Projects run by me in the period 2001-2011:

Project title Period Funded by Role in the research team
KAPOPDISTRIAS Synthesis, characterization and application of mixed metal dithiolene complexes 2001-2011 Special Reseach Account of UoA Leader of the project
PENED: Development of a theoretical and experimental model for monitoring the DNA bases" sequence and its role in drugs diagnostic ability 2002-2004 General Secretariat of Research and Technology of Greece Principal Investigator/leader of the project
IKYDA: (Max Plank, Prof F. Neese, Bonn Univ 2006-2007 State Scholarships Founation Principal Investigator/leader of the project
PYTHAGORAS I: Determination of a structure to properties relationship for di-dithio-substitud complexes. Synthesis of compounds with pre-requied properties in catalysis and photocatalysis. 2004-2007 Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK) Principal Investigator/leader of the project
HERAKLEITOS I Photoinduced oxidation of oligonucleosides (DNA) induced by a-diimine-complexes of Re and Mo. 2004-2007 Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK) Principal Investigator/leader of the project
HERAKLEITOS II Coordination compounds as probes in DNA and molecular switches. 2010-2013 Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (ESPA) Principal Investigator/leader of the project
COST D35-WG11: 2006- 2011. "Multifunctional and Switchable Molecular Materials: Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Preparations as crystals and Thin Films" 2006-2011 COST Office Management Comitte Member and Member of a working group 11 (Leader of Athens University Team)