

1. Ératosthène le Pentathlète. L' Europe des Découvertes. Sous la directíon de David Jasmin. Préface de Paolo Brenní. Fondation Des Teilles, Le Pommier, 2004, pp. 30-36



Citations in Books and papers 87 (in Greek Books, journals, newspapers).



A presocratic cosmological proposal, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 2(2):125-130, December 1999.

1.      Bitsica Panagiota: Alcman, the ancient Steven Hawking. "Ôï Vima". Sunday 23 May 1999, pp. 10-11.


From Pythagoreans to Kepler: The dispute between the geocentric and the heliocentric system. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. Vol. 5, Number 1, June 2002, pp. 89-98.

1. Mary Brück: Reviews, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. Vol. 5, No. 2. Number 10, December 2002, pp. 135-140.

To the paper: E. Theodossiou, The heliocentric theory From Byzantium and Arabs to Middle Ages. Aeropos, vol. 56 (Julyugust 2004), pp. 26-33.

1. Lazos Christos, Mechanics and Technology in Byzantium, É. Astronomy, instruments measuring the time. Aeolos Publications, Athens 2005.

To the paper: E. Theodossiou, From Cosmogony to modern Cosmology. 2nd Scientific Symposium: Physics in 12tst Century (E.F.E). Egoumenuitsa, 2003 (Ed. Y. Grammatikakis)

1. Prof. Stournaras Giorgios: Water-Environment Di,emsion and path,. Ed. Tziolas, Thessaloniki, 2007, p.  55.



The Japanese sundial of Ancient Epidaurus, BSS Bulletin, 14 (2002)

1. Manfred Hüttig, Katalog der Sonnenunhren in Griehenland, Wolfenbuttel, August 2002.


Citations in Books

Stars and their Myths-An Introduction to Uranography

1. Papademetriou Lena, "A guide for the starry nights" "To Vima". p. Ã21, Sunday 19 June 1994.

2. Lacopoulos Nick, Those, who are watching the stars. "Ethnos", p. 15, Saturday 14 January 1995.

3. Papagiannidou Mary, The new generations of Mathematicians. "To Vima", New eras, Sunday 15 October 1995.

4. Editions Labraki. Book and Videocassette, Stars and Constellations. 1995.

5. Kokkinopoulou Helen, The constellation of Gemini. Night Sky, vol. 4, May 1996, p. 38.

6. Meletis Christos, Pleiades. Sky, vol. 27, year 8, April 1998, pp. 24-25.

7. Elements of Astronomy and Spacescience. School Books. Second Class of Lyceum A group of writers. Athens 1999.

8. Katerina Kappou and Kostas Makrodemetres: The remote world of the stars. A diplomatic dissertation. Supervisor Emmanuel Ìassourakes.

9. Gourgouliatou Konstantinou-Nektariou: The Greek Mythology in Astronomy. Panhellenic Conference of Amateur Astronomy. Sky, vol. 35, pp. 87-89, year 10, April 2000.

11. An introduction to the Phenomena of Geminus the Rhodian. Å. Spandagos, Áethra Editions, Athens, January 2002.

12. The constellation of Eratosthenes. Å. Spandagos, Áethra Editions, Athens, January 2002.

13. Phaenomena and Diosemeia of Aratus. Å. Spandagos, Áethra Editions, Athens, March 2002.

14. The brightest constellations. Th. Grammenos. The sky of summer. KATHIMERINI- «EPTA HEMERES». Sunday 23 June 2002, p.25.

15. The "looking of Medusa" P. Preka-Papadema. The sky of autumn. KATHIMERINI-EPTA HEMERES. Sunday 15 September 2002.

16. Astronomical Orientations of Ancient Temples at Rhodes and Attica with a tentative interpretation. Ioannis Liritzis and Helen Vassiliou, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, vol. 2, No 1, pp. 69-79, 2002 MAA.

17. Aristarchus the Samian. The heliocentric system of Ancient Greeks.Eleftherothypia-Historica 166, 2 January 2003, p. 28.

18. Bootes, the Hunter. Th. Grammenos. The sky of spring. KATHIMERINI- EPTA HEMERES». Sunday 2 March 2003, pp.15-16.

19. http://www.neaacropoli.gr/publications/arthra/imerologia.htm (27 January 2004).


Measuring the Timeless Time-Time in Astronomy

1. Papademetriou Lena, "The mystery of 21 of June-Summer solstice" "To Vima". p. Ã21, Sunday 19 June 1994.

2. Spandagos, B., Spandagos, R. and Travlos, D.: The astronomers of Ancient Greece. Aethra Publications, Athens 1995.

3. Lacopoulos Nick, Those, who are watching the stars. "Ethnos", p. 15, Saturday 14 January 1995.

4. Papagiannidou Mary, The new generations of Mathematicians. "To Vima", New eras, Sunday 15 October 1995.

5. Nacopoulos Spiros, The end of Clepsydra. Sunday Eleftherothypia, 21 April 1996.

6. Papathanasopoulos George, Measuring the time-Calendars. Typos of Sunday. 20 December 1996, pp. 8-9.

7. Damon Kalamitsis, Lunisolar Calendar 1998 A.D. Editions Saligram.

8. Whitrow G.J., The Nature of Time. Trans. Acrivi Alexiades. Synalma Publications, Athens 1999.

9. Galgadas Alkes, Knowledge and Happiness. To Vima, Sunday 19 September 1999.

10. Badogiannakis John, Travelling in Time. Poreia Publications, Athens 2000.

11. Damon Kalamitsis, Lunisolar Calendar 2000 A.D. Editions Saligram. pp. 29, 30, 147, 154-159.

12. Aristarchus the Samian. The heliocentric system of Ancient Greeks. Eleftherothypia-Historica 166, 2 January 2003, p. 28.

13. http://www.neaacropoli.gr/publications/arthra/imerologia.htm (27 January 2004).

14. Deja-vu, journal Armony, Wenesday, 2006 May 4.

15. Rizopoulou Sophia, Relations of water, Diavlos Publications, Athens 2006.

16. On cyclical luni-solar calendars, Saligram, 2006.


3. Astrology: Science or Religion'

1.      Manimanis, V.: Astrology, an eternal illusion' Periscope of Science, vol. 225, February 1999, pp. 40-51.


The Odyssey of the Calendars-Searching for the roots of Knowledge

1.      Grimald Pierre �Agrippina�, Editions Psyhogios, Athens 1996, p. 232.

2.      Keza Lori: The strange calendars of the world. Happy New Year. To Vima, New ages, p. 37, Sunday 5 January 1997.

3.      Damon Kalamitsis, Lunisolar Calendar 1998 A.D. Editions Saligram. pp. 29, 30, 147, 154-159.

4.      Badogiannakis John, Travelling in Time. Poreia Publications, Athens 2000.

5.      Mashoura Ritsa: In countries, where they counting time in a different manner, KATHIMERINI, Sunday 5 December 1999.

6.    Pantazis G., Sinachopoulos D., Lambrou E. and Korakitis R., Astrogeodetic Study of Orientation of Ancient and Byzantine Monuments: Methodology and first results. History of Astronomy and Heritage, vol. 7, No 2, Number 14, December 2004, p. 79.

7.       http://www.neaacropoli.gr/publications/arthra/imerologia.htm (27 January 2004).

8.      Themata from the History of the calendars. Poiotikes Ekdoseis. http://www.hyper.gr/makthes/960218/620218g00.htm (29 January 2004).

9.      The three first chapters of this book are the students� book for the lesson of Archaeometry at the Aegean University (Rhodes).

10. On cyclical luni-solar calendars, Saligram, 2006.

11. Simopoulos Dionysis, The Christmas Star, Eugenides Foundation, Athens 2006.


The Odyssey of the Calendars-Astronomy and tradition

1. Grimald Pierre �Agrippina�, Editions Psyhogios, Athens 1996, p. 232.

2.      Kalantzis Phanis, Raising the schism and adopting the Gregorian Calendar, Ependitis. Saturday 30-Sunday 1 March 1996, p. 18.

3.      Papathanasopoulos George, Measuring the time-Calendars. Typos of Sunday. 20 December 1996, pp. 8-9.

4.      Galgadas Alkes, Calendars-the clepsydres of paper. To Vima, Sunday 22 December 1996, p. 30.

5.      The virus of Sunday, Eleftherotypia, Sunday 5 January 1997.

6.      Papathanasopoulos George, The Fathers of the Church for the time. Typos of Sunday. 28 December 1997.

7.       TXT: NIKITA: MILLENIUM. The greatest illusion of Millennium. OXY, 9 March 1998, p. 23.

8.      Damon Kalamitsis, Lunisolar Calendar 1998 A.D. Editions Saligram.

9.      Bitsica Panagiota: The dispute for the Millennium. "Ôï Vima". Sunday 24 January 1999, p. 10.

10.  Oeconomou Helias: Parallel (Julian-Gregorian) Calendar for the year 1999. International Data Atlas of the Orthodox Church.

11.  Kalantzis Phanis, Common Easter for 2001 in the Christian Churches, Themata, Ependitis. Good Thursday-Sunday of Easter 11 April 1996, p. 25.

12.  Mashoura Ritsa: In countries, where they counting time in a different manner, KATHIMERINI, Sunday 5 December 1999.

13.  Badogiannakis John, Travelling in Time. Poreia Publications, Athens 2000.

14.  Damon Kalamitsis, Lunisolar Calendar 2000 A.D. Editions Saligram, p. 264.

15.  Karagiotzidis Polichronis: The necessity of a new calendrical system. Panhellenic Conference for Amateur Astronomy. Sky, vol. 35, pp. 65-66, year 10, April 2000.

16.    Pantazis G., Sinachopoulos D., Lambrou E. and Korakitis R., Astrogeodetic Study of Orientation of Ancient and Byzantine Monuments: Methodology and first results. History of Astronomy and Heritage, vol. 7, No 2, Number 14, December 2004, p. 79.

17.  http://www.neaacropoli.gr/publications/arthra/imerologia.htm (27 January 2004).

18.  Themata from the History of the calendars. Poiotikes Ekdoseis. http://www.hyper.gr/makthes/960218/620218g00.htm (29 January 2004).

19. On cyclical luni-solar calendars, Saligram, 2006.

20. Simopoulos Dionysis, The Christmas Star, Eugenides Foundation, Athens 2006.


Straman-The heavenly tale

1. Karpozelou Martha: Books for knowledge-Yesterday and Today. KATHIMERINI-EPTA HEMERES, The children�s book.
Sunday 29 March 1998, p.10.

2. Deja-vu, journal Armony, Wenesday, 2006 May 4.


The Universe I loved-An introduction to Astrophysics

1. Tassopoulou Demetres: An acquaintance with Saturn, Night Sky, vol. 4, May 1996, p. 21.

2. Psachoulia Emmy: Studying stellar spectra. Schools of Geitona, Athens, Supervisor Sigountou Vasilike, June 1998.

3. Manimanis V.: Nebulae-Star�s Birthplaces. Periscope of Science, vol. 229, June 1999, p. 16-27.

4. Elements of Astronomy and Spacescience. School Books. Second Class of Lyceum A group of writers. Athens 1999.

5. Katherine Kappou and Kostas Makrodemetres: The remote world of the stars. A diplomatic dissertation. Supervisor Emmanuel Ìassourakes, June 1999.

6. Manimanis V.: Supernovae bursts, Periscope of Science vol. 236, February 2000, p. 63-73.

7. Physics SchoolBook. Second Class of Lyceum A group of writers. Vlachos, I.A., Grammatikakis John et al. Editions Orosemo, Athens 2000.

8. Physics SchoolBook. First Class of Lyceum. Vlachos, I.A., Grammatikakis John et al. Editions Orosemo, Athens 2000.

9.      To the traces of UFO�s. Evidences-Theories and Views for the existence of life in the Universe. P.G. Laskarides, Diavlos Publications, Athens 2002.

10.  New planetic systems and life in the Universe. P.G. Laskarides, Physical World, vol. 10 (169), January-February 2003, pp. 28-36 and Seven drops to the Ocean of Knowledge, Athens July 2003, pp. 89-96.

11.  Billions of Blackholes. Sp. Manousselis. Focus, Íï. 41-July 2003, pp. 86-90.

12. The mysterious planet Mars, Preka-Papadema P., KATHIMERINI-Epta Himeres, Sunday, February 20, 2005, pp. 10-13.

13. On cyclical luni-solar calendars, Saligram, 2006.


To the traces of ICHTHYS-Astronomy, History, Philosophy

1. The star of Bethlehem, Sophia Lomberdou, Spin, http//www.spin.gr/space/2001 December/index.html.

2. http://www.geocities.com/anonymos-apologitis/.gr/ancient/magoi.htm (29 January 2004).

 3. Simopoulos Dionysis, The Christmas Star, Eugenides Foundation, Athens 2006


The cycle of the Time-Astronomy and Mysterious religions.

1. Science in the era of UFO�s. Helias Maglines, KATHIMERINI, Sunday, February 20, 2005, p. 5.




II. Astrophysics

a. Papers in International Journal: 14

b. Publications in Memoirs: 2

c. Publications in Symposia: 2

d. Proceedings of Conferences: 66

e. Supervision of diploma dissertations: 24

f. International Conferences: 30.

g. Citations in papers: 66 (NASA ADS- Databases)


a. Papers in International Journal

1. Empirical effective temperatures of B and early A stars, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 1980, 192, 745, E. Kontizas and E. Theodossiou.

2. Empirical effective temperatures of late O, B, A and early F stars, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 214, 327, 1985, E. Theodossiou.

3. Observed radii and structural parameters of star clusters in the SMC. III. Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. Series, 65, 207, 1986. M. Kontizas, E. Theodossiou, E. Kontizas.

4. SMC globular clusters candidates for Mass Segregation, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 277, 257, 1987, M. Kontizas, E. Theodossiou and E. Kontizas.

5. The far UV spectrum of the Be star 88 Herculis. Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. Series, 72, 497-504, 1988, Danezis, E. and Theodossiou, E.

6. The UV spectrum of the Be star 88 Herculis. Astrophysics and Space Science, 174, 49-90, 1990, Danezis, E. and Theodossiou, E.

7. The far UV spectrum of the Be star AX Mon. Astrophysics and Space Science, 179, 111-139, 1991, Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E. and Laskarides, P.G.

8. The far UV spectrum of the O4V(f) star 9 Sagittarii, Astrophysics and Space Science, 179, 13-37, 1991, Laskarides P.G., Danezis E. and Theodossiou E.

9. The far UV spectrum of the O4I(n)f star æ Puppis, Astrophysics and Space Science, 183, 67, 1991, Laskarides, P.G., Danezis, E. and Theodossiou E.

10. The stellar temperature scale for stars of spectral types O8-F6 and the standard deviation of the MK spectral classification. Astrophysics and Space Science, 183, 91-115, 1991, Theodossiou, E. and Danezis, E.

11. The UV spectrum of the RS CVn Binary, SZ Psc., Astrophysics and Space Science, 187, 307, 1992, Danezis, E., Antonopoulou, E., Theodossiou, E. and Mathioudakis, M.

12. The UV spectrum of the Binary system TY Pyx., Astrophysics and Space Science, 200, 47, 1993, Danezis, E., Antonopoulou, E. and Theodossiou, E.

13. A new model for the structure of the DACs regions in the Oe and Be stellar atmospheres. E. Danezis, D. Nikolaidis, V. Lyratzi, M. Stathopoulou, E. Theodossiou, A. Kosionidis, C. Drakopoulos, G. Christou and P. Koutsouris. Astrophysics and Space Science. Vol. 284, Issue 4 (2003).

14. A new model for the structure of the DACs and SACs regions in the Oe and Be stellar atmospheres. PASJ: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 59, 827-834, August 25, 2007.

Journal articles according to NASA ADS System

1. On Modeling SACs Regions in Early Type Atmospheres. E. Danezis, E. Lyratzi,…., E. Theodossiou. 4th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (SCSLS), October 10-15, 2003. Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia.

2. The complex structure of the MGII regions of 40 BeV stars. E. Lyratzi,, E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou. 4th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (SCSLS), October 10-15, 2003. Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia.

3. The complex structure of the Oe star HD175754. E. Danezis, A. Antoniou, E. Lyratzi, E. Theodossiou. 4th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (SCSLS), October 10-15, 2003. Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia.

4.  A new approach for the structure of Çá regions in 120 Be-type stars. E. Lyratzi et. Danezis, …, . Danezis, Memoirs della Societa Italiana,Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005.

5.  A new modeling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars. E. Danezis, E. Lyratzi,…,  E. Theodossiou. Memorie della Societa Italiana,Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005.

6.  Nikolaidis, D., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., Antoniou, A. & Theodossiou, E.: "A new approach for DACs and SACs phenomena in the atmospheres of hot emission stars ", The UV Universe: Stars from birth to death, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, August 14-25.


b. Publications in Memoirs: 2

1. Computer controlled spectrum scanner for the 1.2 m Kryonerion Telescope. Memoirs of the National Observatory of Athens. Series II, No. 27, 1983, E. Kontizas, M.J. Smyth, E. Theodossiou, M. Kontizas.

2. Photoelectric Photometry Equipment's Calibration at the Kryonerion Astronomical Station. Memoirs of the National Observatory of Athens. Series I, No. 37, 1998, L. Hric, P.G. Niarchos, K. Pertik, E. Theodossiou.

c. Publications in Symposia: 2

1. The distribution of Bright stars in the SMC clusters. No.116 IAU Symposium, 26-31 May 1985. E. Kontizas, E. Theodossiou, M. Kontizas. Editors, C. de Loore, A. Willis, P. Laskarides 1986. Kluwer academic publishers group.

2. A new methodology for under-graduate studies in Astrophysics. Danezis, E., Theodossiou E. and Stathopoulou M.: Teaching Astronomy Conference, (Astronomy 2000), Pentele, 12-13 November 1998.


Proceedings of Conferences

1. The UV spectrum of the RS CVn Binary System SZ Psc. Lecture Notes in Physics 397, Danezis, E., Antonopoulou, E., Mathioudakis, M. and Theodossiou, E. Editors: P.B. Byrne, D.J. Mullan. Surface Inhomogeneities on Late-Type stars. Proceedings, Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland. 1990, Springer-Verlag, 24-27, July 1990.
2. The far UV spectrum of AX Monocerotis. Proceedings 1st Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Athens, 21-23 September 1993. Laskarides P.G. (ed). Laskarides, P.G, Theodossiou, E. and Danezis, E.
3. The UV spectrum of ë Orionis, Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Physics Conference. Komotini, 1993, Theodossiou, E., Laskarides, P.G. and Danezis, E.
4. A study of the shell structure of the binary system AX Monocerotis. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Physics Conference. Komotini, 1993, Laskarides, P.G., Danezis, E. and Theodossiou, E.
5. A first approach to the shell structure of the Be binary stars. Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Astronomical Conference. Thessaloniki, June 29-July 1, 1995, Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E. and Laskarides, P.G.
6. The UV spectrum of HD 175754. Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Astronomical Conference. Thessaloniki, June 29-July 1, 1995, Stathopoulou, M., Danezis, E., Laskarides, P.G. and Theodossiou, E.
7. Ten years of experience from compulsory course and Laboratories in Astrophysics for the students of Physics Department. IAU Colloquim No 162: "New Trends in Astronomy Teaching". University College London and the Open University. London, 1996, July 8-12, Kontizas, M., Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Moussas, X.
8. A study of the superionized spectral lines of the star HD 66811. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997, Danezis, E., Stathopoulou, M., Theodossiou, E., Grammenos, Th. and Kosionidis, A.
9. A study of the superionized spectral lines of the star HD 164794. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997, Danezis, E., Stathopoulou, M., Theodossiou, E., Grammenos, Th. and Soulikias, A.
10. A study of the superionized spectral lines of the star HD 152408. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997, Stathopoulou, M., Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Grammenos, Th. and Soulikias, A.
11. A study of the superionized spectral lines of the star HD 36861. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997, Theodossiou, E., Laskarides, P.G., Stathopoulou, M., Danezis, E. and Grammenos, Th.:
12. Long Term BV Photometry and spot modeling of the contact system VW Cephei. International Conference on Variable Star Research. 7-9 November 1997. Brno, Czech Republic. P.G. Niarchos, L. Hric, V. Manimanis, E. Theodossiou.
13. BV Photometry and spot Modeling of AG Virginis. Proceedings of the 65th Czech and the 7th European Joint Conference, JENAM 1998. Prague, Czech Republic, September 1998. P.G. Niarchos, V. Manimanis, L. Hric, E. Theodossiou.
14. Satellite spectral componets and moving shells in the atmospheres of early type stars (The example of HD 175754). Proceedings of the 65th Czech and the 7th European Joint Conference, JENAM 1998. Prague, Czech Republic., September 98. Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Theodossiou, E. Stathopoulou, M.
15. A simple model for the complex stucture of moving atmospheric shells in Oe and Be stars. Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Samos, Greece, 16-18 September 1999, Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Theodossiou, E., Grammenos, Th., Stathopoulou, M. and Kosionidis, A.
16. Applications of a new model for the atmospheric structure of Oe and Be stars. The case of HD 36861. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000, Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Nikolaidis, D., Stathopoulou, M., Lyratzi, V. and Kosionidis, A.
17. Applications of a new model for the atmospheric structure of Oe and Be stars. The case of HD 152408. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000, Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Kosionidis, A. and Lyratzi, V.
18. Applications of a new model for the atmospheric structure of Oe and Be stars. The case of HD 66811. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference (JENAM 2000), Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000, Danezis, E., Stathopoulou, M., Theodossiou, E., Nikolaidis, D., Lyratzi, V. and Kosionidis, A.
19. A final consideration of the developing velocity fields in the gaseous envelope of the star HD 50138. Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Danezis, E., Kyriakopoulou, A., Nikolaides, D., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Lyratzi, E. and Kossionides, A.
20. Phenomena of hyperionization and emission in the gaseous envelope of the star HD 66811 (æ Puppis). Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Danezis, E., Christou, G., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Nikolaides, D., Lyratzi, E. Drakopoulos, C., Bourma, P. and Soulikias, A.
21. Phenomena of hyperionization and emission in the gaseous envelope of the star ë Orionis. Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Danezis, E., Nikolaides, D., Lyratzi, E., Stathopoulou, M., Theodossiou, E., Kossionides, A., Drakopoulos, C. and Soulikias, A.
22. Application of a new model of density shells of matter to the expanding gaseous envelope of the star HD 175754. Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Theodossiou, E., Nikolaides, D., Stathopoulou, M., Kyriakopoulou, A. and Christou, G.
23. The complex structure of the expanding gaseous envelope of the star HD164794 (9 Sagittarii). Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Danezis, E., Nikolaides, D., Stathopoulou, M., Theodossiou, E., Lyratzi, E., Kossionides, A. and Christou, G.
24. Application of a new model of density shells of matter to the expanding gaseous envelope of the star HD 45910 (AX Monocerotis). Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Nikolaides, D., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Drakopoulos, C. and Bourma, P.
25. A spot model of the contact binary system BH Cas. Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Niarchos, P.G., Aslanidis, D., Zola, S and Theodossiou, E.
26. A new model of density layers of matter to the expanding gaseous envelops of Oe and Be stars. IAU Symp. 210, Uppsala, Sweden, 17-22 July 2002, Danezis, E., Nikolaides, D., Lyratzi, E., Stathopoulou, M., Theodossiou, E., Kossionides, A., Drakopoulos, C., Christou, G. and Koutsouris, P.
27. The complex structure of the expanding gaseous envelope of the Be star HD 45910 (AX Monocerotis). IAU Symp. 210, Uppsala, Sweden, 17-22 July 2002, Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Nikolaides, D., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Drakopoulos, C., Soulikias, A. and Koutsouris, P.
28. The complex structure of Há regions in the gaseous envelope of the Be V stars. IAU Symp. 210, Uppsala, Sweden, 17-22 July 2002, Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Nikolaides, D., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Kyriakopoulou, A. and Soulikias, A.
29. The complex structure of Mg II regions in the gaseous envelope of the BeV stars. IAU Symp. 210, Uppsala, Sweden, 17-22 July 2002, Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaides, D., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Christou, G. and Soulikias, A.
30. Hyperionization and emission phenomena in the coronal and post-coronal regions of the moving atmospheres of the Oe star HD 66811 (æ Puppis). IAU Symp. 210, Uppsala, Sweden, 17-22 July 2002, Christou, G., Danezis, E., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Nikolaides, D., Lyratzi, E., and Kyriakopoulou, A.
31. The complex structure of Mg II and Si IV regions in the gaseous shell of the Be star HD50138. IAU Symp. 210, Uppsala, Sweden, 17-22 July 2002, Kyriakopoulou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Christou, G. Koutsouris, P. and Drakopoulos, C.
32. A new I-filter photometric study of the sdB Binary HS0705+6700. K.G. Gazeas, P.G. Niarchos, B.N. Manimanis and E. Theodossiou. New Directions for Close Binary Studies: The Royal Road to the Stars. Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Dardanos Canakkale (Turkey), 24-28 June, 2002.
33. SACs phenomena in early type stars. E. Danezis, E. Lyratzi, D. Nikolaidis, E. Theodossiou, �� JENAM 2003, Budapest. August 2003.
34. SACs phenomena in MgII regions of 40 BeV stars E. Lyratzi, E. Danezis, M. Stathopoulou, E. Theodossiou, �., JENAM 2003, Budapest. August 2003.
35. SACs phenomena in SiIV regions of 50 BeV stars. E. Lyratzi, E. Danezis, M. Stathopoulou, E. Theodossiou, � JENAM 2003, Budapest. August 2003.
36. The complex structure of hyperionization regions of the Oe star HD 175754. E. Danezis, A. Antoniou, E. Lyratzi, E. Theodossiou, JENAM 2003, Budapest. August 2003.
37. The complex structure of SiIV regions of the Oe star ë Orionis. E. Danezis, M. Koutroumanou, E. Lyratzi, E. Theodossiou, �, JENAM 2003, Budapest. August 2003.
38. Discontinuous structrures in early type stars' atmospheres E. Danezis, E. Lyratzi, D. Nikolaidis, E. Theodossiou. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele-Athens.
39. Discontinuous phenomena in MgII regions of BeV stars, E. Lyratzi, E. Danezis, M. Stathopoulou, E. Theodossiou. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele-Athens.
40. Discontinuous phenomena in SiIV regions of BeV stars, E. Lyratzi, E. Danezis, M. Stathopoulou, E. Theodossiou. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele-Athens.
41. Discontinuous structure and SACs phenomena in the Oe star's HD 175754 atmosphere. E. Danezis, A. Antoniou, E. Lyratzi, E. Theodossiou. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele-Athens.
42. Discontinuous structure of SiIV regions in the Oe star ë Orionis's atmosphere. E. Danezis, M. Koutroumanou, E. Lyratzi, E. Theodossiou. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele-Athens.
43. On Modeling SACs Regions in Early Type Atmospheres. E. Danezis, E. Lyratzi,�, E. Theodossiou. 4th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (SCSLS), October 10-15, 2003. Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia.
44. The complex structure of the MGII regions of 40 BeV stars. E. Lyratzi,�, E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou. 4th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (SCSLS), October 10-15, 2003. Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia.

45. The complex structure of the Oe star HD175754. E. Danezis, A. Antoniou, E. Lyratzi, E. Theodossiou. 4th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (SCSLS), October 10-15, 2003. Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia.
46. A new approach for the structure of Çá regions in 120 Be-type stars. E. Lyratzi et. al. Memoirs della Societa Italiana,Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005.
47. A new modeling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars. E. Danezis et. al. Memoirs della Societa Italiana,Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005.
48. Long Term variability of the radial velocities in the coronal and post-coronal regions of the Oe star HD93521. Antoniou A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi E.,.., and Theodossiou E. Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005,
49. A new approach for the structure of
Çá regions in 120 Be-type stars. E. Lyratzi et. al. Memorie della Societa Italiana,Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005.
50. A new modeling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars.
E. Danezis et. al. Memorie della Societa Italiana,Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005.
51. A new modelling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars, Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitriević, M. S., Theodossiou, E. & Antoniou, A.: 5th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes in Astrophysics (V SCSLSA)” Vrsac, Serbia, June, 2005.
52. A new approach for the structure of Çá regions in 120 Be stars Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č., Dimitriević, M. S., Theodossiou, E. & Antoniou, A, 5th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes in Astrophysics (V SCSLSA). Vrsac, Serbia, June, 2005.
53.    Hyperionization phenomena to the coronal and post - coronal regions of the moving atmosphere of the Oe star HD 93521, Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitijević, M. S. & Theodossiou, E.: Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Kefallinia Island, Greece, September 2005. AIP Conference Proceedings, August 25, 2006, Vol. 848, pp. 370-374.
54.    A new modeling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars. Danezis, E., Nikolaidis D., Lyratzi E., Popovic L., Dimitrijevic M., Theodossiou E. and Antoniou A. Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005, Êefallinia-Greece. AIP Conference Proceedings, August 25, 2006, Vol. 848, pp. 380-384.
55.    A new approach for the structure of Há regions in 120 Be-type stars. Lyratzi E., Danezis, E.,…., and Theodossiou E. Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005, Êefallinia-Greece. AIP Conference Proceedings, August 25, 2006, Vol. 848, pp. 402-406.
56.    Long Term variability of the radial velocities in the coronal and post-coronal regions of the Oe star HD93521. Antoniou A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi E.,.., and Theodossiou E. Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005, Êefallinia-Greece. AIP Conference Proceedings, August 25, 2006, Vol. 740, pp. 497-508.
57.    A new modeling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars. Memorie della Societa Italiana,Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005.
58.    A new model for the structure of the DACs and SACs regions in the Oe and Be stellar atmospheres, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, August 14-25.
59.    The Photospheric and the Respective Si IV Regions’ Rotational Velocities In 27 Be Stars, 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2006), August 28 - September 1, 2006, Kopaonik, Serbia.
60.    A Study of DACs and SACs Regions in the Atmospheres of Hot Emissions Stars, 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2006), August 28 - September 1, 2006, Kopaonik, Serbia.
61.    The Photospheric and the Respective C IV Regions’ Rotational Velocities In 20 Oe Stars, 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2006),  28/8 – 1/9/2006, Kopaonik, Serbia.
62.     “A new approach for DACs and SACs phenomena in the atmospheres of hot emission stars”, The UV Universe: Stars from birth to death, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, August 14-25. Book of Proceedings, Ana Ines Gomez de Castro y Martin A. Barstow (eds.). UV Astronomy, UCM Editorial Complutense, pp. 107-112.
63.    Long term variability of the coronal and post-coronal CIV region of the Oe star HD 93521. Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., & Theodossiou, E.: The UV Universe: Stars from birth to death, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, August 14-25. Book of Proceedings, Ana Ines Gomez de Castro y Martin A. Barstow (eds.). UV Astronomy, UCM Editorial Complutense,  pp. 113-118.
64.  Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Antoniou, A., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S. and Theodossiou, E.: "The Photospheric And The Respective Si IV Regions’ Rotational Velocities In 27 Be Stars", 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2006), August 28 - September 1, 2006, Kopaonik, Serbia.
65.  Nikolaidis, D., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Antoniou, A. Dimitrijević, M. S., and Theodossiou, E.: "A Study Of DACs And SACs Regions In The Atmospheres Of Hot Emissions Stars", 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2006), August 28 - September 1, 2006, Kopaonik, Serbia.
66.  Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S. and Theodossiou, E.: "The Photospheric And The Respective C IV Regions-Rotational Velocities In 20 Oe Stars", 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2006), August 28 - September 1, 2006, Kopaonik, Serbia.

According to NASA ADS System, the papers under the numbers: 43, 44, 45, 57, 58 êáé 59 considered as Journal articles

International Conferences: 30

1. "N.G. Christophilos International Summer School and Conference in plasma Physics", July 20-30, 1977, Spetses, Greece.

2. "Fourth European Regional Meeting in Astronomy". Stars and Star Systems, August 7-12, 1978, Uppsala, Sweden.

3. Nato Ádvanced Study Institute. "Galactic X-Ray Sources". Sounion, Attica-Greece, May 28-June10, 1979 (ìÝëïò ôçò ôïðéêÞò ïñãáíùôéêÞò åðéôñïðÞò).

4. International School of Astrophysics. 5th Course: "X-Ray Astronomy", 1-14 July, 1979. Erice. Italy.

5. XI IAU-UNESCO School for young Astronomers, September 17-October 10, 1980. Hvar, Yugoslavia.

6. XII IAU-UNESCO School for young Astronomers, August 22-September 9, 1981. Kairo, Egypt.

7. VI European Regional Meeting in Astronomy. "Sun and Planetary Systems", October 19-October 23, 1981. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.

8. XVIII I.A.U. International Meeting. Patras, August 1982.

9. IAU Symposium No. 116. "Luminous Stars and Associations". Porto Heli, Greece, 26-31 May 1985 (Local organizing commity).

10. First Panhellenic Astronomical Society Conference. Athens, September, 21-23, 1992. (Local organizing committee).

11. Sixth Panhellenic Physical Society Conference. Comotene-Xanthi-Alexandroupolis, March, 18-21, 1993 (Local organizing committee).

12. Second Panhellenic Astronomical Society Conference. Thessaloniki-Peraia, September, 21-23, 1995.

13. Second Conference, IAU Commission No 9. Wide-Field Imaging. Athens, May 20-25,1996.

14. IAU Colloquim No 162: "New Trends in Teaching Astronomy". University College London and the Open University. London, July 8-12, 1996.

15. Telesearching and Applications. Symposium in the memory of prof. M. Moutsoulas, Athens-Eugenidion Planetarium, 28 êáé 29 Nïvember 1996.

16. JENAM '97. 6th European and 3rd Hellenic Astronomical Society Conference. July 2-5, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece.

17. JENAM '98. 7th European and 65th Czech Astronomical Society Conference. September 2-5, 1998, Prague, Czech Republic.

18. Astronomy 2000. Panhellenic Astronomical Society Conference, Pentele, 12-13 November 1998.

19. Fourth Panhellenic Astronomical Society Conference. Samos, 16-19 September 1999 (convenor of the Session).

20. JENAM 2000. 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference. May 29-June 3, 2000. Moscow, Russia.

21. 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Session: Stellar Astrophysics.

22. Astronomy Workshop: New Directions for Close Binary Studies: "The Royal Road to the Stars". Dardanos, Canakkale (Turkey), Onsekiz Mart University Astrophysics Observatory, 24-28 June 2002.

23. Physics in 20th century, 2ï Scientific Symposium. Hellenic Physical Society. Egumenitsa, Greece, April, 4-6 2003. (invited talk).

24. �The Great Moments of Physics-A journey of Physics in time and space� Scientific Symposium of Hellenic Physical Society. Korthio-Andros, Greece, July, 18-19, 2003. (invited talk).

25. Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting for 2003, JENAM 2003, August 25-30, 2003, Budapest, Hungary.

26. 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece.

27. Symposium of Hellenic Physical Society: Physics and Space. ÅÊFÅ Íea Philadelphia, 19 December 2003, Amphithetre �Miltos Coumtouras�ÁìöéèÝáôñï «Ìßëôïò ÊïõíôïõñÜò», � Solar system and life� (invited talk).

28. Ninth Common Conference of Greek and Cyprian physicists. Nicosia-Cyprus, February 3-6, 2005 (invited talk).

29. Symposium �A window to the Universe�, Chalkis, Sunday February 20, 2005 (invited talk).

30. 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 8-11 September 2005, Êefalinia-Greece.



Supervison of Diploma Dissertations (in Astrophysics) 25

1. A study of the spectra of Be stars. E. Skaramagas (A. M. 7844) and G. Kossides (A.M. 8823). September 1991.

2.      A study of satellite spectra of Early Type Stars using the program MIDAS. S. Vardulakes (A.M. 8745). April 1996.

3.      A study of visible spectra of Ae and Be stars. Th. Lakas (A. M. 9380) and A. Tsaknarides (A.M. 9337). April 1996.

4.      An analysis of spectrophotometric data of Early Type Stars using the program IRAF. A. Kossionides (A.M. 10371). September 1997.

5.      Stellar winds and mass loss from Be stars. G. Emannuel (A. M. 10085), M. Galanes (A.M. 10547), H. Demaratos (A. M. 9496). September 1997.

6.      Methods of analysis of spectrophotometric data through the programs MIDAS and IRAF. Examples for some Early Type Stars. A. Soulikias (A.M. 9715). September 1997.

7.      A study of Early Type Stars. Spectrophotometric technics. S. Antonatos (A.M. 8832) and M. Pissimises (A. M. 9614). September 1997.

8.      Spectrophotometric study of Be stars. E. Lyratzi (A.M. 9556). September 1997.

9.      Spectrophotometric study of Oe stars. A. Ameriotes (A.M. 8832) and I. Tsantes (A. M. 8647). September 1997.

10.  A study of Be stars. G. Demopoulos (A.M. 8117). May 1998.

11.  Applications of Atomic Physics to the study of stellar spectra. N. Floros (A.M. 10231). June 1998.

12.  Supergiants and P Cygni profiles. A. Alexis (A.M. 10025). September 1998.

13.  Spectrophotometry of Early Type Stars. Mass loss from Early Type Stars. E. Akourou (A.M. 10298). September 1998.

14.  Spectrophotometry of Early Type Stars with data from spacecrafts. B. Kolozoumes (A.M. 10101), A. Oeconomou (A.M. 10169). November 1998.

15.  Spectrophotometric study of Be stars. A. Gounares (A.M. 11091). March 1999.

16.  Applications of Laboratory Exercises of Astrophysics using computers. P. Faropoulos (A.M. 9649). June 1999.

17.  Modern spectrophotometric technics. G. Theodorakes (A.M. 10348). September 1999.

18.  Astrometric measurements. G. Kyriakakes (A.M. 10378). April 2000.

19.  The evolution of ideas in Cosmology. S. Manafas. June 2000.

20.  The Sun as a star. Anairoussis Athanassios (physisist), June 2001.

21.  Life in the Universe. Kostopoulos Ioannis (physisist), June 2001.

22.  The system Earth-Moon. Kouris Ioannis (physisist), June 2001.

23.  The path toward the Big Bang-The unification of the 4 forces. Kalemere Christina (A.M. 200100068). October 2005.

24.  Entropy and Time. Konstandas Konstantinos (A.M. 99112). December 2005.

25. Radiation, Nuclear Technology and Environment, Sfakianaki Maria (Á.Ì. 200100259),  June 2007.


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1. Goraya, P.S.: 1984, Astro. Sp. Sc., 105, p. 323.
2. Goraya, P.S.: 1984, Astron. and Astroph., 138, p. 19G.
3. Danezis, E.: 1984, PhD Thesis, University of Athens, Physics Department.
4. Goraya, P.S.: 1985, Astro. Sp. Sc., 108, p. 161.
5. Goraya, P.S.: 1985, Astro. Sp. Sc., 112, p. 1.
6. Goraya, P.S.: 1985, Astro. Sp. Sc., 112, p. 325.
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8. Singh, M.: 1985, Astro. Sp. Sc., 113, p. 325.
9. Lester, J.B., Gray R.O., Kurucz, R.L.: 1986, Astroph. Journal Suppl.(A&AS) 61, p. 509G.
10. Singh, M.: 1986, Astro. Sp. Sc., 120, p. 133.
11. Goraya, P.S., Gurm, H.S.: 1987, Astron. and Astrophys., 180, p. 167.
12. Goraya, P.S., Tur, N.S.: 1988, Astron. Journal, 96, p. 346G.
13. Gerbaldi, M., Floquet, M., Faraggianna, R., van't Veer-Memmeret, C.: 1989, A&AS 81, p. 127G.
14. Castelli, F.: 1991 A&A 251, p. 106C.
15. Stothers, Richard B.: 1991, ApJ 383, p.820S.
16.Bonifacio, P. and Castelli, F.: 1993, pvnp. conf. 143B.
17. Sokolov, N.A.: 1995, A&AS 110, 553S.
18. Tur, N.S., Goraya, P.S., Sharma, S.D.: PASP 107, 730T.
19. Leone, F. Manfre, M.: 1996, A&A 315, p. 526L.
20. Kaynaklar: www.ankara.edu.tr/rectorate/tez/data/fen/doctora/berahittin/
21. Amparo Marco and Guillermo Bernabeo: astro-ph/0101348v1, 19 January 2001.Sokolov, N.A.: 1995, A&AS 110, 553S.
22. Marco, Amparo; Bernabeu, Guillermo; Neueruela, Ignacio: A&A, 2001, 121, 2075M.
23. Marco, Amparo; Bernabeu, Guillermo: A&A, 2001 A&A, 372, 477M.


2: 1985, MNRAS 214, p. 327T

1. Lester, J.B., Gray, R.O. Kurucz, R.L.: 1986, Astroph. Journal Suppl. (ApJS) 61, p. 509G.
2. Goraya, P.S.: 1987, Astron. and Astroph. (A&A.) 180, p. 167G.
3. Vander Linden, D., Butler, K.1988, A&A 189, 137 V.
4. Goraya, P.S., Tur, N.S.: 1988, AJ 96, p. 346G.
5. Tur, N.S., Goraya, P.S.: 1988, Ap&SS 148, p. 131T.
6. Gulati, R.K., Malagnini, M.L., Morossi, C.: 1989, A&AS 80, p. 73G.
7. Gerbaldi, M., Floquet, M. Faraggiana, R., van't Veer-Memmeret, C.: 1989, A&AS 81, p. 127G.
8. Achmad, L., de Jager, C., Nieuwenhuijzen, H.: 1991, A&A 249, p.192A.
9. Stothers, Richard B.: 1991, ApJ 383, p. 820S.
10. Gray R.O.: 1992, A&A 265, p. 704G.
11. Sokolov, N.A.: 1995, A&AS 110, 553S.
12. Tur, N.S., Goraya, P.S., Sharma, S.D.: PASP 107, 730T.
13. Kato, Ken-Ichi, Watanabe, Yoshiya, Sadakane, Kozo: 1995, PASJ 48, p. 601K.
14. Mennickent, R.E., Sterken, C., Vogt, N.: 1998, A&A 330, p. 631M.
15. Lancon, A. and Wood, P.D.: 2000, A&A 146, p. 217L.
16. Bjorkman, Karen S., Miroshnichenko, Anatoly, S., McDavid, Pogrosheva, Tatiana M.: 2002 ApJ. 573, 812B.


3: (A&AS) 1986, 65, 207K.

1. Meylan, G.: 1988, ApJ 331, p. 718M.
2. Issa, I.A.: 1989, AN 310, p. 195I.
3. Battinelli, Paolo, Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Roberto, 1989, ApJ 347, 794B.
4. Dubath, P., Meylan, G., Mayor, M., Magain, P.: 1990 A&A 239, p. 142D.
5. Mackey, A.D. and Gilmore, G.F.: M.N.R.A.S., 2003, 338, 120M.


4: 1987, MNRAS 277, p. 257K.

1. Battinelli, Paolo, Demers, Serge: 192 AJ 104.1458B.
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6: 1990 Ap&SS 174, p. 49D.

1. Popovic, L.C., Vince, I., Dimitrijevic, M.S.: 1993, Astron. and Astroph. Suppl. Ser. (A&AS) 102, p. 17P.

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7: 1991, Ap&SS 179, p. 111D.

1. Popovic, L.C., Vince, I., Dimitrijevic, M.S.: 1993, Astron. and Astroph. Suppl. Ser. (A&AS) 102, p. 17P.
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1. Chavez, M., Stalio, R., Holberg, J.B.: Astroph. Journal 1995, 449, Iss 1, p. 280C.
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Talks: Astronomy-Astrophysics-History and Philosophy of Sciences


I. Talks at the Popular University-Society of the Friends of the Nation

1.      Stars and their myths, December 1993

2.      Measuring the Timeless time-Time in Astronomy, December 1994

3.      Time in Philosophy and Physics, December 1995

4.      The calendrical problem from the view of Astronomy, December 1996

5.      Searching for intelligent life, November 1997

6.      The star of Bethlehem, December 1998

7.      Calendars of Christianity-leap years, March 2000.


II. Ideotheatro

8.      The cosmological views of ancient Greek Philosophers, February 1997

9.      The feasts of Solstices, March 1997

10.  The wonderful mythology of the stars, March 1997

11.  The world of the constellation, April 1997

12.  The names of the stars and the constellations, April 1997

13.  Luminosity and Brightness of the stars, April 1997

14.  Stellar distances, April 1997

15.  Fixed stars-constellations, May 1997

16.  Apparent and absolute magnitudes, May 1997

17.  Stellar evolution, May 1997

18.  Stellar structure-stellar atmospheres, June 1997

19.  Solar system, June 1997

20.  Cosmogony and Cosmology, September 1997

21.  Celebrated the vernal equinox, March 1999

22.  The Universe I loved- The Birth of our Universe, May 1999


III. Universities

a)Section of Astrophysics-Astronomy and Mechanics-Athens

23.  Astronomy and Calendars, 17 April 1997

b) University of Thessaly-Volos

24.  Astrology: Religion or Science' 24 May 1997

25.  Lunar, luni-solar and solar calendars, 25 May 1997

Talks under the auspices of the Society of Free Scientists (University of Athens)

26.  Myths and legends of the star�s World, 16 December 1992

27.  Time in Astronomy, 24 March 1993

28.  Calendars and the estimation of Pasca, April 1999


IV. Bissextilia

a)Central University

29.  The astronomical necessity of the leap day, 29 February 1996 (morning)

b) Old University-Museum of the University

30.  The French Calendier Republicaine, 29 February 1996 (afternoon)

31.  Time-Mythology-Astronomy, 13 June 1996

32.  The problem of the leap years, 29 February 2000 (afternoon)


V. Schools-Societies-Boy Scouts etc.

33.  The first steps of Astrophysics, I.M. Panagiotopoulos School, November 1993

34.  The evolution of the stars, 1st Lyceum of Kifissia, March 1994

35.  Neutron stars, pulsars, black holes, Yiannis Ritsos-Aigaleo, March 1994

36.  Neutron stars, pulsars, black holes-The death of the stars, 1st Lyceum of Aigaleo April 1995

37.  Luminositise-Brightness-stellar magnitudes, 1st Gymnasium of Aigaleo April 1995

38.  The world of constellations-The Greek mythology of the stars, 1st Pleliminary School of Papagos, May 1995

39.  The wonderful world of the stars, 12th Pleliminary School of Vyronas, May 1995

40.  Black holes, white holes, wormholes, 5th Lyceum of Vyronas, May 1995

41.  Uranography-Searching for the constellations, Rafina-Boy Scouts, September 1995

42.  The determination of the date of Pasca Society of Orthodoxs Christians �Salpigs�, April 1996

43.  The Greek mythology of the constellations, German School-preliminary, May 1996

44.  Stellar evolution, German School-Gymnasium, May 1996

45.  The magical world of constellations in northern sky, German School-A night dedicated to stars, June 1996.

46.  Cosmological paths-an isotropic Universe, 1st System of Boy Scouts Aigaleo, November 1996

47.  Searching for the Jesus Christ-astronomical answers, Society of Theologians of Athanassios Tsoupras, December 1996

48.Systems of Time and Astronomy, 2nd System of Boy Scouts Vironas, April 1997

49Theory of Big Bang, Lyceum Kareas, November 1999


Talks since 2000 untill today

50.  Space-Time and Dimensions, Post Graduates� seminars of Philosophy-Pneumatiko Kentro Dimou Athinaion, 29 March 2000

51.  Myths and legends of the stars, European Society of Scientists-Artists and writers, Athens, 14 April 2000

52.  The star of the wisemen-Myth or reality' At the celebrations �Welcome millenium�, Municipality of Cropia, 3 January 2001

53.  Astrology under the search of science, Students D.A.P., School of Physics, 19 March 2001

54.  Theory of Big Bang and the cosmological aspects of Democritus, Philosophical School, aula 16, University of Athens, 15 May 2001

55.  Cosmogony of Ancient Greeks. Polytechnic School of Crete, Chania, 24 September 2001

56.  Kosmos of the ancient Greek philosophers, High TV, Evagellos Spandagos, 7 October 2001

57.  The theory of Panspermia. Stoa Vivliou, Invited talk under the auspices of the European Program �Life in the Universe�, 19 October 2001

58.  The Cosmology of the ancient prosocratic philosophers. Central University, invited talk at the Symposium �Socratous Daemonion�, 9 November 2001

59.  Is there any intelligent life in Universe' War Museum, Invited talk under the auspices of the 11th Panhellenic Symposium of Greek Society of Orthodentists, 1 December 2001

60.  The Star of Bethlehem and Astrology, Italian School of Athens, 12 December 2001

61.  The Star of Bethlehem, High TV, Evagellos Spandagos, 16 December 2001

62.  Life in the Universe. University of Athens, Section of Astrophysics-Astronomy and Mechanics. 8 February 2002

63.  Intelligent life in the Universe, Italian School of Athens-Gymnasium, 12 March 2002

64.  Stars and their myths, University of Athens, Section of Astrophysics-Astronomy and Mechanics. 19 April 2002

65.  Time and measurements, Koropi- aula Aristotle, 15 December 2002

66.  Cosmogony-Cosmology and Astrophysics, Section of Astrophysics-Astronomy and Mechanics. Program �Open nights for all�, 20 December 2002

67.  The Odyssey of the calendars; Omilos Erasimolpon �To Koinon ton Oraion Texnon�, Greek Society, Plaka, 31 January 2003

68.  Astronomical determination of Pasca, Section of Astrophysics-Astronomy and Mechanics. Program �Open nights for all�, 11 April 2003

69.  The celebration of Pasca according to Astronomy, Popular University-Society of the Friends of the Nation, 17 April 2003.

70.  Cosmological discussions, Group of Young Christians, Church of Greece, 26May 2003

71.  Ancient Cosmogonies � Modern Cosmology, Invited talk, A journey of Physics in space and time. Greek Physics Society, Korthio � Andros, 18-19 July 2003

72.  Solar System and life, Invited talk, EKFE Neas Philadelphias, aula �Miltos Kountouras�, 19 December 2003

73.  The Star of Bethlehem, Ekpolitistikos Syllogos Glykon Neron, 20 December 2003

74.  The Star of Bethlehem and the astronomical answers, Municipality of Korinth, Korinth, 22 December 2003

75.  The Star of Bethlehem-Myth or reality' Amphitheatre �Periandros o Korinthios�, 4th Lyceum of Korinth, 23 December 2003

76.  The astronomical and philosophical extensions of Time, Invited talk to the Post graduate students of Philosophy, aula �Antonios Tritsis�, Pneumatiko Kentro of the Municipality of Athens, 8 January 2004

77.  Myths and legends for Santa Claus, Panhellenic Society of Writers, Omonoia, Athens, 20 January 2004

78.  Astronomy in Ionia and the islands of Aegean Sea. Fira-Santorini, Greek Physics Society, Invited talk, 21-22 October 2004

79.  The first seconds of the Universe, French Institute of Athens (IFA), Athens 9 November 2004

80.  A Universe � a painting, Science and Art, Hotel Hilton Athens, aula Thalia, 12 December 2004

81.  Measuring the Timeless Time-Time in Astronomy, Levadia, �Syghroni Ekfrasi�, 13 December 2004

82.  Solstices-Equinoxes and the celebration of Christmas, Ekpolitistikos Syllogos Glykon Neron, 17 December 2004

83.  Calendars, Popular University, The Society of the Friends of the Nation, 13 January 2005

84.  Cosmic paths. Common Conference of Greek and Cyprian Physisists, invited talk, Nicosia, 4-6 February 2005

85.  Cosmological constant and Einstein, Greek Mathematical Society, invited talk, Chalkis, Euboea, 20 February 2005

86.  Year of Physics and Einstein. Cosmological constant, Students K.N.E. School of Physics, Amphitheatre Aristotle, 10 March 2005

87.  Corinth and the constellations dedicated to it. Amphitheatre �Periandros o Korinthios�, 4th Lyceum of Korinth, 20 March 2005

88.  Einstein and Cosmological constant, Amphitheatre �Periandros o Korinthios�, 4th Lyceum of Korinth, 21 March 2005

89.  Year of Physics and Einstein. Cosmological constant, Greek-French School of Peireus, 19 April 2005

90.  Art and Astronomy to Dogon, International Conference �Art and Science�, invited talk, Greek Society of Physics. Eugenides Foundation, 19 June 2005

91.  Thrace-Orphic Hymns and Astronomy: Symposium �Samothrace in Space and Time�, invited talk, under the auspices of the Municipality of Samothrace, Amphitheatre �Nicolaus Fardys�, 1st September 2005.

92.  The heliocentric System from the Orphic hymns to emperor Julian, invited talk, Greek Society of Physics: �The aspects of ancient philosophers for physics and their influences to modern thought�, Xanthi, 11-13 Íïvember 2005.

93.  Untangible World and Modern Physics, �Science and God�, Greek Physics Society, National Research Institute, 22 January 2006.

94. Solstices-Equinoxes and the Christian Holidays. Yiannis Ritsos-Aigaleo, 20 January 2006.

95. The evolution of ideas in Physics. Popular University the Society of Friends of the Nation. 2 March 2006.

96. Apeiron of Anaximander and Modern Cosmology. 11th Panhellenic Conference of Greek Physics Society, Larissa 30 March 2006 (invited speaker).

97. Cosmological Theories of Ancient Greek philosophers and Modern Physics. Greek Physics Society-E.E.F-Kavala, June 8, 2006 (invited speaker).

98. Orphic Hymns and Astronomy. Greek Physics Society and the Municipality of Megara, Megara September 25, 2006 (invited speaker).

99. Popular University of Agia Paraskevi: A series of 8 talks on Astrophysics and History-Philosophy of Sciences. From October 10 to December 10, 2006 (invited speaker).

100. Equinoxes and Solstices. Astronomical Group of the Students at the University of Crete. Heracleion, 2006 December 9-10 (invited speaker).

101. Theory of strings. Scientific Symposium of Hellenic Physics Society-T.E.I. of Lamia, Lamia, 2006 December 15-17  (invited speaker).

102. Intelligent life in Space. Hellenic Physics Society of West Macedonia. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Symposium: A journey in space, Thessaloniki, 2006 December 18 (invited speaker).

103. Is there anyone out there? The Aigaleo’s Center of Culture: Yiannis Ritsos, Aigaleo, 2007 January 6 (invited speaker).

104. Theory of strings: A solution or an Utopia? Ptolemais Amphitheatre of Municipality, Panhellenic Union Frontiston of West Macedonia, Ptolemais, 2007 February 3 (invited speaker).

105. Theory of strings: A solution or an Utopia? Kozanis’ Center of Culture, Panhellenic Union Frontiston of West Macedonia, Kozani, 2007 February 3 (invited speaker).

106. Orphic Hymns and Astronomy, Hellenic Physics Society and Karystion Brotherhood, Giokalion Amphitheatre, Karystos, 2007 March 17 (invited speaker).

107. From the Apeiron of Anaximander to the infinite Universes of Modern Astrophysics. Scientific Symposium: Humanity and Philosophy of Sciences. Hellenic Physics Society, Nauplion, 2007 March 30-April 1 (invited speaker).

108. About the intelligent life in the Universe. Pneumatiki Estia Spatis, Sparti May 11th, 2007.

109. Ôhe Apeiron of Anaximander and the infinite Universes of Modern Cosmology. Kalamata, Nea Skini, DI.PE.THE. Amphithetre Philarmonikis, May 12th, 2007.

110. Stars and their myths-A journey in the beauty of the Universe. Syllogos Neon Kapandriti-Mikrochori, at the central square of the Mikrochori village, Sunday July 22th, 2007.

111. Moschophoros-Kriophoros and Ichtys. European Ideas, Antique Civilization and Serbian Culture, Belgrade, Stemski Karlovci and Stremska in Serbia, 24-30 September, 2007 (invited speaker).

112. Astronomy-Mythology and Religion: Moschophoros-Kriophoros and Ichtys. Greek Physicist Society, Olympia, November 2-4 (invited speaker).

113. Astronomical eras, Time and Art, Municipality of Tripolis, Under the auspices of Greek Physicist Society. Apostolopouleio Pneumatiko Kentro, November 15-16, 2007 (invited speaker).

114. Time, Art and Astronomy, Student Astronomical Union of Athens, Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy, and Mechanics, November 29, 2007.

115. Astronomy, Mythology and Time, Program Anoiktes Thyres, Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy, and Mechanics, December 14, 2007.

118. A journey to Universe, Under the auspices of Greek Physicist Society, 6th and 36th Gymnasium of Athens (Kynosargous), 12:00-13:00, December 19, 2007.

119. The star of Bethlehem, Student Astronomical Union of Athens, Student Astronomical Union of Athens, Amphitheatre Aristarchus, December 19, 2007.

120. Theory of strings and superstrings, Student Astronomical Union of Athens, Student Astronomical Union of Athens, Amphitheatre Aristarchus, January 16, 2008.

121. Astronomical eras, Sculpture and Time, 2nd International Conference  Science and Art, (invited speaker), Technopolis, Athens 2008, 16 January.

122. Theory of strings: Solution or Utopia? (Théorie des Cordes: Solution ou Utopie?), France Institute of Athens, January 22, 2008.

123. Death to Micro-Macrocosmos. The Dilution of Senses. 13th Symposium, The Mystery of Life and Death. Athens, January 27, 2008.

124. Theory of superstrings a modern pythagorian Music of the Heavenly Spheres? Hotel Titania, Athens, January 30, 2008.

125. Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Lyceum ‘Nea Paideia, Athens, February 13, 2008

Personal Interviews

1. The astronomers who looked at the sky, by Nic Lacopoulos, “Ethnos”, 1995, Saturday, January 14, p. 15.
2. Ophiuchus-The 13th zodical sign, by Lory Keza "Tï Vima", 1995, Sunday, January 29, p. C 25.
First day at the University class, by Lory Keza and Natassa Rougeri,. "Tï Vima", 1995, Sunday, September 17, p. 6.
The end of Clepsydra, by Sotiris Damatopoulos and Spyros Nakopoulos "Eleftherotypia",  1996, Sunday April 21.
A dialogue about the studies, by Antonis Bazigos and Christos Sotiropoulos, Journal 5thtousia", v. 1. May-June 1996, pp. 10-11.
The Science touches the scientific fantasy. By Kostis Dimtsas "Adesmeftos Typo", 1997., Wenesday, July 9, p. 4.
The tale of the Stars by Olga Batti. "Gynaika", July 1999, pp. 174-177.
The Enigma of the Universe, by Monika Tsiliberdi. "VITRINE", October 1999, pp. 166-171.
The 4th Dimension by Nicky Psalti. "VITA", vol. 33, January 2000.
10. Bissextilia by Katerina Kitides, "
Hemeresia-Ôhe Prism", 2000, February 26.
11. "The Sense and the story of Annunciation"
by Constantina Dimitruli Êùíóôáíôßíáò "Ôaftotita", Good Thursday, 2001, April 12. pp. 22-23.
12. "
The truth of the Gospel", by Victoria Dagunaki "Apogevmatini", Sunday of Pasqua, 2001, April 15, pp. 84-85.
13. "
Science against Metaphysics", by marily Efraimidi “ELLE, Ìay 2001, pp. 222-226.
14. "
What is a black dwarf?" by George Ballianiatos “Focus”, vol. 19, September 2001, pp. 22-25.
The historical Jesus;", by Annie Herra "Ármony", Ápril 2003.
16.The Cosmology of the Mind”, by Helen Fassou, “Aeropos”, 2004, January-February 2004.
17. “Science and Religion”, by Nektaria Karakosta, Typos tis Kyriakis, “Orthodoxy and Hellenism”, 2005, January 23.
18.The Cycle of Time-Astronomy and mysterious religions”, by Helen Fassou, “Aeropos”, vol. 59, January-February 2005.
19. “A personal Interview”, by Tonia Agiopetritou Ododiktes”, January-April 2006, vol. 30, pp. 64-81.20. “For them out of timespace” by Eangellia Frantzoglou, Science and TV. ON-OFF. Elefterotypia, 2006, Sunday, August 27.
21. “Stratos Theodossiou: The astrophysisist who unlocks the peculiar knowledge about the Universe” by George Stamkos. Strange, vol. 93, Thessaloniki, November 2006, pp. 16-27.
22. Physics changes our life. An interview to Star T.V.-Lamia, 2006 December 14. 23. “We loose 1´´ every 3 million years”. An interview to Fotis Chronopoulos. Heart, vol. 214, pp. 4-5, “Typos tis Kyriakis”, 2006 December 31.
24. The dethronement of the Earth, an interview to Helen Fassou, Aeropos, vol. 74, Athens, July-August 2007.
25. In future we will colonize Mars, an interview to Anna Dalla, Vita magazine , vol. 124,
Athens, August 2007, pp. 42-46.
26. Ôhe red moon of August, an interview to Maria Panagou, Kosmos tou Ependyti News paper, Athens, August 25-26, 2007, p. 36.

27. Chaos is not an irregularity, an interview to Geoge Poupis, Macedonia News paper, Saturday 5-Sunday 6 January 2008, Art and Techonolis, p. 50.

28. The adventure is lost in the ancient times, an interview to Spiros Manouselis,  Bibliothike of the newspaper Eleftherotypia, Friday 22 February, pp. 2021.


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