I'm Manolis Stivaktas,
a B.Sc. Student in Computer Science at the University of Athens!



Since you've got here, maybe you are interested in learning some things about me! Currently, I'm in the fifth-year of my bachelor studies, at the Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Throughout these years, multiple fields of Computer Science captured my interest, such as Artificial Intelligence, Databases and Web Development. Up to now, Human-Computer Interaction is the field that I have enhanced my creativity, by focusing on providing user-friendly experiences. In the meantime, having undertaken multiple projects for various academic courses, I've built strong foundations in Data Structures and Algorithms, which contributed in further developing my soft skills e.g. working under pressure, time management, teamwork, communication and problem solving. Last but not least, I am an amateur guitar player, with a little out of tune voice, who enjoys traditional dancing, photography, hiking and traveling!

> Stay true to yourself, yet be open to learn
> Think about things ʎlʇuǝɹǝɟɟᴉp


