The Plasma Astrophysics group of the Dept. of Physics of the University of Athens in Greece has immediately 2 short term (each up to 12 months) vacancies for a predoctoral researcher (Masters or PhD level, minimum qualifications B.Sc. or equivalent), and a postdoctoral researcher (minimum qualifications a PhD degree). The research interests of the Athens team are focused on solar and astrophysical MHD flows, areas in which this research team has played a leading role and has extensive research epxperience.

The positions can be extended up to the 31st of July 2004 and is funded by the European Research and Training Network PLATON. The fellowshops will be paid in accordance with the local regulations for these positions. According to the rules of the FP5 Research Training Network Programme, applicants must meet the following conditions:

Age: Applicants must be aged 35 or less at the time of their appointment. An exemption to this age limit will be made for compulsory military service or childcare.

Nationality: Applicants must be Nationals of an EU member state or an Associated State (listed in Box 4 of this site), or must have been residents in the Community for at least five years prior to their appointment.

Mobility: Applicants must not be nationals of the state in which they will be appointed and must not have carried out their normal activities in that state for more than 12 months of the 24 months prior to their appointment.

Applicant should send a CV and the name and contact information of one reference. Enquiries and applications should be send to the following address:

Prof. K. Tsinganos,
Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy @ Mechanics,
Dept. of Physics, University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis, GR-157 84 Zografos, Athens GREECE

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