Triassic gypsum |
Sedimentary dike on top of the Pantokrator Limestones |
Stratigraphic contact between the Upper Posidonia beds (with a thickness reduced up to 3m) and the Pantokrator Limestones |
Contact between organic rich laminated marls (Lower Posidonia beds) and Siniais Limestones |
Siniais Limestones, organic rich marles and Ammonitico Rosso (from base to top) |
Marly (lower part) and nodulous (upper part) Ammonitico Rosso |
Nodular Ammonitico Rosso |
Lower Posidonia beds |
Coniferous leaf in the marls of the Lower Posidonia beds |
Toarcian black shales |
Slump in the Vigla Limestones |
Vigla shales member |
Black shale horizons in the Vigla shales Member |
Ionian flysch and Drakolimni lake |
Ionian flysch |
Conglomerates in the internal Ionian flysch containing ophiolitic elements |
Slumps in the platy Limestones of the Plattenkalk metamorphic series (Samarias gorge) |
Tectonic contact between Phyllite-Quarzite (on top) and Plattenkalk units (Crete) |
Vikos gorge. Commemorative photo of the Ionian zone field trip P3 (IAS 25th Meeting, Patras, Greece) |
Contact between Vigla limestones (bottom) and Upper Senonian (top)limestones |
Phosphorites in the Vigla limestones |