Raymonde Bonnefille


10/53 - 07/57. College/Ecole Normale Le Puy en Velay

10/57 - 07/59 Lycee Aix-en-Provence, math special

10/59 - 07/61 Universite Paris Sorbonne as member of "Ecole Normale Supérieure "

Zoology Biology Geology Botany Physiology

07/61 Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures , Laboratoire de Géologie du Quaternaire, Bellevue-

Meudon (Directeur H. Alimen).

07/63 Agregation de Sciences Naturelles , Option Sciences de la Terre

11/72 These de Doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris VI Sujet: "Associations polliniques

actuelles et quaternaires en Ethiopie (Haute Vallée de l'Awash et basse vallée de

l'Omo) " (Jury: J. Piveteau, . H. Alimen, J. Chavaillon, H. Faure, R. Pichi- Sermolli,

Mme. Van Campo)

06/ 94 qualified as "professeur des Universités", section 67, Biologie des Populations et




09/63 - 09/65 Professeur Agrégée au Lycée de Jeunes Filles de Bourges

10/65 - 07/79 Chercheur au CNRS, Sciences de la Terre, laboratoire de Géologie du

Quaternaire, Bellevue-Meudon

1972 – 1973 Stage post-Doc, Durham, Cleveland, USA, under bourse NATO.

1979 -1989 Directeur de Recherche 2è classe au CNRS, section 20, Lab.de Géologie du

Quaternaire. Université de Luminy, Marseille.

10/95 -12/98 Directeur du laboratoire de Palynologie de l'Institut français de Pondicherry,


01/99 Directeur de rechercher 1ère classe, Cerege, Aix en Provence.





PALEOCLIMATIC RECONSTRUCTION - Ethiopia: direction of a coring campaign in the lakes of

the Ethiopian Rift with a Mackereth corer ’81; responsibility of the CNRS French

multidisciplinary ERICA, Program, coordinator of coring campaign into Ethiopian lakes with

Equarift equipment - 15 scientists 5 different laboratories ‘94; Burundi: direction of coring

into highland peatbogs swamps, Kashiru, Kuruyange, Jiji, Buyongwe ‘82/86/88; direction of

coring into valley swamps Ndurumu and Buyongwe ’88; coring at Nyamabuno et Gatovu,

North Burundi ’88; India: botanical expeditions to the mountains of the Soutwest, Nilgiris

Range ‘95-98


EARLY HOMININ ENVIRONMENTS - French expeditions, Melka Kunture archaeological site,

Ethiopia ’68-70; International paleontological expeditions in the Lower Omo valley under Y.

Coppens and F.C. Howell, and Turkana, Kenya under G. Isaac and R. Leakey ’68-75;

Research at Olduvai and Laetoli, Tanzania under M.D. Leakey ‘73 – 76; Archaeological

Expedition at Gadeb, Ethiopia, under J.D. Clark ’77; - Organisation of the first International

Afar Research Expedition, Ethiopia with M. Taieb, D.C.Johanson and Y. Coppens ’72;

Paleoanthropological expedition at Middle Awash, Ethiopia under T. White ‘95


PALYNOLOGY OF THE MIOCENE DEPOSITS - Ethiopia Uadi-Ugri lignite ‘75-81; Chilga lignite,

1984; Kenya, Fort Ternan, Songhor, Baringo, under M. Pickford



I have organized many field expeditions: Tanzania : Olduvai - Laetoli : subdesertic steppes

’75; Serengeti et mountains tropical forests with J. Raynal ’76; Togo: deciduous forests ‘83;

Gabon : forêts douces humides ’86; Ethiopia : tropical humid forest of the southwest plateau,

(Ethiopian Flora Project) ‘84; Burundi : tropical Rain forests of Central Africa (under

Ministry of French Cooperation) ‘85


Participation in the launching of the African Pollen Data Base (APD, available on the web

network NOAA NGDC Center) and the international effort for modeling vegetation at a

global scale (international projects, PMIP , GAIM etc,. funded by EEC ). My own task as a

member of the international Committee of « BIOME 6000 », was to develop biome and

modeling approaches for the African continent.





Bonnefille R. , Chalie, F., (2000). Long term time series of pollen inferred precipitation from

equatorial mountains, Central Africa. In Global and Planetary Change, 26 p.25-50.


Peyron O., Jolly D., Bonnefille R., Vincens A. & Guiot J. (2000). The climate of East Africa

from pollen data, 6000 years ago. Quaternary Research, 54 (1), 90-101.


Bonnefille R. (1999). Evolution du cadre climatique et climatique du Grand Rift africain. in :

« Comment l’Homme » Ouvrage A. GALLAY ed, 199-224 Editions Errances et Geodécouverte



Barboni D., Bonnefille R., Alexandre A., Meunier J. D. (1999). Phytoliths as

palaenvironmental indicators, West Side Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia.

Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 152/1-2: 87-100.


Bonnefille, R., Riollet, G., Buchet, G., Icole, M., Lafont, R., Arnold, M. (1996).

Glacial/interglacial record from intertropical Africa, high resolution pollen and carbon

data at Rusaka, Burundi. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol.14, 917-936.





Mohammed, M.U., Bonnefille, R., Johnson, T.C. (1995). Comparison of the pollen record and

other proxies of past climatic change in Late Holocene sediments from Lake Turkana,

Kenya. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 119, 371-383.


Bonnefille, R. (1995). A reassessment of the palynological record from Plio-Pleistocene

deposits in East Africa. In: Vrba, E.S., et al. (eds), Paleoclimate and Evolution with

emphasis on Human Origins, New Haven, Yale University Press, 300-310.


Bonnefille R., Vincens A., Buchet G. (1987) - Palynology, stratigraphy and

palaeoenvironment of a Pliocene hominid site (2.9-3.3. M.Y.) at Hadar, Ethiopia.

Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol, 60: 249-281


Bonnefille R., Vincens A. (1985). Apport de la Palynologie à l’environnement des Hominidés

d ‘Afrique Orientale. In "L’Environnement des Hominidés au Plio-Pleistocene". Colloque international (Juin, 1981) organisé par la fondation Singer-Polignac: 233-

235. Paris (FR) Masson.


Bonnefille R., Lobreau D., Riollet G. (1982). Pollen fossile de Ximenia (Olacaceae) dans le

Pleistocene inférieur d’Olduvai en Tanzanie, implications palaeoecologiques. Journ of

Biogeography, 9: 469-486.



Baboni, D., Peyron, O., Sutra, J.P., Krishnamurthy, A., Elmoutaki, S., Jolly, D.,Umer, M.,

Chalié, F., Aucour, A;M., Roeland, J. C., Lezine, A. M., Edorh, T., Vincens, A.