Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Dpt of Electrical Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Macedonia, GREECE
Diploma Thesis involved using the INGRES RDBMS to develop a pilot information system to replace the Polytechnic School's secretariat application.
MSc in Information Systems Engineering
Dpt of Computation
UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology)
Manchester, England, UK
MSc Dissertation titled "The Design and Implementation of an ERT to ECLiPSe Mapper" discusses the Entity Relationship Time (ERT) model of the TEMPORA
formalism, compares Relational and Deductive DBMSs' advantages and disadvantages, examines the Logic Programming Environment ECLiPSe (by ECRC) and
implements a C++ and a Prolog version of an ERT to ECLiPSe mapper.
During a 2 trimester group project a fully documented prototype British Rail Simulation C++ program was developed following the object oriented methodology
by Coad-Yourdon (OOA-OOD-OOP).
PhD Student
Dpt of Informatics & Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian university of Athens
Athens, Attica, GREECE
Topics of interest include:
- Performance evaluation of single node Geospatial Semantic Stores with GeoSPARQL support
- Performance evaluation of distributed Spark+HDFS based Geospatial Semantic Stores with GeoSPARQL support
- Big Data Geospatial Query Answering in Semantic Web
- Geospatial Semantic Benchmarking Frameworks