1) Applied Economics, 1993, No12, vol.24

2)  Applied  Economics, 1993, No. 1, vol.25. 

3)  Applied Economics, 1994, No. 5, vol.26.

4)      Journal of Post  Keynesian Economics, 1994, No. 4, vol.16.

5)      Cambridge  Journal of Economics, 1995, No. 6, vol.19.

6)      Applied  Economics, 1996, No. 6, vol. 28.

7)      Journal of Post  Keynesian Economics, 1996, No. 4, vol.18.

      8)   Religion and Theology, 1996, No3, vol.3

9)   Journal of Economic Issues, 1997, No. 3,  vol.31.

10)  Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 1997, No 11. vol 5.

11)  Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 1998, No2, vol.45.

12)  Nationalokonomisk, 1998, No1, vol. 136.

13)   Politicka Economie, 1998, No2, vol.46.

14)   Cambridge  Journal of Economics, 1998, No 4, vol. 22.

15)   Journal of  Macromarketing, 1998, Νο 12, vol.18.

16)   Nomiko Vima, 1999, vol. 47.

17)   Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 1999, No.2, vol.46.

18)   Journal of Futures Markets, 1999, No. 2 vol. 19.

19)   International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 1999, No. 2 vol. 15.

20)   Regional Studies, 1999, No. 5 vol. 33.

21)   South African Journal of Economics, 1999, No.1 vol. 67.

22)   Journal of Markets and Morality, 1999, No.1, vol. 2.

23)   Journal of Economic Issues, 2000, No3, vol.34..

24)   Applied Economics, 2000 No 7, vol. 32.

25)   Health Economics 2000, Νο. 2, vol. 9.

26)   Ecological Economics, 2000, Νο2, vol. 34.

27)   Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 2000, Νο. 1, vol. 31A.

28)   Environmental Science and Technology, 2000, No.8, vol. 34.

29)   Academia Economic Papers, 2000, No.4, vol. 28.

30)   The International Journal of Social Economics, 2000, No2, vol. 27

31)   Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2001, No3, vol.23.

32)   History of Political Economy 2001, Νο. 1, vol. 33.

33)   Journal of Health Economics, 2001, Νο. 3, vol. 20.

34)   Stanford Law Review, 2001, Νο.  6, vol. 53.

35)   Journal of Management of Information Systems, 2001, Νο. 2, vol. 18.

36)   Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2001, Νο. 6, vol. 25.

37)   Health and Social Care in the Community, 2001, Νο. 6, vol. 9.

38)   Contributions to Political Economy, 2001, No. 1, vol. 20. 

39)   Decision Sciences 2001, No.3, vol. 32.

40)   Applied Economics Letters, 2001, No. 1, vol.8.

41)   Journal of Socio-Economics, 2001, No. 3, vol. 30.

42)   Transportation Research Record, 2001, vol. 1765.

43)   Seoul Journal of Economics, 2001, No4, vol.14.

44)   Applied Economics, 2002, Νο. 5, vol. 34..

45)   Thorax, 2002, No.6, vol. 57.

46)   Journal of Economic Psychology, 2002, No. 3, vol. 23.

47)   Economist-Netherlands, 2002,No.4 vol. 150.

48)   Environment and Planning, 2002, No. 6, vol. 29.

49)   History of Political Economy 2002, No. 2, vol. 34. 

50)   Archives of Economic History, 2002, No 2, vol  14.

51)   Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 2002,Νο 1, vol. 7.

52)   Estudos Economicos, 2002, Νο 4, vol.32.

53) Annals of Tourism Research, 2003, No 2, vol.30.

54) European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2003, No2, vol. 10.

55) Journal of Economic Research, 2003, Νο 1, vol. 8

56) Rheumatology, 2004, No 3, vol.43..

57) Water International, 2004, No1, vol.99..

58) Journal of Economic Psychology, 2004, No5, vol. 25.

59) Work, 2004, No 2, vol. 23.

60) Health Economics, 2005, No 6, vol.14.

61) Research on Social Work Practice, 2005, No3, vol. 15.

62) Brain Research Bulletin, 2005, No 5, vol. 67.

      63) International Journal of Manpower, 2005, No 7-8, vol.26.

      64) Inter. Journal of Technology Management of Sust. Development, 2005, No 4.

      65) Economic Bulletin of the Bank of Greece, 2005, vol. 24.

      66) History of Economics Review, 2006, vol. 42.

      67) Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2006, No2, vol. 59.

      68) British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2006, No 3, vol. 44.

      69) Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2006, No 1, vol. 29.

      70) European Journal of Health Economics, 2006, No 2, vol. 7.

      71) Zeitschrift fur Management, 2006, No1, vol.1.

      72) History of Economic Ideas, 2006, No.1, vol.14

      73) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2007, No 1, vol. 31.

      74) Service Industries Journal, 2007, No2 vol. 27.

      75) International Small Business Journal, 2007, No 4, vol. 25.    

      76) Revue D Epidemiologie Et De Sante Publique, 2007, No 2 vol. 55.

      77) Research in Economics, 2007, No 2, vol. 61.

      78) International J. of Educational Management, 2007, Νο. 6, vol. 21.

      79) Quality and Quantity, 2008, No.6,  vol.42.

      80) British Journal of General Practice, 2008, No 546, vol.54.

      81) Journal of Environmental Management, 2008, Νο 2, vol. 86.

      82) Journal of Socio-Economics, 2008, No5.vol.37.

      83) Journal of Socio-Economics, 2009, No4, vol.38.

      84) Acta Oeconomica, 2009, No1, vol. 59.

85) European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2009, No1, vol.16.

      86) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009, No3, vol.33

      87) Metroeconomica, 2009, No1, vol.60.

      88) IDS-Bulletin, 2009, No3, vol. 40.

      89) Journal of Socio-Economics, 2009, No6, vol.38.

      90) Journal of Consumer Policy, 2009, No3, vol.32

      91) Sociology,  2010, No1, vol.44

      92) Medical Decision Making, 2010, No.2, vol. 30

      93) International Labour Review, 2010, No.1, vol.149.

      94) Journal of Happiness Studies, 2010, No4, vol.11

      95) Amfiteatru Economic, 2010, No.28, vol.12.

      96) Research Policy, 2010, No.8, vol.39.

      97) Intern. Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 2010, No.3, vol.1. 

      98) Health Policy, 2010, No.2-3, vol.97.

      99) Economic Theory, 2010, No.3, vol.45.

   100) Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, 2010, No.2.

   101) Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2010, No 2, vol. 33.

   102) Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2010, No 2, vol. 33.

   103) Rivista Economia & Tecnologia,  2010, No.3, vol. 6

   104) Humanomics, 2011, No.1 vol.27.

   105) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2011, No1, vol.101.

   106) International Journal of Arts&Sciences, 2011, No 3, vol.4.

   107) Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2011, No 1, vol.8

   108) International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 2011, No 1, vol.1.

   109) Cambridge Journal of Economics,  2011, No 2, vol.35.

   110) Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2011, No.3, vol.33.

   111) Revue de Philosophie Economique, 2011, No.1, vol.12.

   112) Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 2011, No.3, vol.1.

   113) European Sociological Review, 2011, vol.27, No.26

   114) Journal of Philosophical Economics, 2011, No.1, vol.5.

   115) International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 2012, No.2, vol.1

   116) The Intern. Journal of Human Resource Management , 2012, No.8, vol.23.

   117) Journal of Socio-Economics, 2012, No.2, vol.41

   118) Health & Social Care, 2012, No5, vol.20  

   119) Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2012, No.4, vol.22.

   120) Environmental Values, 2012, No.4, vol.21.

   121) Journal of Economic Psychology, 2012, No.6, vol.33.

   122) Forum for Social Economics, 2012, No. 2-3, vol.41.

   123) Philosophy of Management, 2012, No.1, vol.11.

   124) History of Political Economy, 2012, No.1, vol.44. 

   125) Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2012, No.3, vol.34 

   126) Acta Oeconomica, 2013, No1, vol. 63.

   127) Journal of Service Research, 2013, No. 1, vol. 16.

   128) International Regional Science Review, 2013, No.2, vol.36 

   129) Journal of Socio-Economics, 2013, vol.44.

   130) SERIEs, 2013, No.1, vol.4.

   131) Social Indicators Research, 2013, No.3, vol.110.

   132) Acta Oeconomica, 2013, No2, vol. 63.

   133) Cambridge Journal of Economics,  2013, No 4, vol.37

   134) European Planning Studies, 2013, No.6, vol.21

   135) The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2013, No.5, vol.72

   136) Challenge, 2014, No.2, vol.57.

   137) Hopos: The J. of the Int. Soc. for the Hist. of Phil. of Sc., 2014, No1,  vol.4.

   138) Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 2014, No.3, vol.4.

   139) Social Indicators Research, 2014, No.2, vol.116.

   140) International J. of Pluralism and Economics Education, 2014, No. 1, vol.5.

   141) Journal of Happiness Studies, 2014, No.3, vol.15.

   142) European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2014, No.2, vol.21.

   143) Child Indicators Research, 2014, No1, vol.7.

   144) Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 2014, No.2, vol.7.

   145) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2014, No4, vol.38.

   146) International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2014, No7, vol.7.

   147) Journal of Happiness Studies, 2014, No5, vol.15

   148) Journal of Happiness Studies, 2014, No6, vol.15.

   149) International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2015, No1, vol.45

   150) Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2015,  No.7, vol.47.

   151) Entrepreneurhip Theory and Practice, 2015, No.2, vol.39.

   152) The Journal of Developing Areas, 2015, No.4, vol.49.

   153) Applied Econometrics and International Development, 2015, No.2, vol.15.

   154) The International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2015, No.4, vol.5.

   155) Schmollers Jahrbuch, 2015, vol. 135, No.2.

   155) Trends in Life Sciences, 2016, No1, vol.5.

   156) Journal of Economic Issues, 2016, No.1, vol. 50.

   157) The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 2016, No.2, vol.9.

   158) PharmacoEconomics, 2016, No.2, vol.34.

   159) Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 2016, No.3, vol.15.

   160) Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2016, No.1, vol.17.

   161) Max Weber Studies, 2016, No.2, vol. 16.

   162) International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2016, No.3, vol.6.

   163) Journal of Economic Issues, 2016, No.4, vol. 50.

   164) British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2016,No.4, vol.54.

   165) Journal of Business Ethics,  January, 2017.

   166) BMC Psychiatry, 2017, 17: 110.

   167) Journal of Studies in International Education, 2017, No2, vol.21.

   168) Journal of Biosocial Science, 2017, No.4, vol.49.

   169) Cuadernos de Economía, 2017, No.113, vol.40.

   170) Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 2017, No.3, vol.13.

   171) Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2017, No1, vol.64.

   172) Economic Analysis and Policy, 2017, vol.56.

   173) Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 2017, vol.1

   174) The Journal of Australian Political Economy, 2017, vol.80

   175) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2017, No.6, vol.41.

   176) Economics and Business Review, 2017, No. 3, vol.3

   177) Tourism Management, 2018, June, vol.66.

   178) Ecological Economics, 2018, vol.149

   179) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, vol.507

   180) Dialectica, 2018, No.2, vol.72.

   181) Social Sciences, 2018, No.8, vol.7

   182) Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018, No.27, vol.VI.

   183) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2018, No.2, vol.42.

   184) Economics and Computer Science, 2019, Iss.1

   185) American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2019, No.1, vol.78.

   186) Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, No.1, vol.154.

   187) International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2019, No.2, Vol. 12.

   188) The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 2019, No.2, Vol. 12.

   189) Intern. Journal of Environmental Res. and Public Health, 2019, vol.16. No.11.

   190) International Review of Economics Education, 2019, vol. 30.

   191) Eurasian Economic Review, 2019, vol.9, No.3.

   192) Economia & Lavoro, 2019, No.1

   193) Journal of Innovation in Business and Economics, 2019, v. 3, N. 02.

   194) Metroeconomica, 2019, vol.70, No.4




Since 2020


   195) Intereconomics, 2020, vol.55, No2.

   196) The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2020, v.27, No.2

   197) Journal of Business Ethics, 2020, vol.164.

   198) Acta Oeconomica, 2020, vol.70, No.2

   199) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2020, vol.44, No.5.

   200) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020, vol.180.

   201) International Journal of Social Economics, 2020, No.12, vol.47

   202) Intereconomics, 2020, No.2, vol.55.

   203) Child Indicators Research, 2021, vol.14.

   204) International Journal of Public Sector Management, 2021, No. 2, vol.34.

   205) Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2021, No.1, vol.43.

   206) Metroeconomica, 2021, No.2, vol.72.

   207) The Econometrics Journal, 2021, utab 30

   208) The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 2021, No.2, Vol. 14.

   209) History of Political Economy, 2021, 137-159.

   210)  Healthcare,  2021, vol. 9, No4.

   211) Child Indicators Research, 2022, vol.15.

   212) International J. of Workplace Health Management, 2022, No.2 vol.15.

   213) International Review of Economics,  2022, vol. 69.

   214) Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2022, vol.13.

   215) Human Resource Management Journal, 2022, No.1, vol.32

   216) The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2022, No.1, vol.29

   217) Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2022, No.3, Vol.11.

   218) Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 2022, No.1, vol.15.

   219) Economic Theory Bulletin, 2022, vol.10.

  220) SN Business and Economics, 2022, vol.2 (129)

  221) Journal of Public Affairs, 2022, No. 3, vol.22

  222) History of Political Economy, 2022, No.1, vol.54

  223) Journal of Labor Research, 2022, No.2, vol.43

  224) Human Technology, 2022, No. 3, vol.18

  225) The Econometrics Journal 2022, No.3, vol. 25

  226) Review of Political Economy, 2023, No.1, vol. 35.

  227) Sustainability, 2023, No.11, vol.15.

  228) Journal of Economic Issues, 2023, No.2, vol. 57.

  229) Journal of Economic Methodology, 2023, No.2, vol. 30.

  230) Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2023, No.3, vol.14

  231) Oxford Economic Papers, 2023, No.3, vol.75.

  232) Social Indicators Research, 2023, vol.170: 1097–1118.

  233) Human Resources for Health, 2023, Vol.21, No. 52.

  234) Ecological Economics, 2024, vol.216: 10826

  235) Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 2024, vol.41D

  236) International Journal of Wellbeing, 2024, 14(2), 3149: 1-35.

  237) Journal of Economic Issues, 2024, vol.58(2).

  238) Journal of Economic Studies, 2024, vol. 51 No. 9

  239) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2024, Vol.48, No.4

  240) Philosophy of Management, 2024 vol.23.

  241) Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2024, beae024

  242) Science and Society, 2024, vol.28, No.3.

  243) Safety Science 2024, vol. 176, 106549

  244) British Journal of Political Science, 2024, 1-20.

  245) International Advances in Economic Research, 2024, vol.30.

  246) Technology in Society, 2024, vol.78.

247) Intern. Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2024, Vol. 73, Νο.7

248) Global Sustainability, 2024, vol.7, e33, 1–13.

249) Ecological Questions, 2024, Vol. 35, no.1.

250) AIMS Public Health, 2024. Vol.11, no.4.

251 Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 2024, vol. 14, No.4

252) Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences, 2024, vol.7, No.1.

253) Politique et Sociétés, 2024, vol.43, No.2.

254) International Review of Financial Analysis, 2024, vol.96, part B.

255) Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2025, vol. 210.







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M. Altman (2013) Economic Growth and the High Wage Economy:Choices, Constraints and Opportunities in the Market Economy, London:  Routledge.


G. C. Harcourt and P. Kriesler (2013) The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 2: Critiques and Methodology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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M. Ribeiro (2020) Income Distribution Dynamics of Economic Systems, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


R. Crespo (2020) The Nature and Method of Economic Sciences, London: Routledge.


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A. Ostapiuk (2021) The Eclipse of Value-Free Economics. The concept of multiple self versus homo economicus Wroclaw: UEW.


M. Roos and Hoffart F.M. (2021) Climate Economics in Palgrave Studies in Sustainability, Environment and Macroeconomics. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


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(Google scholar total citations: 1655, h index: 23,  i10: 39, g index: 34)