I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, at the University of Athens and the Director of MSc in Language Technology. Additionally, I am a Lead Researcher at Archimedes AI, Athena RC. Previously, I was with Samsung AI Research Centre in Cambridge and Imperial College London. I obtained a Ph.D. and MSc in computer science from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, following a BSc from the University of Athens.
My research focuses on machine learning for information processing across multiple modalities, including vision, audio, neural signals, and graphs, with particular interest in mathematical aspects of deep learning related to generalization, robustness, and interpretation and their interface with tensor methods. On these topics, I have published over 100 articles in leading journals and conferences.
J. Oldfield, C. Tzelepis, Y. Panagakis, M. A. Nicolaou and I. Patras
Bilinear models of parts and appearances in Generative Adversarial Networks
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024 -
K. Barmpas, Y. Panagakis, G. Zoumpourlis, D. A. Adamos, N. Laskaris, and S. Zafeiriou
A causal perspective on brainwave modeling for brain–computer interfaces
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2024 - T. Kefalas, Y. Panagakis and M. Pantic
Large-scale unsupervised audio pre-training for video-to-speech synthesis
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2024 -
S. Ludwig, S. Bakas, D. A. Adamos, N. Laskaris, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
EEGminer: Discovering interpretable features of brain activity with learnable filters
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2024 -
G. Kourmouli, N. Kostagiolas, M. A. Nicolaou and Y. Panagakis
Locality-preserving directions for interpreting the latent space of satellite image GANs
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023 -
K. Barmpas, Y. Panagakis, D. A. Adamos, N. Laskaris, and S. Zafeiriou,
Scattering Net: a lightweight network for EEG-based motor imagery recognition,
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2023 -
T. Kefalas, E. Fotiadou, M. Georgopoulos, Y. Panagakis, P. Ma, S. Petridis, T. Stafylakis, and M. Pantic,
KAN-AV dataset for audio-visual face and speech analysis in the wild,
Image and Vision Computing Journal, 2023 -
V. Kouni and Y. Panagakis
DECONET: An Unfolding Network for Analysis-Based Compressed Sensing With Generalization Error Bounds
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023 -
K. Barmpas, Y. Panagakis, S. Bakas, D. A. Adamos, N. Laskaris and S. Zafeiriou
Improving Generalization of CNN-Based Motor-Imagery EEG Decoders via Dynamic Convolutions
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023 -
K. Barmpas, Y. Panagakis, S. Bakas, D. A. Adamos, N. Laskaris and S. Zafeiriou
Improving Generalization of CNN-Based Motor-Imagery EEG Decoders via Dynamic Convolutions
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023 -
Y. Panagakis, J. Kossaifi, G Chrysos, J. Oldfield, M. Nicolaou, A. Anandkumar, and S. Zafeiriou
Tensor methods in computer vision and deep learning
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2021 -
G. Chrysos, S. Moschoglou, G. Bouritsas, J Deng, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Deep polynomial neural networks
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021 -
J. Kossaifi, R. Walecki, Y. Panagakis, J. Shen, M. Schmitt, F. Ringeval, J. Han, V. Pandit, A. Toisoul, B. W. Schuller, K. Star, E. Hajiyev, and M. Pantic
SEWA DB: A rich database for audio-visual emotion and sentiment research in the wild
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021 -
A. Kolbeinsson, J. Kossaifi, Y. Panagakis, A. Bulat, A. Anandkumar, I. Tzoulaki, and P. Matthews
Tensor Dropout for robust learning
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2021 -
M. Georgopoulos, J. Oldfield, M. Nicolaou, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Mitigating demographic bias in facial datasets with style-based multi-attribute transfer
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2021 -
J. Oldfield, Y. Panagakis, and M. Nicolaou
Adversarial learning of disentangled and generalizable representations of visual attributes
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021 -
M. Georgopoulos, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Investigating bias in deep face analysis: The KANFace dataset and empirical study
Image and Vision Computing, 2020 -
A. Kolbeinsson, S. Filippi, Y. Panagakis, P. M Matthews, P. Elliott, A. Dehghan, and I. Tzoulaki
Accelerated MRI-predicted brain ageing and its associations with cardiometabolic and brain disorders
Nature Scientific Reports, 2020 -
G. Chrysos and Y. Panagakis
NAPS: Non-adversarial polynomial synthesis
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020 -
J. Pu, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Active speaker detection and localization in videos using low-rank and kernelized sparsity
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020 -
J. Pu, Y. Panagakis, S. Petridis, J. Shen, and M. Pantic
Blind audio-visual localization and separation via low-rank and sparsity
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020 -
M. Wang, Z. Shu S. Cheng, Y. Panagakis, D. Samaras, and S. Zafeiriou
An adversarial neuro-tensorial approach for learning disentangled representations
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2019 -
L. Tran, J. Kossaifi, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Disentangling geometry and appearance with regularised geometry-aware generative adversarial networks
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2019 -
J. Kossaifi, Y. Panagakis, A. Anandkumar, and M. Pantic
TensorLy: Tensor learning in Python
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2018 -
V. Gligorijevic, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Non-negative matrix factorizations for multiplex network analysis
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018 -
N. Xue, J. Deng, S. Cheng, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Side information for face completion: A robust PCA approach
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2019 -
M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Robust Kronecker component analysis
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018 -
V. Hovhannisyan, Y. Panagakis, P. Parpas, and S. Zafeiriou
Fast multilevel algorithms for compressive principal component pursuit
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2018 -
C. Georgakis, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Dynamic behaviour analysis via structured rank minimization
Internatinal Journal of Computer Vision, 2018 -
M. Georgopoulos, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Modelling of facial aging and kinship: A survey
Image and Vision Computing Journal, 2018 -
S. Moschoglou, E. Ververas, Y. Panagakis, M. Nicolaou, and S. Zafeiriou
Multi-attribute robust component analysis for facial UV maps
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2018 -
J. Booth, E. Antonakos, S. Ploumpis, G. Trigeorgis, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
3D Reconstruction of “in-the-wild” faces in images and videos
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018 -
C. Sagonas, E. Ververas, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Recovering joint and individual components in facial data
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2017 -
M. Wang, Y. Panagakis, P. Snape, and S. Zafeiriou
Disentangling the modes of variation in unlabelled data
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2017 -
C. Sagonas, Y. Panagakis, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
Robust statistical frontalization of human and animal faces
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2016 -
C. Georgakis, Y. Panagakis, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
The Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) database
Image and Vision Computing Journal, 2017 -
L. Zafeiriou, Y. Panagakis, M. Pantic, and S. Zafeiriou
Non-negative decompositions for analysis of dynamic visual data
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017 -
Y. Panagakis, M. Nicolaou, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
Robust correlated and individual component analysis
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2016 -
C. Georgakis, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Discriminant incoherent components analysis
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016 -
Y. Panagakis, C. Kotropoulos, and G. R. Arce
Music genre classification via joint sparse low-rank representation of audio features
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2014 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Elastic net subspace clustering applied to pop/rock music structure analysis
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2014 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Music classification by low-rank semantic mappings
EURASIP Journal Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2013 -
Y. Panagakis, C. Kotropoulos, and G. R. Arce
Non-negative multilinear principal component analysis of auditory temporal modulations for music genre classification
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2010 -
M. Kotti, D. Ververidis, G. Evangelopoulos, Y. Panagakis, C. Kotropoulos, P. Maragos, and I. Pitas
Audio-assisted movie dialogue detection
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2008
P. Koromilas, G. Bouritsas, T. Giannakopoulos, M. Nicolaou, and Y. Panagakis
Bridging mini-batch and asymptotic analysis in contrastive learning: From InfoNCE to Kernel-based losses
ICML, 2024 -
M. Plitsis, T. Kouzelis, G. Paraskevopoulos, V. Katsouros, and Y. Panagakis
Investigating personalization methods in text to music generation
ICASSP, 2024 -
J. Oldfield, C. Tzelepis, Y. Panagakis, M.A. Nicolaou, and I. Patras
Parts of Speech-Grounded Subspaces in Vision-Language Models
NeurIPS, 2023 -
P. Koromilas, M.A. Nicolaou, T. Giannakopoulos, and Y. Panagakis
MMATR: A lightweight approach for multimodal sentiment analysis based on tensor methods
ICASSP, 2023 -
J. Oldfield, C. Tzelepis, Y. Panagakis, M.A. Nicolaou, and I. Patras
Panda: Unsupervised learning of parts and appearances in the feature maps of GANS
ICLR, 2023 -
N. Kostagiolas, M.A. Nicolaou, and Y. Panagakis
Unsupervised discovery of semantic concepts in satellite imagery with style-based wavelet-driven generative models
HCAI, 2022 -
G.G. Chrysos, M. Georgopoulos, J. Deng, J. Kossaifi, Y. Panagakis, and A. Anandkumar
Augmenting deep classifiers with polynomial neural networks
ECCV, 2022 -
X. Wei, A.A. Faisal, M. Grosse-Wentrup, A. Gramfort, S. Chevallier, V. Jayaram, C. Jeunet, S. Bakas, S. Ludwig, K. Barmpas, M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, N. Laskaris, D.A. Adamos, S. Zafeiriou, W.C. Duong, S.M. Gordon, V.J. Lawhern, M. liwowski, V. Rouanne, and P. Tempczyk
2021 BEETL Competition: Advancing Transfer Learning for Subject Independence and Heterogenous EEG Data Sets
PMLR, 2022 -
C. Papadopoulos, Y. Panagakis, M. Koubarakis, and M. Nicolaou
Efficient learning of multiple NLP tasks via collective weight factorization on BERT
NAACL, 2022 -
M. Georgopoulos, J. Oldfield, G. Chrysos, and Y. Panagakis
Cluster-guided image synthesis with unconditional models
CVPR, 2022 -
J. Oldfield, M. Georgopoulos, Y. Panagakis, M. Nicolaou, and I. Patras
Tensor component analysis for interpreting the latent space of GANs
BMVC, 2021 -
A. Bulat, J. Kossaifi, S. Bhattacharya, Y. Panagakis, T. Hospedales, G. Tzimiropoulos, N. Lane, M. Pantics
Defensive tensorization
BMVC, 2021 -
G. Chrysos, M. Georgopoulos, and Y. Panagakis:
Conditional generation using polynomial expansions
NeurIPS, 2021 -
J. Pu, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Learning separable time-frequency filterbanks for audio classification
ICASSP, 2021 -
J. Kossaifi, A. Toisoul, A. Bulat, Y. Panagakis, T. Hospedales, and M. Pantic
Factorized higher-order CNNs with an application to spatio-temporal emotion estimation
CVPR, 2020 -
G. Chrysos, S. Moschoglou, G. Bouritsas, Y. Panagakis, J. Deng, and S. Zafeiriou
P-nets: Deep polynomial neural networks
CVPR, 2020 -
M. Georgopoulos, J. Oldfield, M. Nicolaou, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Enhancing facial data diversity with style-based face aging
CVPR-W, 2020 -
T. Kefalas, K. Vougioukas, Y.Panagakis, S. Petridis, J. Kossaifi, and M. Pantic
Speech-driven facial animation using polynomial fusion of features
ICASSP, 2020 -
J. Pu, Y. Panagakis, and Maja Pantic
Learning differentiable sparse and low rank networks for audio-visual object localization
ICASSP, 2020 -
M. Georgopoulos, G. Chrysos, M. Pantic, and Y. Panagakis
Multilinear latent conditioning for generating unseen attribute combinations
ICML, 2020 -
A. Mitenkova, J. Kossaifi, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Valence and arousal estimation in-the-wild with tensor methods
ICASSP 2019 -
J. Pu, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Learning low-rank and sparse models via robust autoencoders
FG, 2019 -
J. Kossaifi, L. Tran, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
GAGAN: Geometry aware generative adverserial networks
CVPR, 2018 -
N. Xue, J. Deng, Y. Panagakis, and S Zafeiriou
Informed non-convex robust principal component analysis with features
AAAI, 2018 -
R. Vereecken, S. Petridis, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Online attention for interpretable conflict estimation in political debates
FG, 2018 -
M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Robust Kronecker-decomposable component analysis for low-rank modeling
ICCV, 2017 -
N. Xue, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Side information in robust principle component analysis: Algorithms and applications
ICCV, 2017 -
V. Hovhannisyan, Y. Panagakis, P. Parpas, and S. Zafeiriou
Multilevel approximate robust principal component analysis
ICCV-W, 2017 -
C. Sagonas, Y. Panagakis, A. Leidinger, and S Zafeiriou
Robust joint and individual variance explained
CVPR, 2017 -
M. Wang, Y. Panagakis, P. Snape, and S. Zafeiriou
Learning the Multilinear Structure of Visual Data
CVPR, 2017 -
J. Booth, E. Antonakos, S. Ploumpis, G. Trigeorgis, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
3D Face Morphable Models "In-the-Wild"
CVPR, 2017 -
S. Moschoglou, M. Nicolaou, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Initializing probabilistic discriminant analysis
EUSIPCO, 2017 -
N. Xue, G. Papamakarios, M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Robust low-rank tensor modelling using Tucker and CP decompositions
EUSIPCO, 2017 -
C. Georgakis, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Behavior Prediction In-The-Wild
ACII, 2017 -
E. Fotiadou, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
Temporal Archetypal Analysis for Action Segmentation
FG, 2017 -
J. Pu, Y. Panagakis, S. Petridis, and M. Pantic
Audio-Visual object localization and separation using low-rank and sparsity
ICASSP, 2017 -
J. Kossaifi, Y. Panagakis, and M. Pantic
TensorLy: Tensor learning in Python
NIPS (Tensor-Learn Workshop), 2016 -
C. Sagonas, Y. Panagakis, S. Arunkumar, N. Ratha, and S. Zafeiriou
Back to the future: A fully automatic method for robust age progression
ICPR, 2016 -
V. Gligorijevic, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Fusion and community detection in multi-layer graphs
ICPR, 2016 -
P. Snape, A. Roussos, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Face flow
ICCV, 2015 -
C. Sagonas, Y. Panagakis, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
Robust statistical face frontalization
ICCV, 2015 -
P. Snape, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Automatic construction of robust spherical harmonic subspaces
CVPR, 2015 -
G. Papamakarios, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou
Generalised scalable robust principal component analysis
BMVC, 2014 -
C. Sagonas, Y. Panagakis, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
RAPS: Robust and efficient automatic construction of person-specific deformable models
CVPR, 2014 -
Y. Panagakis, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
Audiovisual conflict detection in political debates
ECCV-W, 2014 -
M. A. Nicolaou, Y. Panagakis, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
Robust canonical correlation analysis: Audio-visual fusion for learning continuous interest
ICASSP, 2014 -
Y. Panagakis, M. Nicolaou, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic
Robust canonical time warping for the alignment of grossly corrupted sequences
CVPR, 2013 -
A. Theodorids, C. Kotropoulos, and Y. Panagakis
Music recommendation using hypergraphs and group sparsity
ICASSP, 2013 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Telephone handset identification by feature selection and sparse representations
WIFS, 2012 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulo
Music structure analysis by ridge regression of beat-synchronous audio features
ISMIR, 2012 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Automatic telephone handset identification by sparse representation of random spectral features
MMSEC, 2012 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Music structure analysis by subspace modeling
EUSIPCO, 2012 -
Y.Panagakis and C.Kotropoulos
Automatic music tagging by low-rank representation
ICASSP, 2012 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Automatic music mood classification via low-rank representation
EUSIPCO, 2011 -
Y. Panagakis, C.Kotropoulos, and G. R. Arce
l1-graph based music structure analysis
ISMIR, 2011 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Automatic music tagging via PARAFAC2
ICASSP, 2011 -
Y. Panagakis and C. Kotropoulos
Music genre classification using topology preserving non-negative tensor factorization and sparse representations
ICASSP, 2010 -
C. Kotropoulos, G. R. Arce, and Y. Panagakis
Ensemble discriminant sparse projections applied to music genre classification
ICPR, 2010 -
Y. Panagakis, C. Kotropoulos, and G. R. Arce
Sparse multi-label linear embedding nonnegative tensor factorization for automatic music tagging
EUSIPCO, 2010 -
Y. Panagakis, C. Kotropoulos, and G. R. Arce
Sparse multi-label linear embedding within nonnegative tensor factorization applied to music tagging
ISMIR, 2010 -
Y. Panagakis, C. Kotropoulos, and G. R. Arce
Music genre classification via sparse representation of auditory temporal modulations
EUSIPCO, 2009 -
Y. Panagakis, C. Kotropoulos, and G. R. Arce
Music genre classification using locality preserving non-negative tensor factorization and sparse representations
ISMIR, 2009 -
Y. Panagakis, E. Benetos, and C. Kotropoulos
Music genre classification: A multilinear approach
ISMIR, 2008
- Signals and Systems (K11), Fall 2020 - present
- Pattern Recognition - Machine Learning (EP08), Spring 2020 - present
- Information Theory (K35), Spring 2020.
- Advanced Machine Learning (M124), Spring 2020 - present
- Machine Learning (M916-MSc in Language Technology), Spring 2021 - present
Yannis Panagakis, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens