University of Athens
Department of Chemistry
Seminars 2005-06

10 October 2005
Monday, 13:00
Doping control and the Athens Olympics experience
K. Georgakopoulos, Director, Doping Control Laboratory, Athens Olympic Athletics Center
24 October 2005
Monday, 13:00
Reaction studies through ion imaging
T. Kitsopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete
7 November 2005
Monday, 13:00
Hybrid inorganic-organic polymer-based materials
A. Pispas, Researcher, Institute for Theoratical and Physical Chemistry, Hellenic National Research Foundation
21 November 2005
Monday, 13:00
Structure-function relationship of helicobacter pylori HPNAP protein. Protection of DNA and interaction with neutrophiles
T. Choli-Papadopoulou, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
5 December 2005
Monday, 13:00
Biotransformations in organic synthesis
I. Smonou, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete
19 December 2005
Monday, 13:00
Haloacetic acids: A new class of pollutants
E. Bakeas, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
9 January 2006
Monday, 13:00
Biomedical polymers
A. Andreopoulos, Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
6 February 2006
Monday, 13:00
The qualitative composition of food in fatty acids affects the appearance and development of obesity
M. Mavri, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
13 February 2006
Monday, 13:00
Application of preventive microbiology in quality and food chain safeness management
P. Taoukis, Associate Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
27 February 2006
Monday, 13:00
Molecular structure and properties of modified cyclodextrins
K. Yannakopoulou, Special Staff Scientist, Institute of Physical Chemistry, NRCPS "Demokritos"
13 March 2006
Monday, 13:00
Dendrimers: Synthesis, properties and possible applications
K. Skobridis, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina
27 March 2006
Monday, 13:00
Molybdenum and tungsten polyoxometallates with sulfite and carbonate anions
T. Kambanos, Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina
10 April 2006
Monday, 13:00
Development of new selective of estrogen receptor modulators.
M. Alexis, Research Director, Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology, Hellenic National Research Foundation
8 May 2006
Monday, 13:00
Design and synthesis of bioactive ether phospholipids
T. Kalogeropoulou, Senior Researcher, Institute of Organic and Pharceutical Chemistry, Hellenic Nationl Research Foundation
22 May 2006
Monday, 13:00
Study of structure and morphology of polymer materials via thermal analysis and Raman spectroscopy
K. Viras, Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
5 June 2006
Monday, 13:00
Organic eluate concentrations of particle aerols in Athens (August 2003)
S. Rapsomanikis, Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Demokritos University of Thrace
19 June 2006
Monday, 13:00
Rh - Mo heterometallic sulfide complexes with interesting electronic properties
S. Koinis, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
Room A2, Wing E, 2nd floor, Chemistry Building, Panepistimiopolis
Regular time: Monday 13:00