- Cavoura Th. (2015). “Valeurs partagées et identités à l’ère de mondialisation’’. Présentation: Deuxièmes Rencontres de l’Association Internationale de Recherche en Didactique de l’Histoire et des Sciences Sociales. EKPA, 29-30 Mai 2015, Athènes.
- Cavoura Th., Gika H. (2014). “Exercer un regard critique et ouvert face aux enjeux de la mémoire’’. Colloque: ‘’Guerres et Paix”. 2eme Conférence de l’AIRDHSS, Université de Fribourg, 11-13 Sept., Fribourg.
- Th. Cavoura (2013). ‘’Enseigner l’histoire: représentations de la profession’’. Colloque: AREF 27-30 Aout, Université de Monpellier III, France.
- Th. Cavoura (2012). ‘’Repères spatio –temporels et identités narratives chez les élèves de l’enseignement secondaire’’. Colloque: ‘’Histoire et sciences sociales enseignées : réalisations et perspectives’’. 1ere Conférence IRAHSSE, Sapienza Università di Roma, 3-5 Sept. 2012, Rome.
- Cavoura Th. (2011). “Cultivating the Historical Curiosity and the Surprise”. Invited Speaker. Conference: Teaching History in secondary Education. American College of Greece, 26/2/2011.
- Cavoura Th. (2010). “History in Multicultural environment: Professional Identities and Social Experience”. 1st Congress KEDA: Cultural Diversity, Citizenship and Democracy. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 7-8/5/2010
- Cavoura Th. (2008). “Multimodality in History Education” 3rd International Congress: Lived Experience, Metaphor and Multimodality in Contemporary Society. Faculty of Education, University of Crete, 10-12/10
- Cavoura Th. (2008). ‘‘Développer la pensée historienne dans les environnements d’apprentissage multimodaux’’. Colloque International des Didactiques Histoire, Geographie, Education à la Citoyenneté. Nantes, 8 -9/12/
- Cavoura Th. (2007). “Connecting Teaching and Learning History”. Congress: Teaching History in Schools of Education, Undergraduate and Post-graduate Studies. School of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Athens, 9-11/11/2007
- Cavoura Th. and al. (2007). “Perception of Time through an Educational Software”. Congress: Digital Educational Material: Developement, Teaching and Evaluation. University of Thessaly, 10-11/4/2007
- Cavoura Th. and al. (2006). “Art Sources in History Textbooks”. Congress: Pedagogical and Educational Research in Greece. Pedagogical Society. Thessaloniki, 24-26/11/2006
- Cavoura Th. (2005). “The use of ICT for Teaching and Learning History”. Invited Speeker. Undergraduate program, Faculty of History, Ionion University
- Cavoura Th. (2005). “Teaching Concepts in History”. Invited Speaker to the Meeting: Contemporary Approach to Teaching History. Municipality of Aisonia, Thessaly
- Cavoura Th. (2004). “Gender Aspects in the Interdisciplinary Curriculum” Congress:Gender and Education. School of Primary Education, University of
- Cavoura Th. (1997). “Analogical thought and historical knowledge. An empirical case study”. 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Athens.
- Cavoura Th. (1996). “From Social Representations to Cognitive Categories”. 5th Congress of Hellenic Psychology Society. University of Patras
- Cavoura Th. (1996). “Modalités causales en histoire, représentations du monde
social chez les élèves de l’enseignement secondaire”. Deuxième Congrès
International d’actualité de la Recherche: Education et Formation. Université Paris
X– Nanterre.
- Cavoura Th. (1996). “Didactics of History as a New Research Field”. Hermoupolis Seminars: History in the school. Syros: 6/7/1996.