
Papers in Journals

Vythoulkas, K., Stamatakis, M., Pozo, M., Argyraki, A. (2025) Factors affecting the bleaching performance of thermally activated palygorskite and palygorskite-smectite clays from the Ventzia Basin, west Macedonia, Greece. Clays and Clay Minerals, 73:e5.

Argyraki, A., Watts, M.J., Abdou, M. et al. (2024) Charting achievements: a two-year retrospective of the society for environmental geochemistry and health (SEGH) and the evolving strategies. Environ Geochem Health, 46, 242. (Editorial)

Vogiatzi, G., Lazaros, G., Oikonomou, E., (...), Argyraki, A., Thomaidis, N., Tousoulis, D. (2023) Impact of drinking water hardness on carotid atherosclerosis and arterial stiffness: Insights from the “Corinthia” study. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 74, 32-38.

Kourgia, P.M., Kypritidou, Z., Argyraki, A., Demetriades, A. (2023) Do humans take good care of their offspring as animals do…! the Lavreotiki and Lavrion ‘sagas’, Hellenic Republic–Part 2: hazard and risk assessment and remediation. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45(4), 1145-1152.

Kypritidou, Z., Kourgia, P.M., Demetriades, A. (2023) Do humans take good care of their offspring as animals do…! The Lavreotiki and Lavrion 'sagas', Hellenic Republic—Part 1: Historical outline and mapping of lead contamination. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45(4), 1107-1116.

Watts, M.J., Argyraki, A., Barbieri, M. et al. (2023) Editorial: The society for environmental geochemistry and health (SEGH): 50 years and beyond. Environ Geochem Health (in press).

Kypritidou, Z., Gatou, M.-A., Argyraki, A., Zotiadis, V. (2022) Micro-column testing of the dynamic adsorption of Pb by Fe-Mg clay-quartz beds. Clay Minerals, 57(3-4), 253-263.

Botsou, F., Sungur, A., Kelepertzis, E., Kypritidou, Z., Daferera, O, Massas, I., Argyraki, A., Skordas, K., Soylak, M. (2022) Estimating remobilization of potentially toxic elements in soil and road dust of an industrialized urban environment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194: 526.

Kanellopoulos, C., Argyraki, A. (2022) Multivariate statistical assessment of groundwater in cases with ultramafic rocks and anthropogenic activities influence. Applied Geochemistry, 141: 105292

Pyrgaki, K., Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A. et al.(2022) Identification of sources and transformations of nitrate in Cr(VI)-impacted alluvial aquifers by a hydrogeochemical and δ15N-NO3− and δ18O-NO3 – isotopes approach. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 29, 57703–57719

Bettencourt da Silva, R.J.N., Argyraki, A., Borges, C., Palma, C., Ramsey, M.H. (2022) Spatial Modelling of Concentration in Topsoil Using Random and Systematic Uncertainty Components: Comparison against Established Techniques. Analytical Letters, 55(14), 2199-2219.

Tashakor, M., Modabberi, S, Argyraki, A. (2022) Assessing the contamination level, sources and risk of potentially toxic elements in urban soil and dust of Iranian cities using secondary data of published literature. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 44, 645–675.

Kourgia, P.M., Argyraki, A., Paraskevopoulou, V., ...Kelepertzis, E., Dassenakis, M. (2022) Environmental Fate of Trace Elements in Depositional Sediments after Flashflood Events: The Case of Mandra Town in Greece. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(4), 2448. (open access)

Isley, C. F., Fry, K. L., Liu, X., Filippelli, G. M., Entwistle, J. A., Martin, A. P., . . . Taylor, M. P. (2022) International analysis of sources and human health risk associated with trace metal contaminants in residential indoor dust. Environmental Science and Technology, 56(2), 1053-1068.

Kelepertzis, E., Chrastný, V., Botsou, F., Sigala, E., Kypritidou, Z., Komárek, M., Skordas, K., Argyraki, A. (2021) Tracing the sources of bioaccessible metal(loid)s in urban environments: A multidisciplinary approach. Science of The Total Environment, 771, 144827.

Kypritidou, Z., Argyraki, A. (2021) Geochemical interactions in the trace element–soil–clay system of treated contaminated soils by Fe-rich clays. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 43 (7), 2483-2503.

Thompson J. R., Argyraki A., Bashton M., Bramwell L., Crown M., Hursthouse A. S., Jabeen K., Marinho Reis P., Namdeo A., Nelson A., Pearce D. A., Potgieter-Vermaak S., Rasmussen P. E., Wragg J., Entwistle J. A. (2021) Bacterial Diversity in House Dust: Characterization of a Core Indoor Microbiome. Front. Environ. Sci. 9:754657.

Pyrgaki, K., Argyraki, A., Botsou, F., Kelepertzis, E., Paraskevopoulou, V., Karavoltsos, S., Mitsis, I., Dassenakis, E. (2021) Hydrogeochemical investigation of Cr in the ultramafic rock-related water bodies of Loutraki basin, Northeast Peloponnese, Greece. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80(2), 62.

Moraetis, D., Al-Suhai, A.S., Pracejus, B., Pyrgaki, K., Argyraki, A., Dermatas, D. (2021) Origin of Cr in Alluvial and Aeolian Sediments and Ultramafic Rocks in Sultanate of Oman: Magnetic Fractionation and Sunlight Effect. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 106 (3), 458-464.

Pyrgaki, K., Argyraki, A., Kelepertzis, E., Botsou, F., Megremi, I., Karavoltsos, S., Dassenakis, E., Mpouras, Th., Dermatas, D. (2021) A DPSIR Approach to Selected Cr(VI) Impacted Groundwater Bodies of Central Greece. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 106 (3), 446-452.

Argyraki, A., Di Palma, L. & Dermatas, D. (2021) Editorial: Efficient Water Resources Management in Cr(VI) Impacted Water Bodies and Mobility of Potentially Toxic Metals in the Environment. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 106, 407–408. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-021-03171-1

Christou, A., Georgiadou, E.C., Zissimos, A.M., Christoforou, I.C., Christofi C., Neocleous, D., Dalias, P., Torrado, S.O.C.A., Argyraki, A., Fotopoulos, V. (2020) Hexavalent chromium leads to differential hormetic or damaging effects in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants in a concentration-dependent manner by regulating nitro-oxidative and proline metabolism. Environmental Pollution, 115379.

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A., Chrastný, V., Botsou, F., Skordas, K., Komárek, M., Fouskas, A. (2020) Metal(loid) and isotopic tracing of Pb in soils, road and house dusts from the industrial area of Volos (central Greece). Science of the Total Environment 725, 138300.

Assaad, N., Fadel, D., Argyraki, A., Kypritidou, Z., Bakir, A., Awad, E. (2020) Heavy Metals Accumulation in the Edible Vegetables of Lebanese Tabbouli Salad. Journal of Agricultural Science; 12, (7), 155-162. https://doi.org/10.5539/jas.v12n7p155

Fadel, D. Assaad, N., Hachem, A., Argyraki, A., Kypritidou, Z. (2020) Heavy Metals Interaction in Soil-Plant System of Carmagnola cannabis Strain. Journal of Agricultural Science; 12(7), 163-171. https://doi.org/10.5539/jas.v12n7p163

Watts, M.J., An, T., Argyraki, A. et al. (25 authors) (2019) The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH): building for the future. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. pp 1-5 (Editorial paper)

Mongelli, G., Argyraki, A., Mari Luz García Lorenzo, Maisa’a Wasif Shammout, M. W., Paternoster, M., and Simeone, V. (2019) Groundwater Quality in the Mediterranean Region. Geofluids, Article ID 7269304 (Editorial paper)

Galanopoulos, E., Skarpelis, N., Argyraki, A. (2019) Supergene alteration, environmental impact and laboratory scale acid water treatment of Cyprus-type ore deposits: case study of Mathiatis and Sha abandoned mines. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, geochem2018-070

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A., Botsou, F., Aidona, E., Szabo, A., Szabo, C. (2019) Tracking the occurrence of anthropogenic magnetic particles and potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in house dust using magnetic and geochemical analyses. Environmental Pollution, 245, 909-920.

Chi Fru, E., Callac, N., Posth, N.R., Argyraki, A., Ling, YC., Ivarsson, M., Broman, C., Kilias, S. (2018) Arsenic and high affinity phosphate uptake gene distribution in shallow submarine hydrothermal sediments. Biogeochemisry, 141 (1), 41-62. (open access)

Paraskevopoulou, P., Gurikov, P., Raptopoulos, G. Chriti, D., Papastergiou, M., Kypritidou, A., Skounakis, V., Argyraki, A. (2018) Strategies toward catalytic biopolymers: Incorporation of tungsten in alginate aerogels. Polyhedron, 154, 209-216.

Kypritidou, Z., Argyraki, A. (2018) A multi-site mechanism model for studying Pb and Cu retention from aqueous solutions by Fe-Mg-rich clays. Clay Minerals, 53 (2), 175-192.

Urrutia-Goyes, R., Argyraki, A., Ornelas-Soto, N. (2018) Characterization of soil contamination by lead around a former battery factory by applying an analytical hybrid method. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190:429.

Fouskas, F., Godelitsas, A., Argyraki, A., Pappa, F.K., Tsabaris, Ch. (2018) Metal concentrations and radioactivity in sediments at the northern coastal zone of Ikaria Island, eastern Mediterranean, Greece. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1-14.

Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Argyraki, A. (2018) Radiological and hydrochemical study of thermal and fresh groundwater samples of northern Euboea and Sperchios areas, Greece: Insights into groundwater natural radioactivity and geology. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190:265.

Georgopoulos, G., Mitsis, I., Argyraki, A., Stamatakis, M. (2018) Environmental availability of ultramafic rock derived trace elements in the fumarolic - geothermal field of Soussaki area, Greece. Applied Geochemistry, 92, 9-18.

Argyraki, A., Kelepertzis, E., Botsou, F., Paraskevopoulou, V., Katsikis, I., Trigoni, M. (2018) Environmental availability of trace elements (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) in soil from urban, suburban, rural and mining areas of Attica, Hellas. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 187, 201-213.

Kelepertzis, E., Botsou, F., Patinha, C., Argyraki, A., Massas, I. (2018) Agricultural geochemistry in viticulture: An example of Cu accumulation and geochemical fractionation in Mediterranean calcareous soils (Nemea region, Greece). Applied Geochemistry 88,23-39.

Callac, N., Posth, N.R., Rattray, J.E., Yamoah, K K.Y., Wiech, A., Ivarsson, M., Hemmingsson, C., Kilias, S.P., Argyraki, A., Broman, C., Skogby, H., Smittenberg, R.H., Chi Fru, E. (2017) Modes of carbon fixation in an arsenic and CO2-rich shallow hydrothermal ecosystem. Scientific Reports 7: 14708.

Urrutia-Goyes, R., Mahlknecht, J., Argyraki, A., Ornelas-Soto, N. (2017) Trace element soil contamination at a former shooting range in Athens, Greece. Geoderma Regional, 10, 191-199.

Urrutia-Goyes, R., Argyraki, A, Ornelas-Soto, N. (2017) Assessing Lead, Nickel, and Zinc Pollution in Topsoil from a Historic Shooting Range Rehabilitated into a Public Urban Park.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14(7), 698. (open access)

Argyraki, A., Boutsi, Z., Zotiadis, V. (2017) Towards sustainable remediation of contaminated soil by using diasporic bauxite: Laboratory experiments on soil from the sulfide mining village of Stratoni, Greece. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 183, 214-222.

Kelepertzis, E., Komarek, M., Argyraki, A. and Sillerova, H. (2016) Metal(loid) distribution and Pb isotopic signatures in the urban environment of Athens, Greece. Environmental Pollution, 213, 420-431.

Chi Fru, E., Arvestal, E., Callac, N., El Albani, A., Kilias, S., Argyraki, A., Jakobsson, M. (2015) Arsenic stress after the Proterozoic glaciations, Scientific Reports, 5:17769.

Kanellopoulos, Ch., Argyraki, A. and Mitropoulos, P. (2015) Geochemistry of serpentine agricultural soil and associated groundwater chemistry and vegetation in the area of Atalanti, Greece. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 158, 22-33.

Camilli, R., Nomikou, P., Escartín, J., Ridao, P., Mallios, A., Kilias, S. P. & Argyraki, A. and the Caldera Science Team (2015) The Kallisti Limnes, carbon dioxide-accumulating subsea pools. Scientific Reports 5:12152.

Kelepertzis, E., Paraskevopoulou, V., Argyraki, A., Fligos, G., Chalkiadaki, O. (2015) Evaluation of single extraction procedures for the assessment of heavy metal extractability in citrus agricultural soil of a typical Mediterranean environment (Argolida, Greece).Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(11), 2265-2275.

Kelepertzis, E. and Argyraki, A. (2015) Geochemical associations for evaluating the availability of potentially harmful elements in urban soils: Lessons learnt from Athens, Greece. Applied Geochemistry, 59, 63-73.

Kelepertzis, E. and Argyraki, A. (2015) Mercury in the Urban Topsoil of Athens, Greece. Sustainability, 7, 4049-4062.(open access)

Argyraki, A., Kelepertzis, E. (2014) Urban soil geochemistry in Athens, Greece: The importance of local geology in controlling the distribution of potentially harmful trace elements. Science of The Total Environment, 482–483, 366–377.

Argyraki, A. (2014) Garden soil and house dust as exposure media for lead uptake in the mining village of Stratoni, Greece. Environmental Geochemistry and Health,36 (4), 677-692.

Kilias, S.P., Nomikou, P., Papanikolaou, D., Polymenakou, P.N., Godelitsas, A., Argyraki, A., Carey, S., Gamaletsos, P., Mertzimekis, T.J., Stathopoulou, E., Goettlicher, J., Steininger, R., Betzelou, K., Livanos, I., Christakis, Ch., Croff Bell, K., Scoullos, M. (2013) New insights into hydrothermal vent processes in the unique shallow-submarine arc-volcano, Kolumbo (Santorini), Greece. Scientific Reports. (open access)

Kanellopoulos, Ch. and Argyraki, A. (2013) Soil baseline geochemistry and plant response in areas of complex geology. Application to NW Euboea, Greece. Chemie der Erde- Geochemistry, 73 (4), 519-532.

Ramsey, M.H., Solomon-Wisdom, G. and Argyraki, A. (2013) Evaluation of In Situ Heterogeneity of Elements in Solids: Implications for Analytical Geochemistry. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 37 (4), 379-391.

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A., Valakos, E. and Daftsis, E. (2012) Distribution and accumulation of metals in tadpoles inhabiting the metalliferous streams of eastern Chalkidiki, NE Greece. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 63 (3), 409-420.

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A. and Daftsis, E. (2012) Geochemical signature of surface water and stream sediments of a mineralized drainage basin at NE Chalkidiki, Greece: A pre-mining survey, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 114, 70-81. doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2011.12.006

Zotiadis, V., Argyraki, A. and Theologou, E. (2012) A Pilot Scale Application of Attapulgitic Clay for Stabilization of Toxic Elements in Contaminated Soil, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 138, 633-637. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000620

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A., Daftsis, E., Ballas, D.(2010) Geochemical background heavy metal concentrations of stream sediments at mineralized areas of NE Chalkidiki. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences 45, 153-162.[PDF]

Skarpelis, N. and Argyraki, A. (2009) The geology and origin of supergene ores in Lavrion (Attica, Greece), Resource Geology, 59, 1-14.[PDF]

Kelepertsis, A., Argyraki, A. and Alexakis, D. (2006) Multivariate statistics and spatial interpretation of geochemical data for assessing soil contamination by toxic metals in the mining area of Stratoni, North Greece, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 6, 349-355.[PDF]

Ramsey, M. H., Argyraki, A. (1997) Estimation of measurement uncertainty from field sampling: implications for the classification of contaminated land. The Science of the Total Environment, 198, 243-257.[PDF]

Argyraki, A., Ramsey, M. H., and Potts, P. J. (1997) Evaluation of portable X-ray Fluorescence instrumentation for in situ measurements of lead on contaminated land. Analyst, 122, 743-749.[PDF]

Argyraki, A., Ramsey, M.H., and Thompson, M. (1995) Proficiency testing in sampling: Pilot study on contaminated land, Analyst, 120, 2799-2803.[PDF]

Ramsey, M.H., Argyraki, A., and Thompson, M. (1995) On the collaborative trial in sampling, Analyst, 120, 2309-2311.[PDF]

Ramsey, M.H., Argyraki, A., and Thompson, M. (1995) Estimation of sampling bias between different sampling protocols on contaminated land, Analyst, 120, 1353-1356. [PDF]

Book Chapters

Demetriades, A., Johnson, C.C., Argyraki, A. (2022) Quality control procedures (Chapter 7). In: Demetriades, A., Johnson, C.C., Smith, D.B., Ladenberger, A. Adanez Sanjuan, P., Argyraki, A., Stouraiti, C., Caritat, P. de, Knights, K.V., Prieto Rincon, G., Simubali, G.N.(Editors), International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network. International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines, Athens, Hellenic Republic, Special Publication No. 2, 387-428.
ISBN: 978-618-85049-1-2. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7307696

Demetriades, A., Johnson, C.C., Argyraki, A. (2020) Quality control procedures (Chapter 4). In: Demetriades, A., Dai, H., Liu, K., Savin, I., Birke, M., Johnson, C.C., Argyraki, A.(Eds.), 2020. International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Geochemical Methods for the Global Black Soil Project. International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines, Special Publication No. 1, Athens, Hellas, 107 pages, 49 figures, 4 Tables, and 4 Appendices.
ISBN: 978-618-85049-0-5, IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines.

Argyraki, A. (2019)  Study case 5: Trace metal(oid) stabilization by raw and thermally modified geo-materials as soil amendments (Chapter 6.5). In: Merino, A., Doni, S., Evelpidou, N., Ferreira, T., GarcíaArias, A. I., Masciandaro, G., Rodríguez-González, P. M. (Eds.), 2019. Best Practices in Evaluation and Restoration of Degraded Mediterranean Environments. Monografías do Ibader - Serie Territorio.
ISSN edición dixital: 1988-8341, Ibader. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Lugo

Patinha, C., Armienta, A., Argyraki, A., Duraes, N. (2018) Inorganic pollutants in soils (Chapter 6). In: A.C. Duarte et al. (Eds.), Soil Pollution: From Monitoring to Remediation (1st Edition)
Paperback ISBN: 9780128498736, Academic Press pp. 300.

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A., Daftsis, E. (2011) Factors controlling major ion and trace element content in surface water at Asprolakkas hydrological basin, NE Chalkidiki: Implications for elemental transport mechanisms. In: N. Lambrakis et al. (Eds.), Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment, Vol. 2
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-24076-8, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 177-184.

Argyraki, A. (2010) Analysis of Variance to estimate sampling uncertainty. In: B. Geelhoed (Ed.), Approaches in Material Sampling,
ISBN print 978-1-60750-552-5, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 61-88.

Argyraki, A., Ramsey, M. H. (1998) Evaluation of inter-organisational sampling trials on contaminated land: comparison of two contrasting sites. In: Lerner, D. N. & Walton, N. R. G. (Eds) Contaminated Land and Groundwater: Future Directions. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 14, 119-125.

Ramsey, M. H., Argyraki, A. and Squire, S. (1998) Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling Contaminated Land: A Tool for Evaluating Fitness-for-Purpose. In: Contaminated Soil ’98, Thomas Telford, London, 221-230.

Argyraki, A., Ramsey, M.H., and Thompson, M. (1997) Measurement Uncertainty in Contaminated Land Investigation. In: Fowler, G. D. (Editor) Current Trends In Contaminated Land Research Society of Chemical Industry, London.

Selected Conference Proceedings/ Abstracts

A manual of standard methods for establishing the global geochemical reference network PA Sanjuan, A Demetriades, CC Johnson, D Smith, A Ladenberger, ... Goldschmidt 2023 Conference.

International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network. A Demetriades, CC Johnson, DB Smith, A Ladenberger, ... Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 2022.

Botsou, F., Argyraki, A., Kelepertzis, E. (2021) Is magnetic susceptibility a good proxy for geochemically reactive potentially toxic elements in soils? Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July.

Vogiatzi, G., Oikonomou, E., Lazaros, G., Kostakis, M., Kypritidou, Z.,... Argyraki, A., Thomaidis, N., Tousoulis, D. (2021) Water hardness and its impact on arterial stiffness and carotid atherosclerotic burdens; insights from the 'Corinthia study'. European Heart Journal, Volume 42, Issue Supplement_1, October 2021, ehab724.3146.

Argyraki, A., Pyrgaki, K., Kelepertzis, E., Botsou, F., Megremi, I. (2020) Estimation of natural background level of Cr(VI) in ultramafic rock related alluvial aquifers of central Greece: Comparison of results by statistical and deterministic preselection method approaches. 22nd EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020, id.11699.

Hatzaki, M., Argyraki, A., Gkiouleka, I., Paternoster, M., Hatipoglu Bagci, Z., Shammout, M., Moraetis, D., Christou, A., Zissimos, A. and Dermatas, D. (2017) A future climate assessment on the quality and quantity of Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater in the eastern Mediterranean. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans 11-15 December 2017.

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A. and Massas, I. (2017) Agricultural soil geochemistry of trace elements: accumulation patterns in citrus, olive groves and vineyards from Peloponnese, Greece. 7th International Conference on Medical Geology, Moscow, Russia, 28th August- 1st September 2017 Book of Abstracts.

Argyraki A., Lampiri M., Kypritidou Z. & Zotiadis V. (2017) Trace Metal(oid) Stabilization by Raw and Thermally Modified Geo-Materials as Soil Amendments. Goldschmidt Paris 2017, August 13-18.

Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Paraskevopoulou V, Mitsis I. & Dassenakis E. (2017) Geogenic Occurrence of CrVI in Groundwater of Northeast Peloponnese, Greece. Goldschmidt Paris 2017, August 13-18.

Kilias S, Zygouri E, Nomikou P, Chrysafeni M, Ivarsson M, Chi Fru E, El Albani A, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Argyraki A, Polymenakou P & Carey S (2017) Metal Resource Potential of Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides at Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece. Goldschmidt Paris 2017, August 13-18.

Zygouri E, Kilias S, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Chi Fru E, Nomikou P, Argyraki A, Ivarsson M, Polymenakou P & Carey S. (2017) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Au-Cu Coupling in Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece. Goldschmidt Paris 2017, August 13-18.

Pyrgaki, K., Argyraki, A., Kelepertzis, E., Paraskevopoulou, V., Botsou, F., Dassenakis, E., Mitsis, I., Skourtsos, E. (2017) Occurrence of hexavalent chromium in the ophiolite related aquifers of Loutraki and Schinos areas. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50 (4), 2261-2270. Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/bgsg.14292

Papazotos P., Chalkiadaki O., Chatzistamatiou E.A., Georgopoulos G., Gkiouleka I., Katsikis I., Zygouri E., Kelepertzis E., and Argyraki A. (2017) HEAVY METALS IN URBAN PARK SOILS FROM ATHENS, GREECE. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(4), 2251-2260. Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/bgsg.14281

Kypritidou Z., Argyraki A., Chryssikos G., and Stamatakis M. (2017) INTERACTION OF CLAY MATERIALS WITH LEAD IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(4), 2221-2230. Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/bgsg.14278

Kelepertzis E., Massas I., Fligos G., Panagiotou M., and Argyraki A. (2017) COPPER ACCUMULATION IN VINEYARD SOILS FROM NEMEA, GREECE. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. XLVΙII,2016, Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016

Gousgouni M., Kilias S.P., Godelitsas A., Gamaletsos, P., Mertzimekis T.J., Nomikou, P., Argyraki, A., Goettlicher J., Steininger R. and Papanikolaou D. (2017) ANTIMONY FIXATION IN SOLID PHASES AT THE HYDROTHERMAL FIELD OF KOLUMBO SUBMARINE ARC-VOLCANO (SANTORINI): DEPOSITION MODEL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(4), 2200-2209. Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/bgsg.14275

Argyraki, A. (2017) ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: CASE STUDIES FROM GREECE. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. XLVΙII,2016, Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016.

Fadel D., Argyraki A., Papageorgiou S., Kelepertzis E. (2017) HEAVY METALS IN CULTIVATED SOIL AND PLANTS OF DAMOUR URBAN AREA - LEBANON. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. XLVΙII,2016, Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016.

Kazantzoglou A., Argyraki, A., Papageorgiou S. and Fadel, D. (2017) INTERACTION OF HEAVY METALS IN THE SOIL- PLANT SYSTEM OF URBAN GARDENS IN ATHENS, GREECE. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50 (4), 2200-2209. Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016.

Αργυράκη Α. και Χρυσοστομίδης Π. (2016) ΕΚΤΙΜΗΣΗ ΕΤΕΡΟΓΕΝΕΙΑΣ ΕΔΑΦΟΥΣ ΑΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΩΝ ΩΣ ΔΙΑΓΝΩΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΟΝΤΑΣ ΠΡΟΕΛΕΥΣΗΣ ΒΑΡΕΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΩΝ. 6o Τακτικό Εθνικό Συνέδριο Mετρολογίας, 13 - 14 Μαΐου 2016, Πολεμικό Μουσείο, Αθήνα

Argyraki, A. Kelepertzis, E. and Botsou, F. (2016) Magnetic susceptibility predicts trace metal contamination levels in house dust from Athens, Greece. 32nd International Conference on Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 4th-8th July 2016 Brussels, Belgium.

Galanopoulos, E., Skarpelis, N. and Argyraki, A. (2016) Environmental impact of the weathering of Cu-pyrite mineralization and mining waste at the Mathiatis abandoned mine (Cyprus): neutralization tests of acid mine waters. 32nd International Conference on Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 4th-8th July 2016 Brussels, Belgium.

Gatou, M. A., Argyraki , A. and Zotiadis, V. (2016) Raw and thermally modified diasporic bauxite as an effective binder of Pb in aqueous solutions. 32nd International Conference on Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 4th-8th July 2016 Brussels, Belgium.

Kelepertzis, E., Komarek, M., Argyraki, A. and Sillerove, H. (2016) Lead isotope signatures in different particle sizes and chemical fractions from Athens urban soil: possible linkage with house dust. 32nd International Conference on Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 4th-8th July 2016 Brussels, Belgium

Callac, N., Hemmingsson, C., Posth, N. R., Ivarsson, M., Argyraki, A., Kilias, S. P., Chi Fru, E. (2015) Metagenomics and biogeochemistry of shallow submarine vent field, Spathi Bay, Milos Island, Greece. Goldschmidt 2015 Conference Abstracts, Mineralogical Magazine.

Argyraki, A., Boutsi, Z. and Zotiadis, V. (2015) Sustainable remediation of contaminated soil by using Greek diasporic bauxite. 6th International Conference on Medical Geology, Aveiro Portugal 26th July- 1st August 2015 Book of Abstracts.

Kelepertzis, E. and Argyraki, A. (2015) Environmental availability of potentially harmful elements in Athens soil. 6th International Conference on Medical Geology, Aveiro Portugal 26th July- 1st August 2015 Book of Abstracts.

Argyraki, A., Argyropoulou, E. and Zotiadis, V. (2015) Response of the edible herb Centauria raphanina to elevated heavy metal concentrations in soil of the protected forest area in Lavrion Greece. 31st International Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. 22nd-26th June 2015 Book of Abstracts.

Pyrgaki, K., Messini, P., and Argyraki, A. (2014) Adsorption of Pb(II) and Cu(II) from aqueous solutions by Greek attapulgite clay. Coastal Lanscapes, Mining Activities & Preservation of Cultural Heritage, 17-20 September 2014, Milos Island, Book of Abstracts.

Papageorgiou, F., Godelitsas, A., Xanthos, S., Voulgaris, N., Nastos, P., Mertzimekis, T.J., Argyraki, A. and Katsantonis, G. (2014) Characterization of phosphogypsum deposited in Schistos remediated waste site (Piraeus, Greece). In: B.J. Merkel, A. Arab (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology. Uranium- Past and Future Challenges. pp 271-280.

Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Argyraki, A. (2014) Geochemical effect of ultrabasic ophiolithic rock chemistry and anthropogenic activities on groundwater contamination: the case of Atalanti area, Greece. Proceedings of XX Carpathian Balkan Geological Association Congress, Tirana, Albania, 24-26 September 2014, 329-332.

Zotiadis, V. and Argyraki, A. (2013) Development of innovative environmental applications of attapulgite clay. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress Chania, Sept. 2013, vol. XLVII No. 2, 992-1001.

Argyraki, A., Paraskos, F., Marmara, M., Papadopoulou, K. and Maglaropoulou, A. (2013) Comparative geochemistry of three urban streams in Athens: Kifissos- Podoniftis- Pikrodafni. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress Chania, Sept. 2013 vol. XLVII No. 2, 910-919.

Argyraki, A., Kelepertzis, E., Fligos, G., Athanasiou, E., Gardiakos, K. and Kourgia, V. (2013) Geochemical mapping of urban soils in Athens, Greece- preliminary results. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress Chania, Sept. 2013, vol. XLVII No.2, 901-909.

Argyraki A, Messini P & Zotiadis V (2013) Sorption of Pb(II) from Aqueous Solution by Greek Attapulgite Clay.Goldschmidt 2013 Conference Abstracts, Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 613.

Kilias S, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Nomikou P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Argyraki A, Gousgouni M & Papanikolaou D (2013) Antimony in Hydrothermal Chimneys of Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Vent Field (Santorini, Greece). Goldschmidt 2013 Conference Abstracts, Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 1459.

Gidaropoulou, A.E., Argyraki, A., Zotiadis, V., Kacandes, G. (2012) A laboratory scale study on sewage sludge treatment by attapulgitic clay. Πρακτικά 4ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου ΕΕΔΣΑ: Διαχείριση Στερεών Αποβλήτων σε Κρίση (ISBN: 978-960-6865-54-1). Αθήνα 30 Νοεμβρίου- 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2012. 379-386.

Argyraki, A., Zotiadis, V. (2012) Assessment of heterogeneity in heavy metal contamination in soil: An example from a historical mining and smelting waste deposit in Lavrion, Greece. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (ISBN: 978-960-8475-16-8). 12th-14th September 2012 Chania, Greece. S6.5

Kypritidou, Z., Argyraki, A. (2012) Time evolution of a landfill leachate affected aquifer in Elaionas area, Athens. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (ISBN: 978-960-8475-16-8). 12th-14th September 2012 Chania, Greece. P30

Argyraki, A., Kelepertzis, E.(2012) Pre-mining environmental geochemical survey of a mineralised watershed in North Greece. 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Book of Abstracts (ISBN: 978-972-789-365-2). Aveiro Portugal July 15-21, 2012, p.19.

Argyraki, A., Godelitsas, A., Petrakaki, N., Astilleros, J.M., Karageorgis, A. (2011) Mobilization of Pb from Weathered Shots at a Firing Range in Athens, Greece.Goldschmidt 2011 Conference Abstracts, Mineralogical Magazine, 450.

Argyraki, A. and Petrakaki, N. (2010) Heterogeneity in heavy metal concentrations in the soil of a firing range area at Kesariani, Athens, Greece, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XLIII, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress in Planet Earth: Geological Processes & Sustainable Development, Patras, May 2010, 2319-2326.

Papastamatiou, D., Skarpelis, N. and Argyraki, A. (2010) Air quality in mining areas: the case of Stratoni, Chalkidiki, Greece, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XLIII, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress in Planet Earth: Geological Processes & Sustainable Development, Patras, May 2010, 2510-2519.

Kelepertzis, E., Argyraki, A, Daftsis, E. and Ballas, D. (2010) Quality characteristics of surface waters at Asprolakkas river basin, NE Chalkidiki, Greece, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XLIII, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress in Planet Earth: Geological Processes & Sustainable Development, Patras, May 2010, 1737-1746.

Skarpelis, N., Argyraki, A. & Grypioti, A. (2009) Characterization of sources of inhalable particulate matter (PM10) in the old processing and smelting site of lavrion, Greece. Goldschmidt 2009, Davos, Switzerland, Special Supplement Geoch. et Cosmoch. Acta 73, no 13S, p. A 1324.

Chatzidiakos, E., Fanouraki, M., Kelepertsis, A., Argyraki, A. and Alexakis, D. (2009) Speciation and mobility of arsenic and antimony in groundwater at Melivoia, East Thessaly and Keramos area NW Chios, Greece. Proceedings of the 8th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece, Athens 8-10 October 2008, 1:219-228.[PDF]

Argyraki, A., Plakaki, A. and Godelitsas, A. (2007) Characterization of garden soil pollution in the mining village of Stratoni, N Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XXXX, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress in Geoenvironment past, present, future, Athens 24-26 May, 1331.[PDF]

Chatzidiakos, E., Fanouraki, M., Kelepertsis, A., Argyraki, A., and Alexakis, D. (2006) Environmental research on groundwater pollution by toxic elements in two mineralized areas of NW Chios Island and East Thessaly, Greece. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference in Water Science and Technology, Athens 23-26 November 2006.

Fanouraki, M., Chatzidiakos, E., Argyraki, A., and Kelepertsis, A. (2006) Building a GIS database for spatial interpretation of arsenic and antimony concentrations in the soil-rock-groundwater system of NW Chios and East Thessaly. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference in Water Science and Technology, Athens 23-26 November 2006.

Argyraki, A. (2005) Methods for estimating measurement uncertainty from sampling in environmental geochemistry soil investigations. Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Metrology, Athens. 11-12 November, 184. (in Greek)

Durr, P.A., Argyraki, A., Ramsey, M.H., Clifton-Hadley, R.S. (2000) Agro-ecological databases for spatial correlation studies: Methodological issues, Proceedings of Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Edinbrough 29-31 March 2000.

Technical Reports

Argyraki, A. (2017) Baseline geochemistry in the vicinity of clay quarries of GEO HELLAS S.A., Grevena Prefecture. Technical Report for GEO HELLAS S.A., NKUA, Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. (2016) Geochemical characterization of low grade quarried clay of GEO HELLAS S.A. Technical Report for GEO HELLAS S.A., NKUA, Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A., (2016) Baseline geochemistry upstream of mining operation areas of Hellas Gold S.A., Chalkidiki Prefecture. Technical Report for HELLAS GOLD S.A., NKUA, Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. (2015) Urban soil geochemical mapping of Athens, Greece- Municipality of Agios Dimitrios. Report for the Municipality of Agios Dimitrios., University of Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. (2015) Environmental study of geochemical and geotechnical parameters in Pikrodafni stream, Athens. Report for the Municipality of Agios Dimitrios., University of Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. (2014) Soil monitoring planning in the mining areas of Kassandra, Chalkidiki. Report for ENVECO S.A., University of Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. and Kelepertzis, E. (2013) Geochemical and environmental characterisation of urban soil in Athens Greece focusing on mobility and bioaccessibility of potentially harmful elements. Report for John Latsis Public Benefit Foundation- Scientific Studies 2013. University of Athens. (in Greek with English abstract).

Argyraki, A. (2013) Laboratory study of Geohellas S.A. clay products for environmental applications. Report for Geohellas S.A., University of Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. (2012) Micromineralogy of solid phases in waste material from a medical unit incinarator. Report for Envirometrics S.A., University of Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. (2006) Premining Geochemical Survey of Piavitsa Creek, Chalkidiki. Report for Hellas Gold S.A., University of Athens, Athens. (in Greek)

Argyraki, A. and Ndile, S.D.B. (2002) Assessment of Data Collection System(s) and Use in Planning at Regional, Council and Sub-Council Levels, Final Report -Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), IRDP, Dodoma.

Argyraki, A. and Katega, I.B. (2002) Assessment of Willingness and Capacity of District and Sub-District Levels in Piloting O&OD Strategic Planning, Final Report -Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), IRDP, Dodoma.

Argyraki, A., Durr, P. and Ramsey, M.H. (2000) Preparation and Evaluation of an Environmental GIS Database, VLA Project SE3001, Imperial College, London.

Argyraki, A., Kinnersley, R., and Ramsey, M.H. (1999) Optimizing Emergency Sampling Strategy Following a Release of Radioactive Material into the Environment, MAFF Research Contract No. RP0249, Imperial College, London.

Dissertations and Theses

Argyraki, A. (1997) Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty in the Sampling of Contaminated Land, PhD Thesis, University of London, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London.

Argyraki, A. and Kamtsiou, T. (1992) Geological Observations in SW Attica and Patroklos Island, BSc dissertation, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens (in Greek).