
Antonis Botinis |
Publications |
Books |
1989 |
Botinis, A.
Stress and Prosodic Structure in Greek
Lund: Lund University Press |
2009 |
Φωνητική της Ελληνικής, 1η έκδοση
Αθήνα: Leader Books
2011 |
Φωνητική της Ελληνικής 2η έκδοση (The phonetics of Greek 2nd ed).
ISEL editions
Edited volumes |
1997 |
Botinis, A., Kouroupetroglou, G. and Carayannis, G. (eds.)
Proceedings of the ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Intonation: Theory, Models and Applications, Athens , Greece |
2000 |
Botinis, A. and Torstein, N. (eds.)
Proceedings of th XIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2000. Department of Languages, Skövde University
2000 |
Botinis, A. (ed.)
Intonation: Analysis, Modelling and Technology
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers |
2001 |
Botinis, A. (ed.)
Special issue, Speech Communication 33 |
2006 |
Botinis, A. (ed.)
Proceedings of the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens , Greece |
2008 |
Botinis, A. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 2ndISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens , Greece |
2010 |
Botinis, A. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 3rd ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens , Greece |
2011 |
Botinis, A. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 4ndISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens , Greece |
2012 |
Botinis, A. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 5rd ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens , Greece |
Book chapters |
1998 |
Botinis, A.
Greek intonation
In Hirst, D. and Di Cristo, A. (eds.), Intonation Systems: A Survey of Twenty Languages, 280-310. Cambridge University Press |
2000 |
Botinis, A.
In Botinis, A. (ed.), Intonation: Analysis, Modelling and Technology, 1-10. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers |
2000 |
Botinis, A., Bannert, R. and Tatham, M.
Contrastive tonal analysis of focus perception in Greek and Swedish
In Botinis, A. (ed.), Intonation: Analysis, Modelling and Technology. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers |
2001 |
Botinis, A., Granström, B and Möbius, B.
Developments and paradigms in intonation research.
In Botinis, A. (ed.), Intonation. Special issue, Speech Communication 33, 263-296 |
2004 |
Bannert, R., Botinis, A., Gawronska, B. and Hollenstein, G.
Anforderungen an eine Lernumgebung für computergestütztes Fremdsprachenlernen.
In Jendis , M., Malmqvist , M. and Valfridson , I. ( eds .), Norden und S ü den , 27-40. Publications of Modern Languages 12, Umeå University |
Journal articles |
1999 |
Fourakis, M., Botinis, A . and Katsaiti, M .
Acoustic characteristics of Greek vowels
Phonetica 56, 28-43 |
2000 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M . and Prinou, I .
Acoustic structure of the Greek stop consonants
Glossologia 11-12, 167-199 |
2001 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M ., Panagiotopoulou, N . and Pouli, K .
Greek vowel durations and Prosodic interactions
Glossologia 13, 101-123 |
Working papers |
1981 |
Botinis, A.
The Greek vowels.
Working Papers 21, 29-36. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1982 |
Botinis, A.
Stress in Modern Greek: an acoustic study.
Working Papers 22, 27-38. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1982 |
Botinis, A.
Stress in Modern Greek: a physiological study
Working Papers 22 , 39-49. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1982 |
Gårding, E., Botinis, A and Touati, P.
A comparative study of Swedish, Greek and French intonation
Working Papers 22, 137-152. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1986 |
Botinis, A.
The Prosodic structure of Greek.
Working Papers 29, 61-66. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1988 |
Bruce, G., Touati, P., Botinis, A. and Willstedt, U.
Preliminary report from the KIPROS project.
Working Papers 33, 23-50. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1989 |
Botinis, A.
Discourse intonation in Greek
Working Papers 35, 5-23. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1992 |
Botinis, A.
Accentual distribution in Greek discourse
Travaux de l'Institut de Phonetique d'Aix, vol. 14, 13-52 |
Conference proceedings |
1988 |
Bruce, G., Willstedt, U, Touati, P. and Botinis, A.
Dialogue prosody
Proceedings of the II th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 88. Working Papers 34, 11-14. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1991 |
Botinis, A.
Intonation patterns in Greek discourse
Proceedings of the XII th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, vol. 4, 286-289, Aix-En-Provence , France |
1993 |
Botinis, A.
Intonation and prosodic coherence in Greek discourse
Proceedings of ESCA Workshop on Prosody . Working Papers 41, 100-103, Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1994 |
Botinis, A.
Tonal segmentation and tonal binding in discourse interpretation.
Proceedings of the VIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 94. Working Papers 42, 24-27. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
1995 |
Botinis, A.
Tonal correlates of discourse structure
Proceedings of the XIII th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, vol. 2, 366-369, Stockhol , Sweden |
1995 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. and Katsaiti, M.
Acoustic characteristics of Greek vowels under different prosodic conditions.
Proceedings of the XIII th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, vol. 4, 404-407, Stockholm, Sweden |
1997 |
Botinis, A. and Bannert, R.
Tonal perception of focus in Greek and Swedish.
In Botinis, A. Kouroupetroglou, G. And Carayannis, G. (eds.), Intonation: Theory, Models and Applications , 47-50. ESCA Workshop on Intonation, Athens, Greece |
1997 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. and Hawks, J.
A Perceptual study of the Greek vowel space using synthetic stimuli.
Proceedings of the 5 th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH 97, vol. 3, 1307-10, Rhodes, Greece |
1999 |
Botinis, A., Erkenborn, S., Isacsson, C. and Westin, P.
Prosodic variability and segmental durations in Greek and Swedish.
Proceedings of the VII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 99. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 81, 27-30 |
1999 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. and Gawronska, B.
Focus identification in English, Greek and Swedish.
Proceedings of the XIV th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, vol. 2, 1557-60, San Francisco, USA |
1999 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. and Prinou, I.
Prosodic effects on segmental durations in Greek
Proceedings of the 6 th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH 99, vol. 6, 2475-78, Budapest, Hungary. |
2000 |
Botinis, A., Gawronska, B., Morton, K. and Tatham, M.
Tempo, syntax and pause durations in English, Greek and Swedish.
Proceedings of the VIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2000, 41-44. Department of Languages, Skövde University |
2000 |
Botinis, A. and Torstein, N. (eds.)
Proceedings of the VIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2000. Department of Languages, Skövde University |
2001 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. and Bannert, R.
Prosodic interactions on segmental durations in Greek.
Proceedings of th 7 th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH 2001, vol. 2, 923-926, Aalborg, Denmark |
2001 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. and Bannert, R.
Prosodic interactions on segmental durations in Greek.
Proceedings of the XIV th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2001. Working Papers 49, 10-13. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University |
2001 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. Panagopoulou, N. and Pouli, K.
Segmental durations under variable conditions in Greek”.
5th International Congress of Greek Linguistics, vol. 1, 115-18, Paris, France |
2001 |
Fant, G., Kruckenberg, A., Liljencrants, J. And Botinis, A.
Prominence correlates. A study of Swedish.
Proceedings of the 7 th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH 2001, vol. 1, 657-60, Aalborg , Denmark |
2002 |
Botinis, A., Bannert, R., Fourakis, M. and Pagoni-Tetlow, S.
Crosslinguistic segmental durations and prosodic typology.
International Conference of Speech Prosody 2002, 183-186, Aix-en-Provence, France |
2002 |
Botinis, A., Bannert, R., Fourakis, M. and Pagoni-Tetlow, S.
Prosodic effects and crosslinguistic durations.
Proceedings of the XV th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2002. TMH-QPSR, vol.44, 77-80 |
2002 |
Fant, G., Kruckenberg, A., Liljencrants, J. and Botinis, A.
Individual variations in prominence correlates. Some observations from “lab-speech”.
Proceedings of th XV th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2002. TMH-QPSR, vol.44, 177-180 |
2002 |
Μποτίνης Α., Bannert , R . και Τζιμώκας, Δ.
Διαγλωσσική προσωδία της έμφασης ανδρών και γυναικών. Πρακτικά του 6ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Γλωσσολογίας, Ρέθυμνο, Κρήτη
http://www.philology.uoc.gr/conferences/6thICGL/wscl/. |
2002 |
Φουράκης, Μ., Μποτίνης, Α. και Νιργιανάκη,
Χρονικά χαρακτηριστικά των συμφωνικών ακολουθιών [ ps ], [ ts ] και [ ks ] στην Ελληνική Πρακτικά του 6ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Γλωσσολογίας, Ρέθυμνο, Κρήτη
http://www.philology.uoc.gr/conferences/6thICGL/. |
2003 |
Bannert, R., Botinis, A., Gawronska, B., and Hollenstein, G.
Requirements on Infrastructure for CALL ( Computer Assisted Language Learning).
Proceedings of The International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Education, Science, and Medicine on the Internet, L'Aquila, << Italy (www.ssgrr.it) |
2003 |
Botinis, A., Gawronska, B., Erlendsson, B. and Torstensson, N.
Syntactic correlates and discourse correlates of pause distribution and duration in German, Swedish, and Icelandic.
Proceedings of NoDaLiDa (Nordiska Datalingvistikdagarna), Reykiavik, Iceland |
2003 |
Botinis, A. and Bannert, R.
Focus and gender interactions and prosodic correlates
Proceedings of the XVI th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2003, 105-108, Umeå, Sweden |
2003 |
Botinis, A., Gawronska, B. and Haida, A.
Modality disambiguation and tonal correlates
Proceedings of the XVI th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2003, 109-112, Umeå, Sweden |
2003 |
Botinis, A., Gawronska, B., Katsika, A. and Panagopoulou, D.
Prosodic speech production and thematic segmentation
Proceedings of the XVI th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2003, 113-116, Umeå, Sweden |
2003 |
Bannert, R., Botinis, A., Gawronska, B. And Katsika, A.
Discourse structure and prosodic correlates
Proceedings of the XV th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1292-95, Barcelona, Spain |
2003 |
Botinis, A.
Focus and gender tonal interactions
Proceedings of the XV th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1826-29, Barcelona, Spain |
2003 |
Botinis, A., Gawronska, B., Bannert, R. and Sandblom, E.
Crosslinguistic analysis and modeling of prosody
Proceedings of the XV th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1305-08, Barcelona, Spain |
2004 |
Botinis, A., Bakakou-Orphanou, A., Tafroglou, H. and Chistopoulou, A.
Produced pauses, perceived pauses and thematic units
Proceedings of the XVII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2004, 112-115, Stockholm, Sweden |
2004 |
Botinis, A., Christofi, M., Themistocleous , Ch. and Kyprianou, A.
Duration correlates in Cypriot Greek
Proceedings of the XVII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2004, 144-147, Stockholm, Sweden |
2004 |
Botinis, A., Ganetsou, S., Griva, M. and Bizani, H.
Prosodic phrasing and syntactic structure in Greek
Proceedings of the XVII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2004, 96-99, Stockholm, Sweden |
2005 |
Botinis, A., Charalambakis , Ch. , Fourakis, M. and Gawronska, B.
Athens 2006 ISCA Workshop on experimental linguistics
Proceedings of the XVIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2005, 131-134, Gothenburg, Sweden |
2005 |
Botinis, A., Genetsou, S. and Griva, M.
Prosodic phrasing and focus production in Greek
Proceedings of the XVIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2005, 95-98, Gothenburg, Sweden |
2005 |
Botinis, A., Fourakis, M. and Orphanidou, I.
Vowel durations of normal and pathological speech
Proceedings of the XVIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2005, 123-126, Gothenburg, Sweden |
2005 |
Botinis, A., Kostopoulos, Y., Nikolaenkova, O. and Themistokleous, C.
Syntactic and tonal correlates of focus in Greek and Russian.
Proceedings of the XVIII th Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2005, 99-102, Gothenburg, Sweden |
2006 |
Botinis, A. Fourakis, M., Hawks, J.W. and Orfanidou, I.
Production and perception of Greek vowels in normal and cerebral palsy speech
Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, 89-92, Athens, Greece |
2007 |
Botinis, A., Bakakou-Orphanou., K., Themistocleous, Ch.
A multifactor analysis of Greek discourse. 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 1341-1344. Saarbrucken, Germany. |
Botinis, A., Nikolaenkova, O., Fourakis, M.
Rhythm and stress intervals in Greek and Russian. Proceedings of the 3rd ISCA Workshop on Experimental Linguistics ExLing 2008, 41-44. Athens, Greece. |
2011 |
Botinis, A.,Bakakou-Orphanou, A., Chaida, A.
Prosody and quantifier semantics in Greek. Proceedings of the ExLing 2011, 39-42. Paris, France. |
2011 |
Botinis, A., Chaida, A., Magoula, E.
Phonology and phonetics of Greek palatalisation. Proceedings of the ExLing 2011, 43-46. Paris, France. |
2012 |
Botinis, A., Iliadi, A., Liontos, M., Nirgianaki, E.
Stress and syllable structure durations in Greek. Proceedings of the ExLing 2012, 25-28. Athens, Greece. |
2013 |
Botinis, A., Chaida, A., Georgouli, M.
Alternative questions and sentence intonation in Greek. Proceedings of the XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2013, 5-8, Linköping, Sweden. |
2013 |
Botinis, A.,Bakakou-Orphanou, A., Chaida, A.
Sentence functions and tonal semantics in Greek. 7th ISCA/AISV Conference, 2011, Lecce, Italy. |
2013 |
Chaida, A., Nikolaenkova, O., Botinis, A.
Perception of focus and word order variability in Greek. Proceedings XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2013, 9-12, Linköping, Sweden. |
2013 |
Nirgianaki, E., Botinis, A., Fourakis, M.
Perception of fricative voice distinctions in Greek. Proceedings XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference FONETIK 2013, 61-64, Linköping, Sweden. |