@article{10.1093/imamci/dnab008, author = {Leventides, J and Karcanias, N and Poulios, N C}, title = "{The notion of almost zeros and randomness}", journal = {IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information}, year = {2021}, month = {04}, abstract = "{We investigate the problem of almost zeros of polynomial matrices as used in system theory. It is related to the controllability and observability notion of systems as well as the determination of Macmillan degree and complexity of systems. We also present some new results on this important invariant in the light of randomness and we prove an uncertainty type relation appearing in such ensembles of operators.}", issn = {1471-6887}, doi = {10.1093/imamci/dnab008}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/imamci/dnab008}, note = {dnab008}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/imamci/advance-article-pdf/doi/10.1093/imamci/dnab008/37236232/dnab008.pdf}, }